Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2924: Divide the treasure

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The night he returned to the hotel, Ye Tian had a three-way video call with the President of Egypt and the President of the United States to initially discuss how to deal with the fragments of the Rosetta Stone.

The Egyptian president hopes to keep all those priceless treasures. He told Ye Tian very clearly that the Egyptian cultural relics authorities will soon list the Rosetta Stone fragments as antique cultural relics restricted from leaving the country.

In other words, as the discoverer and owner of the Rosetta Stone fragments, Ye Tian has no problem collecting those priceless treasures in Egypt, but he cannot leave Egypt with those priceless treasures.

In this case, he only has two choices.

Either buy a villa in Egypt to collect the Rosetta Stone fragments and other antiques and works of art discovered in Egypt but restricted from leaving the country.

Either sell the Rosetta Stone fragments and other top antique artifacts and works of art discovered in Egypt to the Egyptians, or sell them to major museums in Egypt!

As for the man in the Oval Office of the White House, he also covets those Rosetta Stone fragments and hopes that the US government or museum will come forward to acquire some of the Rosetta Stone fragments.

To achieve this goal, the American commander generously made some promises.

For example, making large investments in Egypt, supporting the Egyptian government on some international issues, reducing taxes on Intrepid Exploration Company, etc.

After understanding the demands of the two presidents, Ye Tian pretended to think for a long time before coming up with his own solution.

There were seven Rosetta Stone fragments found, and he decided to divide them up like this.

Two of the fragments were given to the Egyptian government without charging a penny. The Egyptian government will handle these two fragments. The academic research and results related to the two Rosetta Stone fragments will also be organized by the Egyptian government. And enjoy!

Of course, this is conditional, there is no such thing as a free lunch!

The condition is that the Egyptian government allows Ye Tian to take away the remaining fragments of the Rosetta Stone, as well as other antique cultural relics and works of art he discovered in Egypt, without using the excuse of restricting departure to stop him!

For example, among the antique cultural relics and artworks he swept up in Khalili Market, apart from the part that was disposed of locally in Cairo, he planned to transport some of the other top-quality antiques, cultural relics and artworks to New York and Beijing respectively. !

The other two Rosetta Stone fragments were purchased by the US government or top museums, of course based on market prices!

Not only that, the US President’s promise of massive investment in Egypt, support for the Egyptian government on some international issues, and partial tax reductions and exemptions for Brave and Intrepid Exploration Corporation must be fulfilled!

For the remaining three Rosetta Stone fragments, Ye Tian plans to take them to Beijing and display them in his private museum as a treasure of the Egyptian and West Asian Civilization Museum!

Every once in a while, these fragments of the Rosetta Stone will be exchanged and displayed, giving the people of the three countries the opportunity to see these priceless treasures, and allowing relevant experts and scholars to study them!

In this way, all three parties participating in the talks will gain something, which can be regarded as a relatively reasonable distribution plan!

After listening to Ye Tian’s introduction, the two presidents in Cairo and Washington respectively fell silent, and they were quite emotional!

However, they did not make a decision immediately. Instead, they said they would think about it and discuss it with relevant professionals before making a final decision!

Ye Tian naturally has no objections. He has plenty of time to wait and is not in a hurry!

After the video call ended, he held a small appreciation party in the presidential suite where he lived, displaying the fragments of the Rosetta Stone and other antique artifacts and artworks swept from the Khalili Market!

The participants in this small appreciation meeting were basically experts and scholars in the industry.

Among them are experts and scholars from the Egyptian Ministry of Culture and the National Museum, as well as other Egyptian museums and universities, as well as many experts and scholars from the tripartite joint exploration team who have just returned from visiting the Giza Pyramids.

And Ye Tian specifically requested that everyone participating in this small appreciation party can only appreciate and study on site, and cannot take photos with mobile phones or cameras, especially those fragments of the Rosetta Stone!

The purpose of his doing this is naturally to protect his own interests and prevent the pictures of the Rosetta Stone from being leaked!

Not only that, the public display of the Rosetta Stone fragments was also very short, only about ten minutes, which made every expert and scholar present not satisfied, but also helpless!

As Ye Tian expected, many experts and scholars who visited the Giza Pyramids, when they saw the fragments of the Rosetta Stone and other antique cultural relics and works of art, all regretted and beat their chests, deeply regretting that they had missed it. The opportunity to participate in this great discovery live is only available after the fact!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine sold in the world!

At this small appreciation meeting, Ye Tian introduced one by one the trophies that were swept up in Khalili Market today, and gave a positive identification conclusion and an accurate valuation!

As he introduced it, there were waves of exclamations in the presidential suite, almost without interruption!

While exclaiming, everyone had a very deep understanding of how sharp Ye Tian’s vision was and how ruthless his attacks were, and every one of them was terrified!

Especially those Egyptian government officials, experts and scholars, seeing so many top antiques and works of art falling into his hands, were so heartbroken that they almost died!

But how did they know that the antique cultural relics and works of art that appeared at this small appreciation party were only part of the trophies that Ye Tian swept from the Khalili Market!

The rest of the antique artifacts and works of art secretly purchased by employees of the Brave Exploration Company did not appear in this presidential suite, but were placed in other rooms, in greater quantities!

The operation to sweep Khalili Market has not ended, it has just become more covert!

In the next few days, Bowie will lead a group of men, take the information sent to him by Ye Tian and follow the pictures, continue to madly sweep the Al-Khalili market, and then disperse and evacuate from Egypt!

This small appreciation session lasted until midnight, and many experts and scholars reluctantly left.

If it were not too late, they would not want to leave. They would even like to stay in a presidential suite to study and appreciate those valuable antiques and works of art!

At night, the presidential suite in the Nile Hotel became the focus of everyone’s attention, attracting countless attention and becoming the most closely guarded room in Egypt!

It was a peaceful night, and in the blink of an eye it was a new day.

Not long after getting up in the morning, Ye Tian received good news.

The good news was delivered by Ahmed. This old friend rushed to the presidential suite where Ye Tian lived early in the morning and said excitedly:

“Steven, after the video call with you and the President of the United States yesterday, Mr. President thought about the solution you proposed and discussed it with relevant people until late at night.

After careful study, Mr. President decided to accept your plan to deal with and distribute the Rosetta Stone fragments. In this case, we will be able to leave two Rosetta Stone fragments in Egypt!

You can take away the remaining five Rosetta Stone fragments, but the investment and support promised by the President of the United States must be fulfilled. From now on, those stone fragments will be displayed in turn every five years!

In addition, there is another point. The Egyptian museum and collectors have the right of first refusal to purchase the antiques and artworks you swept up in the Khalili market. It is best to hold a special auction in Cairo! ”

Before he finished speaking, Ye Tian immediately pretended to be excited and continued:

“Great, Ahmed, this is the first good news I heard today. Please rest assured, Mr. President, since it is the solution I proposed, I will definitely implement it!

As for Washington, there should be no problem! I am thinking of organizing a small auction dedicated to antique artifacts and art acquired from Khalili Market.

I want to get rid of nearly half of that batch of antique cultural relics and works of art. It would be great if I could finish this lecture in Cairo, saving us the trouble of transporting them away! ”


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