Star Odyssey Chapter 281: Bai Ye has no injuries


“What’s the matter?” The man laughed angrily, “You think I’m a sparring coach, show your true skills.”

Lu Yin’s eyes swept to Fairy Yue who was standing in the corner, and he shot at a high speed. The man only felt a flower in front of him, it was dark, and then he was unconscious. He was simply knocked out by Lu Yin.

With a bang, the foundation shook, and a sword energy swept across, killing a tester in seconds. Li Zimo was unstoppable.

“Indigenous Death” A white night man rushed out, raised his palm and pressed Li Zimo, the black and white in his palm changed, causing many people around to faint.

Li Zimo’s eyes lit up, the blade of his sword flipped, and he passed by the white night man. The white night man spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. The sword mark on his chest was deep into his bones.

With a huff, a huge pressure came from above Li Zimo’s head, causing his hair to stand up, and he subconsciously retreated. The sixth floor of the Zhenguang Tower was directly bombed, and Zhan Long Baiye walked out of the smoke and stared at Li Zimo, “You not bad”.

Li Zimo’s eyes are dignified, and he is a master.

The two didn’t talk nonsense, and rushed to each other at the same time. The next moment, the radius of 1000 meters became a no-man’s land, and no one dared to join their battlefield.

Li Zimo is the only one of the three commanders of the avant-garde in the Ming Dynasty. The other two are in the Exploration Realm, and they all went to the Five Luck Stars. However, their deputy commanders are also in the extreme realm, blocking the testers. master.

Not only the Ming avant-garde, but the original defense power in the Zhenguang Tower is not weak. Among them, there are also masters who have entered the Evergreen List.

The sixth floor is very broad, and the battlefield is not concentrated. All testers aim to rush to the next floor.

Lu Yin shuttled through the battlefield and appeared in front of Fairy Yue. Fairy Yue was surprised and subconsciously used the protection of the Water God Cloth, but was torn apart by Lu Yin with a single palm. This scene shocked Fairy Yue and thought of Lu Yin at the same time, although her appearance changed Yes, but it hasn’t changed much, and there are not many people who can easily tear apart the Water God Clothes.

“Are you Lu Yin?” Fairy Yue shouted sharply and stepped back vigilantly.

Lu Yin’s eyes were cold, “You didn’t tell me you were going to attack the Zhenguang Tower.”

Fairy Yue’s eyes flashed, “I didn’t know before coming to Mingdu.”

“That’s right” Lu Yin didn’t care, “If you have any last words, hurry up and say, for the sake of you helping me infiltrate the Daming Mansion, I can pass it on to the Hanyue Sect for you.”

Fairy Moon’s eyes were cold, and she took a few steps back again, “You want to kill me?”.

“It’s not me, it’s Minghao, you don’t know? The news that the Zhenguang Pagoda is a five-fortune node is released by Minghao, and your attack on the Zhenguang Pagoda is a tacit understanding between the Dark Mist Territory and the Shenwu Continent. This battle is very tacit, you are the chess pieces” Lu Yin said lightly.

Fairy Moon frowned, “No one dares to use us as chess pieces, and the Dark Mist Territory is no exception.”

Lu Yin laughed, “The Dark Mist Territory has the darkest forces in the entire universe, perhaps not as powerful as the chaotic flow world of the inner universe, but not bad at all in terms of xinxing. What to do, this is a trial, not a game.”

“How do you know? What else do you know?” Fairy Yue was surprised, the guy in front of him had to go her way to enter Daming Mansion, how could he know so much?

Lu Yin looked into the distance, vaguely saw Han Chong passing by, and thought for a while, “Something is about to happen, you can do it yourself.” After speaking, he left immediately.

Fairy Moon is not sure if Lu Yin really knows something or is cheating on her. If what he said is true, one of the testers in Shenwu Continent is secretly manipulating them, putting their lives on the gamble. Whether or not the Zhenguang Pagoda is broken, the credit belongs to that person. If it cannot be broken, that person may not even show up. She, including Han Chong, and the people of the Bai Ye clan are all his pawns.

Impossible, no one can use them as pawns, but Fairy Yue thought for a while, and suddenly found a problem, all the testers attacked the Zhenguang Tower at the same time, who is the leader? Han Chong? Impossible, this group of people has just arrived. They can inquire about the news of the Zhenguang Tower and organize so many people. It should be arranged for a long time. Who is it?

On the seventh floor of the Zhenguang Pagoda, Han Chong entered, and two long knives swept past him. He avoided it easily, and with a wave of his hand, Wu Jin painted and crushed the two Ming avant-garde guards in front of him. It was pitch black, only the sixth layer of light illuminated a little bit, where is the node?

On the sixth floor, the battle between Li Zimo and Zhanlong Baiye is getting more and more intense. It should be said that Li Zimo’s sword qi sweeps are getting more and more frequent. harm.

At this moment, the shock in Li Zimo’s heart is beyond words. As the second in the Evergreen List, apart from the mysterious first in the Martial King Realm, there should be no opponents. Over the years, he has also encountered many outsiders, and he has no equals at the same level. People are his opponents, but the man in front of him is too terrifying, not to mention defeat, not even injured.

Zhanlong Baiye grinned and tore off his coat, “Your swordsmanship is good, come here, slash at this”, he pointed to his chest with a arrogant attitude.

Li Zimo drew his sword and stood, staring at him intently, his sword hilt turned over, “arrogant”, speaking, his footsteps lightly, a sword swept past, the surroundings were silent, this sword almost isolated the space, more than any other before him. Each sword is strong, and its power even exceeds that of the second sword among the thirteen swords that Liu Shaoqiu cast. This is the Silent Sword, Li Zimo’s strongest sword move.

Zhan Long Bai Ye was careless. He thought that Li Zimo had used all his strength just now, but he didn’t expect this to be the strongest sword move. His chest was torn open by a sword, and blood splattered all over the ground.

Lu Yin jumped onto a broken stone and looked at Zhan Long Bai Ye, do you want to take the opportunity to kill him?


Blood spilled on the ground, Zhanlong Baiye lowered his head, felt the pain in his chest, and turned around slowly, “Enough, boy, you are the first in the extreme realm to cut me.”

Li Zimo’s eyes narrowed as he watched Zhanlong Baiye’s chest scars gradually disappear, but after a few seconds, it returned to its original state. Except for the blood stains, there was no trace of injury at all. How could it be possible?

Lu Yin’s scalp is also numb, what’s the matter?

“It’s a familiar exercise, I seem to have seen it in the border war records” Guihou said.

“This is the Baiye Clan’s cultivation technique” Lu Yin said in a low voice.

Gui Hou exclaimed, “I remember, Bai Ye has no injuries, yet someone else has practiced this heaven-defying technique.”

“You know?” Lu Yin wondered.

Gui Hou said in a low voice, “I’ve seen a lot of records of the strong people about themselves, and one of them mentioned that Bai Ye has no injury power. A long time ago, maybe thousands of years ago, the Bai Ye clan had a bad day. The ghosts fought against five alien beasts of the cruise realm with the strength of the exploration realm. The battle lasted for several days, and the final result ended at the cost of five deaths. The four alien beasts of the cruise realm and the ghost of the Baiye tribe perished together, leaving only the last person. It’s that strong man, he mentioned in detail that Bai Ye has no injuries.”

After a pause, Guihou continued, “This exercise is not about combat skills, but about resilience, almost abnormal resilience. If a person’s resilience value is ten, then the exercise is successful. His resilience may rise to 100, 1,000 or even 10,000, and any injury will recover instantly, extremely abnormal, the reason why he was able to kill the Bai Ye clan ghost in the first place was all delayed by time, and it was forced to death.”

Lu Yin was shocked, “Is there such a technique? Isn’t this guy also invincible?”.

“Almost, no one at the same level can kill him anyway, and the longer you practice this technique, the stronger your strength in all aspects, infinitely stronger, very, very abnormal, that powerhouse wrote in the record , once encountering a person who cultivates the Baiye Wushu Gong, he will kill him, and he cannot be given a chance to grow up,” Guihou said solemnly.

Resilience, so familiar, by the way, the profound art of life and death, he remembered that the reason why the profound art of life and death can greatly improve the strength is because it suppresses the resilience of the human body and converts this potential into strength, which is no harm to Bai Ye. On the contrary, Lu Yin suddenly remembered one thing. No wonder he had a feeling of repression when he fought against Zhan Long Bai Ye before. Could it be that the profound art of life and death was suppressing Bai Ye’s harmless art?

If this is the case, he looks at the battle dragon Bai Ye in the distance, this guy is too unlucky, the life and death profound art that no one has practiced for countless years has been practiced by himself, and he should be regarded as the only one in this universe who is unharmed in Bai Ye. The nemesis of power.

As Zhanlong Baiye recovered, Li Zimo gradually fell into a disadvantage. No matter how strong his attack was, it was useless. Zhanlongbaiye was completely in a deadly posture. After a while, Li Zimo’s long sword was cracked, and he took a bite. He vomited blood, and his face was pale.

The defensive power in the Zhenguang Tower gradually fell into the lower hand. Lu Yin didn’t want Li Zimo to be killed, and more importantly, he couldn’t die at the hands of the Baiye clan, otherwise this achievement would be enough for Zhanlong Baiye to join the Outer Universe Youth Council .

Thinking about it, he rushed to the battlefield in a flash, picked up a boulder and slammed it towards the battle dragon Baiye.

Zhan Long Bai Ye waved one hand, the boulder shattered, and his cold eyes swept to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin lowered his head and bombarded the ground, raising a large amount of dust.

Zhan Long Bai Ye disdainful, “carved bug tricks”.

Li Zimo looked at Lu Yin and said in a low voice, “Don’t interfere, leave.”

Lu Yin wanted to say something, but a voice came from his ear. At the same time, Li Zimo also heard it. The two looked at each other and rushed to the fifth floor of the Zhenguang Tower at the same time.

At the same time, the Ming avant-garde defending in the Zhenguang Tower and other Shenwu Continent masters retreated one after another, and Zhanlong Baiye and others were strange.

Fairy Moon jumped in her heart and had a bad premonition, “Brother Zhanlong, this is a trap, they want to seal us inside.”

Zhan Long Bai Ye raised his head, “It depends on their ability.” After saying that, he jumped up and rushed to the fifth floor like Lu Yin and the others.

Li Zimo swung his hand and slashed down with a sword in an attempt to intercept Zhan Long Bai Ye, but Zhan Long Bai Ye is not only Bai Ye without injury, his speed is also amazing, beyond the expectations of Li Zimo and others, when Li Zimo and others reach the fifth When they reached the fifth floor, Zhanlong Baiye followed closely, and in addition to them, several trialists also came to the fifth floor.

“Kill him down” Li Zimo murmured and shot at the battle dragon Bai Ye.

Lu Yin shot at the same time and slapped Zhan Long Bai Ye with a palm.

Zhan Long Bai Ye drank coldly, his fists slammed out, black and white alternated, this is Bai Ye Fist, with a bang, Li Zimo’s long sword cracked, retreating dozens of meters, Lu Yin’s palm and Zhan Long Bai Ye punched Hit, there was a loud bang, and the air waves swept the four directions, suppressing the several Bai Ye clan masters who were rushing upward again.


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