Star Odyssey Chapter 372: Lu Yin’s privilege


Seeing Gul, the corner of Lu Yin’s mouth rose, “Hey, that supervisor, come here.”

When the supervisor heard Lu Yin’s voice, he turned his head and glared, “Shut up and get out.”

Lu Yin grinned, “If you don’t come, let the one next to you come.”

The supervisor was furious, ran to the track a few steps, stared at Lu Yin, and threatened in a low voice, “Boy, don’t make trouble, that is the son, offend the son, don’t say tomorrow, you will never want to enter the inner universe for the rest of your life. “.

Lu Yin shrugged, “Sorry, it’s too late, I’ve offended him a long time ago. If you don’t believe me, ask him.”

The supervisor was surprised and looked back at Gul.

And Gul just swept his gaze and saw Lu Yin, how wonderful and wonderful his face was.

The supervisor ran back to Gul’s side again, showing a smile, “Master, that kid said he offended you, do you want to block him from entering the inner universe?”.

Gu’er pursed his lips, spit out the tea he just drank, and walked towards Lu Yin with a reluctant smile, “Lu, Senior Lu, why are you here?”.

Lu Yin said casually, “Nothing, I want to enter the inner universe, but the person said I can’t enter.”

Gur turned his head and stared at the supervisor, “Can’t go in? Senior Lu can’t enter the inner universe? You said? Who gave you the courage to stop Senior Lu from entering the inner universe?”.

The supervisor was stunned and quickly apologized. He knew that he had offended someone. Judging by his posture, the identity of the person was not small.

Lu Yin smiled secretly, looking at Gu Er, this guy is quite smart and knows that he can’t offend him, although he is the son of Old Good, but he is also a student of the Star Wars Academy. If he offends him, he is also afraid that he will be in Star Wars. Banning him in the hospital was like dealing with the Bai Ye clan back then.

Lu Yin guessed well, Gul was really afraid of Lu Yin.

Forget about anything else, Lu Yin used to be a ruthless man who had blocked the White Night Clan head-on. Once he offended him, he would be unable to move an inch in the Starry Sky War Academy. He didn’t think his father’s face was greater than the White Night Clan, and recently everyone has It is rumored that this person is a real candidate for the ten finals, and this identity makes him dare not even curse behind his back.

The Tenth Finals Council is too restrictive to the younger generation, so big that even a dandy boy like Goul dare not discuss it casually.

“Okay, don’t blame him, I said Gur, why do you call me senior? I remember correctly, you seem to have entered the Star Wars Academy before me,” Lu Yin said strangely.

Gur hurriedly smiled and said, “Senior Lu is the most powerful than the leader, the strongest in the Star Wars Academy. Anyone who sees a senior is a generation lower, it should be, it should be.”

At this moment, the people at the back of the orbit waiting to enter the inner universe are dumbfounded. It is normal for the supervisor to beat and humiliate them at will. Who can see someone who can make the supervisor or even that Gul so fearful, such a big man should not be Line up, it’s time to go in.

“Gul, I just heard that you allow others to enter the inner universe to see their luck, is that so?” Lu Yin asked.

Gur’s face changed, could it be that Lu Yin wants to interfere in the matter of the galaxy? He was just a student, but suddenly he remembered Lu Yin’s other identities, a member of the Star Wars Academy Student Union, and an acting member of the Outer Universe Youth Council. have to pay attention.

Seeing that Gu Er didn’t answer, Lu Yin knew what he was thinking and said, “Don’t worry, I, Lu Yin, are not that annoying, what you do has nothing to do with me, but since it’s luck, can you give me a face? Anyone on the same track as me can enter the inner universe?”.

Gur breathed a sigh of relief, “Of course no problem, what the senior says is what he says.”

Lu Yin nodded with a smile, “Thank you.” After speaking, he boarded the giant starship along the track.

The proposal just now, Lu Yin just wanted to experience the taste of power. I have to say that the taste is very wonderful. He likes this taste.

The giant starship is very important to the universe inside and outside. Generally speaking, it is not allowed to walk around or even get off the spacecraft when boarded on the giant starship, but Lu Yin is an exception. In his capacity, there is no place to restrict him, especially It is the identity of the two glory points, one of which is the privilege of visiting the Galaxy Ship.

But he didn’t go out, for fear of meeting Old Goode, fearing that Old Goode would see the hatred in his eyes.

It’s too early to meet Old Goode, at least until he has the strength to take revenge.

But one thing is very strange to him. Why didn’t the eldest sister in the family take action against Old Goode?

On the other side, after Lu Yin left, Gul immediately contacted Old Good and reported Lu Yin’s matter.

“Well handled, this Lu Yin can’t be provoked as much as possible. I just got the news that this person may be related to a large number of pirates in the outer universe, and he actually has two points of glory, thinking that his father’s power can’t deal with him” Old Goode road.

Gur was upset, “Father, can’t he walk sideways in the universe?”.

“You can walk sideways if you have Glory Points in your body, not to mention that he has more than one status, so as a father, let you cultivate well, graduate as soon as possible, and go to the frontier battlefield after graduation to make contributions to the human star field, and try to get Glory Points” Old Goode road.

Gul rolled his eyes, and the fool went to the frontier battlefield. He didn’t see that even Chief Xueyun died there. With him, ten lives were not enough. “Father, the frontier war has stopped.”

“It won’t be long before it stops. For countless years, the human star field, the giant beast star field, and the technology star field have not stopped wars, and even if the border war does stop, there are still tasks to explore the unknown star field. Work hard. There is a chance to get glory points.” After speaking, Old Good cut off the communication.

Gur curled his lips, he didn’t do any quests, he had never heard of how many people in the outer universe got glory points, he felt that it was more fun to be in the Star Wars Academy, and he thought of the Star Wars Academy. Lu Yin, since he wants to stay in the Starry Sky War Academy, he can’t offend this Lu Yin, **** it, he should have complimented a little more.

Wait, it’s not too late, Gul’s eyes lit up, and he beckoned to the supervisor, “Go, ask Senior Lu what you need, try to satisfy it, and eat, drink, and have fun, you must be attentive.”

“Yes, young master” The supervisor responded quickly and didn’t do the work, anyway, everyone on this track can enter.

And the person who explained to Lu Yin before entered the giant boat immediately after Lu Yin, and couldn’t help feeling that good people have good rewards.

The time that the giant ship of the galaxy stays on the edge of the outer universe galaxy is similar to the way they control the personnel entering the inner universe. By luck, it may stop for one day and leave, or it may stop for ten days. This is why Old Goode could deliberately delay it s reason.

Lu Yin didn’t know how long the giant boat would stay this time. He wondered if he should contact Gul again. At this time, the supervisor contacted him, “Lord Lu, the sailing is hard, if you need anything, please feel free to contact him. ordered”.

Whatever comes to mind, Lu Yin opens the hatch, he is arranged on a separate track, this track only connects the spaceship of the big man, there is a separate lounge next to it, a separate kitchen, everything is separate, revealed his identity.

“When will the giant boat leave?” Lu Yin asked.

The supervisor respectfully said, “This villain wants to ask, is the adult in a hurry?”.

Lu Yin nodded.

The supervisor quickly opened his personal terminal, not knowing who he was contacting, and after a while, respectfully said, “If Master Lu needs it, you can leave immediately.”

Lu Yin is surprised, Old Goode is too good to him, shouldn’t he, although he has a lot of identities and some glory, but he doesn’t have the ability to control Old Goode himself, even if the identity of the ten finals council is OK Let Old Goode scruples, but it has little impact on Old Goode. After all, the giant ship of the galaxy represents the inner universe, and it is not something that the Tenth Finals Council can easily intervene.

It’s weird that Old Goode sells himself so much today.

Lu Yin didn’t know how much shock he did to the Bai Ye clan in the Star Wars Academy. The Bai Ye clan has a great reputation in the universe. He dared to confront the Bai Ye clan and he was still safe. Lu Yin’s identity caused There is a lot of speculation that this is what Old Good is afraid of. Coupled with what happened recently in San Dios, Old Good dares to guarantee that Lu Yin has strong support behind him.

Anyway, it’s up to him to decide whether the giant boat will go or stop. It’s better to sell Lu Yin’s face, and it will look good to meet in the future, and his son is still in the Star Wars Academy.

“Lord Lu, what other orders do you have? The young master said that it will take some time for the giant boat to reach the edge of the inner cosmos galaxy. During this time, all the little ones instructed by Mr. Lu will follow.” The supervisor respectfully said.

Lu Yin waved his hand, “No orders, you go down.”

“Yes” The supervisor stepped back, and before he took a few steps, Lu Yin suddenly said, “By the way, I heard that someone was fishing on a huge boat, bring me a fishing rod.”

The supervisor was stunned, “Lord Lu, there are too many dangers in Xinghe. The people who fish on the giant boat are usually strong people who walk in the starry sky, and those strong people often have accidents, please don’t take risks.”

“It’s alright, go get it” Lu Yin said, he walked to the transparent metal not far from the orbit, looked at the river of stars flowing below, his eyes were strange, he thought of the universe sea, Ye Xingchen could mix in the universe sea, why would he You can’t mix in the galaxy, the universe sea is much more dangerous than the galaxy.

The supervisor did not dare to refute and left quickly.

About half an hour later, a special pair of fishing gear was delivered to Lu Yin.

“Lord Lu, the giant boat will start soon, please get ready,” the supervisor said, and he respectfully stepped down.

Lu Yin picked up the fishing gear. The fishing gear here is different from the fishing gear that normal people recognize. After all, he is facing the galaxy. It is more like armor than fishing gear, but with an extra fishing rod.

Picking up the fishing rod, Lu Yin exerted force, but the fishing rod did not move at all. He was surprised. It was so strong. He thought about it. He added force again, and even used the superposition force. The fishing rod bent slowly, but only a little bit. .

When Lu Yin increased the superposition strength to 20, the fishing rod bent an arc.

He exhaled, as expected of a fishing rod that can be used in Xinghe. With his strength just now, the ordinary exploration realm could not bear it, but he couldn’t help a fishing rod. The defense of this fishing rod surpassed the ordinary exploration realm. It seems worth a lot.


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