Star Odyssey Chapter 371: Starships


Everyone knows who Lu Yin is. He is one of the most enchanting people among the cultivators in the extreme realm of the universe. know him.

If A Fan is defeated by Lu Yin, no one can blame him. In the extreme realm, apart from a limited number of two or three people, no one dares to say that they can withstand Lu Yin’s attack. That is a real ghost.

Beijing Gang’s eyes flashed and he sneered, “You said Lu Yin is Lu Yin, well, even if it was Lu Yin who stole the Boundary Stone, my eldest brother is a 30,000-strength exploratory player, the ninth in the top 100 battle list. A master of Thirteen, it is easy to beat this Lu Yin, because of your own failure, you have raised this person too much, and you will lose the face of my northbound fashion industry.”

Many people around agreed. The top 100 battle list is the best synonym. Although Lu Yin is strong, he is only in the extreme realm. It is not easy to leapfrog to challenge the exploration realm. The number one hundred in the top 100 battle list is not comparable to the ordinary exploration realm, and it is enough to compete with the cruise realm powerhouse.

They don’t know what happened to Lu Yin in the outer universe recently. The 30th level equalized the record of the ten finals, and one person crushed two elites in the Exploration Realm. If they knew, they would not be so confident. Of course, Ah Fan’s words It’s really exaggerated, he can’t decide who is stronger or weaker than Beimenlie and Lu Yin.

Lily Shuer’s eyes were bright, especially when she heard the word Lu Yin, she was even more excited and seemed curious.

A Fan didn’t argue with Beimen Gang and left immediately. It’s pointless to say anything now.

Beijing Gate Gang didn’t stop her either. Just as she was about to greet Lily Shuer to sit down, she found that Lily Shuer was gone.

Outside the restaurant, Ah Fan walked silently. Behind him, Lily Shuer came running, “Hey, I ask you, how does it feel to play against Lu Yin?”.

A Fan ignored her.

Lily Shuer frowned and blocked Ah Fan’s way, “Hey, I’m talking to you.”

A fan smelled of alcohol and said impatiently, “I don’t know.”

“Didn’t you be robbed of the Boundary Stone by Lu Yin? How could you not know, is it a lie?” Lily Shuer shouted.

A Fan stood there, his eyes reminiscing.

Lily Shuer walked up to him, bent down, raised her head, and looked strangely, “What? Can’t describe it?”.

A Fan sighed, “One palm, superimposed strength.”

Lily Shuer’s eyes widened, “One slap? One slap and you’re defeated?”.

A Fan nodded and continued to walk forward.

Lily Shuer hurriedly chased after her, “You are one of the strongest people in Shangwu Academy. My cousin asked me to study at Shangwu Academy and even mentioned you specifically. You can’t even stop people with a palm.”

A Fan said bitterly, “Yeah, I can’t stop me with a palm, I’m just a piece of shit.” After speaking, he staggered towards the Martial Arts Academy.

Lily Shuer stood there, blinking her eyes, “It’s so amazing? I’m going to tell my cousin to try the so-called ten candidates.” After speaking, she ran away with a laugh.

The starry sky is always so dark, Lu Yin has left San Dios and headed to the northbound flow world of the inner universe.

The competition between Youxing Gorge and the Dark Mist Territory will not end in the short term, so Zhao Ran was handed over to Barry by Lu Yin, and Barry took care of him.

The Moon Fairy didn’t come out this time and stayed in San Dios.

Compared with Fairy Moon, Lu Yin wants to communicate more with An Shaohua. Shuiyue Villa is not much worse than Hanyue Sect. More importantly, Shuiyue Villa feels much better to Lu Yin than Hanyue Sect. Shaohua finally left the inner universe and did not want to go back, otherwise he would take him with him.

“Seventh brother, you are embarrassed if you don’t bring a beautiful girl” Gui Hou said unhappily.

Lu Yin frowned, “Want to be blocked again?”.

Gui Hou immediately shut up. He knew that Lu Yin was not joking. He said that if he blocked, he would block. Now that it’s okay, he knows how to warn him. Most of the time, he doesn’t even have a warning and just blocks.

In this regard, Gui Hou is already very helpless.

Lu Yin came out this time with the exclusive spaceship of San Dios, still the Aurora spaceship, but it was not a dazzling light, but a black hole.

The black hole-class aurora spacecraft is an exclusive vehicle for members of the Youth Council. It can protect against attacks by the strong in the hunting realm, and its speed is a hundred times that of ordinary spacecraft.

From San Dios to the Northbound Flow Realm, it takes at least seven or eight months at the speed of an ordinary spacecraft. This is not counting the time to change the route halfway. Now, at the speed of the black hole-level aurora spacecraft, it only takes less than three months. sky.

The entire route was completed in less than three days, a speed that Lu Yin could not have imagined before, but now it has been achieved.

This is the black hole-class aurora spacecraft.

Of course, this doesn’t count as time spent by Galaxy.

According to his estimation, counting all the time, it will not take more than five days to reach the northbound flow world.

Money limits people’s imagination. With money, anything can be achieved. With this black hole-class aurora spacecraft, he will not consume so much useless time in the universe.

Feeling the extreme speed of the spaceship, Lu Yin sighed with emotion, maybe sometimes money may not be able to achieve everything, at least this spaceship is not something that everyone can enjoy.

Generally, the powerhouses in the extreme realm will definitely not be able to bear this kind of extreme speed, at least only the physical body of the powerhouses in the exploration realm can bear it.

One day later, the spaceship suddenly stopped in the starry sky, Lu Yin looked into the distance, his eyes recalled, there was the pirate port and the place where he transformed. There, he experienced death.

It was also there that his thinking changed. People live a lifetime, and they can’t just be ants forever and let others decide their fate.

If it weren’t for what happened in the Pirate Harbor, he would now be at most comparable to the Star Wars Trial Realm Domain Master, and he couldn’t even keep up with the strength of the chief, let alone the leader.

The fate of people is really unpredictable. Three years ago, I was an ordinary person. Three years later, I became famous in the universe.

I don’t know how the family’s investigation of the original incident was going on. When I returned to the Rennes War Group, those who shot at that time may have been trembling.

The Pirate Harbor is very close to the Galaxy.

Not long after, Lu Yin came to the outside of the galaxy again.

The last time I came, I took the Wenfeng Liujie border spaceship. I took the express lane, which was equivalent to jumping into the galaxy. This time, Lu Yin did not reveal it. He wanted to enter the inner universe like ordinary people.

The giant ship on the Galaxy River is extremely large, and each spacecraft passes the inspection and enters the giant ship, and will travel to and from the universe with the giant ship.

The current owner of this great ship is Old Good, who will remain in this position for many more years.

No matter where they are, there is always a secret transaction. In addition to entering the inner universe through normal procedures, ordinary people want to enter the inner universe depending on the attitude of some people on the giant boat.

When he was testing the realm of the Star Wars Academy, Gul had said that there were powerhouses who walked in the starry sky and bowed down to him just to enter the inner universe. Now, Lu Yin has also seen it.

Under the gaze of countless people, a strong man walking in the starry sky humiliated and took out the condensing ring and asked to enter the inner universe.

The attraction of the inner universe to the outer universe is too great. Many people think that only by entering the inner universe can one become a strong person and be able to fight for a future. Because of this kind of thinking, even the strong people who walk in the starry sky have to let go of their dignity.

They feel that they can come back to take revenge if they become strong in the inner universe, but in fact the people on the giant galaxy boat don’t care at all, because even if those people enter the inner universe, the chance of becoming a real strong person is very small, not to mention the giant galaxy. The people on the boat are not weak either.

It was Lu Yin’s turn with a few more spaceships. He was bored when he saw a familiar figure inadvertently. His eyes were amazed, it was Gul.

Although I have only met him once, Lu Yin has a deep impression on Gul. When he first met Gul, the powerhouse walking in the starry sky was still a little out of reach for Lu Yin, but at that time he Hearing that there was a walking star powerhouse kneeling at Gul’s feet, that kind of thing made a deep impression on Lu Yin.

Moreover, Goul is the son of Old Gould.

A spaceship is inspected in orbit. If you want to enter the inner universe, in addition to paying a considerable amount of resources, you also need to have a formal reason. In addition to supervising the galaxy giant ship, the responsibility of the Galaxy Boundary Envoy is to find a way to prevent more The person who enters the inner universe is also an unwritten rule of the inner universe.

Lu Yin watched the people on several spaceships in front of him leave in frustration, and saw Gul’s smug look not far away, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, it was his turn.

“Where did it come from?” came the voice of the ship’s communication.

Lu Yin replied “Canglan Territory”.

“No entry allowed, let’s go”.

Lu Yin was taken aback, “Why?”.

“Today anyone from the Canglan territory is not allowed to enter, come tomorrow” The voice was obviously impatient.

Lu Yin was speechless, “Why?”.

“If you say you can’t get in, you can’t get in”.

At this time, a voice came from the spacecraft at the back of the orbit, “Brother, this is the rule of the galaxy giant ship, draw lots, whichever territory you can’t enter, you can’t enter on that day, and you can cast lots again tomorrow, if you can’t enter. Go, go back, wait a day.”

Lu Yin is stunned, is this okay? .

“Okay, I know a lot, and since you know so much, you don’t have to go in” said the supervisor beside the track with a yin and yang anger.

“Ah? My lord, I’m just seeing that the lord doesn’t want to talk, so I explained a few more words, please don’t mind, let’s put it down there.” The people on the spaceship behind Lu Yin hurriedly wailed.

The supervisor sneered, “My lord I really don’t want to talk today. Since you are so kind, okay, stay with this gang of lords to explain one by one, and wait a few days for my lord to take turns before entering.”

The man was helpless.

Lu Yin watched this scene with a cold eye. The attitude of the people on the giant ship of the galaxy was quite bad, and they tried their best to prevent people from the outer universe from entering the inner universe.

“Boy, why don’t you go? It’s fine if you don’t go, just spend a few more days on your own, and I don’t have to face so many idiots.” The supervisor raised his head.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, just as he was about to speak, Gul came and appeared beside the supervisor, “What’s the matter?”.

When the supervisor saw Gul, he immediately lowered his eyebrows and pleaded with his eyes, “It turns out that the son is here, son, please take a seat.”

Gur sat down lazily, waiting for the supervisor to serve refreshments, looking like I was the greatest.


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