Star Odyssey Chapter 1847: Master


Shang Sheng Ren and Lu Yin looked at each other, looked at it for a while, and grinned, “Yes, you are not polite to me, that’s fine, if you are polite to me and beat you up, you are the Rennes war group. People, the Rennes battle group is yours, remember, those of us will always be your family, never be polite to us.”

Lu Yin nodded, “I know, so I never stared at the universe sea.”

“It’s time to keep an eye on it, I’m not the only one in the Cosmic Sea, the Rennes battle group” said Saint Renn.

Speaking of this, Lu Yin’s heart moved, “I almost forgot, what happened to the Corps? I met them on the way here, and ignored me.”

“Nonsense, they don’t care about anyone, they only know that they are wandering around, they should be guarding something.” Shang Shengren opened his personal terminal and pointed to the range of the corps.

“I heard that the Jhin regiment also played against them”.

“Not only the Jhin regiment, the Eternal War regiment, including the people from the Hall of Glory have fought against them. We were beaten out by them, and the Hall of Glory doesn’t know. Maybe the Hall of Glory found something, didn’t move, let it be The regiment is there.”

Lu Yin was curious, “How is the strength of the Corps?”.

Upon Saint Ren’s eyes narrowed, “It’s a bit powerful. Although there is no strong powerhouse, it is good at joint attacks, just like an army formation. The entire corps is like a veteran left over from the battlefield.”

“Can stop you?”.

“Nonsense, otherwise, how would I be beaten out by them?” Shang Shengren was unhappy.

Lu Yin looked at the range of the corps, guarding something?

“Anyway, as long as you don’t enter that area, you’ll be fine. The Corps has never left that area. You don’t provoke him, and he doesn’t provoke you. That’s the concept,” said Saint Renn.


There was a light sound from Lu Yin’s personal terminal. He saw that it was actually a city? connected.

“Mengzhu Lu, the person you’re looking for has appeared.” The voice of the deputy city lord of Xiaoxiong came out.

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed, “That old woman?”.

“Yes, she came to Chuangtianyuan”.

“And then what?”.

“Then it disappeared, never to be seen again”.

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, Wang Si left, it should be back to the starry sky of the tree, Bai Laogui left before, that’s fine.

In the face of Banzu, he has no ability to protect himself. He originally planned to contact Kuiluo and let this old guy protect him. Now that Wang Si is gone, there is no need to look for Kuiluo.

Actually, he contacted Queluo before he met the Sky Arrow Chapter, but he never got in touch, and he didn’t know what the old guy was doing.

In the next few days, Lu Yin stayed in the Rennes War Group and was familiar with the universe sea. During this period, he also talked to the eldest sister and said that he recommended her to become a director, but the eldest refused without hesitation. In her words, being a director is not so free, and she prefers to gallop in the universe.

Lu Yin promised her on the surface, but in fact the council was operating as usual, except for the eldest sister, he couldn’t think of a suitable candidate. As for whether the eldest sister would like it or not, he didn’t think about it at all, it would be a big deal to be beaten.

A few days later, the Renn battle group set sail and headed west. They were going to send Lu Yin to Kunze.

The death energy is gone, Lu Yin urgently needs to replenish the death energy.

About half a month later, the Renn battle group arrived not far from Kunze. Lu Yin followed Saint Renn, and the eldest sister said goodbye to them and went to Kunze.

Stayed in the Rennes battle group for nearly a month, although I was attacked every day

The eldest sister shouted and scolded, and was forced to drink by Shang Shengren. She beat her twice, but she felt very good. It was the feeling of getting along with her family.

Ren’s war group looks fierce and vicious to outsiders, and Shang Sheng Ren is even more of a pirate king, but to Lu Yin, it is quite kind and kind. It would be better if Shang Sheng Ren made a lighter shot.

In just one month, there were countless slash marks on his body, all of which were cut from the back of a tyrannical sword. Shang Shengren still did not allow him to take medication, so he could only slowly fade away.

Looking at the million miles of Kunze, this is already my third time here.

The first time I came here, Kunze escaped from prison. The second time I came, Kunze was directly attacked. I didn’t know what would happen this third time. Thinking about it, Lu Yin entered the prison with a hint of apology. The Lord should know that the Second Night King and Liu Huang are on his side.

Lu Yin guessed it well, the prison master did know.

The entire Baiye clan joined the Eastern Border Alliance. The Second Night King and Emperor Liu were all in the Eastern Border Alliance. When the prison master knew about this, he almost wanted to go to the inner universe to capture them back.

Unfortunately, he can only think about it. He can’t beat these two people.

Lu Yin stepped into the castle, the ground was shaking with a loud snoring sound, and the huge jugs fell to the ground one by one.

Lu Yin pushed away the jug and looked up, only to see the prisoner’s toes.

“Long time no see, Senior Prisoner”.

The grunting continues.

Lu Yin continued, “Some things are unavoidable, I also ask the seniors to forgive me, the juniors have no intention of hurting Kunze.”

The grunting continues.

“This is the wine that the junior brought from the universe sea, I hope the senior likes it”.

The grunting continues.

What needs to be said has been said, Lu Yin turned to leave, he came to Kunze only to absorb death energy.

Let’s go out of the castle and let go of the field. Soon, Lu Yin sees Mr. Pig. This dead pig buried himself in the swamp, lest he see Lu Yin, Lu Yin didn’t look for it and came to the corner of Kunze. .

After a while, the death energy surged in Kun Ze and was absorbed by Lu Yin.

In the castle, the prison master stood up, rubbed his head, and looked at the corner with a strange look, “This kid is not afraid of killing himself because he absorbs death energy so much. , After speaking, he picked up the bottle of wine next to him and took a big mouthful, “It’s not bad, but it’s not that easy to use a little wine to resolve the original matter. Why is it so sleepy? The wine is too strong?” sleep.

In the corner of Kunze, Lu Yin quickly absorbed death qi. As his cultivation improved, the black and white mist on his chest also expanded, and naturally more death qi was absorbed.

Lord Pig was horrified to see the death energy surging, it was terrible, this person was too scary, Lord Pig must never see him, can’t see him.

With the death energy entering the body, the black and white mist on Lu Yin’s chest became thicker and thicker. Fortunately, there was some quicksand to cover him.

It’s coming soon, it’s about to be absorbed, the whole Kunze death energy turned into a tiny river and entered Lu Yin’s body. Suddenly, he saw a face smiling at him. It was a woman’s face, beautiful and beautiful. Beautiful, very seductive.

Lu Yin suddenly looked down at Kunze’s corner. Through the swamp, he looked at that face, and those golden pupils, what is that?

Not long after, Lu Yin went deep into the ground and faced a woman face to face.

This woman he hasn’t seen before, isn’t chained, isn’t a prisoner, “Who are you?”.

The woman looked at Lu Yin with a smile, and bowed slightly, “Dead Underworld, Tongyu, see the Lord.”

Lu Yin looks solemn

Mu, Tongyu? Where have you heard it?

Looking at this woman’s golden pupils, his mind flashed, and he blurted out, “Deputy Chief Referee of the Dark Arbitration Institute, Tongyu”.

Tong Yu raised her head and smiled at Lu Yin, “It is an honor for Tong Yu to be remembered by the Lord.”

Lu Yin took a step back subconsciously and stared at her vigilantly. The reason why he remembered this woman was because she was the one who attacked Kunze before, “Why are you here?”.

Tong Yu said, “Of course, waiting for the Lord, Kunze is full of death energy, the Lord wants to replenish death energy, this is the best choice.”

“Wait for me? Don’t call me lord, I have nothing to do with your dead people” Lu Yin said solemnly.

Tong Yu blinked, “Master of Death Qi, how can it be okay?”.

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t refute. In fact, he didn’t dare to refute. The woman in front of him almost killed the prison master. He was absolutely invincible here, and it would be no good to fight against her.

“For the Lord, perhaps death energy is just a kind of power, but for us dead people, it is faith and the meaning of survival.” Tong Yu calmly looked at Lu Yin, “If there is no death energy, it is like A cultivator without star energy has no meaning to cultivate and survive. The creator of death energy is the legendary death god, and you, Lord, are the inheritor of the death god.”

“So I can order you to do things,” Lu Yin said directly.

Tong Yu smiled, “Of course, the Lord has any orders, but it doesn’t matter.”

“I want money, a lot of money.” Lu Yin was rude. This woman was waiting for him in Kunze on purpose. She couldn’t escape from left or right. Why don’t you try it out.

Tonyu curled her hair with her fingers and looked confused, “Money? Do you want a lot? I’ll think of a way.”

“You, a dignified vice referee, don’t have money?” Lu Yin didn’t believe it.

Tong Yu said helplessly, “The Lord should be talking about Star Energy Essence. The reason why Star Energy Essence is money is that it is useful to practitioners and can absorb star energy, but it is useless to us.”

Lu Yin was stunned for a moment, and yes, the Star Energy Crystal Essence is meaningless to the Dead Pluto.

“Lord, I’m curious, why do you love money so much?” Tong Yu was very curious, her eyes twinkled with gold, plus her fingertips playing with her hair and her cocked nose from time to time, she didn’t look like a super strong man at all. Rather, she is like a little girl who is ignorant of the world.

Lu Yin became more and more vigilant. The more this woman behaved like this, she wanted to let people relax, but he became more vigilant, but it seemed that no matter how vigilant it was, it was useless, and people could pinch him to death with one finger.

“Everyone has a hobby” Lu Yin can only say.

Tong Yu laughed, “Okay, I’ll try my best to find money for the Lord, the more the better, okay, okay, I’ll rob the Mebis Clan when I get a chance.”

“What on earth are you trying to do?” Lu Yin asked.

Tong Yu loosened her hair, “It’s nothing, I just meet with the Lord, and by the way, determine the level of the Lord’s absorption of death energy.”

“Oh? The result?”.

“The result is great”, Tong Yu gave a thumbs up, with a look of amazement, “Lord, you are so amazing, you can absorb it faster than anyone else, it seems that you are not absorbing death energy, but absorbing star energy” .

“Isn’t absorbing death energy the same as absorbing star energy for the dead people?”.

“That can’t be the same as drinking water,” Tong Yu muttered and rolled her eyes at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin frowned, “It’s alright, I’ll leave if it’s alright, and you can go too.” Being with a strong man who may kill himself at any time, the key is that this strong man is an enemy or a friend. Make him panic.


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