Star Odyssey Chapter 40: Two o’clock


Lu Yin stared at Gu Leis coldly, “Say it again, help me apply medicine”.

Grace clenched her teeth and said word by word, “Okay, remember, I will settle this account with you one day.” After speaking, he put the ointment on his hand and pressed it on Lu Yin’s back.

A burst of coolness came, Lu Yin exhaled, the healing medicine produced by the clover company is very effective, and it will soon scar.

Grace’s little hands were soft and boneless, and with the cold ointment, Lu Yin really enjoyed it, and his gaze became softer when he looked at Gures.

“Hmph, get up, and continue to loot” Gu Lei Si said.

Lu Yin raised his hand and threw the Ningkong Ring to Gu Leisi, “No more robbery, that’s enough, you can play by yourself.”

Grace hurriedly said, “No, Erd hasn’t appeared yet, he must be robbed.”

Lu Yin smiled and ignored her. Those people didn’t pay much attention to him before, thinking that the strongest person in the academy was enough to deal with, but now there are seven when they appear, and they will definitely encounter this kind of lineup if they are robbed. , only the fool will go.

Lu Yin flipped over the condensing rings of the five students, found two cubic star energy crystals, and waved to Gu Leis and took off.

Grace suddenly shouted, “Bastard, my armor, my bow and arrow”.

“Lend me first, pay later” Lu Yin’s voice got farther and farther, until he couldn’t hear it.

In place, Gules stomped her feet angrily. Her brother gave her the battle armor and bow and arrow for self-defense. It was with the armor and bow and arrow that she could make Erd jealous. Now they have been robbed, that bastard, Shameless despicable villain.

In the capital, Zhang Dingtian and several others also saw the record on the local area network.

Bai Xue was shocked, those students from the starry sky were all heaven-level, and those who dared to complete the task were at least the top three powerhouses in the academy. Nearly half of them were the powerhouses in the academy. She had seen the strength of the powerhouses in the academy with her own eyes. , Now that he has lost seven all at once, how could this Lu Yin become so strong after not seeing him for a few days?

Zhang Dingtian suddenly raised his head and looked towards the south of the capital, with a rare smile, “Here comes an old friend.”

Bai Xue’s eyes lit up, “This is, Zhou Shan?”.

The two hurriedly flew to the south of the capital, but suddenly stopped halfway and looked north, “An old friend came again, it seems that they all want to go to the murky waters of the capital.”

Bai Xue was pleasantly surprised, “Wu Sheng is here too, it’s great”.

Zhang Dingtian took a deep breath, “They shouldn’t have come, there are four of the seven saints, plus Lu Yin, five against dozens of trial students. It’s really a showdown of disparity in power.”

In the distance, Lu Yin found a remote mountain village, placed flame crystals around, and took out a large amount of star energy crystals and directly crushed them. Suddenly, the surging star energy surged, and Lu Yin started to absorb the star energy.

More than a dozen students including Erd and others appeared in the west of the capital. “Everyone adjusted their state and officially attacked the capital three days later. Our opponents are not the natives who guard the capital, but the second batch of testers who are about to appear. According to As a rule, even if there is a strong fusion in the second batch of testers, the power will be sealed, and they can only exert their strength in exploration. Even so, it is not something that ordinary people can fight against, everyone, be prepared.”

All students are solemn.

The second batch of testers rarely appears in the planetary trials of the Daewoo Empire. This time it is purely because of the Tenth Academy of Starry Sky. Many unremarkable evildoers temporarily participate in the trials for the sake of their achievements. This is the second batch of trials. The reason, some of them came to the earth, and what they are about to face will have this kind of evildoer.

More and more students are approaching the capital.

In the south of Huaxia, more than a dozen students landed in the sea tiredly, “Finally arrived in Huaxia, that guy Erd organized a manpower to **** the fugitive’s things, we also shot, we can’t let him take the lead.”

A group of students also appeared in the east and north, and China was surging.

When the sun illuminated the earth on the third day, Zhang Dingtian stood on the steel city wall and stared into the distance solemnly, and a group of black shadows appeared.

At the same time, in the distance, Lu Yin opened his eyes. In three days, he absorbed five cubic star energy crystals and eliminated impurities from his body. Now his body is full of boiling star energy, which is much stronger than before. It is energy suppression. The more the stars in the body can absorb, the higher the energy intensity. Today, he has definitely reached the peak of exploration. If converted into combat power, it should be three thousand.

In these days, Lu Yin has robbed seven cubes of star energy crystals and used five cubes. Lu Yin looked at the remaining two cubes of star energy crystals in front of him. Well, take a gamble, I hope I don’t get a little more draw this time, it’s too pitiful, it’s almost impossible to steal something good,” he said, crushing a cubic star energy crystal.

The dull surface of the dice changes rapidly, eventually becoming a starburst.

Lu Yin swallowed, stretched out his finger, and tapped lightly on the dice, the dice rolled quickly, Lu Yin stared at it, his eyes widened to the fullest, and finally, the five sides of the dice disappeared, leaving only one side- – Two o’clock.

Lu Yin was excited, two o’clock, an unfamiliar point, Lu Yin stared at the dice, a black hole suddenly appeared under the dice spinning, Lu Yin’s mind inexplicably appeared a purpose, “decompose? Decompose everything?” Lu Yin was surprised, this is What’s the meaning?

Looking at the slowly rotating black hole, Lu Yin thought about it and threw a piece of scrap iron into it, but in an instant, the scrap iron fell out through the black hole, no longer scrap iron, but a piece of scrap The complete iron block has a smooth and hard surface, and its volume is much smaller than that of scrap iron.

Lu Yin looked at the iron block and knew what the so-called decomposition meant. Any dead objects thrown in would be decomposed into the starting material.

This is a good use. Lu Yin thought about it for a while and threw in a condensing ring. It was the student who robbed him. He robbed several students of the condensing ring and did not return it, because these students did too much.

The Ningkong Ring fell through the black hole and dropped a piece of dark red metal the size of a fingernail. Lu Yin was pleasantly surprised. It was qiu gold.

Put away Qiu Jin, Lu Yin threw all the robbery congealing rings into it, and got a total of thumb-sized Qiu Jin, Lu Yin thought about it, and then threw Qiu Jin into the black hole, and it fell with a snap. Lu Yin’s eyes widened at the metal glittering with dark golden light. This is the essence of horned gold. The price is far higher than that of horned gold.

Lu Yin carefully put away the Qiujin essence, his eyes excited, “Should I find a garbage dump to decompose things in the future?”.

In five minutes, the black hole disappears.

The existence of this black hole can be exchanged for star energy crystals just like the time-still space. Lu Yin guessed that the exchange rate is the same.

“Forget it, let’s find a way later” Lu Yin muttered to himself, moving his body, making a clattering sound, looking up at the direction of the capital, “It’s time to go back”, after saying that, with a bang fly away.

Lu Yin rushed to the capital, and at this moment the capital was in great chaos. Millions of survivors looked at the sky in fear, and from time to time, an aftermath swept across the earth, bringing disaster.

Ed joined more than 20 students to attack the capital. When the news spread, the war had already begun.

The steel city wall was destroyed for the first time. Bai Xue stood outside the ruined city wall panting heavily. In front of him were the proud-looking Haidian and two students.

“The mere natives want to block us and overreach.” A student said in a disdainful tone, staring at Bai Xue with hot eyes. This woman is too beautiful.

Another student has equally fiery eyes.

They are all the strongest in the academy, and they only need to dispatch one person to deal with Bai Xue, but because of Bai Xue’s appearance, they attracted three people. If there are not too many people, there are still many students in the distance.

Heidian frowned and looked at Bai Xue, “Woman, give you a chance to surrender to us, I can take you out of this garbage planet and truly explore the stars.”

“Heidian, you don’t want to take it alone” The students next to him were immediately dissatisfied.

Heidian is cold and arrogant. There is also a gap between the academy and the academy. He is stronger than the other two. Only Erd and Zhang Dingtian can beat him on the scene. He doesn’t care about the others.

Bai Xue clenched her fists and exhaled slowly, her blue hair fluttering. Then, the ground froze, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

The three students on the opposite side don’t care, this woman is at most comparable to the strongest in the academy, 1v3, unrealistic.

In the distance, Zhou Shan roared angrily and fell to the ground at the same time as a student. His strength was barely enough to handle one person.

There are more than a dozen figures floating in the sky, looking down coldly and proudly, they never worry about failure, it’s just a native city.

“Waste time, do it.” One of the students proudly raised his hand and pressed against the capital, the air pressure dropped, and countless people were crushed and vomited blood, looking at the sky in despair.


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