Star Odyssey Chapter 1033: Continuous breakthrough


Although Xiaojian Sheng has the nine-pattern battle aura defense, he almost let go of his long bow by a hundred heavy shocks. At the critical moment, he pulled the bowstring and the arrow shot at Lu Yin’s heart, Lu Yin quickly launched the word “Yu” Secretly transferred the arrow, taking this opportunity, Xiao Jiansheng slapped Lu Yin with a palm, Lu Yin slammed his elbow, and with a bang, the two opened the distance again.

Little Arrow Saint stared sharply at Lu Yin, his eyes were a little incredible, “Impossible, how could you have a combat power comparable to mine”.

Lu Yin clenched his fists and exhaled very comfortably. He was fighting against Xiaojiansheng, and he was the Xiaojiansheng who showed his strength perfectly, and even the Yinzhao appeared, which meant that he was strong enough to compete with Xiaojiansheng. Ten finals head-to-head battle.

Little Arrow Saint can’t figure out how Lu Yin has improved so much in such a short period of time. In the Cosmic Sea battle, this person is still only eight-patterned fighting spirit, and his strength is not enough to fight against nine-patterned fighting spirit, let alone almost steal it. Longbow, and he doesn’t have such a strong spirit and fighting skills, even he is affected, how can this person improve so much?

The more you think about it, the more terrifying it becomes. The little arrow saint has a murderous look in his eyes. He can’t let this person live. Thinking about it, he raised his long bow and shot out a series of arrows. According to the power of blessing, with superimposed skills to cover all directions that Lu Yin can avoid.

Little Arrow Saint made his move with all his strength.

Lu Yin’s eyes were fierce, and the stars in his right hand converged. At this moment, it was not one sun. Behind the one sun, the second sun slowly condensed out and slammed into it.

Lu Yin blasted out a sun with nearly half of his star energy, smashing arrows and arrows. He wanted to make up for the gap in realm with his star energy far exceeding that of ordinary people, but Xiao Jiansheng is Yuzi after all. There is also a lot of energy, the arrows are like endless, one yang is quickly consumed, and the second yang can’t stop a few arrows.

Little Arrow Saint made up his mind to shoot Lu Yin with arrows. He did not hesitate to consume star energy to expand the coverage infinitely, just to prevent Lu Yin from escaping at speed.

With a wave of Lu Yin’s hand, Yu Zi Mi was activated, and an arrow turned towards Xiao Jian Sheng himself.

Little Arrow Saint hurriedly shot arrows to cancel each other out.

What Lu Yin needs is the moment when they cancel each other out, Ye Lin appears again, bombarded with energy, and at the same time, he points out, and in a dream, he points.

Three attacks are combined into one, even if Little Arrow Saint can slow down, it will take at least one second, this second is enough.

Lu Yin appeared behind Little Arrow Saint and shot with a palm, ‘100-fold-300-fold-wave palm’.


Small Arrow Sage’s back was in severe pain, and the hundred-strength force covered three hundred times the wave of the palm. The power that the Enlightenment Realm was afraid of, under the palm of his hand, the Little Arrow Sage flew out and vomited blood in the air.

Lu Yin quickly caught up and shot him down again.

Sacred Little Arrow’s eyes were piercing, “Serenity”, the voice fell, and the image behind him suddenly became incomparably clear, waving his long bow, and smack Lu Yin directly.

Lu Yin’s scalp was numb, the warning signs appeared, and the right palm he hit waved, his arms crossed in front of him, and with a bang, the whole person was swept away, the bones of both arms were directly broken, and the severe pain swept the nerves. The person smashed into the jungle in the distance of Zhizitai.

Xiao Jiansheng was not feeling well either. Lu Yin’s palm really hurt him, his body fell to the ground, and he spat out blood again. In the distance, some practitioners looked at him in disbelief, unable to understand how Tangtang Yuzi was would be so embarrassed.

Little Arrow Saint gritted his teeth and stood up, the pain came from his back again, and a palm print was deeply imprinted in his body. If it weren’t for the nine-pattern fighting spirit, that palm would definitely cause him serious injury. This man’s strength is too great. It was enough to inflict damage on him, coupled with the multiplier wave palm of 100-fold strength, it was an ordinary attack, but it was hit with the power of a peerless combat technique.

Little Arrow Saint hurriedly used the resurrection technique to heal, and at the same time rushed into the distance, this person was also severely injured, and he must take this opportunity to kill him.

When Xiao Jiansheng came to the distant jungle, he found that Lu Yin had disappeared, leaving only bloodstains in place.

Little Arrow Sage was unwilling and looked at the longbow, which also had blood stains on it. He used mystical techniques to increase his power, and he definitely inflicted heavy damage on this person, but he didn’t know how much he was injured.

No, I can’t let this person go easily, thinking, Little Arrow Sage immediately ordered all practitioners to search for Lu Yin’s traces, and all injured practitioners were arrested.

Not long after Xiaojiansheng left the jungle, Lu Yin walked out from the ground not far away and exhaled.

Looking at his arms, the pain was intensifying, he took the medicine pill, frowned and looked out of the jungle.

As expected of Yuzi, Yinzhao, and Mystery Descending have improved his strength by two grades in a row. Fortunately, he also hurt him, proving that with his current strength, he is enough to fight against Xiaojiansheng, at least he wants to defeat him myself, it’s hard.

But it is also difficult for me to defeat Little Arrow Saint. It seems that I still need to improve my realm.

Little Arrow Saint is not the strongest domain child, perhaps not even in the top three, but the True Martial Night King is enough to rank in the forefront of the ten finals.

If you want to defeat the Night King of Zhenwu, your current strength is still a bit poor. In addition to improving your realm, you must have stronger means.

However, in the battle with Zhenwu Night King, he has the Zhou Yan scripture. This is the ruins of Daoyuanzong, and the Zhou Yan scripture cannot be used. Only the fifth continent can do it. If the battle just broke out on the fifth continent, I would Chances of defeating Little Arrow Saint are high.

Zhou Yan Zhenjing is enough to erase the strength of Xiao Jiansheng’s imprint.

Children’s Terrace, Tiankeng, Cangjing Pavilion, etc., Little Arrow Saint captured Lu Yin as Yuzi, plus Zhiyi’s bounty, all the practitioners of the Sixth Continent launched a search.

Unfortunately, they were destined to be unable to find them. After a while, the scene before Lu Yin changed, he left the ruins of Daoyuan Sect, and appeared in the secret room of Zishan Wangfu.

I moved my arm. Fortunately, the injury was not as severe as I imagined. The technology star field life and death profound art not only improved my fighting spirit and strength, but also the field, and even physical defense. Hai’s combat power at that time was enough to seriously injure himself with just one blow.

Looking at the personal terminal, there are also several territories in the West that have joined the Eastern Border Alliance. The main reason is that the positive response of thousands of cities has shaken many forces in the western territories.

Lu Yin guessed that Wang Wen had taken action, otherwise Qiong Xier would not have responded so positively to the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance.

One month after he entered the ruins of Daoyuanzong, nothing major happened in the outer universe, except that the scale of the Eastern Border Alliance was expanding, and Wang Wenzheng transferred a lot of resources from the outer universe to the twelfth team of the imperial court for manufacturing Transformation of people.

Lu Yin has no objection. He is most concerned about Turtledove’s research on the new cosmic armor.

Thinking, Lu Yin sent a message to Turtle Dove.

The turtledove did not reply.

Lu Yin left the Zishan Palace and came to the underground research institute of the 12th team of the Imperial Court.

Seeing Lu Yin’s arrival, the members of the twelfth team of the Imperial Court hurriedly saluted.

Lu Yin waved their hands to let them back off, and came to Turtledove’s research room by himself, and found that he was concentrating on researching those materials, and there was a battle armor pattern that was about to be drawn in the light curtain in mid-air.

Lu Yin took a look and left.

The turtle dove is still studying, and he doesn’t want to disturb him. Then, it’s time to use the Tianyan Stone to practice.

There are countless cultivation methods in the universe, and even absorbing star energy, there are countless ways to increase the speed, and Lu Yin is confident that the speed at which he absorbs star energy should be unmatched.

Not everyone has a body that can withstand extreme high temperatures, and not everyone can get a treasure like the Tianyan Stone.

The factors that used to restrict Lu Yin from improving his cultivation realm were high temperature and star energy. Now, both of them have been solved. Before, he was worried that his realm would be unstable due to the skyrocketing strength. Now he is fighting against Xiaojiansheng. Worrying about this, thinking about it, Lu Yin raised his hand and the dice appeared.

If you want to cultivate, there is definitely not enough time in reality, only time is still space.

As soon as he pointed out, the dice rolled and finally stopped. At four o’clock, luck was quite good. The scene in front of Lu Yin’s eyes changed and appeared in the still space of time.

Directly extend the time-still space for half a year, but more than 400 cubic stars can crystallize.

With a wave of Lu Yin’s hand, countless star energy crystals spread out, at least one million. He took out the Tianyan Stone, took a deep breath, and ninety-nine stars came out and began to practice.

Cultivation time is like a white horse, a month passed quickly, Lu Yin opened his eyes, the star energy crystal essence was consumed by hundreds of thousands, the space was hot, and the high temperature stripes branded on the surface of the body were still unbearable.

Vaguely, a roar could be heard from the Tianyan Stone.

Because he was worried that Tianyan Stone would give birth to a fire dragon, Lu Yin did not continue to improve.

With another wave of his hand, the star energy crystals on the ground increased by one million again. Lu Yin closed his eyes and continued to practice.

Soon, another month passed, and it wasn’t long before the sixth cycle was broken. Lu Yin took a deep breath. Ten days later, his body vibrated, and air waves shot out. He suddenly opened his eyes and clenched his fists. The body made a slight roar, the sixth cycle was completed, and he became a six-cycle cruise cultivator.

As for the Star Energy Essence, it consumes about 600,000 cubic meters.

If it wasn’t for this method, it would take 800 years to reach six cycles even if one cultivated with the Heavenly Star Art.

The more the total amount of star energy contained, the more you can ignore the suppression of the realm.

Nowadays, Lu Yin can ignore the suppression of more than 200,000 warriors in the Enlightenment Realm.

Looking at his hands, he fought against Xiao Jiansheng, and the injury to his arm has recovered.

I have been isolated from the inner and outer universe for more than six years. Six years ago, I needed to rely on foreign objects to fight against the enlightened powerhouse. The first one to kill was Khadgar. Now, even without relying on foreign objects, I can destroy myself. Killing Khadgar only took more than six years.

Lu Yin felt that he was training too fast, but he needed to be faster.

There is still a lot of high temperature in the Tianyan Stone. It absorbed the flames of the Dark Phoenix Clan that blocked the entire clan. Lu Yin estimated that these flames could increase himself to seven cycles.

Thinking, close your eyes and continue to practice.

The scene changed, Lu Yin opened his eyes, and he had returned to the secret room of Zishan Wangfu. One second passed in real time, and one year passed in the still time space.

In the first half of the year, he cultivated with the extremely high temperature of Tianyan Stone, and raised his realm to the seven-cycle cruising realm, a speed that few people in the universe can achieve. In the second half of the year, he consolidated his current realm.


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