Self-cultivation of the Exorcist Chapter 653: Du Wei is about to wake up


The next day.

Within the Wittbach family.

The warm sunlight shone through the glass into the ward.

Du Wei lay quietly on the bed.

His eyes were closed tightly, his consciousness was still trapped in a dream, unable to control his body.

Alex was lying on the edge of the bed.

It has been several days since I got off the ghost ship.

Alex’s body recovered very quickly.

It’s all right now.

She has been with Du Wei all the time, and at the same time, she also discovered the strange power she got, as well as some memory fragments.

Whenever you fall asleep.

Alex will have a dream.

In the dream, she was in the Victorian era, named Minette, and she was a very powerful hunter.

It can be said.

Standing at the pinnacle of that era.

Shoot evil spirits around and destroy them.

She was the only huntress in that era who was honored with the title of Your Excellency.

But that dream was too vague.

She only remembered that in the past, she also met a Du Wei who was wearing a mask and was stronger than her and had a contradictory attitude towards her.

Be gentle sometimes.

Sometimes ruthless.

Of course…

Alex dreams mostly of his ruthless side.

She dreamed.

I rushed towards him with a long sword in my hand, but was kicked away by him, and the long sword was randomly crushed into pieces, and all the pieces stabbed in front of my face, almost killing me.

She still dreams.

On an island in a lake, he seemed to be used by him, deceived by him, and he wanted to kill himself.


A ray of sunlight shines on Alex’s profile.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and her forehead was covered with sweat.

“I have a nightmare again…”

Alex wiped the sweat from his forehead, bit his lips lightly, his mood was not as calm as his tone.

This time.

She dreamed of a dark space.

As if you can hear the sound of the pointer clicking.

And a pair of cold eyes, high above, looked down at him with emotionless eyes.



Alex’s breathing was a little short, and his face was cloudy and uncertain. He turned his head to look at Du Wei who was lying on the hospital bed, and there was a trace of strangeness in those blue eyes.

“Those eyes…”

“It looks like you…”

Before, Alex always thought that Du Wei was an exorcist. Even if he became a hunter, he didn’t know how powerful he was.

After all…

Every time Du Wei goes out to do something, he basically finds reasons and excuses, without saying a word of truth.


That was all in the past.

Now Alex has a complete understanding of Du Wei.

Heh… man.

Alex couldn’t help reaching out to touch Du Wei’s cheek, and asked softly: “I’ve been dreaming recently, and the you in the dream are completely different from the feeling you gave me.”

“You in the dream are scary, and you don’t seem to care about my life or death.”

“I really want to tell myself that it’s just a dream, but I always feel that it’s all real, so have you always faced me with a mask?”

She doesn’t want to believe it.

These words were only said by Du Wei before he woke up. When Du Wei woke up, the woman would not mention it again, because it would destroy the relationship between the two.

At this time.

Alex felt her head hurt again. She snorted and said in a low voice: “Minette, I seem to have been called this name before, Your Excellency the Duke, Du Wei…”

Whispering words that only she understands.

And what she didn’t notice was.

Du Wei’s right hand trembled slightly in a coma.

That seems to be a sign of an imminent awakening.

But just for a moment, he regained his calm.


Freddie, the envelope, and the shadow are all together.

Only the lock ghost Puton was nailed to the ground, obsessed with cursing Alphalia.

Du Wei sat on the devil stone tablet.

His face was wonderful.

“No, why do you only remember the memory of me hitting you?”

Du Wei can hear the outside world in his dream.

He felt embarrassed.

The time to regain control of the body came sooner than expected.

Tonight at most, he will be able to return to reality.

But Alex’s murmurs made him at a loss.

“It seems that it is useless for me to bite her to death even if it wasn’t me. I have to find a way and not waste time on this kind of thing.”

It’s not me who hit her.

Why is it all on my head now.

Is the evil spirit Du Wei related to him?

One is an evil spirit.

One is a person.

They are not the same species, even if they look the same, have the same personality, and have the same consciousness, they cannot be confused!

Du Wei knew exactly what he was going to do now.

There are too many things for him to solve.

If Alex doesn’t handle it well, his private life will be completely messed up.


The envelope floats over.

【Great master, your eyes are very sinister, is there another evil plan about to start? 】

As Du Wei’s number one running dog.

The envelope can be said to understand Du Wei too well.

This is the difference between a girl and a young woman.

The former will only give you green love, but the latter is a luxury enjoyment that you can just pat your **** on.

That’s how the envelope understands.

Freddy also leaned over, looked at Du Wei flatteringly and said, “Master Devil, I can use your good brother’s dream as a springboard at any time to let you influence reality.”

This nightmare ghost, what he likes most now is to gain knowledge in Tom’s dream.

It just didn’t have Du Wei nodding, and it didn’t dare to make a move, let alone leave this dream.

Du Wei glanced coldly at his two subordinates.

He said calmly: “Freddy, it’s none of your business for the time being. I will call you when I need you next time.”

Freddie backed away with a smirk.

The envelope trembled with excitement.

Sure enough.

The next second its owner stared at it and said: “Envelope, Alex already knows your existence, after I wake up, you and Sombra will return to reality with me , and I have something to tell you.”

The envelope said excitedly: [Master, please tell me. 】

Du Wei said calmly: “When I go out, I will lose my memory. I don’t remember the ghost ship or any mess. I only remember that I am Alex’s boyfriend, the hunter of the church, do you understand? “

According to the plot of those bitter dramas.

It is a normal operation for the hero and heroine to lose their memory.

And I don’t even remember, no matter how much the other party asks me, there will be perfect excuses to fool me.

The envelope was stunned: [Master, do you mean that you want me to cooperate with you to deceive the hostess? 】

Du Wei said coldly: “I never lie.”

[The envelope understands, the envelope understands too well, as a villain, how could you lie to others, it’s all slander, shameful slander. 】

Du Wei hummed and said: “Also, if she asks about the Duke, there is another about me, or about Minette, I will say that I don’t remember, and if she asks you, you will Amnesia with me.”

“We have never been to the gate of hell, let alone know what Minette is.”

“Your Excellency the Duke, it has nothing to do with me.”

[Ah? But master, don’t you have a duke worshiper? That statue is exactly the same as you, they are all wearing masks, and there are brother Heiying and me, this is ironclad proof…]

【And her cousin Frobin is the leader of Duke worship…】

[When you were an undercover agent in the Vanity Sect, this incident seems to have been exposed, and you only need to check to find out the truth. 】

Du Wei sneered and said, “But what does this have to do with my amnesia?”

The self-cultivation of the exorcist https://


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