Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2913: Special treatment

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While stopping and walking, Ye Tian and his group soon arrived at the entrance of the famous Feshawei Cafe.

This is an Arabic cafe full of strong Islamic style. It is also one of the oldest and most famous cafes in Egypt, with a long history of more than 200 years.

Because the Arab writer Mahfouz often visited this cafe and wrote here, the cafe subsequently became a cultural holy place in Cairo and a window into Egyptian society.

Whether they are lovers of literature and art, local residents of Cairo, or foreign tourists who come here to visit, they all love the cozy time in this famous cafe.

People who come here either visit the rooms and corners where Mahfouz once stayed, or sit on the chair where Mahfouz once sat, sipping a cup of fragrant and rich coffee, listening to Arabic music and singing, and feel happy contented!

When Ye Tian and the others arrived, there was already a long queue at the door of the cafe. Many tourists and local citizens were waiting to enter the cafe.

The outdoor dining area located at the entrance of the cafe is full of guests under every umbrella. People are drinking coffee, smoking Egyptian shisha, laughing and chatting, which is quite comfortable.

Led by Feshawei Cafe, the business of several neighboring cafes and restaurants is also very good, with a large number of customers.

Unlike Western-style cafes across Europe and the United States, Arabic cafes are relatively noisy, just like the Khalili Market where they are located, with people coming and going, and it is as lively as a market.

With the arrival of Ye Tian and his party, the people at the door of Feshawei Cafe, as well as the people at the door of several adjacent cafes and restaurants, all looked at them, and everyone was full of curiosity.

Those people who knew what Ye Tian and the others did in Khalili Market this morning looked at them with eyes full of envy, jealousy, and even hatred.

Some of them even have red eyes.

When Ye Tian and the others approached, someone immediately asked loudly:

“Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I heard that you came to Egypt to look for the legendary Solomon’s Treasure and the Ark of the Covenant? Where is Solomon’s Treasure buried? Can you tell me?”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately stopped and looked at the Egyptian man who asked the question.

The man was sitting at an outdoor table with a few friends, drinking coffee. He was about forty or fifty years old. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be an Egyptian intellectual. The others were the same.

Ye Tian glanced at those guys, then nodded with a smile and said:

“Good afternoon, sir, yes, we came to Egypt this time to find the legendary Solomon’s treasure and the Ark of the Covenant. But we don’t know where Solomon’s treasure is buried. We can only explore step by step. .

After all, Solomon’s Treasure is a very old legend, and it is not certain whether it really exists. Even if this famous treasure does exist, it may be buried somewhere in Egypt, or it may not be in Egypt. Who knows? ”

Hearing his response, the Egyptians nodded, as did everyone else at the scene.

At this moment, among the people waiting in line to enter Feshawei Cafe, someone suddenly said loudly:

“Mr. Steven, there are rumors in the market that you are frantically ransacking antique shops in Khalili Market, and have swept away many valuable antique artifacts and works of art that were previously neglected.

The seven African wood carvings you bought at Ibrahim Antique Shop are all works by the African art master Al Anazou. You only spent $50,000, but they are worth at least $8 million. !

As well as the antique relics and works of art you buy in other antique stores, the cost is very small, and compared with the real value of those antiques, relics and works of art, they are probably negligible!

This is all accumulated by the operators of antique shops over generations. It can be regarded as the cultural heritage of the city of Cairo. Isn’t it inappropriate for you to sweep them away like this? ”

Obviously, the guy who spoke was probably an insider in the industry. That’s why he knew so clearly about Ye Tian’s raids, and that’s why he was unwilling and aggrieved!

Following his malicious words, the scene immediately erupted into excitement, with exclamations rising from all over.

Without exception, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian and the others, and their eyes were quite unfriendly. Some of them even had hatred in their eyes.

It’s no wonder that the Khalili Market where he was was ransacked without restraint, sweeping away countless valuable antiques and works of art. No one was in a good mood!

What’s more, the people who did this are a group of Americans, enemies that make almost all Arabs hate it with teeth. You can imagine how people feel!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense, and there seemed to be a smell of gunpowder in the air, with the possibility of an explosion at any time.

Ahmed, who was also at the scene, and the senior Egyptian police officer immediately raised their hearts to their throats, ready to stand up and explain and control the situation.

However, they were a step too late.

Ye Tian stretched out his hands and pressed down gently to signal everyone to be quiet, then smiled and said loudly:

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I am Steven. I am very happy to come to ancient and beautiful Cairo and to the famous Khalili Market. I am also very happy to see you all here. I feel the need to explain myself”

With his actions and words, the scene suddenly became quieter, and everyone looked at him to see how he would explain.

After a pause, Ye Tian continued to smile and said loudly:

“The friend who stirred up everyone’s emotions also said that what I purchased were antiques and artworks that were valuable but had been neglected for a long time. This is true, and this is enough to illustrate the problem.

If I had not discovered those valuable antique artifacts and works of art, they would probably have continued to be ignored by people until they were damaged or disappeared, or even thrown away as useless garbage!

On this point, I don’t think I’m wrong! It is precisely because of me that those valuable antiques, cultural relics and works of art that have been neglected for a long time can once again shine with the brilliance they deserve!

Otherwise, they will be completely buried and eventually turn into sand, with no chance of shining again. I don’t think those antique dealers or tourists will be able to discover them. That chance is extremely slim!

This is like I discovered a huge diamond that no one knows about but is actually worth a lot of money. Should I choose to ignore it and give this diamond to others? If it were you, would you do this? ”

As Ye Tian asked back, the scene suddenly became quiet, and almost everyone fell into deep thought.

For what he said, everyone felt that there was some truth to it, but they also felt that something was wrong, but they couldn’t explain it for a while. It felt very awkward!

Before people could react, Ye Tian’s clear voice came out again and reached the ears of everyone present.

“Besides, the reason why those antique shop owners traded with me was to make a profit by selling antiques and artworks that they didn’t know but were actually valuable.

In fact, the profits they earned were quite large, basically doubled or even multiplied several times. For them, these antique art transactions were perfect and there was nothing to fault.

People can only make money within the scope of their own knowledge! Because we have different perceptions of the true value of those antiques and artworks, this determines the difference in profits between me and those antique dealers!

It’s me today. If I were any other tourist or collector, it would be impossible to give the price those antique dealers want. Putting aside the emotional impact, everyone in these transactions is actually happy! ”

While they were talking, two company employees and a cafe deputy manager who had come to Feshawi Cafe had already arrived in front of Ye Tian and Ahmed and invited them to enter the cafe!

Of course, the two Intrepid Exploration Company employees came for Ye Tian and David, but as for the deputy manager of Feshawi Cafe, they came for Ahmed, the special envoy of the Egyptian President!

“Mr. Steven, Mr. Ahmed, please come with me. Feshawi Cafe welcomes you very much and has arranged seats for you!”

The deputy manager of Feshawei Cafe whispered and made a gesture of invitation.

The next moment, Ye Tianchong nodded slightly to the others around him, and then walked into this famous cafe with Ahmed and the others!

Seeing this scene, there was a burst of noise at the door of the cafe, and many people shouted angrily.

“Why can Steven and the others not have to queue and can enter the cafe directly? But we have to queue here for a long time. This is unfair!”

“Yes, this is unfair! Is it just because that guy Steven is a super rich man? That he can enjoy privileges?”

While people were shouting, a cafe waiter said loudly:

“Gentlemen, please control your emotions. Mr. Steven and the others do not have any privileges because they have already reserved seats and sent people to queue up very early, so they can enter the cafe!”

Hearing this, people had nothing to say and had no choice but to shut up!


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