Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2923: A flood of greedy eyes

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As soon as Ye Tiangang got in the car, his cell phone rang. The call came from the White House and was from the presidential secretary.

When the call was connected, the blonde beauty’s voice came over.

After a few polite words, the presidential secretary explained the true purpose of the call.

“Mr. Steven, Mr. President watched your live broadcast at Khalili Market in Cairo. It was very exciting. He congratulated you on your great discovery and said that you were a favorite favored by God and enviable. !

You made it very clear in the live broadcast about the value of those Rosetta Stone fragments. Mr. President would like to ask, is it possible to bring all the Rosetta Stone fragments back to the United States? Those are priceless treasures!

If Egypt obstructs it, we can provide some help, such as asking diplomats from the US Embassy in Egypt to bring out the stone tablet fragments. In the diplomatic field, diplomatic parcels do not need to be inspected! ”

Without any hesitation, Ye Tian immediately answered.

“Thank you, Mr. President, for your attention. The discovery of these Rosetta Stone fragments is indeed a great archaeological discovery. These fragments will enable modern people to better understand and study the glorious ancient Egyptian civilization.

There is no doubt that these Rosetta Stone fragments are priceless treasures. There are many ways to transport them all to the United States, but in that case, our company will not be able to launch any exploration operations in Egypt!

Including this tripartite joint exploration operation, it will have to be terminated! There is absolutely no way the Egyptian government will cooperate, and the Egyptian government will definitely detain us in Egypt and throw us into prison on charges of smuggling antiques out of the country!

It is not impossible that this may even cause disputes between the two countries. I don’t want to see this situation. In view of this, I still need to think carefully about how to deal with these Rosetta Stone fragments! ”

After the words fell, there was silence on the other end of the phone.

After a while, the voice of the presidential secretary came again.

“Mr. Steven, I have told the President what you mean. The President thinks what you said makes sense. He will contact the President of Egypt later to discuss the disposal of the Rosetta Stone fragments.

Mr. President has a proposal. If you can bring some of the Rosetta Stone fragments back to the United States, can you sell them to American museums? It can be purchased by the government or by the museum!

Someone will discuss the specific purchase price with you. Of course, it will be based on the market value of the Rosetta Stone fragments. You will not suffer a loss. This is a very good deal for your company.

In return, the government can come forward to negotiate with the Egyptian government! Try your best to get the Egyptian government to agree to allow you to leave Egypt safely with the antique artifacts and works of art acquired from Khalili Market and other places! ”

This time it was Ye Tian’s turn to be silent, and he fell into thinking.

However, he had expected this outcome. The moment he received the call from the presidential secretary, he understood that the person in the White House was obviously jealous and couldn’t wait to attack Qiufeng. He was still as greedy as ever!

After pretending to think for a moment, Ye Tian said:

“You also know that I have two top private museums under construction myself, and the construction speed is very fast. They are rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they will be completed and opened soon!

My private museum is in great need of heavyweight antiques and works of art. Top-notch antiques like the Rosetta Stone fragments can become treasures in any museum!

So, it is impossible to transfer all the fragments of the Rosetta Stone. At most, I will only transfer some of the fragments, and I plan to collect the rest of the fragments myself!

You can tell Mr. President what I mean. It is estimated that the Egyptian President will contact me soon to discuss the disposal of the Rosetta Stone fragments. We can have a three-party meeting! ”

“Okay, Mr. Steven, I will convey your message to the president and call you later!”

The presidential secretary responded and immediately ended the call.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Ye Tian’s cell phone rang again, and it was a seamless connection!

The caller this time was the director of the Metropolitan Museum!

No need to ask, this old friend is also here for those Rosetta fragments!

In the following time, the directors of the British Museum, the Louvre, and other famous museums, as well as many top collectors, called Ye Tian one after another!

Without exception, these guys came here for the Rosetta Stone fragments. Everyone wanted to get those priceless treasures, and everyone was extremely generous!

In addition, some familiar historians and archaeologists, as well as senior executives from top auction houses, also called one after another, all focused on the fragments of the Rosetta Stone.

Not only that, the major auction houses are also eyeing other antique cultural relics and works of art that Ye Tian swept away from the Khalili market, and want to win the auction rights of those antiques, cultural relics and works of art.

However, Ye Tian did not agree to any of them, he just said that he still needed to think carefully before making a decision!

While Ye Tian was on the phone with these old friends, the motorcade had already left Khalili Market and headed straight for Tahrir Square.

Behind their convoy, there were many other vehicles.

For example, the car of the U.S. Ambassador to Egypt and the embassy security vehicles, as well as the vehicles of Ahmed and other senior Egyptian government officials, experts and scholars, as well as the vehicles of many media reporters.

There were even people following on foot, preparing to follow him to the Nile Hotel!

After a while, Ye Tian and his team arrived at the Nile Hotel.

Before the motorcade stopped, many media reporters waiting at the door of the hotel had already surged up like a tide, taking pictures of the motorcade in an attempt to interview Ye Tian immediately.

In addition to them, at the entrance of the Nile Hotel, the Egyptian Minister of Culture and the Director of the National Museum were looking over with a group of experts and scholars. Everyone was extremely excited.

The Central Government Building and the National Museum of Egypt are both located in Tahrir Square, within easy reach of the Nile Hotel. As soon as the live broadcast ended, the Egyptian Minister of Culture and the Director of the National Museum rushed here.

Swarmed and chased by many media reporters, the motorcade slowly stopped at the entrance of the Nile Hotel!

After confirming that the scene was safe, Ye Tian opened the car door and got out of the car, standing at the door of the hotel.

At this time, he was holding a black portable safe in his hand, which contained a fragment of the Rosetta Stone.

David was carrying another portable safe containing fragments of the Rosetta Stone. The fragments in that safe were relatively fewer and lighter!

As Ye Tian appeared, everyone at the scene looked at him and the black portable safe in his hand. Everyone’s eyes were so hot that they were almost burning!

Those media reporters with cameras would not miss this opportunity and began to ask questions loudly.

Like the media reporters at Khalili Market, their biggest concern is the process by which Ye Tian discovered these Rosetta Stone fragments, and what he plans to do with these priceless treasures, whether to take them back to New York or keep them. In Egypt!

Ye Tian ignored the questions from these media reporters. He just nodded and said hello to these guys, and then looked at the Egyptian Minister of Culture and the Director of the Egyptian National Museum who were walking quickly.

Due to their special and sensitive status, Israeli Culture Minister Joshua and Bishop Kent did not leave the hotel even though they came down from upstairs!

They stood inside the hotel door, looking at the high-spirited Ye Tian outside the door, their eyes turned red with envy!

As for the other members of the tripartite joint exploration team, those experts and scholars from Israel and the Vatican, as well as from Harvard University and Columbia University, have not yet returned from the Giza Pyramids!

It is completely conceivable that those guys must be beating their chests with regret at this time, feeling sorry for missing out on this great discovery today!

In fact, those guys have received the news and are rushing back in a hurry!

On the way back to the hotel just now, Ye Tian received a call from them. On the phone, those guys were very excited and kept asking about the fragments of the Rosetta Stone.

While he was talking, the Egyptian Minister of Culture and others came closer.

Before he could stand firm, the director of the Egyptian National Museum said impatiently:

“Stephen, tell me, how can you keep those Rosetta Stone fragments in Egypt instead of taking them back to New York? Those priceless treasures belong to Egypt, to this land, and to the people here. !

I know that you like to collect top antique cultural relics and artworks from China. If you are willing to exchange, I will notify the major museums in Egypt to bring together all Chinese antique cultural relics and artworks for you to choose from! ”

Ye Tian looked at this excited old friend, then glanced at the other Egyptians present, and then said with a smile:

“Gentlemen, please be patient. How to deal with these fragments of the Rosetta Stone found in Khalili Market is not a simple matter. It is impossible for me to give a proper solution immediately.

On the way back to the hotel, Ahmed has contacted the President of your country and reported the situation. I will discuss with the President later how to deal with these Rosetta Stone fragments!

If Mr. President allows, you can also participate in relevant talks and negotiations. According to my estimation, the relevant talks will start soon, so please be more patient and wait for our notification.

Yes, I do like to collect top-quality antique cultural relics and artworks from China. If there are Chinese antique cultural relics and artworks that interest me in the major museums in Egypt, of course I can exchange them! ”

After hearing his words, all the Egyptians at the scene let out a sigh of relief, and their hearts hanging high in their throats were finally put back into their stomachs!

In their opinion, since the President of Egypt has come forward, leaving these fragments of the Rosetta Stone should not be a big problem!

But how did they know that the person in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington was also eyeing these priceless treasures, and it was even more impossible for Ye Tian to give up these Rosetta Stone fragments!

After chatting for a while, Ye Tian and the others walked into the Nile Hotel.

Following them, many employees of the Intrepid Exploration Company also walked into the five-star hotel. Each of these guys had a metal trolley suitcase. Each suitcase looked extremely heavy and filled to the brim!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help but gasp!

This **** Steven really wiped out the Khalili Market. How many valuable antiques and works of art were taken away. It’s crazy!


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