Star Odyssey Chapter 19: Four points of talent


Granny shook her head, “No, the planet we were supposed to try was quite far from Earth.”

Lu Yin didn’t expect to get such information, the evolution of the earth was not brought by the Daewoo Empire, but internally generated, the fugitive, Neptune, is it the corpse?

“What is the identity of the fugitive?” Lu Yin asked.

Granny coughed a few times, “No, I don’t know, his identity is top secret, neither his appearance nor his name are known.”

“Then how did you find it?” Lu Yin asked.

Granny said, “This is the mission, the trial mission can’t be easy.”

“Even if you find the fugitive, can you catch him with the strength of your students?” Lu Yin asked curiously.

“He escaped from the inner universe to the outer universe, and he has long been seriously injured. It is impossible for him to retain more than the strength of the melting realm, and everything on his body has been destroyed, and he has lost his life-saving means,” Granny replied.

Ten minutes later, Granny was released, and Lu Yin asked her to take a bath and treat her.

For a whole day, Granny did not appear in front of Lu Yin, and it was not until the afternoon of the next day that Granny and Lu Yin met.

Although Granny suffered a lot for half a month, her injuries were all healed except for her right shoulder. This is the power of the cosmic healing medicine.

Meeting again, Lu Yin took Granny to an open grass in Zhongshan, “Except for your shoulders, you have recovered, how is it? Do you want to try to beat me, so that I can have a taste of what was imprisoned? pain?”.

Granny stared at Lu Yin angrily, with iron chains tied around her hands and feet.

Lu Yin smiled and said, “Stop pretending, with your strength, these things can’t bind you.”

With a sound of pong, Granny broke free from the chain, and suddenly there was a biting pain in her right arm. She turned pale and exhaled, “I said I would help you.”

Lu Yin took out Tres’s gun from his waist and threw it on the ground, “Without this energy gun, you shouldn’t be afraid.”

Grannie looked at the energy gun that Lu Yin was still on the ground in surprise. This gun was something that Tres saved her life, and it was enough to threaten the strong explorers. It was also the reason why Granny was afraid of Lu Yin. , Lu Yin actually gave up voluntarily?

“Come on, you can try to defeat me, you win, Jinling is yours, and you can take revenge, that’s great,” Lu Yin provoked.

Grannie’s eyes widened, she flicked her long hair, and her figure changed to rush to Lu Yin. She had to use all her strength, even if she had only one hand left, she was confident that even if she couldn’t easily defeat this person, she could still draw a tie. It’s not an expedition chick.

At the moment of approaching Lu Yin, Granny’s feet rubbed against the ground to generate sparks, her left palm swept across, and the sparks condensed, “flaming palm”.

Lu Yin watched the attack of Granny’s flaming palms, stalked to dodge easily, and threw the flame crystals at will, “Then the ignition is not enough, come again”.

Grannie was surprised, but didn’t hesitate. Since she made the move, she went all out. The flame crystals shattered to create a raging flame. Granny crossed the flames, turned her left palm, and the flames seemed to gather spirituality. The deep flames slapped Lu Yin with a palm.

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed, he stepped back half a position, raised his right palm, the stars appeared, and patted Granny’s flaming palm.


The air wave shattered the earth, the heat wave rushed, and the flames swept high into the sky, and then erupted, and countless sparks bloomed.

A powerful air wave broke out between the two of them, and then, Granny spit out a mouthful of blood, and her body flew out, hitting the ground hard, spitting out blood again.

Lu Yin didn’t move, even his expression didn’t change.

When he was looking at the realm, he could still use the Tianxing Palm to inflict heavy damage on Tres. Now he is the same explorer as Granny, and the combat power is not much different. Killing is his mercy.

Granny slumped to the ground, looking at Lu Yin in shock, “How is that possible?”.

She knew that this person’s palm was powerful, and she defeated her flame palm just after breaking through the exploration, but at that time she was still injured and couldn’t exert her full power, but just now, she gave full play to the flame palm. Palm, I don’t even have the qualifications to let this person take a step back.

The surrounding torture camp troops came quickly, but Lu Yin forced them back.

Lu Yin walked to Granny step by step, “Do you still want to resist?”.

Granny’s mouth was bleeding, her beautiful face was pale, “What combat skills?”.

Lu Yin sneered, “Three times – wave palm”.

“How is that possible? It’s not a wave palm at all” Granny said weakly.

Lu Yin picked up the energy gun with a smile and said, “Have you never heard of a legend? A strong man once shattered the stars with a hundredfold wave palm, and defeated you easily with triple wave palm.”

Grannie is still immersed in shock and wonder, and it is difficult for her to accept that a person who once could have easily suppressed her can now easily defeat her in turn.

“Heal yourself, from now on, you are my personal bodyguard” Lu Yin glanced at Granny with a smile, turned and left.

Granny was bitter and vomited blood again, no wonder the **** let him shoot, originally trying to subdue him.

Returning to his residence, Lu Yin was excited. Although his combat strength was only 1500, but with Tianxing Palm, even if Tres made a full shot, he would not be his opponent. Finally, he had the capital to protect himself.

Lu Yin asked Xu San to guard outside and announced a retreat.

He took out the star energy crystal in the closed training room inside Zhongshan and crushed it directly. He did not absorb it, but took out the dice.

Since the last time it was used, the dice had been dimmed. Lu Yin observed it several times and found that its light was gradually recovering, but the speed was extremely slow, so he guessed that star energy might be needed.

As soon as the dice was taken out, the star energy that permeated the training room surged away and was absorbed by it. The dim light on the surface gradually recovered. Lu Yin took out the star energy crystals one by one, and the light on the surface of the dice continued to recover. When the last star crystal was left, it returned to the way it was when it first appeared.

A hazy star shines over it.

Lu Yin wiped his forehead, this thing has too much demand for star energy, he calculated, Granny plus the star energy crystal stored by Tres plus the amount of star energy it has recovered and absorbed for so many days Star energy, if converted into star energy crystals, is close to half a square. This is not counting the explosive energy brought to it by his own breakthrough exploration. If all are counted, a cubic star energy crystal may be needed.

You must know that the star energy crystals that Tres brought for the trial is already his limit. A rich student can’t get a cubic star energy crystal, which shows its preciousness. This thing is used every time. It will consume a cubic star energy crystal.

Lu Yin felt that he might be very poor in the future.

He will never give up the dice. The first time he used it, he brought him the heaven-defying technique of Tianxinggong. God knows what it will bring him in the future. The point is that there are no sequelae. No one knows that he stole it. No, take it, this thing is a cheat for countless people.

Don’t talk about one cube of star energy, it’s ten cubes, and he also needs to use a hundred cubes. It’s a big deal for robbery.

Lu Yin looked at the dice floating in the air, swallowed his saliva, and rubbed his hands together, “Come on, the moment to show luck has come, I hope you can bring me something good this time.” Lu Yin said, like a pilgrimage Lightly tapped the dice, and suddenly, the dice spun rapidly, and the points on the last five sides disappeared, leaving only one side – four.

“Four o’clock?” Lu Yin wondered. Before he could think about it, the environment around his body changed drastically. The training room was gone, and Zhongshan was gone. What he saw was an endless gray and white space with no end. He raised his head, It is an endless darkness, and the ground I don’t know what material is on my feet. It looks quite solid. Behind it, a set of numbers slowly changes, 25920, 259199, 2591 Ninety-eight…

The purpose of this space appeared in Lu Yin’s mind inexplicably, here is the time-still space.

Lu Yin was shocked, it was hell, time stood still? This name has only been heard in legends, but your dice actually have such a function? At four o’clock, you can stay in the space of time still for three days, and the latter group of numbers is the number of seconds, which means that you stay here until the last second, and the outside time has not changed.

Looking at the slowly changing numbers, Lu Yin exhaled, is his talent a little too scary?

Shaking his head, he shakes off his distracting thoughts, raises his hand, and the dice reappears, but this time, it’s bleak again.

Lu Yin now understands why it takes so much star energy to use this thing. At this moment, he feels that the star energy consumed may be less, compared to the space obtained.

Lu Yin took out the last star energy crystal and threw it at the group of numbers. Suddenly, the star energy crystal turned into a streamer and disappeared, and the number increased by five seconds. Lu Yin’s face twitched. Five seconds, too little. Well, he was rather speechless.


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