Seeking the Flying Sword Path Chapter 34: The Flying Sword Art ‘Reincarnation’


bsp;Yi Xiao was also in another room, sitting cross-legged on a futon, waiting for Qin Yun to come out of seclusion.

Suddenly I heard a low voice, it was the sound of the stone door of the house being opened.

“Out of seclusion?” Yi Xiaolian stood up and walked out.

As soon as he left the house and entered the hall, he saw Qin Yun.

“It’s only been a day and you’re out of seclusion?” Yi Xiao was a little surprised.

“Everything went smoothly.” Qin Yun said with a smile, “Before, I thought that my natal flying sword might need to be delayed for a few more days, but I didn’t expect that I would break through to the third level in one day.”

“The third-grade natal flying sword is said to be comparable to the first-grade flying sword when used.” Yi Xiao said in surprise, “and it consumes much less mana. In our Shenxiao sect, only a few inheritances can cultivate the natal talisman. ?, my natal talisman is only at the sixth level now!”

The talisman? is also equivalent to a magic weapon.

It is very rare to be able to practice the ‘Destined Magic Weapon’ and ‘Destined Talisman?’. For example, the lineage of gods and demons and the school of physical sanctification do not have their own magic weapon.

“Xiao Xiao, now that you and I are trapped here, there is no suitable treasure to nourish the natal talisman.” Qin Yun said, “When you get out, your natal talisman can be nurtured and improved again.”

“Oh, right.”

Qin Yun took out a fire cloud gourd from the Qiankun bag on his waist and handed it to Yi Xiao, “Xiao Xiao, you can accept this golden elixir. You were unwilling to accept it before. .”

“You don’t need it anymore?” Yi Xiao asked.

“Well, my Sword Immortal’s magic power is slightly inferior to that of the Golden Pill and the Waidan. But when I control the flying sword, it is no less powerful than the Golden Pill and the Waidan.” Qin Yun said, “My physical body and soul are also I have been conceived to the level of the innate golden elixir a long time ago, and this outer elixir is of no use to me anymore.”

Yi Xiao smiled: “Okay, then I won’t refuse.”

Qin Yun wanted to give it before, but Yi Xiao always refused to take it! Because the golden elixir and outer elixir that Qin Yun had taken had long been exhausted. Yi Xiao was afraid that he would be in danger if he tried to break the formation, so he always asked Qin Yun to keep it.

“Let’s go and see if we can break the formation this time.” Qin Yun said.

“Brother Yiyun, your strongest flying sword swordsmanship may be able to break the spell with force and forcefully break the formation.” Yi Xiao is also looking forward to it. She knows very well that Qin Yun has also made great progress in the past two years. .

The two of them quickly reached the depths of the stone wall passage side by side, and in front of them was the formation of light flowing.


As soon as Qin Yun stretched out his hand, there was a three-inch flying sword floating in his palm. His whole body was like mist and rain, and the power of the magic power was also terrifying.

Yi Xiao felt the pressure on the side and said: “Brother Yun, your natal flying sword is indeed much stronger than before.”

“The same move can be half as powerful.” Qin Yun stared at the formation in front of him, “Now I have breakthroughs in my magic power and my natal flying sword, as well as the newly created flying sword technique… Let’s see if I can Break it.”

“It will definitely be broken.” Yi Xiao also looked forward to it.

Qin Yun held his breath and concentrated.

Nowadays, Qin Yun’s Mist and Rain Sword Technique, Flying Sword Technique, has a total of three unique moves. One of them is the early ‘Moon on the River’, which will naturally be improved as he accumulates experience. The other move is the unique move “Double Flying Wings” performed by two flying swords at the same time. The third move is the most special move, named “Reincarnation” by Qin Yun. It is the desperate move when he entered the formation alone to look for Yi Xiao. , The emotion of not giving up life and death brewed in my heart for more than a year before gradually integrating into the art of flying swords.

The madness and intensity of abandonment of life.

This flying sword technique that Qin Yun gradually took shape is particularly different!

First of all…

The two unique skills of ‘Mingyue on the River’ and ‘Double Flying Wings’ can be used instantly if you want to use them, and the consumption of yourself is also very ordinary.

And ‘reincarnation’ requires a higher state of mind! You must create a state of mind and let yourself enter that crazy, blazing state of mind where you can abandon everything for Yi Xiao! You must be in this state of mind to display this flying sword! If one day, Qin Yun no longer believes in love, or is unable to enter this state of mind for other reasons, he will not be able to use this trick.

This move contains madness and a desperate move that burns life. When used, it will consume a lot of soul and spirit.

With one move, your spirit will be exhausted.

After using two moves, Qin Yun immediately fell down and wanted to sleep.

If he uses the three moves… Qin Yun has a feeling, the consequences may be serious, and he may even damage the very foundation of his soul.


Qin Yun’s eyes were filled with fierceness and desperation. In this moment’s state of mind, he mentally mobilized a large amount of mana to infuse his natal flying sword. “Buzz~~~” Qin Yun suddenly felt a strange feeling. His natal flying sword When the terrifying power is about to explode, it also resonates with the power of the surrounding heaven and earth. This resonance is very strange.

Just like throwing a pebble into a pond, ripples will ripple in circles.

Just like shouting in the valley, there will be an echo.

When the power of the natal flying sword reaches a certain level, it will naturally resonate with the power of the surrounding heaven and earth.

Qin Yun just had a thought.


I saw rays of sword light condensing around the natal flying sword. There were twenty-one sword rays surrounding the natal flying sword.

“The sword light differentiated?” Yi Xiao was surprised.

The legendary differentiation of sword light is not the type of sword light in the Misty Rain Sword Technique ‘Chun Yu’, which is at the expense of the power of the flying sword itself. But if you are too strong, it will naturally affect the surroundings, and you can guide the power of heaven and earth to condense the sword light to follow it! This does not weaken itself at all.

“Boom boom boom boom boom!!!!!!”

As the natal flying sword flew out, twenty-one sword lights flew out.

The sound of thunder was rolling, the sword rainbow was dazzling, the natal flying sword slammed into the flowing formation, and the twenty-one sword lights that followed also bombarded the same place one after another. The formation that had been very stable in the past was now distorting and oscillating.

“Not even close.” Qin Yun gritted his teeth and said, “Broken.”

The flying sword of his life flashed and he killed in anger again.

While it bombarded the formation, it was followed by twenty-one sword lights condensed from the void and bombarded it one after another. The distortion of the formation became more and more obvious, and even faint cracks appeared.

“Huh, huh.” Qin Yun turned pale and stopped, feeling extremely tired in his soul.

“It’s almost, unfortunately, it’s just a little bit close.” Qin Yun was a little unwilling, his head felt dizzy.

Yi Xiao comforted him from the side: “Brother Yun, your flying sword technique can now be divided into sword light, which is very powerful. And the formation is about to be destroyed very quickly. Brother Yun, as long as you are stronger If it increases by a few percent, it will probably break.”

“My magic power and my own flying sword can no longer be improved. The flying sword technique…’Reincarnation’ is my desperate move, but I can’t hold the two swords anymore.” Qin Yun’s mind is clearer, but his face is still stern. Bai shook his head and said, “If I want to increase it by a few percent, I’m afraid it’s hopeless in a short time. I’m really unwilling, it’s just a little bit close.”

“I can differentiate with sword light. I believe if word spreads, it will be enough to shock the world.” Yi Xiao consoled him.

“Yes.” Qin Yun also nodded and said with a smile, “I didn’t expect that the sword light could be divided into pieces with a full blow. The divided sword light was not weak in power. As far as I know, ‘Sword Intent’ Only those who are in the “Extreme Realm” can use one sword to divide the sword light. Now I have touched this level, but it’s a pity that I can only use two swords.”


Qin Yun rested for a few days, and then tried to pass through the deep corridor he entered in the first place, hoping to head out. I found that it is more difficult to go out head-on! The enveloping force of that vast white formation was too strong, and Qin Yun still couldn’t get out.

The Flying Sword Technique touched the legendary “Sword Light Differentiation” layer. Although both Qin Yun and Yi Xiao were quite happy, they failed to break the formation. Qin Yun was still a little unwilling in his heart and could only continue to endure it. With.


Guangling, Qin Mansion, it’s the New Year season again.

“It’s the New Year, it’s the New Year.”

Two children, Shu Yan and Shu Bing, were setting off fireworks. Qin An and his wife were watching, and his wife was holding a baby in her arms.

“After the New Year, Shu Yan and Shu Bing are also eight years old.” Not far away, Qin Liehu and Chang Lan were sitting and watching. Qin Liehu said with emotion, “I remember Yun’er was also eight years old. Years ago, our Qin family encountered changes and moved to Guangling City, and Yun’er also began to practice swordsmanship diligently.”

“Well, when I left the village and came to Guangling, Yun’er was crazy about practicing swordsmanship, and his understanding was also extremely high.” Chang Lan said helplessly, “But Shu Yan and Shu Bing are far apart. Not only Their understanding is far behind, and their level of diligence is not as good as when Yun’er and the others were in the village, let alone compared with Yun’er after entering Guangling.”

“Spoiled and pampered, I force them to practice swordplay for an hour every day.” Qin Liehu shook his head and looked at the fireworks rising everywhere in the night sky, “This year is New Year’s Eve, and I don’t know how Yun’er is doing now or when he will be able to practice. Come back.”

“More than two years.” Chang Lan looked at the night sky and was worried.

Over the past two years.

There are many rumors in the Jiangzhou cultivation world. Some simply say that ‘Qin Yun’ went to the Immortal Mansion to hunt for treasure and died in the Immortal Mansion! Of course Hong Jiu and others knew that Qin Yun was still alive because the communication mark had not dissipated yet! But ordinary practitioners still spread the word more and more mysteriously.

“Yun’er never came back, and the cultivators in the mansion who came to seek refuge were a little uneasy.” Qin Liehu said, “Fortunately, Master Hong Jiu helped to scare him away.”

“But there are still three left.” Chang Lan said.

“Leave if you want. There’s no point in forcing him to stay.” Qin Liehu said, “But the man named ‘Wu Jun’ was too shameless. He stole our Qin Mansion’s formation treasures and escaped. Hong Ninth Young Master inquired, and it was said that Wu Jun had escaped from Jiangzhou.”

“Humph.” Chang Lan was also furious, “Fortunately, Young Master Hong Jiu helped us rearrange the formations of our Qin Mansion. It will not be so easy for those disciples to steal the treasures of the formations.”

“These are all trivial matters. What I’m most worried about is Yun’er. It’s been more than two years and I haven’t even received a letter.” Qin Liehu sighed.

Chang Lan also fell silent.


In the blink of an eye, Qin Yun and Yi Xiao have been trapped in the Immortal Mansion for more than three years.


Qin Yun stood in the distance and waved his hand.

A flower more than ten feet away was cut open silently, and even the mental fluctuations could not detect any sword energy. Qin Yun and Yi Xiao both looked overjoyed.

“Brother Yun, you have mastered it. Invisible Sword Intent, you have finally mastered it.” Yi Xiao said excitedly.

“Seven great sword intentions, this invisible sword intention took me the longest to practice, and I finally mastered it.” Qin Yun was also excited, and the blood all over his body was surging. The difficulty of the second stone chamber of the three major stone chambers had troubled him for three years. Duo said, “Let’s go and destroy the second stone chamber. Let’s see what difficulties there are in the third stone chamber.”


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