Star Odyssey Chapter 3432: Two-way motion


Lu Yin has been thinking about his contact with the only true God for a while, and remembered one thing, Uncle Feng.

Feng Bo is not a person from the Tianyuan universe. The only true **** is also involved in other universes. His vision is by no means confined to the three universes. That Yu Sangtian thinks that the union with the only true **** is probably only superficial.

In order not to be controlled by the One True God, King Qing deliberately showed that he was controlled by Yan Gang, to reassure the One True God.

The One True God may not be able to deliberately show cooperation with the spiritualized universe, but in fact he has his own plans.

The scheming is one ring after another.

Boundless changed its direction, instantly causing countless gazes from the spiritualized universe.

They didn’t know Wujiang’s destination, but if Wujiang changed direction, they might be able to tell.

There are many cultivators who secretly follow Wujiang. Among them, there are spiritual ancestors, and there are even more sequence rules. Vaguely, Lu Yin is also aware of the crisis, which represents the beginning, and there is no shortage of strong people in the spiritualized universe.

After knowing the four words of Xiaoling Universe and analyzing Yusangtian, Lu Yin could see through the part as early as the tributaries of the Changjiang River. The first group of people who invaded the Tianyuan Universe seemed to be powerful. There were three Sangtians. Although Sangtian is powerful, a Tianyuan universe that can defeat the Eternals can still resist three Sangtians. The gap is between the sequence rule level and the ancestral level.

With the strength of spiritualizing the universe, it can be increased several times, and even more powerhouses at the level of sequence rules will be the first batch of blades to invade the Tianyuan universe, but no, Yu Sangtian does not want to restart the Tianyuan universe, he just wants to It is impossible for the Eternals to contain the future of the Tianyuan universe, so the first group of intruders do not have overwhelming strength.

Lu Yin will not underestimate the spiritualized universe, but it will take time to truly see through the spiritualized universe.

“This talented family can control a domain?” The first day of the first year was curious and looked at the talented person.

Cai Jun faced the first day of the first year and replied respectfully: “The ancestor of the Cai family, Cai Sandao, is the ninth strong man on the Bailing Ranking. He is fully qualified to control one domain and thirty-six domains. A domain itself.”

Lu Yin thought about the starting space. At that time, the strongest people were only half ancestors, and only three swordsmen could enter the Bailing Ranking. Ninety percent of the sequence rules powerhouses who were able to break through the starting realm, it was not impossible for him to control a domain. The strength is similar to that of Qishentian.

“In addition to only three knives, what other masters are there in the talented family?”

“The talented family also has a strong Sequence Ruler who cultivates the 37th Sequence Method–Two-way Immobility.”

Lu Yin wondered: “Do not move in both directions? What do you mean?”

The talented shook his head: “This, the villain doesn’t understand.”

Yuanqi said: “The enemy doesn’t move, I don’t move, I don’t move, and the enemy doesn’t move either. This is a method of forcibly immobilizing the enemy’s sequence according to its own sequence rules. As long as you don’t move, the immobilized enemy It can’t move, unless the gap between the sequence particles is too large, and the two-way movement is directly broken.”

“There is such a sequence rule?” Ce Wangtian was surprised.

Original beginning: “This method of sequence is used very well and has amazing effects. In the history of my spiritualization of the universe, there was a person who practiced the method of two-way motionless sequence and forcibly controlled a Sang Tianshi at the level of sequence rules. One breath, ten breaths may not seem long, but if that Sang Tian is besieged, these ten breaths are enough to become the line of life and death.”

“This method of sequence focuses on sneak attacks, not combat, and is also very important in the eighty-eight methods of sequence.”

Lu Yin praised: “There is still such a method of sequence, but it is very suitable for making the basis of sequence.”

Speaking of this, Lu Yin paused and suddenly looked at Cai Jun: “What kind of sequence method did Cai San Dao cultivate?”

Caijun replied respectfully: “Don’t move in both directions.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows and looked at Yuan Qi.

Yuanqi looked at him and said, “That’s right, Caijia, who specializes in bidirectional immobility, because the master of bidirectional immobility who once held Sang Tian for ten breaths in history came from Caijia.”

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed: “Is this the basis of the sequence?”

Original start.

With its unified cultivation mode, coupled with the unique cultivation method of the spiritual species, it is possible to determine who is suitable for which sequence method early.

There are eighty-eight kinds of sequence methods. The more advanced it is, the easier it is to practice. The ten-base sequence is almost all made by the latter sequence method. In fact, those cultivators may not be willing to practice these sequence methods, because they are not very useful. , For example, this two-way movement is only useful if it is a siege. Otherwise, fighting alone will make no difference at all, and it will be meaningless.

Then why are there still people cultivating?

This is the pressure brought by the unification of the cultivation model. It is impossible for a talented family to be willing to practice this sequence method, but they are forced to practice the whole family. The only three swordsman can reach the ninth place on the Bailing Ranking. Its position proves that its talent is outstanding, and it is the best in the spiritual universe. If it is not for cultivating this method of sequence, maybe it is possible to take a step forward, but it is delayed by this method of sequence.

This model, at the expense of the individual, fulfills the entire spiritual universe.

Caijia is just the tip of the iceberg, thirty-six domains, I don’t know how many forces sacrificed for the spiritualization of the universe, and specialized in cultivating those useless sequence methods, only to complete the foundation of the sequence before death in the future.

The Gate of All Laws is the foundation of the sequence, which is not only a holy place for spiritualizing the universe, but also a tomb.

From another point of view, it doesn’t matter whether the spiritualized universe sacrifices individuals or not, it means that there are too many powerful individuals in the spiritualized universe, and it has even reached the level of saturation.

Lu Yin really didn’t want the latter possibility, but the situation told him that the latter possibility was extremely high.

Yusangtian’s self-confidence, the sacrifice of the talented family and many other forces all point in one direction, that is, the power of the spiritualized universe.

Lao Tao glanced at Caijun and then at Lu Yin: “Actually, Caijia also has a master at the level of sequence rules.”

Lu Yin was surprised: “Anything else?”

Cai Jun immediately denied: “Impossible, only Cai Sandao and Cai can clear two sequence rules masters, there is no third one.”

Lao Tao shook his head: “Every family has a background, and Caijia is no exception, but their background is not as powerful as the three swords.”

“It’s not.”

The talented exclaimed: “You are not the ancestor?”

Lao Tao nodded: “Caifei, still alive, in the field of talent.”

“How come? Caifei has been dead for many years, and no one has mentioned Caijia. I have been in Caijia for so many years, and I only heard my parents mention it once in a while. It was a person from a long time ago.” Cai Jun unbelievable.

Lao Tao laughed: “He is still alive, we met before going to Torch City, but don’t be too surprised, Caifei’s strength can’t touch Bai Lingbang, it’s just like that in this life, practice Don’t move in both directions, this old guy can only sneak attack in the dark.”

“Whoever wants to be detrimental to the talented family, only makes three strikes, and only makes a sneak attack with the talented family. This is the fundamental reason to ensure that the talented family has exclusive access to the talent domain. Except for the juniors like you, many people know that this old guy is alive. .”

“Does the Gate of All Laws not force him to go to all Jurisdictions?” Yuan Qi was puzzled.

Facing Yuanqi, Lao Tao respectfully said, “Because the time has not come, I have taken a strange plant, which is far more vigorous than my peers, and it is impossible for the door of all laws to force every deadline to come. Everyone is going to die.”

Yuan Qi sneered: “Impossible? Where do you think the bases of those sequences came from? Calculate how many sequence rules were made by ten-base sequences. That’s a terrifying number.”

Lao Tao didn’t refute, Yuan Qi knew a lot of things better than him, even if he had been away from the Spiritualizing Universe for so long.

This is a question of hierarchy.

“So decided, go to Caiyu and help Caijun get justice.” Lu Yin ordered, Wujiang headed towards Caiyu.

At the same time, Caiyu, Cai Junhao, the eldest son of Cai’s direct line, was obsessed with the sun and looked at the big metal in his hand: “I didn’t expect Cai Jun’s stupid parents to leave him such a good thing.”

“What good thing makes my brother so happy?” A crisp voice came.

Cai Junhao stared at the metal: “Do you know this?”

The person who came was Cai Junyi, Cai Junhao’s younger sister. She looked at the metal: “The whole body is blue, with a dark red brilliance, and the inside is like water, sometimes rushing, sometimes calm.”

“Is this a red, blue and gold crystal?”

Cai Junhao is proud: “Yes, red, blue and gold crystal, a metal called the limit of materials, we don’t use it, but selling it to Tianwaitian or Daquan Chamber of Commerce is sky-high.”

Cai Junyi was excited: “There are actually red, blue and gold crystals, how did the couple get them?”

Cai Junhao put away the metal: “It’s not important, now this thing is ours.” He looked at Cai Junyi and praised: “Little sister, well done.”

Cai Junyi smiled proudly: “That idiot Caijun really thought he could be on an equal footing with us. When his parents were around, we gave him face, but now that his parents are dead, there is no need to pretend, it’s funny, he To actually want to marry me, the family tolerates his idea, it means that their line is too far away from our direct line, and there is no need to avoid it, and because of this, how can our direct line like them.”

“Don’t think about it, that guy is dead. Now I’m trying to sell the red, blue and gold crystals, but I don’t know who to sell it to.”

“The general chamber of commerce, who else can I sell it to? You and I cannot enter the world, and it is easy to get into trouble by selling it through others.”

Cai Junhao frowned: “There has been an accident in Daquan, and we don’t know what their current situation is. Forget it, let’s keep it for now and talk about it later.”

Cai Junyi narrowed her eyes and stared at Cai Junhao: “Brother, you don’t want to take it yourself.”

Cai Junhao laughed: “Don’t worry, most of the credit for this is yours, how can I take it all alone?”

“It’s good to know, hum, don’t think about taking it alone, or I’ll tell your father about your obsession with Aunt Qing, and your father will have to rip your skin off.” Cai Junyi threatened.

Cai Junhao was shocked and hurriedly shouted: “Shut up, you want to kill me.”

The corners of Cai Junyi’s mouth curled up: “It’s good to know that I’m afraid.”

“But then again, Aunt Qing is very charming. People come to see me every day. People who ask for relatives have broken the threshold of our talent field. My father has been looking for opportunities to strive for the best interests. Do you think he wants to marry Aunt Qing to her? Who? I heard that Yi Xia, the grandson of Yi Sangtian, the owner of Torchfire City, has not married yet, and the God-given who is amazing for an era, once he returns and sees Aunt Qing, Aunt Qing will not be able to keep it.”

“Although Tian Wai Tian Shuang Jue is gorgeous, its status is too high, and Aunt Qing’s appearance is not inferior to them.”

“Okay, you should go.” Cai Junhao’s face was gloomy.

Cai Junyi smiled and turned to leave.


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