Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2925: Unexpected call

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The deal with the Egyptian government and the US government was quickly reached, and a tripartite agreement was signed.

The three parties signing the agreement were Ye Tian and Ahmed, as well as the US Ambassador to Egypt.

After the agreement was signed, Ye Tian gave the two Rosetta Stone fragments to the Egyptian government, and Ahmed took them to the Egyptian Presidential Palace.

Next, the Egyptian government will organize experts and scholars to study the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and ancient Greek engraved on the two Rosetta Stone fragments, compare and verify them, and gain a deeper understanding of the glorious ancient Egyptian civilization.

When relevant research results are released, these two Rosetta Stone fragments will be sent to the National Museum of Egypt for public display, becoming another treasure of the National Museum of Egypt!

The two Rosetta Stone fragments sold to the U.S. government were purchased by the U.S. National Museum and then brought back to the United States for relevant academic research and public exhibition!

When the U.S. Ambassador to Egypt took away the two Rosetta Stone fragments from Ye Tian, ​​an astronomical amount of wealth also poured into the bank account of Intrepid Exploration Company!

And this huge wealth is tax-free, so you don’t have to worry about being robbed by the vultures of the IRS!

The remaining three fragments of the Rosetta Stone were naturally left in Ye Tian’s hands and kept secret!

Before leaving Cairo, he planned to send people to transport these three priceless treasures to Beijing for collection. When his private museum is completed and opened, they will be the treasures of the Egyptian and West Asian Civilization Museum!

Other institutions and individuals who spent huge sums of money to purchase fragments of the Rosetta Stone, such as the British Museum, the Louvre, the Metropolitan Museum, the Harvard University Museum, etc., as well as many top collectors, can only go home disappointed!

Of course, they didn’t gain anything.

At the subsequent private auction, they each bought some antique cultural relics and works of art from various periods of ancient Egypt, which contributed a little wealth to Ye Tian. It was a worthwhile trip.

The ones who gained the most were the major museums in Egypt, many top collectors, and some famous antique dealers, who purchased many antique cultural relics and works of art from Ye Tian.

Before this, these antique cultural relics and works of art were placed in various antique shops in Khalili Market, but no one cared about them. They could only silently collect ashes in the corner. But now they have transformed and become a hundred times richer. Even ten thousand times!

Thinking of this, the Egyptians were heartbroken, but there was nothing they could do!

What they didn’t know was that while they were raising their hands to bid for these antiques and artworks, the raids on Khalili Market were still continuing.

Bao Yi led several of his men, and based on the information and video materials provided by Ye Tian, ​​they continued to sweep the Khalili Market in the past few days, and the harvest was extremely amazing!

After completing the sweep operation, they successfully left Egypt and returned to New York with a large number of unknown antique cultural relics and artworks in the name of modern handicrafts and tourist souvenirs!

Through this private auction, Ye Tian not only sold a large number of antique cultural relics and artworks from ancient Egypt and gained a large amount of wealth, but also exchanged for some valuable Chinese antique cultural relics and artworks.

The only pity is that the number of top-grade Chinese antiques and works of art in the hands of major museums and collectors in Egypt is relatively small, and there are even fewer that can catch his eye, so there are not many things to exchange for. !

In the past few days, other things have happened.

Ye Tian took people to visit other famous museums and tourist attractions in Cairo, but did not raid the antique flea markets and antique shops in other places in Cairo again. It was a mercy!

It was a bit regretful that he did not visit the Giza Pyramids on the other side of the Nile River. However, this regret will be made up for soon, but it will be later!

In addition, some guys who coveted the fragments of the Rosetta Stone once tried to sneak into the Nile Hotel, but they were badly beaten and badly beaten by the security personnel of the three-party joint exploration team!

After several battles, all the guys who coveted the fragments of the Rosetta Stone understood that it was simply impossible to **** those priceless treasures from Ye Tian!

Next, those guys stopped a lot and could only wait for another chance!

As we speak, this is already the fifth day since the fragments of the Rosetta Stone were discovered.

Just after nine o’clock in the morning, Ye Tian walked out of the room carrying a black portable safe. The portable safe contained the three priceless Rosetta Stone fragments.

At this time, he was fully armed, wearing a Kevlar body armor, a G36C short assault rifle hanging on his side, a cz83 pistol in the chest holster, and carrying a large amount of ammunition. folder.

In the backpack behind him, there are some spare weapons and ammunition, and he can be said to be armed to the teeth.

Mattis and others who followed him out of the presidential suite were also heavily armed, and each of them was carrying a portable safe!

Nearly half of the other company employees standing in the corridor have a portable safe, and the security personnel are also fully armed!

Just this morning, Ye Tian was going to send someone to **** the three Rosetta Stone fragments and other top antique cultural relics and works of art to Beijing to reduce the burden!

Next, the three-party joint exploration team will leave Cairo and go to the Nile Delta to launch an exploration operation. It is obviously unrealistic to take these priceless antiques and artworks with them!

Especially the three fragments of the Rosetta Stone. There are so many people coveting them. If they are not preserved, someone will rob them along the way.

In view of this, Ye Tiancai planned to send them to Beijing to avoid long nights and dreams!

After walking out of the presidential suite, Ye Tian looked at the company employees and security personnel standing in the corridor, then smiled and said loudly:

“Let’s go, guys, let’s take these antiques and artworks to Cairo International Airport, use my private plane to transport them to Beijing, and then we can set off to the Nile Delta!”

As he said that, he took the lead and walked along the corridor towards the elevator.

Behind him, David and Mattis, as well as many company employees and security personnel followed.

As they walked to the elevator, Seaman led several heavily armed Mossad agents and members of the 13th Commando, already waiting here, ready to **** Ye Tian and the others to the airport!

These Israelis are responsible for protecting the tripartite joint exploration team, and naturally they also have to protect the safety of Ye Tian and others, and these Israelis are very happy to carry out this mission.

Ever since Ye Tian discovered the fragments of the Rosetta Stone and a large number of neglected but valuable antiques and works of art in the Khalili Market, the Israelis have believed in his magic even more!

The Israelis believe that since Ye Tian can find those Rosetta Stone fragments, he can also find the legendary Solomon’s Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant, as long as Solomon’s Treasure really exists!

In view of this, Israeli talents are so active and more confident!

When he arrived at the elevator, Ye Tianchong nodded to Ximan and others, and then walked into the elevator that opened the door.

A few minutes later, the group of them arrived at the hotel lobby.

As soon as they entered the hotel lobby, they saw Ahmed, Mansour and others, as well as several heavily armed Egyptian military police, as well as the cultural counselor of the US Embassy in Egypt and others.

Ahmed and the others are naturally here to **** Ye Tian and the others so that they can pass through Egyptian customs smoothly with those valuable antiques and artworks and avoid any complications!

To be more precise, it would be better to say that they are here to deliver the three Rosetta Stone fragments.

As soon as Ye Tian just appeared, these Egyptians looked at the black portable safe in his hand. Everyone’s eyes were so hot that they almost burned!

Especially the eyes of the Egyptian antiquities police headed by Mansour turned red instantly, wishing they could just rush up and **** the portable safe!

However, the heavily armed and sharp Ye Tian, ​​as well as the equally heavily armed Mattis and others, dispelled all the unrealistic ideas of these Egyptians!

As for the cultural counselor of the US Embassy in Egypt and his entourage, they are here to supervise the Egyptians to prevent them from playing any tricks!

While talking, Ye Tian came closer, shook hands with Ahmed and others one by one, and said hello to each other.

After some polite remarks, Ahmed said sourly:

“Steven, seeing so many valuable antiques and works of art fall into your hands and have to be taken out of Egypt by your people, to be honest, we are really unwilling, but there is nothing we can do!

Especially those three extremely precious Rosetta Stone fragments. Their loss is a huge irreparable loss to Egypt. I really don’t want to see this happen before my eyes! ”

Ye Tian shook his head gently, then said with a smile:

“Actually, you should think so, Ahmed. If it weren’t for me, these valuable antiques and works of art would never have been discovered, including those fragments of the Rosetta Stone!

It is precisely because I discovered these antique cultural relics and works of art that they were not completely buried and finally shined with the brilliance they deserve. You, Egypt, have the opportunity to leave two fragments of the Rosetta Stone!

Although I took away the other three Rosetta Stone fragments, they will return to Egypt in five years and be publicly displayed. From the perspective of studying ancient Egyptian civilization, you have not lost anything.”

Hearing this, all the Egyptians at the scene rolled their eyes angrily, but could not refute.

After chatting for a while, everyone walked towards the hotel entrance. Numerous bulletproof SUVs from the tripartite joint exploration convoy, as well as the escorting Egyptian military and police vehicles, had already arrived at the hotel entrance!

While traveling, Ye Tian’s cell phone suddenly rang.

He took out his cell phone and glanced at Lai Xian. He suddenly let out a surprised sound, then stopped and began to answer the unexpected call.

The phone was connected, and an anxious and fearful voice immediately came over!


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