Star Odyssey Chapter 31: Shocked


The scope of this battle is not wide, but it is quite shocking. Several people have the strongest combat power in the academy. It is difficult for the major colleges of the Daewoo Empire to break out such a battle.

Academy elites like Granny couldn’t get involved.

This battle made Lu Yin realize his own strength. He has the power to suppress the strongest person in the academy like Willow.

Looking at Bailey and Willow lying on the ground, Zhang Dingtian raised his knife and planned to cut it directly.

Lu Yin quickly stopped, “These people can be used as bargaining chips in the future.”

Zhang Dingtian wondered, “Chip? Negotiation?”.

Lu Yin nodded and said solemnly, “You should know that the purpose of these students coming to Earth is to test. Although the test can’t help life and death, the background of these students who dare to participate in the test is not simple and involves a lot. We can use Their lives are negotiated with the top leaders of the Daewoo Empire.”

Bai Xue looked at Lu Yin with both eyes, and said coldly, “Use their lives for the freedom of the Earth?”.

Lu Yin nodded, “The evolution of the planet sounds good to improve human beings, but in fact it is the way the Daewoo Empire recruits troops. As long as the Earth Evolutionaries are not valued, they will be sent to the battlefield, whether it is the Daewoo Empire or other empires. The battlefield in the world, or the battlefield outside the human domain, is far more cruel than the trial, where even the strong people who walk in the starry sky may not be able to survive, these students can make the earth more people who survive.”

Zhang Dingtian was silent and put away his long sword.

Bai Xue’s cold eyes flashed a trace of sadness. Originally they thought that the earth was the only intelligent life in the universe, but since the discovery of a body on Neptune, everything has changed. The earth is only under the supervision of the Daewoo Empire. A primitive planet, what if you can explore space, but you just learned to walk, and everything is under monitoring.

Now it is facing the most terrifying doomsday. It is not mutant beasts and zombies, but the Daewoo Empire. After the trial, I don’t know how many people were sent to the battlefield. Even the existence of the Seven Saints may only be more advanced soldiers. .

Grannie looked at Lu Yin in surprise. She didn’t expect this person to have such a plan. He was more than seeking skin from a tiger and dared to negotiate with the top leaders of the Daewoo Empire. Since the establishment of the empire, I have never heard of any natives who dared to ask the empire. It was to die, but I had to admit that it might be useful. Others, Granny, didn’t know, but Willow had a lot of background, and his family even served in the 13th team of the Imperial Court.

“Cough, you, you are thinking too simply, the Daewoo Empire is famous for its iron-blooded military rule in the universe, and will not accept the threat of the indigenous people,” Bailey sneered.

Lu Yin looked at him, “You don’t have to worry about this, just live well, you are all bargaining chips.”

Bailie sneered, these natives didn’t know the situation of the Daewoo Empire at all.

Bai Xue looked at Lu Yin suspiciously. It might be useful to use the students to threaten the Daewoo Empire, but in this case, this person would stand on the cusp of the storm and would never be tolerated by the Daewoo Empire. Does he have anything to rely on? No one would selflessly sacrifice for others, and Bai Xue was secretly wary of Lu Yin.


Suddenly there was a loud noise from the north, Zhang Dingtian looked towards the north, his expression changed, “Science and Technology Institute, it’s not good.” After speaking, he hurried to the north.

At this moment, in the sky, two figures flew to the west.

Belle looked up at the sky, gritted his teeth, “Erd, Hydean.”

Zhang Dingtian took off high in the sky, and at a glance, he saw the two people flying to the west. At the same time, there were two people flying to the west in the other direction, closely following Erde.

Zhang Dingtian’s eyes were icy cold, and the energy outside his body exploded to form ripples visible to the naked eye. The long knife was lifted, and the energy that vibrated the sky disappeared at the same time. The fierceness in his heart rose, as if to cut off this piece of heaven and earth.

The clouds in the sky were torn apart virtually, and the sky and the earth were silent.

Lu Yin shakes, combat skills? No, this is the strongest sword.

In the west, Erde and the others turned their faces and Zhang Dingtian hid his strength.

“Don’t hesitate, let’s go,” Erd snorted.

Not far away, Gures and Balaro were shocked, “This native is going to go against the sky, run quickly.”

Zhang Dingtian’s eyes flashed a cold light, and the long knife slashed out. Under the horrified eyes of countless people in the capital, a huge slash across the capital swept to the west, the sky was cut open, and the air was twisted. The fierce energy made everyone hallucinate, and the sky seemed to be cut off.

Erd, Hydean, Gules, and Balaro turned around at the same time, slashing with a hard top.

In an instant, the slash was torn apart, turning into five air waves and disappearing into the sky.

Erd’s face was dignified and his eyes were unbelievable.

Hidian’s black robe was torn open, revealing his scaly upper body, and a blood stain on the corner of his mouth was dazzling in the sunlight.

Grace, panting heavily, looked at Zhang Dingtian in surprise.

Balaro was the worst, spitting out blood, his already green skin was even greener, and there was even a crack on his body.

“Go” Erd snorted again and charged towards the west.

Hidian reluctantly glanced at Zhang Dingtian and flew towards the west as well.

Grace and Ballaro didn’t say a word, chasing after Erd.

Zhang Dingtian stands high in the sky, domineering and outgoing, one person and one knife make the four sides quiet, and countless people revere and cheer.

Grannie is stunned. There are such strong people among the natives. The cross-border powerhouse is definitely a cross-border powerhouse. This monster, among the expedition students of the Daewoo Empire, may be comparable to him. less.

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed. Zhang Dingtian’s blow made Lu Yin’s heart surge.

Bai Xue exhaled and showed a smile, worthy of being the head of the Seven Sages.

Bailie and Willow are shocked, this is the cross-border powerhouse, they underestimate Zhang Dingtian, knowing that he has this kind of strength, the two would never do it in the capital.

Zhang Dingtian turned and flew to the north, where is the Beijing Institute of Science and Technology, one of the most important places in China.

Lu Yin and Bai Xue hurriedly chased after them.

Granny also chased after Bailey and the two of them.

The Academy of Science and Technology is located in the north of the capital. The body brought back by Neptune was handed over to the Academy of Science and Technology for safekeeping, but for some reason it needed to be transferred. The top management of Huaxia, including No. 1, were present at the moment of the transfer. Only they had the authority to order, but But a big explosion occurred, leading to doomsday.

It can be said that the Academy of Science and Technology is the origin of everything.

Bailie and Willuoguang thought about going to Zhang Dingtian’s residence and Office No. 1 to find them, but they didn’t think of the Science and Technology Institute at all, only Erd thought of it.

When several people arrived at the Academy of Science and Technology, they saw wreckage and the bodies of many people on the ground.

Zhang Dingtian clenched his fists and asked the army to block the surrounding area to find survivors.

“Hua Sheng, even the dean wants to see you” a soldier reported.

Zhang Dingtian was pleasantly surprised, “The dean is alive?” After speaking, let the soldiers lead the way.

There is a depression a few kilometers away from the ruins of the Science and Technology Institute. This is the underground entrance of the Science and Technology Institute. Beautiful woman in black business attire.

“Huan Sha, how’s the dean?” Zhang Dingtian hurriedly asked when he arrived.

The woman named Huan Sha said, “It’s okay, just a little frightened.”

“What kind of fright? It’s just a slap in the foot. I’m not frightened.” The old man said unhappily.

Huan Sha smiled and said, “Yes, yes, it’s just a slap in the foot.”

Zhang Dingtian looked at the old man, “Dean, what happened?”.

Lu Yin and several people appeared at the same time.

Bai Xue looked at Lu Yin with a strange look. Just now, Lu Yin searched Bailey and Willow’s congealing ring in front of her, and took everything that could be taken away, leaving her quite disappointed. for weird.

Lu Yin is of course, he also contributed to this battle, and he is very poor and must not be wasted.

Bailie and Willow’s star energy crystals add up to a cube, and they can roll the dice again. Thinking of this, Lu Yin is excited. I don’t know what it will shake. I really look forward to it.

Lian Dean asked Zhang Dingtian to disperse the army, Zhang Dingtian waved his hand, and Huan Sha was also driven away, leaving only Bai Xue, Lu Yin and Granny.

Lu Yin asked Granny to leave, but Granny was quite reluctant. After Erd left from here, she rushed to the west and found something obvious, she also wanted to know.

Lu Yin glared at her, and Granny left reluctantly.

Besides, Bai Xue stared at Lu Yin, thinking that she wanted Lu Yin to leave.

Lu Yin ignored him at all, but looked at Dean Lian curiously.

“Who is this?” Dean Lian asked Lu Yin, looking at him.

Lu Yin said, “I’m here to listen on behalf of Zhou Shan.”

Snow White was speechless.


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