Star Odyssey Chapter 5010: Chang Ming Stick

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“I don’t have the glory you mentioned. Maybe for you, attacking the Sin Realm is glory, but for me.” Lu Yin pointed to the ruins of Sin City: “It’s just a place.”

Bu Qing suddenly raised his feet and stepped into the Dead Sea.

In an instant, darkness swallowed the world, the sun and the moon lost light, and the power of death was swallowed towards Bu Qing. All creatures retreated again. This battle could not be avoided after all.

Buqing raised his arm and fell vertically. The cyan light separated the dark dead sea like a tsunami and slashed towards Lu Yin.

This is not the power of death, but the Dead Sea.

Bu Qing split open the Dead Sea with one move, letting Lu Yin feel Fang Xingzhe’s strength.

Lu Yin struck out with one palm, never forgetting his merits in this world.

In front of Bu Qing’s body, cyan light flows, and the world does not forget the success and failure.

The effectiveness of this combat skill is getting worse and worse. It can only be said that the opponents Lu Yin encounters are getting stronger and stronger.

In this case, Lu Yin clenched his bone fist, rushed forward, and faced Bu Qing.

Bu Qing stepped into the Dead Sea, letting the darkness sweep through, standing still. Seeing Lu Yin approaching, he sneered, “Looking for death.” With that, he flapped his wings and took another step forward. With this step, he was in front of Lu Yin in an instant. Time At that moment it seemed to pause.

Lu Yin subconsciously punched out.

Bu Qing punched at the same time, and cyan light circulated on the body surface.


With a loud noise, the Dead Sea crushed the earth and was pressed down by the terrifying power. The cyan light and darkness shattered in an instant. Lu Yin and Bu Qing fell back at the same time, looking at each other in horror.

Is the power so terrifying?

Lu Yin did not expect that Buqing, as a supreme person in the Time Sequence, could cultivate his strength to such a terrifying level, which was already comparable to his hundred-digit strength.

Bu Qing never expected, where did this skeleton get its power?

Strength is one of the weapons that has dominated the ages since the beginning and has become one of the highest order weapons. Looking at the universe, even if it includes the creatures of the Dominator family, there are only a few who can compete with it in terms of strength.

It thought that this blow could smash the humanoid skeleton into pieces, so it didn’t hold back at all.

Unexpectedly, they were evenly matched.

Looking at each other, as if they were connected, they struck out with strength again, as if they wanted to verify whether the blow just now was what they thought.

Bang Bang

Bang bang bang bang

The collisions continued to roar, and the bodies of Lu Yin and Buqing fell into the ground. The terrifying power turned into pressure visible to the naked eye, overwhelming them in all directions, except for Wang Miaomiao’s direction.

The heaven and earth are being pulled, as if they are inverted, and the oppression from the earth is moving towards the sky.


Bu Qing fell back and was punched out of the Dead Sea.

It looked forward in shock, with fist marks clearly visible on its body.

It lost, in terms of strength, it lost.

This morning actually has the power to surpass it?

This scene was seen by countless creatures, but no one expected that Buqing would lose first. That fist seal seemed to hit the hearts of all living beings.

Underground, Lu Yin walked out. He had just used the extremes of things to accumulate strength, and suppressed Bu Qing in one fell swoop.

The power of this youth is almost the same as his own.

The advantage of strength is gone.

“How do you possess such terrifying power?” Buqing couldn’t help but ask, seeming to have forgotten Wang Miaomiao.

Lu Yin stared at it: “Tian Xing Dome Ant.”

Bu Qingmingzhuan: “When I killed the Holy Slayer, you snatched away the core of the Star Dome Ant. It was a coincidence that I also got a core of the Star Dome Ant.”

“But just the core of Sky Star Dome Ant is not enough to push your power to such a high level.”

Lu Yin did not expect that this young man had actually absorbed the core of the Sky Star Dome Ant, “Everyone has different comprehension abilities. Just because you can’t, doesn’t mean I can’t.”

Buqing sneered: “Don’t you want to say it? It doesn’t matter. In fact, I have no obligation to eradicate powerful enemies for Karma, but you can’t blame me for seeking death. With this power, you can bring death.” After saying that, he raised his hand, Under his palm, a stick suddenly appeared.

The stick is composed of thirty spheres, arranged in a row. Bu Qing holds it in his hand and waves it casually.

A trace was torn open in the world of crime.

The entire criminal world is filled with the power of cause and effect. Now, with just a wave of his hand, Bu Qing has torn a gap in the power of cause and effect.

“Be careful, that is the Chang Ming Stick. The stick body comes from a powerful creature. The creature itself has the ability to shock the void. After being killed by Bu Qing, he took out the spine and polished it into a stick, and the thirty spheres can even Dragging the tributaries of the long river of time.”

“The Chang Ming Stick can drag 3,000 tributaries of the Yangtze River for its use. It is a deadly move.”

Lu Yin was surprised that these reminders came from Wang Miaomiao. She had been in Qingjie for a long time and knew Buqing very well.

It’s tricky.

Bu Qing grasped the Chang Ming stick tightly and swept it towards Lu Yin.

In an instant, Lu Yin seemed to see some kind of giant roaring in the starry sky, making a deafening sound, which made him feel like he was fixed in place.

Is this what shocks the void?

The Chang Ming Stick fell, and under Lu Yin’s feet, the Dead Sea suddenly floated, shrunk, and turned into a curtain in his palm, and was thrown away in the direction of the Chang Ming Stick.


The starry sky was shattered.

The ruins of Sin City were completely destroyed and scattered towards the endless starry sky.

Bu Qing’s blow with the Chang Ming Stick was pushed away by Lu Yin with the Dead Sea.

Lu Yin couldn’t directly resist the attack of the Chang Ming Stick, any weapon would be smashed, so he used the Dead Sea as a weapon to use his strength.

Bu Qing did not expect Lu Yin to do this, and the Chang Ming Stick swept out. Lu Yin continued to use the Dead Sea to push out the moment it touched the Chang Ming Stick. The force followed Bu Qing, and every blow made the sin world Every blow can penetrate dozens or even hundreds of directions, almost penetrating the entire world of sin.

In the distance, countless creatures are hurriedly hiding, but no matter where they hide, as long as they are in the world of crime, they may be affected.

The condensation of the Dead Sea is what Lu Yin is most fortunate about at the moment. If it were not for the Dead Sea, he would have been in trouble by forcefully taking the Chang Ming Stick. This is not much more ferocious than the Sin Pond.

Bu Qing hit the Chang Ming Stick again and again, and the Dead Sea gave it a sticky and swallowing feeling. As long as he didn’t break through the Dead Sea immediately, he couldn’t land the Chang Ning Stick on this humanoid skeleton.


Suddenly, Buqing stopped, his eyes uncertain.

Lu Yin raised his eyes, did he notice it? It was so fast. He grabbed the Dead Sea Curtain, jumped up, and headed towards Bu Qing Tao.

Bu Qing raised his head and said, “You put poison in my body.”

As he said that, he waved the Chang Ming Stick, and as the stick danced, the sphere trembled at the same time. The gray color replaced everything in an instant, making everything Lu Yin see before his eyes seem to be unreal, and time was changed.

Buqing is the supreme sequence of time, and its use of time is extremely powerful.

Fortunately, Lu Yin is also good at Time. His understanding of time may not be as high as Bu Qing’s, but he doesn’t need to use Time to defeat Bu Qing, as long as he can protect himself.

And if you want to protect yourself along the way, the simplest way is – the passage of time.

After Wang Miaomiao had their first conversation with him on the ruins of Sui City, Lu Yin began to prepare to deal with Buqing.

This is two different things from attacking the criminal world.

The Sin World without the leader of the Sin Sect is simply not as good as a Bu Qing.

Time was changed, and the long stick seemed to have transcended the years, crossed the curtain of the Dead Sea, and landed directly on Lu Yin’s head. Under Lu Yin, gray also poured out, and time and time were squeezing, completely shattering the space.

If you are not young and surprised, the passage of time will last forever?

The sphere trembled, and the Chang Ming Stick stopped in the void because Lu Yin retreated.

Under time, retreat.

This was beyond Bu Qing’s expectation. He thought that time would be enough to suppress Lu Yin’s retreat.

Within the body, the evil energy took effect. Buqing’s arms shook, but he didn’t care. He turned his body and forcibly controlled himself.

The Qi of Disaster is not invincible, and it will not work if the quantity is too small, especially against an expert like him.

It is not easy to pierce a considerable amount of malaria into its body.

It has long wanted to try the method of death dominating a clan of creatures.

Is it like letting the power of cultivation get sick?


The trembling of the sphere became heavier, and then, countless creatures saw a shocking scene.

Buqing holds a long stick in his hand, and each sphere drags out a tributary of the long river of time.

A total of thirty tributaries of the long river drooped like waterfalls, roaring like a monster of time. The spreading gray distorted the entire world of sin, causing it to sway.

It took one step forward and danced the long underworld stick, causing the entire waterfall of time to press towards Lu Yin: “How much do you know about time? Don’t think that you can compete with me just because you can control one or two tributaries of the long river of time.”

Lu Yin exhaled, one or two words?

He cannot compete with Buqing in using the tributaries of the long river of time, but, as the fleece civilization knows, they are one, and death is three. Three minus one can only equal two, which is better than Not as good as the other three.

But now, he has the confidence to become one by using the tributaries of the long river of time. If he is not young, he will be two at most.

It depends on how far you want to compete with me.

The Divine Bow of Time.

The momentum is the bow, the years are the strings, the time is the arrow, and the time is the front.

This was originally a method used by Nirvana’s clone, who was brought into the identity of Chen in order to deal with Bu Qing.

Maybe after this war people will pay attention to why the avatar of Chen has so many tributaries of the river of time, but it doesn’t matter anymore.

This is not the only secret he has.

With one arrow shot, it directly dragged out a tributary of the long river of time.

It is very simple and even very rough to use, far inferior to the inexperienced Chang Ming Stick, but what he wants is to fight, not to suppress.

You have time, and I also have time. I may not have more time than you, but I can at least spend half of it.

The Buqing Everlasting Ming Stick was thrown out, and the waterfall of years directly submerged the arrow, which had no effect.

With a sneer and the arrogance of being the supreme leader of the years, Bu Qing directly used the years to suppress it, but the next moment, its expression changed.

On the opposite side, Lu Yin shot out arrows, each arrow dragging out a tributary of the long river of time, as if he was free of money.

With one arrow, it is easy to be swallowed up by the waterfall of time, but one arrow after another is different. The previous arrow has not yet been swallowed up, and the next arrow is coming. How can there be so many tributaries of the long river of time this morning?

No, he cannot have too many tributaries of the long river of time.

There are only a few hundred lines in the sequence of years, and more than a thousand are considered too many.


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