Seeking the Flying Sword Path Chapter 9: Magic Robe


bsp;Qin Yun returned to Guangling County. As a local, he naturally entertained Long Xiaolian warmly.

Guangling is so beautiful in March. When Qin Yun and Yi Xiao accompanied Long Xiaolian, they sometimes cruised the lake together on the boat, sometimes listened to local Guangling songs together, or ate some delicacies with a long history. . While accompanying Long Xiaolian, Qin Yun and Yi Xiao naturally became much closer.

“My mother is in a hurry to call me back, so I won’t continue playing. Sister, brother Qin Yun, please don’t send me away.” Long Xiaolian touched her belly, “I feel like I’ve been eating for half a month in Guangling. A little fatter.”

“Guangling is also very close to the East China Sea. You can come anytime you want.” Qin Yun said with a smile.

“That’s it.” Long Xiaolian’s eyes lit up.

Long Xiaolian suddenly smiled: “Brother Qin Yun, when can I just call you brother-in-law without being scolded by my sister?”

“Let’s go, let’s go.” After saying this, Long Xiaolian slipped away and drove away directly on the clouds under the leadership of the old turtle demon.

“I finally left. Her chirping voice has been in my ears these days.” Qin Yun said with a smile.

Yi Xiao glanced at him and nodded: “Well, I also feel that I have been too lazy these days and have not really practiced Taoism. I will go back to my residence to practice quietly for some time.”

“In this practice of Taoism, you can’t just practice it alone. You have to learn from each other and discuss the Tao with each other, so that you can improve faster.” Qin Yunze continued, Yi Xiao cannot be allowed to practice in seclusion. Who knows what this seclusion will do? how long?

Yi Xiao showed a smile and nodded slightly: “Okay, in three days, we will have a battle of Taoism.”

“I’m just trying to see what Shenxiao Sect can do.” Qin Yun said.

Yi Xiao immediately turned around and left.

No matter what she does, she will not live directly in Qin Yun’s house now, but her current residence is also around Xiaojing Lake, only more than a mile away from the Qin Mansion.

Qin Yun looked at Yi Xiao’s back with expectation.

Ever since he was forced to flee to the East China Sea and felt that there was no hope for him and Yi Xiao, Qin Yun understood his inner feelings. But he didn’t want to act too hastily, for fear of scaring Yi Xiao away.


The following days.

Qin Yun and Yi Xiao also returned to normal practice, but they also discussed Tao every three days and fought Dharma every five days. In addition to discussing Taoism and fighting skills, he also goes to taste Guangling delicacies.

It may be an inconspicuous small restaurant on the corner, or a luxury restaurant, or you may go to the riverside in the clouds and eat some fresh fish freshly caught in the Lanyang River. Sometimes they even catch fish in the river themselves and let the chefs do it…

“Uncle Tian.”

One day, Yi Xiao was in a quiet room, contacting his friends through the communication magic weapon, and a scene appeared in mid-air. It was a fat old man with ashes on his face, and a huge stove next to him.

“Yi Xiao?” the fat old man said with a smile, “Why are you looking for me all of a sudden?”

“I want a set of eighth-grade magical robes.” Yi Xiao said.

“Do you have any requirements?” the fat old man asked, “Is there any means such as the thunder method?”

“No, I don’t want it.” Yi Xiao hesitated, “It’s a man’s magical robe.”

“Man?” The fat old man was surprised.

“Well, the robe is for a Sword Immortal. I hope it is better in terms of protection, but nothing else.” Yi Xiao said.

The fat old man was surprised: “My good niece Yi Xiao, do you want to buy a magic weapon robe for a male sword immortal? Or come to my workshop to buy it? Tell me, what is your relationship with this male sword immortal?”

The Shenjiangfang is the number one weapon refining sect in the world.

Every magic weapon they use is absolutely exquisite.

“Don’t ask so many questions. Get it done as soon as possible and send it to Guangling.” Yi Xiao said.

“Guang Ling? Male Sword Immortal?” The fat old man glared and his mouth turned into a round smile, “I think I guessed it.”

Yi Xiao’s face turned slightly red and he cut off the interrogation.


June 15th is Qin Yun’s birthday.

In the morning, his mother Chang Lan personally cooked a portion of longevity noodles. There were eggs in the longevity noodles. This was a habit of celebrating birthdays when he was a child. Qin Yun ate a large bowl of noodles cleanly, and the soup was also Drink up.

After eating and drinking, Qin Yun returned to his place.

Today’s Qin Mansion… is much larger than when the governor gave it to Qin Yun. Because Qin Yun is now more powerful, he needs a special quiet room, a place for retreat, a place for exercises, and a place to meet friends. So after paying a ‘premium’, he bought several surrounding houses at a high price. After connecting them all, half of the entire Qin Mansion now belongs to Qin Yun alone, and he even arranged numerous formations throughout the Qin Mansion.

“Huh?” Qin Yun came to the back garden and saw Yi Xiao, who was wearing a light red robe, sitting on a stone not far away, looking at Xiaojing Lake.

“Yi Xiao.” Qin Yun was a little surprised, “You didn’t even tell me when you came.”

Yi Xiao picked up the robe lying beside him and handed it to Qin Yun: “I know it’s your birthday today, so this is for you.”

Qin Yun’s eyes lit up when he saw it.

This set of robes has exquisite patterns and contains numerous talisman formations. Moreover, the marks that can be seen vaguely inside the robes surprised Qin Yun: “God’s Craftsman’s Workshop?”

Qin Yun looked at Yi Xiao who was holding the robe in his hands and handing it to him.

“What are you looking at? If you don’t accept it, you want me to keep holding it?” Yi Xiao blushed slightly.

“Oh.” Qin Yun connected, but after taking it, he immediately determined that it was an eighth-grade magic weapon robe.

“It’s too precious, this, this…” Qin Yun continued, “This is the eighth-grade magic weapon robe, from the Shenjiang Workshop.”

“Didn’t you give me a hairpin before? It was also an eighth-grade magic weapon.” Yi Xiao said.

“But that’s just a hairpin. It’s a whole set of robes. It’s much more valuable than ordinary seventh-grade magic weapons.” Qin Yun even said, he himself was not willing to buy it. The treasure Gong Ye Bing left behind at the time changed his life. After Feijian reaches the sixth level. After purchasing many formations arranged in the Qin Mansion, he also bought the remaining magic weapons and flying swords of the eighth grade.

This set of robes is nearly twice as expensive as his eight-grade three magical flying swords combined.

“Why didn’t you say that the Black Buffalo Horn of the Great Water God Demon was a sixth-grade magic weapon?” Yi Xiao said, “And…if you really don’t want it, I will take it back.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Qin Yun said.

The robe Yi Xiao gave him.

A woman personally gave him a robe, and Qin Yun truly felt Yi Xiao’s heart at this moment, which made him filled with joy.

“Huh.” As soon as the magical robe was refined, it quickly covered his body. Qin Yun suddenly became more handsome because of his clothes.

Of course, as a magic weapon, this robe can be large or small, the color can be changed, and the style can be slightly changed.

Qin Yun had a brief feeling… This robe is indeed suitable for the use of the Sword Immortal. After the Sword Immortal’s mana is activated, the pure and sharp mana of the Sword Immortal is transformed by the magic robe, as if countless silk threads are entangled to form a layer of protection. Layers cover around the body.

“Awesome.” Qin Yun looked happy.

Yi Xiao stood aside, watching Qin Yun’s appearance after putting on the magic weapon robe, and seeing the light flowing on the surface of the magic weapon robe that activated the magic weapon, he couldn’t help but said: “Don’t show off, I can think about it slowly later. ”

“Okay.” Qin Yun said, and his robe returned to normal, just like an ordinary robe.


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