Star Odyssey Chapter 41: A palm


Suddenly, the void distorted, and a huge slash cut through the sky and slashed at more than a dozen students. More than a dozen students were shocked, and at the same time, they shot to smash and slash. In the distance, Zhang Dingtian flew into the sky, clenched his long sword, and his eyes were cold.

Despite what I heard, all the students felt numb when they actually faced Zhang Dingtian. There are actually cross-border powerhouses among the indigenous people, which is simply abnormal.

With a bang, the arrow swept across the sky and hit a student. It was the student who had just attacked the capital. Blood spilled from the sky.

This is Wu Sheng, one of the Seven Sages, the Wolf Sage. He was originally based in the grasslands. He learned that the capital was under siege through the personal terminal he grabbed. He came a few days ago to prepare to help.

There are more than 20 students in the Four Holy Wars. Even Zhang Dingtian can’t make up for the huge disparity. However, within a quarter of an hour, Zhou Shan spurted blood, and there were several bloodstains on his body. Up, blood stained the earth.

Huaying tens of thousands of evolutionaries fought, but they were slaughtered like mustards. They couldn’t even get close to these students.

Granny hides aside, watching this scene in horror, she is not from the earth, she will not die, and with her strength, she can’t even stop any student.

The wind was blowing, and the world was freezing cold. Many students looked at the ruins of the city wall in surprise. There, two students were frozen, and Haidian’s eyes were shocked, “Talent, you, you are actually talented.”

As soon as the word “talent” came out, all the students looked at Bai Xue in disbelief.

Originally beautiful, it is now imprinted on everyone’s heart.

Bai Xue’s mouth was red, blood dripped down her chin, and she gasped violently. With every breath, she exhaled cold air. She had reached her limit, and these monsters could not be killed at all.

Few people know Bai Xue’s talent, even if the Seven Sages don’t know all about it, she hides it well, but in the face of Haidian’s group of students, she can do nothing but expose it.

The next moment, all the students stared at Bai Xue greedily. Everyone understood the importance of a talent cultivator. As long as they caught a talent cultivator for the forces behind them, their status would rise sharply.

The student who picked Wu Sheng with a gun threw off Wu Sheng and rushed towards Bai Xue with a loud laugh.

The student who was planning to kill Zhou Shan also grinned and rushed over.

In the sky, more than a dozen idle students shot at the same time. At this moment, Bai Xue was more important than the capital, and even more important than a fugitive.

Granny sighed, this is the sadness of the weak, Bai Xue exposed her talent and can only be arrested, no one will waste a talent cultivator, she will be arranged to marry a powerful person to improve the birth of a talent cultivator Odds, it’s sad.

Erd, who was opposite Zhang Dingtian, stared at Bai Xue greedily and rushed towards him, but Zhang Dingtian was one step ahead of him. Full of terrifying slashes.

More than 20 students were smashed back, which shocked Zhang Dingtian’s strength, but even so, they still could not destroy their determination to **** Bai Xue. Talented practitioners are too important.

Erd ripped open the slash, and punched Zhang Dingtian’s abdomen with a punch. Zhang Dingtian was pushed back more than ten meters, still standing upright, slashing horizontally with a long sword, Erd quickly retreated, and a bloodstain was drawn in front of him.

Heidian crushed the water crystals, and drank the “waterspout” in a low voice. The surging water turned into a tornado and blasted towards Zhang Dingtian. At the same time, various attacks came from all directions.

Zhang Dingtian’s eyes widened, his gums were bleeding, he let out a low roar, the long knife plunged into the ground, and then slashed out. It spread into the city and buried countless survivors.

The attacks from all directions were neutralized by Zhang Dingtian, and he himself reached the limit.

Several students just didn’t make a move, but suddenly rushed out at this moment, two of them attacked Zhang Dingtian, one of them grabbed Bai Xue, “The talented practitioners are ours, haha”.

Zhang Dingtian was hit, his body was pressed into the ground, and the long sword was almost unable to hold.

Bai Xue stared at the student who was grabbing at her, raised her hand, “Ice Palm”.


A wave of air swept through the sky, freezing the ground, and the student who grabbed Bai Xue was directly frozen. He underestimated Bai Xue, and when he went to the Three Saints, he was comparable to the strongest in the academy, and even Haidian couldn’t take it down for a while.

Seeing that Zhang Dingtian was severely injured, Erd rushed out again, this time he grabbed Bai Xue, the talent cultivator is not much less valuable than the fugitive, the obstacle of Zhang Dingtian has been cleared.

There were also two students who shot at the same time as Erd, both of whom were comparable to Haidian. There were three of them, and they grabbed Bai Xue at the same time. At this moment, even Zhang Dingtian couldn’t protect her.

Bai Xue paled, “Is it over? It’s a pity.”

In an instant, a familiar back appeared in front of Bai Xue’s eyes, bang bang bang, three loud noises, accompanied by three embarrassed figures flying back, it was the three Erde.

All the students stared at the man who suddenly appeared in front of Snow White in disbelief. Who? He actually defeated the three strongest in the academy with one blow.

In the corner, Granny’s eyes widened, “She came back.”

In the city, Zhou Shan spit out blood with a miserable smile.

Bai Xue stared at the figure in front of her in astonishment. Although she was not tall, she helped her to block the wind and rain. This person really came back and seemed to be very strong.

The one who appeared in front of Bai Xue was Lu Yin. He didn’t have a personal terminal. Of course, he didn’t know that the capital was attacked. Fortunately, it was not too late to come back.

Lu Yin said to Bai Xue, “I said I would come back.”

Bai Xue paled and said weakly, “Be careful, there are too many people.”

Lu Yin nodded, his face slightly solemn. Indeed, there were too many people. Now that he has reached the peak of exploration, Tianxingzhang is no worse than Zhang Dingtian, but Zhang Dingtian has been beaten into a dead dog. difficult.


Zhang Dingtian climbed out of the ground, leaned on a long knife, glanced at Lu Yin, and then swept his sharp eyes around, his face determined.

Lu Yin threw the healing medicine to Zhang Dingtian, “Heal it.”

Zhang Dingtian rudely swallowed the healing medicine.

Lu Yin is speechless, this is applied to the body, forget it, swallow it, it should be effective, after all, it is from the Clover Company.

In the distance, the three of Erd stood up and stared at Lu Yin, “Who?”.

Lu Yin didn’t plan to talk nonsense with him, he put on Gules’ armor, and the thunder collided outside his body, sputtering sparks.

Heidian was surprised, “This is Gules’ armor, why are you here?”.

Lu Yin said lightly, “She gave it to me.”

“Impossible” Erd and Heidian and several students spoke at the same time, Gules is very famous in the Daewoo Empire, all because she has a short and powerful brother, Gulbach, mention this person, Daewoo The younger generation of the empire feels powerless. This is a pervert. Because of Gulbach, no one dares to bully Gules. If the armor was really given to this person by Gules, it would be troublesome. Is the Lace family related?

All the students looked at Lu Yin in disbelief, this person can’t be Gu Leis’ boyfriend!

Lu Yin took a deep breath, his eyes became sharp, “Hide away from yourself”, after saying a word, Lu Yin rushed directly to Erde, this person is the strongest among the students, and also the organizer of this attack on the capital. The thief captures the king first.

Erd is still immersed in speculation about Lu Yin, Lu Yin has already attacked, Erde quickly retreated, he just realized the power of Lu Yin, and did not intend to fight recklessly.

Lu Yin performed his walking steps and appeared directly in front of Haidian. Haidian was surprised and actually attacked him. “Waterspout” Haidian tried to block Lu Yin by wrapping his body in the water current. Lu Yin rushed in front of him, the corner of his mouth. Bend up, and then slammed the palm to the other side, which is the direction that Erd retreated.

“Cracked Palm?” Erd was surprised, he punched, and with a bang, the air wave swept away everything around him, and Lu Yin bypassed Haidian and attacked Erd again.

Erd gritted his teeth, “Boy, don’t overdo it.”

Lu Yin sneered, raised his palm and patted Erd.

Erd snorted, felt the crisis, clenched his right fist, vaguely heard the majestic beast roar, this is his combat skills, defeated the strongest in the thirty academies, entered the Yutang by exception, and became famous in the Daewoo Empire The – Beast King Fist, only used on Zhang Dingtian and fugitives on Earth, and at this moment is also forced to a desperate situation.

The stars appear from the palm, Lu Yin is a star palm, three stars shine and then burst, the first star burst, Erde’s eyes widen, the Beast King’s fist is forcibly stagnant, the second star bursts, Erde’s right fist drama Pain, when the third star burst, Erd vomited blood and flew upside down, his right fist was shattered, his body was smashed into the ground, and the sky was filled with smoke and dust.

Facing Erd, Lu Yin’s Tianxing Palm had no reservations, and one palm crippled him.


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