Star Odyssey Chapter 1034: Beautiful Lily


Lu Yin’s body, strength, defense, field, and even spirit have grown a bit. His eyes are weird. If he fights Xiaojian again at this moment, the result will be different. In the battle with Xiaojiansheng, without the premise of Zhou Yan Zhenjing, the odds of winning or losing are five or five, or four or six. 10% win rate.

No, maybe 20% more, with all the star energy converging into one sun, the combat power is enough to make 300,000 combat power enlightened experts fear.

The difference is not too big every time the cruise level is upgraded. If you break through the hunting level, it will be a qualitative difference. Not to mention Little Arrow Saint, even if Daoyuan is three days old, he may not be his opponent.

Lu Yin’s positioning is quite accurate. At the beginning, he guessed that reaching the cruising realm would be enough to fight ten battles. He did it. Now, he can be sure that once he breaks through to the hunting realm, it will be enough to compete with Daoyuan for three days. Three enlightenment realms battle.

Although only one second has passed in reality, Lu Yin is also very tired after cultivating for a year in the still space of time.

Going out of the Zishan Wangfu, the sun sets in the west, high in the sky, the Third Ring Continent covers a lot of light, and there is still a trace of afterglow falling on Zishan Wangfu.

The height of the Zishan Palace is second only to the Imperial Palace. Looking at the sunset, Lu Yin suddenly remembered that he had never seen the sunrise in the Zishan Palace, and he was looking forward to it.

Although the identity of the descendant of the Zishan King is forged, it has been used for so many years. He already has feelings for this place, and this is his home.

Standing on the edge of the palace and watching the sunset, until it was dark, Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and stepped out, tearing the void and appearing outside the tavern.

He likes to relax in his spare time. This is a good place to go.

Tonight the bistro was very lively, the tables were full.

Lu Yin Yi Rong appeared, quietly waiting aside, waiting for the other guests to finish eating and leave.

“Brother, why don’t you come to the house, there are still empty tables at home” the boss said kindly.

Lu Yin smiled, “No, I like to drink outside.”

The boss nodded and didn’t say more. He gave Lu Yin a chair and told him to wait.

Not long after, a table was vacated, old rules, wine and dishes.

Drinking wine, Lu Yin exhaled happily. After practicing for a year, it feels very comfortable to rest occasionally.

At this time, an exclamation came from the adjacent table, “Red, red, female ghost?”.

“What? Where’s the ghost?”.

“Look, there’s red there”.

When Lu Yin heard the words, he turned his head and looked into the distance. He saw a touch of red and a coquettish and beautiful face slowly approaching.

The guests in the tavern were scared away, and the boss was so frightened that his calf trembled, and he looked at the woman in red slowly approaching in fear.

In the big night, everyone is afraid of looking so beautiful in bright red clothes.

Lu Yin’s eyes flashed, why is this woman here?

Red Lily, the young generation’s top expert in the fire domain, ranked 31st in the top 100 battle list before the isolation of the inner and outer universes. The inner universe has experienced wars and wars for several years, and some people may come out later, or some may die. Ranking may move forward or backward.

He had only met this woman a few times, and only once said anything. It was in the Jagged Territory that this woman wanted to seduce him, but he refused.

Looking at the fearful eyes of the boss, Red Lily laughed, “Don’t be afraid, I’m not a ghost.”

The boss swallowed, “Really, really?”.

Red Lily laughed, very coquettish and seductive, “Guess what?”.

The boss blinked and summoned the courage to say, “Please, what would you like to drink?”.

Red Lily sat at the table next to Lu Yin, “Come on a pot of wine”.

“Oh, good” The boss hurried into the house.

Red Lily cleaned the table and looked at Lu Yin. Everyone else was scared away, but this person stayed, which aroused her curiosity. This person must be a cultivator.

Since the battle at Xingkong Cemetery, she has been recovering from her injuries. In Zhenyuxing, she has not touched a man for a long time. Thinking about it, Hong Lily looked at Lu Yin seriously. Although she was not good-looking, she was not bad. , barely able to catch her eyes, thinking of this, she licked her lips, got up, strolled to Lu Yin’s side, and sat on the chair next to him, “Can I sit here?”.

“No” Lu Yin refused directly. He was also speechless. It seemed that every time he came to the tavern, he would meet acquaintances. Do these people live around the Zishan Palace? Looks like it’s time for a field sweep.

Red Lily was stunned and refused. This person actually refused?

No man has rejected her since she was a child, except for that person, who was rejected today.

She looked at Lu Yin with her chin on one hand, “Why not? Am I not pretty?”.

Lu Yin was helpless, looked at Red Lily, “a little annoying”.

Red Lily blinked and pointed to herself in disbelief, “Annoying? Me?”.

Lu Yin nodded seriously.

Red Lily was stunned for a moment, just at this moment, the boss’s wine was delivered, strangely, Red Lily sat on another table and brought the wine over, “Guest, your wine”.

Red Lily took it and pushed it to Lu Yin, “You mean I’m annoying?”.

Lu Yin held the jug with one hand and slowly pushed it to Red Lily, “Sit and go.”

Red Lily frowned and tried hard, trying to push the jug to Lu Yin, but she couldn’t push it, her eyes flashed, the air became scorching hot, in the void, red lilies bloomed, and the electrical appliances in the house burst open, scaring The boss has to rush to put out the fire.

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed, staring at the red lily, “retreat”, and shouted loudly, the red lily seemed to have been hit by an indescribable attack, the whole person swayed, and almost didn’t fall, his eyes were horrified, knowing that he touched When it came to the terrifying powerhouse, he turned around and left without saying a word.

Before taking a few steps, Lu Yin suddenly remembered something, “Stop, come back.”

Red Lily turned around and saluted Lu Yin slowly, “Red Lily of Fire Region offends senior, please forgive me.”

Lu Yin said lightly, “I know you are from the Fire Territory, and I can still recognize the aura of the Jiehuoyan Sword.”

Red Lily was surprised, she could recognize the Fire Tribulation Sword, it must come from the inner universe, she looked at Lu Yin’s face seriously, a little familiar, after thinking about it, her face changed, “Are you Lu Yin?”.

Lu Yin smiled lightly and regained her face, “Long time no see, Red Lily.”

Red Lily stared at Lu Yin, relieved, and patted her chest, “I’m scared to death, I thought it was an old senior, Brother Lu, you have to compensate the younger sister, but you were almost scared to death”, saying , sat down on his own, and naturally gave Lu Yin a glare with a seductive look.

Lu Yin said lightly, “Why are you here?”.

Red Lily said, “Follow the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance to join the war, I am injured, come to Zhen Yuxing to cultivate.”

“Well, it’s not for Huoyu to monitor me, right?” Lu Yin said.

Red Lily smiled lightly, “Brother Lu thinks too much, how can a little girl’s strength be enough to monitor Brother Lu? Lord Huohou is also dead, and there are no masters in the outer universe of Huoyu, so Brother Lu doesn’t need to care.”

Lu Yin poured a glass of wine, “The inner and outer universes are about to restore connectivity, what are your plans?”.

“Brother Lu, what do you mean?” Red Lily wondered.

“It’s nothing interesting, I’m just curious about the fire domain” Lu Yin said casually, taking a sip of wine.

Red Lily looked at Lu Yin charmingly, “The little girl knows that Huoyu has a misunderstanding with Brother Lu, but these have nothing to do with the little girl. Brother Lu would not want to use the little girl for surgery.”

Lu Yin laughed, “It’s just a little misunderstanding, not so much.”

Red Lily laughed and poured wine for Lu Yin herself, her pure white wrist resting on the back of Lu Yin’s hand, very slippery and comfortable.

Back in the Jagged Territory, this woman had seduced Lu Yin, and she still doesn’t give up.

She likes to play, especially with the strong.

“I remember when I was in the Jagged Territory, the little girl invited Brother Lu to drink, but Brother Lu refused. I didn’t expect that we would have a chance to drink together in a few years.” Extremely human.

Lu Yin nodded, “Yes, a few years have passed in a flash.”

Red Lily drank the wine, her face showing a ruddy look, and she looked at Lu Yin with drunken eyes, “Brother Lu, the little girl is not drinking well, she may not be able to go home tonight, can you go to Zishan Wangfu?”.

Lu Yin’s mouth curled up, raised his hand, and raised Hong Lily’s chin. Hong Lily raised her head very cooperatively and leaned towards Lu Yin. Lu Yin’s body leaned forward. Yin said, “Do you know who made the giant starship?”.

Red Lily woke up instantly, but she still looked at Lu Yin with a hazy look, “What kind of giant ship on the galaxy? Brother Lu, don’t let it go.”

Lu Yin’s eyes narrowed, and her spirit came out with the night. Everything in front of Hong Lily became dark. She seemed to have returned to the border of the Jagged Territory, saw the huge beast crushing her, and felt the terrifying aura of her life coming to an end.

The arrival of the night only lasted for two seconds, Lu Yin withdrew his energy and looked at the red lily.

Red Lily was panting heavily, her pupils were getting bigger and smaller, her body was soaked with sweat, she was scared, and her brain was still dizzy.

With her energy, even if she touches Ye Lin, she can’t bear it. It’s just Lu Yin’s mercy that she didn’t faint.

Although Lu Yin’s strength is in the same cruising realm as hers, it is very different.

“Have you thought about it now? I want to know who made the giant starship and who can repair it” Lu Yin said lightly, loosening the red lily.

Red Lily’s arm rested on the table, sweat dripped down, her breathing gradually calmed down, and what she saw in front of her gradually became clearer. She couldn’t believe it. Lu Yin’s terrifying strength was beyond her imagination. Big, at the moment of Yan Xing’s competition, this man couldn’t even beat the fifty-fifth soldier Bai Ye, but now he is enough to crush her.

It’s not crushing, she asks herself that she has no ability to resist, and she doesn’t even know how to resist.

Looking up and looking at Lu Yin, Hong Lily exhaled fiercely, “Brother Lu, you said you wouldn’t use a little girl for surgery.”

Lu Yin said lightly, “I’m asking you a question.”

Red Lily said bitterly, “Is this the heart of you, the leader of the Eastern Border Alliance? Even me, a woman will not be spared.”


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