Self-cultivation of the Exorcist Chapter 618: The stars are shining tonight


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[Carlos? That idiot looks like my envelope? How can it be! 】

【The kind of boy who is loyal on the surface and full of bad water in his stomach is nothing like my envelope. 】

【Master, Envelope really knows this kind of person too well. 】

【His lick is not a real lick, just his umbrella. 】

[He even plagiarized the envelope with his lines, you think, how despicable and shameless this kind of person is, without any bottom line, this kind of person…]


The envelope froze.

It is a bit suspicious of human life, although it is not human.

But Carlos…

Isn’t this **** talking about yourself?

It hurriedly changed its words to Du Wei: [Master, what the envelope just said is prejudice, a person like Carlos who is so bad that he should shine under your command! 】

【Look, there is a saying that goes right and left, and the envelope is the right arm. 】

[But now there is an extra Carlos. 】

【Isn’t he the right arm? 】

[Congratulations to the master for adding another general…]

Du Wei shook his head at it: “You don’t understand what I mean, I mean, Carlos and you may have a very deep relationship. You have the same experience. Haven’t you ever thought that he may be your predecessor? ?”

[Ah? How is this possible, no matter how useless the envelope is, the envelope is still an envelope, why do you think he is my predecessor? 】

The envelope is very puzzled.

But Du Wei was stunned.

He licked his lips and said in a complicated tone: “You continue.”

Envelope replied: [Master, you have said more than once that not being a person does not mean not being me. Envelope thinks this sentence makes sense, so Envelope will always follow you and be loyal to you forever, although Envelope is not human. 】

【The envelope does not consider what the previous life is, you are the meaning of the existence of the envelope, the envelope only needs to follow you, if you let the envelope die, then the envelope will die, if you let the envelope live, then the envelope will live. 】

This moment.

Even Du Wei’s so-called cold-blooded character, he couldn’t help but change his attitude towards the envelope again.

When he pulled the corner of his mouth, a smile appeared on his face.

It’s just that the smile is too bitter: “You lick your head.”

【The envelope never licks the owner, and every sentence on the envelope comes from the heart. 】

Du Wei took a deep breath, lowered his head, and said in a cold tone: “Carlos will have nothing to do with you. From now on, even if you follow my evil spirits, no matter how many evil spirits there are, you and the shadow There will be no change in status.”

“This is my promise to you.”

“But I can’t promise you a bright future.”

“You will live forever, and you will all be bound together with me.”

“If I fall into hell, then I must have you two by my side.”

The envelope moved.

【The future without a master is not the future of the envelope. As for Sombra, the envelope thinks that you don’t need to treat it so well, it is an idiot, and it won’t appreciate it. 】

【You still find a chance to kill it. 】

Du Wei shook his head slightly, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the bottom of the prison.

The torches on the walls on both sides of the passage are burning.

But he stretched his shadow very long.

Du Wei walked forward alone, the envelope was suspended around him.

Although the front is pitch black, there are sparks flickering.

No one knows.

When Du Wei heard what he had said from the mouth of the envelope, how much impact did it have on him.

Not being human doesn’t mean not being me.

The current Du Wei may already be inhuman.

But on the other hand, he is gradually not me.

The so-called timeline, the so-called cycle, his past, and those messy things made him gradually lose himself.

Who is who.

Who is me again?

Philosophically speaking, this is a topic of eternal debate.

“My name is Du Wei.”

“I see, I know, I have come into contact with many types of me.”

“I am in a different timeline, with a different identity.”

“Anyone can be me, but I’m just Du Wei.”

In the darkness, Du Wei’s voice broke the silence.

He walked down the long passage.

The ambient temperature is getting lower and lower.

He saw a deep ditch below the prison, and he saw lights flickering.

A deep ditch, about twenty meters long.

On one side sits a door locked with chains.

One side is empty.

Du Wei is condescending.

With dark eyes, he looked at everything in front of him indifferently.

He said: “I used to believe in circulation, because that was the conclusion I came to through analysis, but now I don’t admit it, Solomon’s seventy-two pillars of demons are fine, but I still say something messy.”

“I can feel that since I appeared in this world, there have been destiny arrangements everywhere.”

“Everything can be justified.”

“That’s fatalism.”

“I don’t recognize the cycle, why should it have meaning?”

“What is the meaning of the era I am in now?”

“Nobody gave me an answer, so I gave myself one.”

When it comes to this.

Du Wei stretched out his hand and pointed to the chained door: “My opponents, you are unknown to me. I don’t know how many backhands you have, and I don’t know how many hole cards you have.”

“But so do I.”

“When night falls, when the so-called plan begins.”

“The connection between the two doors will be opened and I will die here. I will use my life to gamble with you.”

“Don’t you want to use me to send power to the past?”

“What if I die here?”

The more Du Wei talked, the clearer his thinking became.

It’s not that he’s crazy.

Rather he was pushed to the limit.

Rationality and madness are a mirror.

Just like Du Wei and the evil spirit Du Wei.

He took a deep breath and said: “I, the evil spirit, have already jumped to another timeline. I no longer have any connection with it. This is your chance.”

“Kill me, and it won’t exist.”

“That ridiculous cycle will be broken too.”

“Come on, let’s show each other, I am just a mortal, a flesh and blood person, and you are conceptual existence.”

“The balance of victory will only tilt towards you.”

After speaking, Du Wei sat on the deep ditch like this. He lit a cigarette for himself and waited for the night to fall while smoking.

Puton is too lazy to see him anymore.

Now, he just wants to plot against his own existence, whether it’s the me-like people in the past, or Solomon’s seventy-two pillars of demon gods.

When night fell, two doors were opened.

Those who should be summoned and those who should not be summoned, whoever comes will die.

It seems that it does not fit Du Wei’s cautious character.

But the premise is that he has a trump card.

This bureau has been laid out long ago.

Since entering the gate of **** for the first time, Du Wei has vague ideas, but he never thinks about it, or even does it.

I don’t think about it, so no one knows.

Of course, in a previous conversation between the envelope and him, he once pointed out his trump card.

In Wuyao Town, the night sky is like a curtain.

The stars are shining tonight…


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