Star Odyssey Chapter 39: Robbery together


After hearing Gu Leisi’s words, Lu Yin raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a half-smile, “Do you want to assign?”.

Grace raised her eyebrows, “You don’t want to assign?”.

The two look at each other.

Baralola pulled Lagures and whispered, “We can’t be seen, otherwise it will spread to the academy and your brother’s face will not look good.”

Grace nodded and said to Lu Yin, “Play by yourself, let’s hide.” After speaking, he hid with Balaro.

Lu Yin didn’t object, he didn’t worry that the two were by his side, it was just right to hide.

In the distance, two figures slowly appeared.

Ten minutes later, a notification came out of the LAN that two more people had been defeated.

After five days, many students thought that the star thief had stopped, but unexpectedly appeared again, and there was no warning.

Grace looked at Lu Yin excitedly, “Quick, how much you rob, divide the spoils.”

Lu Yin looked at Gu Leis, “Are you sure?”.

Grace stared at Lu Yin and murmured, “You don’t want to take it for yourself.”

Lu Yin thought for a while, then threw a star energy crystal to Gu Leis, “Take it.”

Grace was in a hurry and slapped Lu Yin directly, “Bastard, stingy”.

Lu Yin smiled, “You didn’t want it yourself, no wonder I”, he had already seen that this woman had a personality problem, and he helped him because she was unhappy, even if she didn’t give her the star energy crystal, she would still help , unless she can **** it back from her own hands, Lu Yin is not worried that she will give up.

With the help of a traitor like Gu Leisi, Lu Yin’s robbery road was quite smooth. He robbed several groups of people in a few days, and forcibly collected enough five cubic star energy crystals. Even Gu Leisi was jealous when he saw it.

There are still four days before the arrival of the second batch of testers. Lu Yin encountered the first real crisis since the apocalypse. He was surrounded by seven students, three of whom were the strongest in the academy.

On the top floor of the supermarket in the abandoned county town, Lu Yin glanced at a few people. Gules found through his personal terminal that there were only two people, but seven people suddenly appeared. The other five were not wearing personal terminals and were hiding like him.

In order to catch themselves, these people have spent all their money, and even threw away their personal terminals.

“The starry sky thief is you? But with 2,001 combat power, it seems that your combat skills are very powerful.” A rough-looking student snapped. He was one of the strongest in the academy.

Besides, an ordinary-looking woman with a hot body smiled and said, “Many people get star energy crystals not for training but for training their combat skills, junior brother, are you like this too? Tell senior What are your combat skills?”.

Lu Yin looked at the woman, the corners of his mouth curved, “Want to know? Come and try.”

The woman smiled tenderly, raised her hand, and pointed an energy gun at Lu Yin, “Sister, do you know that sometimes you don’t have to rely on yourself to fight, and external things are also very important.”

At the same time, several other people also took out their energy guns and aimed them at Lu Yin.

This kind of energy gun can hurt the strong explorers. When Tres was about to die, he pierced Granny’s shoulder with a gun, and its power is not weak.

Lu Yin stared at a few people around him, and suddenly took out a flame crystal from the condensing ring and smashed it on the ground, burning the building with soaring flames, obscuring his sight, and several people fired at the same time, Lu Yin avoided it with his walking steps , and threw out a few other supernatural energy crystals again, ice, and gust of wind wrapped in flames to cover the surroundings, and the white mist evaporated, obscuring everyone’s sight.

These crystals were obtained from students who were robbed, and are now used by Lu Yin to block his sight.

The walking step was performed very quickly by Lu Yin, leaving only an afterimage on the spot, and he himself appeared in front of a strong person in the academy. Tian Xingzhang took it without hesitation. The armor cracked instantly, and his body was knocked to the ground. Immediately after Lu Yin’s body spun, the sky-splitting palm bombarded all around the body. The huge force crushed the floor and shook the void. Four of the remaining six students were severely injured. The remaining two strongest men in the academy tore open their open palms and attacked Lu Yin.

Lu Yin’s eyes were stern, his hands slammed out, stars appeared on both palms at the same time, and one palm slapped at one person.


The place was completely shattered, the three of them fell vertically and crushed the ground, and the abandoned supermarket was blown into two halves.

Suddenly, Lu Yin had a sharp pain in his back. The student who had been photographed before stabbed his body with a sword. The blood stained his red shirt. , took out the dagger and slashed it out. The student’s pupils shrank, and he let go of the hilt to escape. Lu Yin slashed the air with his sword and smashed the dagger backwards. Broken, a smear of blood spilled on the wall, and the dagger pierced through a dozen buildings and stabbed into an armored vehicle.

The ruined building is rickety and dust is flying around.

Lu Yin was gasping for breath. The pain in his back made him highly nervous. The three strongest men in the academy were almost all at the level of Bailey, stronger than Willow. The three surrounded him and let him There is nowhere to hide.

In the distance, Gures and Balaro looked at each other, their eyes twinkling.

“You said, should we fall into the trap and rob him?” Gu Leis was eager to try.

Balaro muses, “Yes, but wait until he is seriously injured.”

Grace proudly said, “Finally, that guy Erd is not stupid and knows how to ambush, otherwise this lady will really help in vain.”

Balaro surprised, “You know this is a trap?”.

“Idiot, of course I don’t know, but as long as Erd is not stupid, he will definitely find a way to set a trap. I can take this **** to rob him, and Erd can also use me to ambush him in turn. Everyone is not stupid.” Balaro rolled his eyes and said.

“Three strongest men in the academy comparable to Bailey. Even Erd himself would find it difficult to escape in this situation. This guy is finished, hehe” Gu Leis smiled happily and relieved.

Of the seven besiegers, only three can truly threaten Lu Yin.

Lu Yin exhaled and took out an object from the condensing ring, causing the expressions of the three besieging him to change dramatically, “This is?”.

In the distance, Gu Leis was stunned, his face flushed with anger, “This despicable bastard.”

Lu Yin smiled, wearing a delicate ring armor, flashing thunder, yes, this is Gu Leis’ armor, it is said that her brother gave her self-defense, her condensing ring was used by Lu Hidden away, this thing is naturally taken away, including the unique bow and arrow.

The stout man in “Grace’s Battle Armor” was furious and stared at Lu Yin, “You dare to rob Gures, you’re crazy, her brother is Gurbach.”

Lu Yin sneered, “I don’t care who he is, the robbery still divides the object, your brain is pumping.” As he spoke, he shot out a palm, and the split palm slammed on the stout man. The man gritted his teeth and resisted, and his body was slammed. After retreating more than ten meters, it smashed the supermarket pillar. In an instant, the supermarket completely collapsed, and countless falling rocks fell.

With a bang, Lu Yin rushed out of the ruins with a few people. One of them crushed the crystal, and the wind was surging, turning it into a cyan blade and slashing at Lu Yin. Lu Yin rushed towards the cyan blade, and the surface of his body flashed with thunder, and the cyan blade was facing him. It didn’t work at all, Lu Yin crossed the cyan blade and appeared in front of the man, and slammed him to the ground with a single star palm. This palm made the man almost spit out his internal organs and fainted.

The other two immediately retreated when they saw something wrong.

The armor that Lu Yin was wearing was not something that they could break the defense against. Back then, Lu Yin himself used his Heavenly Star Palm with all his strength to break the Thunder Defense.

Seven people besieged, two escaped, and five were defeated. When this record was made public on the local area network, all the students fell silent, including Erd.

He considered himself to be the strongest among the first batch of testers, but it was difficult to achieve this record. Suddenly, all the students of the union received a notice from Erde, gave up the pursuit of the star thief, and attacked the capital three days later. .

Lu Yin sat on the ground casually, stared into the distance, “come out”.

Grace and Balaro looked at Lu Yin in shock. This person became famous today. The strongest among the natives is Zhang Dingtian, who has cross-border combat power. The person was shocked, and the battle power made Gu Leis tremble. Now, Lu Yin’s strength also shocked her. What kind of battle skill was it that hit the strongest in the academy with one palm?

Lu Yin threw the healing medicine to Gules, “You help me apply it”.

Grace stared and pointed to herself, “What did you say? Let me help you apply medicine?”.

“Is it difficult to understand?” Lu Yin said lightly.

Grace was angry, “You are dreaming, this lady is pure and clean, and she has never touched a man’s body, yet you dare to blaspheme me”.

Lu Yin stared at her coldly, “Don’t think I don’t know what you think, you wouldn’t be so polite if I lost the battle just now, help me apply medicine immediately.”

“I’ll do it,” Ballaro said.

Lu Yin snorted, “No, your hands are dirty.”

Balaro is out of breath.

Thanks to readers for their tips and support! ! Update at 2pm! !


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