Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2917: The secret in the statue

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Hearing that Ye Tian was interested in purchasing this black pottery statue of Anubis, the God of Death, the antique shop owner Adel couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, looking at Ye Tian in surprise, and even doubted whether he heard it wrong.

Because this black pottery statue is a fake made by the French in the early 19th century, and it is engraved with Anubis, the **** of death in ancient Egyptian mythology, it is quite unlucky. Most collectors will not collect it, and museums cannot see it. superior.

In addition, this black pottery statue was relatively crudely made, and no one liked it even more. Since it was acquired, it has been placed in the corner of the antique shop, with no one paying attention to it.

In this case, Adel sometimes even wanted to smash the black pottery statue so as not to be an eyesore, but because the statue had a history of more than two hundred years, he was reluctant to do so, just in case it could be sold that day!

Because of this, Adel was very surprised to hear that Ye Tian wanted to buy this statue.

Not only him, but everyone else at the scene was also a little surprised and confused by Ye Tian’s decision!

Only David and Matisse had a look of surprise flashing through their eyes. It was fleeting and no one noticed it!

They understood that Ye Tian must have his reasons for wanting to buy this seemingly worthless statue of the God of Death, and he must have a target in mind!

This statue of Anubis might be hiding some secrets, but others can’t see it!

Adel looked at the statue of Anubis, the God of Death again, examining it carefully, trying to find something. Ahmed and the others also stepped forward to observe the statue carefully.

During this process, Ye Tian put his right hand on the side of the statue and pushed it gently. The black pottery statue did not move at all, and he immediately withdrew his right hand!

His action seemed nothing special. It looked like he was stroking the statue and feeling the smoothness of the glaze. It did not attract anyone’s attention.

After observing carefully for a while, Adel found nothing new. The black pottery statue of Anubis in front of him remained the same without any change.

Next, the Egyptian antique dealer fell into deep thought, his face constantly changing, and he would glance at Ye Tian’s expression. It was obvious that he was having an ideological struggle.

Unfortunately, Ye Tian’s expression was very calm, and there was no sign of anything unusual at all.

After a while, Adel finally made a decision and said through gritted teeth:

“Mr. Steven, if you really want this statue of Anubis, the ancient Egyptian **** of death, you only need to pay $60,000, and this black pottery statue will be yours!”

After saying this, Adel looked at Ye Tian expectantly, with a bit of anxiety in his eyes.

The rest of the people at the scene did the same. They all looked at Ye Xiang to see how he would respond.

Ye Tian shook his head and said with a smile:

“Sixty thousand dollars? This offer is too high and I can’t accept it. You and I both know that this is a fake made by the French, and the manufacturing process is average. It is not worth so much money!

I can offer up to ten thousand US dollars, Mr. Adel, if you can accept it, let’s trade now and get both money and goods! If you can’t accept it, then it means that this statue of Anubis is not for me!

This black pottery statue of Anubis comes from the City of the Dead in Cairo. It originally stood in front of a tomb. Let me guess that the price you pay for this statue will never be higher than 500 US dollars! ”

With Ye Tian’s words, Adel’s expression suddenly changed.

What Ye Tian said is absolutely correct. When he originally purchased this statue of Anubis from a few poor people from other places, Adel only spent 3,000 Egyptian pounds, which was less than 200 dollars when converted into U.S. dollars!

Compared with the original purchase price, US$10,000 is equivalent to an increase of more than fifty times. It can be regarded as a sudden windfall, not to mention such an antique cultural relic that no one cares about!

Thinking of this, Adel wanted to nod and agree, so he would be safe!

However, who doesn’t want to make a little more money, let alone when facing a super rich man, such opportunities are rare!

Adel pretended to think for a moment, then looked at Ye Tian and said:

“I can make a little concession, Mr. Steven, fifty thousand dollars, this price is already very low, after all, this is an antique artifact with a history of more than 200 years!”

“Ten thousand dollars! Mr. Adel, this is my bid, and I will not add a cent more. If this was the Anubis statue from ancient Egypt, I would also be willing to pay one million dollars. Unfortunately, It’s not!”

Ye Tian responded with a smile, but his tone was decisive, leaving no room for error!

Hearing this, Adel couldn’t help but pause, and his eyes became hesitant.

But he still didn’t give up and continued to bargain with Ye Tian, ​​lowering the price little by little from 10,000 to 5,000, while always observing Ye Tian’s expression.

Ye Tianque insisted on the offer, which was ten thousand dollars, and refused to add a cent more, but he always had a smile on his face.

After several rounds of tentative bargaining, Adel also figured out that if he really wanted to sell the Anubis statue today, he would have to accept a price of US$10,000, otherwise the business would fall through. Got it!

Deep in his heart, Adel really wanted to make these ten thousand dollars, and he also wanted to get rid of this statue of the God of Death, which had little value and was creepy to look at. This made his position very unstable and lacking in Confidence!

“Okay, Mr. Steven, the deal is $10,000, and this black pottery statue of Anubis belongs to you”

Adel said helplessly, finally accepting Ye Tian’s offer and extending his right hand.

“Deal, Mr. Adel, it’s a pleasure to work with you”

Ye Tian said with a smile, shook hands with Adel and concluded the deal.

When they shook hands, both of them had bright smiles on their faces.

One is the smile of getting what you want, the other is the proud smile of making a small fortune, but also a bit of the joy of finally being freed!

The next thing is simple, the money and goods are settled, the transaction contract is signed, etc.

During this period, Ye Tian checked the Anubis statue again, looking at it very carefully.

After a while, the transaction process was completed, and Adel said enthusiastically:

“Mr. Steven, how do you plan to transport this statue of Anubis? Although it is a black pottery statue, it is very heavy and difficult to transport. I heard that you are staying at the Nile Hotel in Tahrir Square. I can arrange for someone to take you to the hotel!”

Ye Tian gently shook his head and said with a smile:

“I have no intention of transporting this statue of Anubis, the God of Death, Mr. Adel. As you just said, this black pottery statue is very heavy and difficult to transport!

When I looked at this black pottery statue again just now, I felt its weight and felt that there was something wrong with it. The weight of this black pottery statue was wrong!

Black pottery statues like this are generally hollow in order to prevent them from exploding during firing. In other words, their weight should be much lighter than they look!

Although the weight of this black pottery statue is a little lighter than it looks, it is almost the same. This is unreasonable! The strange thing is that this black pottery statue did not explode!

In view of this, I made a bold guess. It is true that this statue is hollow inside, but there may be other things hidden inside this statue!

The other things mentioned here are probably heavier stones, which are heavier than clay, but the difference is not very obvious and can easily be ignored!

One more thing, in the early 19th century, what was the real purpose of the French forging this statue of Anubis? Was it simply to guard the tomb? I don’t think so!

Anyone guess whether the French made this black pottery statue and chose the shape of Anubis in order to hide something or a secret?

Such a creepy-looking black pottery statue, coupled with the poor manufacturing process, will undoubtedly make people stay away and avoid coming into contact with this statue.

The French characters and chronological numbers engraved on this statue of Anubis, and placing it in front of a tomb to guard the tomb, may have been intentional by the French! To deceive others!

Of course, this is all my subjective speculation. Whether it is correct or not is not necessarily correct. This requires some verification. I plan to break this statue to verify my conjecture.

If this statue is empty and has no hidden secrets, I will have to consider myself unlucky and lose $10,000. Fortunately, this statue is not worth much!

If my guess is correct and there really is some secret hidden in this statue of Anubis, I may be able to get a huge surprise. This risk is worth taking! ”


There were exclamations at the scene, and everyone was shocked by Ye Tian’s words!

Looking at Adel again, it was as if he had been struck by lightning. He was stunned on the spot, his eyes full of regret and disbelief!


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