Self-cultivation of the Exorcist Chapter 673: The dead end brought by Lamer’s Bell



Lian Hamel might actually be alive.

Du Wei had been in contact with him before, and he had also fought against him in another way. He knew very well the wisdom and means of this former genius hunter.


It didn’t make the situation any better.

On the contrary, Du Wei realized a very terrible thing.

If Ryan Hammel was alive.

What form does Ryan exist now?

Has he already become that person’s ability?

Or is it dead?

Du Wei couldn’t think of it.

Inexplicably, he felt a little irritable.

Two tombs, three sarcophagi.

There must still be a sarcophagus in the tomb that disappeared.

Du Wei remained calm. He stood in the rainstorm, and the evil spirit team behind him gave him a little bit of confidence.

The more it is like this, the more you have to stay rational.

Go and grab the slightest clue, and then maybe you will be able to know the truth of the matter.


Du Wei asked himself: “If I am Ryan Hamel, I am not dead, so why should I let my evil spirit ability become another me?”

If you are not dead, it is completely meaningless to do so.

Power can only be considered power if it is in your own hands.

In the hands of others, it is a fatal factor that threatens one’s own existence.

Comparing heart to heart, it is impossible for Du Wei himself to let his evil spirit transformation ability extend to another self, but that self does not have his own memory.

Think about it.

He gave the answer: “There are only two possibilities for the appearance of Ryan. One is that he is not an extension of his ability. A way to live in this world.”

“Is he living in this other world? Or is he living in Ryan’s worldview?”

“Probably both.”

Du Wei was not very sure, but after such an analysis, he suddenly had some clues.

“If I were Ryan Hamel and I left two graves, what role would the one that disappeared play?”

“The three sarcophagi in the broken house have the power to resurrect a person, but the demon **** died in the past, or this legend has a big problem.”

“The last sarcophagus should have played a decisive role, otherwise, Ryan Hamel would not have started the layout more than 20 years ago.”

“His secret may be hidden in that sarcophagus. If I can find that sarcophagus, it is likely that the situation will become clear.”

Du Wei analyzed it.

He could only deduce that the problem was with the last sarcophagus.

But this inner world is structured based on Ryan’s worldview. Now he and Matthew have disappeared, and there is no one to be found at all.

If you can’t find anyone, you won’t find the last sarcophagus.

If you can’t find the last sarcophagus, you can’t find him and Matthew.

Du Wei fell into an endless loop.


Du Wei gasped.

His right hand trembled suddenly, and the pointer pattern on the back of his hand automatically emerged, exuding a biting chill.

Cold and biting is just an idiom.

But when you really experience that feeling, you will only feel pain…

Severe pain, even somewhat similar to burns.

Du Wei wanted to cover his right hand, but his left hand still maintained a friendly relationship with the evil spirits. Once separated, those evil spirits would immediately turn against him.

I can only grit my teeth and endure it.

“What happened?”

Gritting his teeth, Du Wei let out a low growl.

He saw that the pointer pattern on the back of his right hand was exuding some kind of aura fluctuation in a strange way.


Du Wei’s heart tingled slightly, and there was a humming sound in his cochlea.

At this time point in the other world, his future vision ability has not been returned to Alex.

A death scene also appeared in front of my eyes.

In the screen.

Standing in front of the two graves of Ryan Hamel, he and the evil spirit team seemed to be thinking about the key to breaking the game.

But suddenly.

In the world where the torrential rain is pouring down, it is as if the pause button has been pressed.

All the falling raindrops are still and hover in the air.

Du Wei and the evil spirit team were all frozen.


Ka Ka Ka…

It was like the sound of a pointer turning, and he exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and the evil spirits had no power to resist, and they all turned into fly ash.

This is the end of the death screen.

Du Wei’s pupils shrank suddenly, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

“This way of death is an antique clock? No! It’s Lamer’s clock…”

“It… shouldn’t it be in New York? Why did it suddenly go to the other world?”

“And you want to kill me?”

Those who like to explode people into blood mist, in addition to the evil spirit Du Wei, there is also the Lamer’s Bell, which is how Hannibal died before.

As soon as the pointer sounded, it turned into blood mist on the spot.

There is no chance of survival.

But Du Wei couldn’t figure it out at all. The one in Lamer’s Bell should be Minette. With Minette here, how could Lamer run out?

Could it be that there is something wrong with Minette?

But it’s too late to think about it now.

The Lamer’s Bell may appear at any time to kill him, but he still can’t find a way to break the situation in the endless loop of the three sarcophagi in the break.

Or find a way out.

Or stay put and wait to die.

Du Wei looked up at the night sky under the torrential rain, his heart tightened, waiting for death is the most tormented.

And if you can’t determine when you will die.

Then this suffering will turn into torture.

“Wait a minute, if Lamer’s Bell also comes to kill me, then no matter how many methods I have, it will be useless. The bus is just weird, and it can’t resist at all.”

“I originally thought that I would wake up the evil spirit at this time in the other world, but it would first choose to **** the body, and even then, it is not the real evil spirit Du Wei, and it is still a dead end.”

“So the only way is for me to escape from this other world and find a way to wake up the evil spirit.”

“But I can’t find the last coffin, and I can’t get out if I don’t see Ryan.”

Du Wei jumped into the inner world through oil painting, and the oil painting was in the outer world, and he couldn’t pull himself out like a nesting doll.

Otherwise, it is the same as stepping on the right foot with the left foot to go to the sky.

“I have to find the loopholes in this other world. Ryan is mentally ill. His worldview is different from ordinary people. There is no so-called logic.”

“Things beyond his cognition, he cannot manifest.”

“But if you push it backwards, everything in his cognition is possible.”

Du Wei thought of this.

He suddenly felt that after entering the inner world, a misunderstanding appeared in his thinking.

And if I didn’t think of this misunderstanding, I might really die here.

He took a deep breath took out the phone from his pocket, hesitated, and dialed an unknown number.

That was what Ryan told him when he called him in a dream.

In reality, I called, but the answer was an evil spirit.

That evil spirit is Ryan Hamel.

Beep beep…

A busy tone…

Du Wei’s breathing was a little short, and the breath fluctuations from the pattern on the back of his right hand became more and more terrifying.

He can feel that there is a terrifying will that has appeared in the other world.

And looking for yourself.

Right now.

The call is connected…

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