Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2914: Disappointed Egyptologist

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Similar to the situation outside, the inside of Feshawi Cafe is also extremely noisy. Some people are talking and laughing loudly, and some are playing piano and singing, which is Arabic music and singing. There are many customers and it is very lively.

As soon as Ye Tian and the others walked into this famous cafe, they immediately became the focus of the scene.

Everyone in the cafe looked at them with curiosity in their eyes, and some of the young people even had hostility in their eyes!

Fortunately, this is Feshawei Cafe. If it were any other place, those young and energetic guys might come here to cause trouble, but they are asking for trouble!

In fact, when Ye Tian and the others were outside the cafe before, these people in the cafe noticed them.

Led by the deputy manager of the cafe, Ye Tian and the others walked through the crowded aisles and walked straight to the stairs leading to the second floor of the cafe. The seats they reserved were on the second floor, which was relatively quiet.

While walking, Ye Tian quickly took a look at the interior of this famous cafe and glanced at the customers in the cafe.

This cafe is very luxuriously decorated, a bit resplendent, full of Islamic style, and you can also see a lot of influence from ancient Egyptian civilization.

On the walls and ceilings of this coffee shop, there are many Arabic-style decorations, such as various exquisite tapestries, handmade brass wall lamps and copper plates, etc., which are dazzling.

The coffee pots, tea sets, even dining tables, chairs and benches used here, as well as the Egyptian hookahs in the hands of the men, are all Arabic style and very beautifully made!

And the portraits of Arab literary giant Mahfouz can be seen everywhere here. He is the only Nobel Prize winner in literature in the Arab world and is the pride of the Egyptian people.

During his lifetime, the Arab literary giant often came to the Fashawi Cafe to taste coffee, conceive and write articles, or spend time. The Fashawi Cafe also became famous because of him.

In addition to these, this famous cafe also displays some antique artifacts and works of art from ancient Egypt, such as statues of ancient Egyptian gods, stone slabs engraved with hieroglyphics, the key to life, etc.

In addition, there are some antique cultural relics and artworks from other Arab countries and regions in the Middle East, such as antique cultural relics from the Mesopotamia and some Arab musical instruments, such as the oud.

Among these antique cultural relics and works of art, Ye Tian saw some valuable treasures, but he only admired them and had no intention of buying or picking them up.

The reason is very simple. The business of Feshawei Cafe is so booming. The boss behind it must be a wealthy person. He has no shortage of money at all, so he will naturally not sell his collection.

What’s more, these collections can also enhance the cultural taste of Feshawei Cafe, which makes it even more impossible to sell!

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had arrived at the middle of the cafe, where several middle-aged Egyptian men were playing Arabic music and singing, and they were very involved in the game, even showing off their skills from time to time!

When they arrived here, Ye Tian and the others couldn’t help but stop and listen to this exotic music. They were all very interested!

Ye Tian and David couldn’t understand what these Egyptian men were singing at all, but the music had something in common. As long as the music was beautiful enough, it would resonate.

After a while, when the song was finished, a burst of warm applause broke out, naturally including Ye Tian and the others.

Then they nodded to the Egyptian men who were playing and singing, and then walked towards the stairs deep in the cafe.

Soon, the group of them arrived at the second floor of the cafe and sat down at the reserved seats.

Before taking a seat, Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation on the second floor, quickly scanning every nearby customer and even every table to ensure safety.

Compared with the first floor, the space on the second floor is smaller. The number of dining tables is less than half of that on the first floor. Naturally, there are many fewer customers sitting here, and the environment is better than that on the first floor.

After sitting down, they chatted for a while, and then started to order food. They ordered coffee and several signature dishes of Feshawei Cafe.

At this moment, two customers sitting at a table not far away suddenly stood up and walked over to Ye Tian and the others.

These are two Egyptian men in their fifties. They look relatively polite and well-dressed. They should be two intellectuals.

Seeing them coming, Matisse and Pique immediately went up to them, stopped the two Egyptian men, and asked them in a low voice about their identity and purpose.

The two people could only reveal their identities to Matisse and the others, and pointed to Ye Tian and the others.

These are two scholars from Cairo University. When they saw Ye Tian and others coming up to the second floor, they wanted to come over and discuss with them about Solomon’s treasure.

After confirming his identity, Ye Tian motioned to Matisse to ask the two Egyptologists to come over.

I have nothing to do anyway, so it would be nice to take this opportunity to chat with these two Egyptologists.

While they were talking, the two scholars from Cairo University came closer, and Ye Tian and the others immediately stood up to greet them.

Next, as usual, there was a series of greetings, self-introductions, handshakes, etc., and then everyone sat up.

As soon as he sat down, one of the Egyptologists couldn’t wait to say:

“Mr. Steven, when you come to Egypt this time to explore the legendary treasures of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant, you should be going to Goshen, where the ancestors of the Israelites once lived, right? I would like to ask, what exactly is the legendary Goshen? Where?

Relevant historical materials record that Goshen is located in the fertile Nile Delta, but the exact location is not stated. We have done research in this area, but have not found the ancient Goshen. We hope to get the answer from you. ! ”

Ye Tian gently shook his head and said with a smile:

“I’m very sorry, Mr. Saleh, I can’t give you an accurate answer! In fact, I don’t know the exact location of Goshen. If anyone knows, it may be the Israeli side.

In my opinion, Goshen may be a geographical concept rather than the name of a city in ancient Egypt. It may be a place in the Nile Delta, or it may refer to the entire Nile Delta!

As far as I know, after the Israelites fled to Egypt and were slaves for more than 400 years, they traveled throughout the entire Nile Valley in Egypt, so the scope of Goshen may be even wider! ”

Hearing this, the two Egyptologists showed disappointment on their faces.

Immediately afterwards, another Egyptologist continued:

“Mr. Steven, we study the history of ancient Egypt. The three-party joint exploration team is going to the Nile Delta to explore the legendary Treasure of Solomon and the Ark of the Covenant. I wonder if our Cairo University can participate?”

Ye Tian did not respond immediately, but turned to look at Ahmed, then shook his head again and said:

“We are very sorry. According to the tripartite joint exploration agreement signed by our company, the Israeli government and the Vatican, we do not accept the fourth partner to participate in this joint exploration operation.

Even the Ministry of Culture of the Egyptian government sent people to follow us as observers to supervise the activities of the tripartite joint exploration team in Egypt on site, and they were not allowed to interfere without any reason!

I understand your Cairo University’s desire to participate in this joint exploration operation, but I’m afraid we won’t be able to cooperate this time, but I believe there will be opportunities for cooperation between us! ”

Not surprisingly, these remarks made the two Cairo University scholars very disappointed and unwilling.

Looking at their unyielding expressions, Ye Tian instantly guessed what would happen next.

If nothing else happens, after these two historians return to Cairo University, they are likely to quickly pull together an exploration team and go to Goshen to explore the legendary Solomon’s Treasure before the three-party joint exploration team!

Ye Tian was not worried at all about such a thing, but was happy to see it come to fruition.

If Solomon’s treasure could be found so easily, it wouldn’t be a myth. No one has been able to find it for thousands of years!

After chatting for a few more words and discussing the treasure of St. Helena found under Mount Sinai, the two Egyptologists got up and left, returning to their dining table.

After a while, the coffee and lunch ordered by Ye Tian and others were brought out one after another, and the sound of Arabic playing and singing sounded again downstairs!


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