Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2756: Stone Pillar No. 0

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Nearly an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

At the golden section of this basement, which is the origin of the Fibonacci arc that Ye Tian drew before, there is a deep pit about three meters deep.

The stones and soil excavated from this pit were piled in two basements on both sides of the corridor.

As Ye Tian expected, the pit was surrounded by extremely heavy and solid granite strips under the floor, firmly supporting the buildings above and preventing collapse.

Only this deep pit dug along the origin is filled with a large amount of stones and soil, and can still be excavated.

In fact, this deep pit looks more like a well at first glance. Although the wellhead is not large, the deeper you dig, the larger the space becomes, which is just enough for expansion.

Seeing this, everyone became more excited and full of expectations.

At this point, everyone is very sure that if they continue to dig along this deep pit, it is very likely that they will dig out earth-shaking secrets or treasures.


A crisp sound suddenly came from the pit. It was the sound of the engineer’s shovel hitting the granite. Everyone has heard it countless times before and has long been used to it!

Immediately afterwards, another excited voice came from the pit.

“Steven, I should dig to the bottom. There is a granite slab at the bottom of the pit instead of the stone I dug before. This slab is exactly above the origin!”

The moment I heard the announcement, there was a burst of excited cheers.

“Awesome! I finally dug to the bottom. I wonder what secrets are hidden under this stone slab?”

“What exactly is Leonardo da Vinci hiding here? It’s so exciting!”

While everyone was cheering and celebrating, Ye Tian came to the edge of the pit and looked at the bottom of the pit.

As expected!

Under the illumination of the light, a mottled granite slab appeared at the bottom of the pit, which happened to be at the golden section. A man working at the bottom of the pit was cleaning the soil on the slab.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian also waved his fist slightly in excitement to celebrate, even though he already knew the existence of this stone slab.

After a short pause, he said to his men working at the bottom of the pit:

“Dennis, after cleaning up the soil on the slate, come up here. Don’t try to pry up the slate. No one knows what’s going on under the slate. There might be a trap!

After you come up, I will go down to the bottom of the pit to check the situation and make sure there is no danger. After everyone puts on protective equipment, we will open this stone slab and see what we can find.”

“Okay, Steven, we’ll be careful”

Dennis responded and continued to clean the soil on the stone slab at the bottom of the pit.

Ye Tianze left the pit and told everyone at the scene to put on all the protective clothing that had been prepared and put on gas masks, just in case!

At the same time, he also asked Derek and others to turn on two powerful ventilation fans that had been installed in the corridor to speed up the air circulation.

The granite slab at the bottom of the pit has been sealed for more than five hundred years. If there is no vent connecting the underground space to the outside world, the air must be extremely polluted and even poisonous!

With Da Vinci’s wisdom and methods, God knows what kind of traps he set up in that underground space, and he had to guard against them.

As Ye Tian gave the order, everyone at the scene became busy and began to wear protective equipment.

After a while, everyone was wearing protective equipment, and Dennis also finished cleaning the soil on the stone slab at the bottom of the pit.

Immediately afterwards, Dennis was hoisted to the ground, and Ye Tianze went down to the bottom of the pit himself, pretending to be serious and began to check the situation at the bottom of the pit.

After a moment, he said loudly:

“There are no traps here, and it seems relatively safe. Maybe this is not the real entrance, so Leonardo da Vinci did not set any traps.

Of course, it is also possible that he did this deliberately to make the intruders relax their vigilance. In this way, subsequent traps will be even more deadly.”

After hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded and had no different opinions.

Ye Tian, ​​who was at the bottom of the pit, checked the situation at the bottom of the pit again, then stood close to the wall, then picked up a crowbar he had brought down, and inserted one end of the crowbar into the hole in the center of the pit. Under a stone slab.

Then he pressed the other end of the crowbar violently.

With this movement, the square granite slab was immediately pried up, revealing a gap.

At the same time, a stream of slightly filthy air rushed out from under the stone slab, quickly dissipated, and was then taken away by two powerful ventilation fans in the corridor!

Other than that, no changes occurred. There were no javelins and crossbows shooting out, no rolling wood or rocks, and no sky or earth falling!

As Ye Tian said before, there are no traps here and it is very safe.

After prying up the stone slab by about ten centimeters, Ye Tian quickly stretched out his left hand, took a stone placed aside, placed it under the stone slab, took out the crowbar and threw it aside.

The next moment, he held the edge of the granite slab with both hands, paused for a moment, and then slowly exerted force to lift the granite slab little by little!

During this process, every time the granite slab was lifted up a little, he would pause for a moment. He would not continue to lift the slab until he was sure that there were no traps or accidents!

Fortunately, there were no traps under and around the stone slab, and no accidents occurred!


With a muffled sound, the granite slab was completely lifted by him!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the pit above couldn’t help but take a breath of air.

You must know that the granite slab is one meter square and is quite heavy. Its weight is at least more than one hundred kilograms.

Such an unusually heavy granite slab was easily lifted and opened by a person as he spoke. Can you not be shocked!

Of course, only Giovanni and a few other representatives were shocked!

As for David, Bishop Kent, and the employees of Intrepid Exploration Company, they have seen this scene countless times and have long been accustomed to it!

As the granite slab was lifted, a circular hole with a diameter of about seventy or eighty centimeters suddenly appeared at the bottom of the pit!

Downward along the entrance of the cave is a spiral staircase that twists and turns, extending deep underground.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing at the bottom of the pit, and David, who were staying at the edge of the pit, could only see the first section of the spiral staircase. Due to the obstruction of the line of sight, the situation further down the stairs was temporarily unknown!

Even so, the appearance of the cave entrance and the spiral staircase caused a burst of excited exclamations at the scene.

“Oh my god! There is really an unknown underground space here, it’s incredible!”

“No matter what secrets or treasures are hidden in this underground space, the mere discovery of this secret passage is enough to cause a sensation!”

While everyone was exclaiming, Ye Tian had already placed the granite slab against the wall, then came to the hole in the center of the pit and began to check the situation here.

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After just one glance, he said excitedly:

“Gentlemen, my previous guess was correct. On the inside of the first step of this secret passage, there is an Arabic numeral 0, which is the starting number of the Fibonacci sequence, which is what I said. origin.

Obviously, the No. 0 stone pillar that was supposed to stand in the corridor was hidden underground by Leonardo da Vinci. This spiral staircase was built around the No. 0 stone pillar, like a python wrapped around the stone pillar!

Another stone pillar with the Arabic numeral 1 engraved on it is probably deeper underground. You should be able to see it if you go down this spiral staircase. I have to say that this design is really ingenious.”

While saying this, Ye Tian also pointed to the first step of the secret passage, but did not touch it.

As he said this, there was another exclamation in the corridor above. Everyone was shocked and everyone became more excited!

At this time, they wished they could immediately go down to the bottom of the pit, enter the secret tunnel built by Leonardo da Vinci more than 500 years ago, and go down the spiral staircase to see what secrets were hidden deep underground. Or treasure!

In comparison, Ye Tian, ​​who was staying at the entrance of the secret passage, was much calmer than them!

After carefully checking the situation at the entrance of the secret passage, Ye Tian stood up and asked his men to pull him up to the ground.

As soon as he stood still on the ground, he began to assign the next exploration task,

“Derek, send two small drones down and explore this secret passage to see how deep it is, where it leads, and what secrets are hidden deep in the secret passage?

Put in a powerful ventilation fan and air monitor to test the air quality in the secret tunnel to see if it is toxic, and replace the air in the secret tunnel to prepare for follow-up actions!

When I just opened the granite slab, there didn’t seem to be a lot of dirty air overflowing from the secret passage. From this, it can be seen that this underground space must have a vent connected to the outside world!

For us, this is undoubtedly a good thing and can reduce a little risk! As for where this vent is, I don’t know yet. I estimate it may be in the Sforza Castle not far away.

We don’t need to consider this vent for the time being. For safety reasons, we still need to completely replace the air in this underground space before we can enter and explore to avoid accidents! ”

“Understood, Steven, leave these things to us!”

Derek nodded in response, and then took people to get ventilation fans and other equipment.

At the same time, the director of the Sforza Castle Museum standing aside looked dumbfounded.

“How is this possible? The Sforza Castle has vents connected to this underground space! How come we don’t know anything about it?”

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn’t help but chuckle.


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