Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2750: Right of first refusal

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In the banquet hall, representatives from all parties and many experts and scholars were gathered around the tables, appreciating and appraising the first batch of top-notch oil paintings on display.

Looking at these top-notch works of art that have never appeared before and are priceless, everyone at the scene was extremely excited. Everyone felt like they were witnessing history, and their eyes were shining!

As before, Ye Tian once again took on the role of explanation, introducing these priceless top-notch works of art to everyone present, and giving his own appraisal conclusions.

At the same time, he also showed the two books he had found before to everyone present to support this amazing discovery and his own identification conclusion.

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“Gentlemen, at the end of this catalog of the antique art collection of the Royal Palace of the Duke of Milan, the royal family member named Francis used a handwritten Italian text to clearly record the origin and inheritance of these top-notch artworks.

Without exception, these top-notch works of art in front of everyone were once the most important art collections of the royal family of the Duke of Milan. The reason why Francis hid them was to prevent these priceless treasures from being looted by Napoleon.

However, Francis only hid them but did not take them out again. According to my estimation, Francis himself was destroyed by Napoleon just like the Principality of Milan, and these top-notch works of art have been hidden until now.

Fortunately, we discovered these top-notch works of art and did not let them disappear completely, so everyone can see them here, appreciate these oil paintings by top art masters, and appreciate the beauty of these top-notch works of art! .

The origin of each oil painting here is very clear, and the inheritance line is clear and beyond doubt. These two books record detailed information such as the date and price when the Milan royal family purchased them. There is no doubt that this is the most powerful identification. in accordance with! ”

While saying this, Ye Tian opened one of the books directly to the end.

At the end of the book, there is a piece of yellowed letter paper, which is filled with Italian words, and they are all handwritten. Those are the words left by Francis.

Listening to Ye Tian’s words, looking at these two books and the text left by Francis, everyone at the scene nodded. There was no doubt at all about the authenticity of this batch of top-notch artworks!

There is no doubt that these dozen oil paintings are priceless top-notch works of art.

Because they have clear origins, orderly inheritance, and are related to the royal family of the Duke of Milan and many major historical events, the value of these top-notch oil paintings will also increase and become more expensive!

Thinking of this, everyone at the scene was almost crazy with envy. Some guys even had their eyes red with jealousy, wishing they could replace Ye Tian and take these priceless top-notch works of art as their own.

And among the many Italians at the scene, everyone felt their hearts bleeding and secretly complained!

Damn it! In order to avoid Napoleon’s looting, Francis hid these top works of art. He also achieved his goal and successfully prevented these top works of art from being looted by Napoleon.

But who would have thought that today, more than two hundred years later, these top-notch works of art would be looted by Steven, a bastard, and the result would still be doomed!

If he knew this result, Francis, who has been dead for more than two hundred years, would probably be so angry that he would commit suicide!

Twenty minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that everyone at the scene had admired the first batch of oil paintings on display, Ye Tian asked his company employees to put away these top-notch oil paintings, and then began to display the next batch of oil paintings.

Soon, the time came to ten o’clock in the evening.

All the top-notch artworks discovered today have been displayed, and then put away by Derek and the others into telescopic painting tubes.

Seeing these priceless oil paintings being put away, everyone at the scene looked reluctant to part with them, but also very helpless. Who could let these top-notch works of art not belong to them?

The next moment, the lights of the banquet hall came on, illuminating the scene brightly and sweeping away the previous darkness.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian walked to the front of the banquet hall, stretched out his hands with a smile, and gently pressed down to signal everyone to be quiet.

Following his actions, the originally noisy scene quickly became quiet. Everyone looked at him, and everyone’s eyes were filled with envy and jealousy.

Ye Tian glanced at everyone present, then smiled and said loudly:

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you again for coming to this small appreciation party. Everyone has just seen this batch of top-notch artworks from the treasures of the Principality of Milan and witnessed this miracle together.

Because these top-notch oil paintings have been hidden for too long, isolated from the world for a long time, and somewhat fragile, from the perspective of protection, I asked my employees to put away these oil paintings. I hope everyone can understand.

At this point, the first session of tonight’s small appreciation party has ended. Next, we will enter the second session. I believe everyone has heard that I do not collect antiques with religious overtones!

Half of these top-notch artworks from the Principality of Milan have strong religious overtones. The paintings are all related to biblical stories and are not within the scope of my collection. The other half of the artworks have nothing to do with religion.”

Hearing this, the scene immediately boiled.

Everyone at the scene suddenly became more excited as if they had just taken a shot of chicken blood. Everyone’s eyes were shining brightly, staring closely at Ye Tian and the dozen retractable painting tubes. .

Especially the eyes of many senior government officials headed by the mayor of Milan, senior executives of major museums, as well as many super rich people and top collectors, instantly turned red!

Anyone who is not an idiot can hear the subtext in Ye Tian’s words.

Obviously, he is planning to sell the top-notch artworks with strong religious overtones on the spot and collect the other half of the oil paintings that have nothing to do with religion!

Thinking of this, can those who are interested in these top-notch works of art not be excited?

Before Ye Tian finished speaking, these guys were already gearing up to fight. They had to win a top-notch piece of art today, otherwise it would be a huge loss!

As expected!

The next moment, everyone heard what they wanted to hear most.

“Given that these top-notch artworks from the Principality of Milan are very fragile and inconvenient for long-distance transportation, the best way to protect them is to protect them in situ, that is, to leave them in Milan.

The city of Milan has many famous museums and many top cultural and museum personnel. I believe that these top oil paintings can be given the best protection so that they can shine with the incomparable brilliance of art again.

In addition, we still have some unfinished exploration tasks and operations in Milan, Italy, Europe and other places, and it is impossible to travel around with these top-notch works of art!

There is another reason. After we discovered the Mark Antony Treasure and the Julius II Treasure in Rome, a tripartite agreement was reached between our company, the Vatican and the Italian government.

The full content of this tripartite agreement cannot be disclosed for the time being, but one of the provisions stipulates that Italy has the right of first refusal if we choose to sell the treasures we discover in Italy.

Those who enjoy the right of first refusal can be the Italian government and local governments, major museums in Italy, the super rich and top collectors, or ordinary citizens.”

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, and once again dropped a bombshell.

Before he finished speaking, there was an excited cheer, coming from those Italian guys.

“Wow! Right of first refusal, that’s great, those idiots in Rome finally did something right!”

“That is to say, we hope to keep half of the treasures of the Principality of Milan. This is really great news. No one can steal it from me. I want to order “Escape to Egypt” by the master of art Caravaggio. ”

Looking at these excited Italians, Ye Tian also had a bright smile on his face.

When the scene calmed down a little, he continued:

“As long as you are an Italian, you have this right. Of course, this purchase right is based on the valuation I gave. If it is lower than my valuation, then I can only ship those antique artworks. New York.

I am very sure that there are many super rich people and top collectors, as well as famous museums, waving their checkbooks, waiting for me to transport these priceless antiques and artworks back to New York, ready to snap up!

In fact, I have received many calls from old friends in the past two days. They are all asking me when I will return to New York and will I bring those top antiques and artworks back? Some impatient guys are even prepared to place a deposit!

However, I did not accept the reservations from these old friends, because I did not know which top antiques I would eventually return to New York with, which ones I would choose to sell, and which ones I would choose to collect myself.

Let’s get back to the topic. Next, I will hold a private auction. The auction targets are the top oil paintings with strong religious overtones that you just saw, which are from the treasures of the Principality of Milan.

Everyone is welcome to bid enthusiastically. As long as you can beat other competitors and bid above the reserve price I set, you will get the corresponding top-notch artworks. After paying, you can take them away tonight!

As for the other half of the top-notch artworks in the treasure, I plan to collect them myself. If you want to appreciate and identify them carefully, you can go to the Vatican Museum in two days to see them, and you can take your time to appreciate them! ”

After saying this, everyone at the scene became more excited and couldn’t wait.

“Steven, what are you waiting for? Let the auction start now”

The former Prime Minister of Italy, standing in the first row of the crowd, said loudly, looking like he would be better off than anyone else.

In fact, he is indeed the richest person on the scene, and he naturally speaks with confidence.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then raised his right hand and waved it down gently.

“Okay, gentlemen, this private auction now officially begins!”


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