Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2257: The Black Baronet’s Treasure Map

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The rest of the Portuguese were still admiring the Crusader Knight sword and making further appraisals. Vieira, the Portuguese Minister of Culture in charge, had woken up from his ecstasy and looked up at Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting opposite.

“Stephen, there is no doubt that the Crusader Knight’s Sword of Alfonso the Conqueror is Portugal’s most important national treasure and is of extremely important significance to our country and all Portuguese people.

It is undeniable that you discovered this Crusader Knight Sword. If it were not you, this Portuguese national treasure might have been completely buried. Here, on behalf of the Portuguese government, I would like to express my gratitude to you.”

With that said, Vieira stretched out his hand, shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​and expressed his gratitude.

While standing up to shake hands, Ye Tian said with a smile:

“You’re welcome, Mr. Minister, I am a professional treasure hunter. When I see an antique artwork that is very likely to be valuable and has been ignored, I naturally have no reason to let it go.

When I first saw this Crusader knight’s sword, I didn’t expect it to be the sword of Alfonso the Conqueror. I have to say that this was a very unexpected surprise.

I feel very honored to have discovered this priceless Crusader knight’s sword. I am also very aware of the great significance of this knight’s sword to Portugal and the Portuguese people! ”

As he said this, everyone at the scene looked over, and everyone’s eyes were filled with envy.

Especially the Portuguese were so envious that their eyes turned red with envy, wishing they could just take this Crusader Knight Sword into their arms and make it their own.

“Stephen, should we talk about trading this Crusader Knight Sword now? This Knight Sword was purchased by you and belongs to you. We cannot deny this.

However, this Crusader Knight Sword carries the most important piece of Portuguese history. It is a national treasure belonging to Portugal and belongs to all Portuguese people. It must not leave this country! ”

Vieira said solemnly, his tone was firm, but his eyes were full of worry.

Ye Tian smiled softly and said calmly:

“Don’t worry, Mr. Minister, let’s talk about our operation in Tomar and explore the treasure of the Knights Templar first. We will talk about this priceless Crusader Knight sword later”

After hearing this, the expressions of all the Portuguese people in the conference room changed and became very ugly, as black as the bottom of a pot!

Steven, this greedy bastard, is so hateful. This is a clear threat!

While the Portuguese were gritting their teeth in hatred, Bishop Kent and David were suppressing their smiles and secretly gearing up for the upcoming negotiations.

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The door to the conference room, which had been closed for more than an hour, was finally opened again.

The next moment, Ye Tian and Vieira walked out of the conference room first, followed closely by Bishop Kent, David, and the rest of the Portuguese.

It can be seen that all the Portuguese people’s faces are quite ugly, clouded, and there is a bit of anger in everyone’s eyes.

Unlike these Portuguese people, Ye Tian and Bishop Kent both had smiles on their faces.

After a few steps out of the conference room, Vieira stopped and said with a gloomy face:

“Steven, regarding the acquisition of this Crusader Knight Sword, I will report to Mr. President immediately when I return to Lisbon and apply for acquisition funds. I believe there will be a result soon”

Ye Tian nodded slightly and said with a smile:

“I’m not in a hurry, Mr. Minister. During this period of time, we can just visit the beautiful town of Tomar and go to several target buildings to inspect the situation on the spot.

I think it is necessary to remind me that just this afternoon, Bermiro called me and wanted to buy this Crusader knight sword of Alfonso the Conqueror, and the price was very generous.

Belmiro is Portuguese and a top collector. If the Portuguese government wants to keep this knight’s sword, it might as well contact him. There may be unexpected gains! ”

Hearing this, Vieira’s eyes immediately flashed with surprise, as did the rest of the Portuguese.

Before they could respond, Ye Tian poured a basin of cold water on their heads.

“In addition to Belmiro, the famous Brazilian banker Joseph also called me in the evening. He also wanted to buy the Crusader Knight Sword from Alfonso the Conqueror.

Joseph has a very close relationship with the descendants of the Portuguese royal family who fled to Brazil in the early 19th century. He may be helping those royal descendants to acquire this knight’s sword.

So, you’d better make a decision as soon as possible. If you haven’t made a decision before we leave Portugal, then I can only sell this knight’s sword to Joseph”

Without exception, all the grape people at the scene were stunned. They all looked at Ye Tian with their mouths open, their eyes almost flying out of their sockets.

At the same time, they were all gnashing their teeth, wishing they could just pounce on Ye Tian and beat him up, venting their anger.

After a lot of effort, Vieira suppressed the boiling anger in his heart, gritted his molars and said:

“Okay, Steven, we’ll make a decision soon, bye”

After saying that, the Portuguese Minister of Culture shook hands with Ye Tian and said goodbye, then turned and walked towards the stairs.

If he didn’t leave here, Vieira felt like he would have a heart attack from anger, or lose control and punch the **** in front of him.

Next, Ye Tian shook hands with the other Portuguese people one by one and said goodbye, with a bright smile always on his face.

After all the Portuguese left, Ye Tian took David and the others back to the conference room.

As soon as he entered the conference room, he said to Mattis:

“Mattis, go back and make arrangements. You must maintain the highest level of vigilance tonight, notify all the guys, and get everyone ready for battle. Something might happen tonight”

“Understood, Steven, just leave these things to us, don’t worry”

Mattis nodded in response, his tone decisive and confident.

In a few steps, Ye Tian had walked to the conference table, reached out and picked up the long box containing the Crusader Knight’s sword from the conference table.

“Come on, guys, let’s go back, tonight may be a long one”

As he spoke, he walked towards the door of the conference room.

Behind him, David and Bishop Kent all followed and left the conference room together.

When the group of them reached the stairs, a deafening cheer suddenly came from outside the hotel.

Not long after the cheers subsided, there was another burst of angry shouts and curses, which sounded extremely lively.

Obviously, the Portuguese people who had just walked out of the hotel disclosed the final appraisal results in public, and at the same time did not forget to give Ye Tianshang some eye drops, accusing him of the bad behavior of being a rare commodity.

For all this, Ye Tian had expected it and didn’t feel surprised at all.

He only paused at the top of the stairs, and then walked downstairs to the floor where everyone lived.


It was already midnight, and the extremely noisy hotel entrance finally became quiet.

Those Portuguese people who protested loudly and complained angrily could not resist the attack of exhaustion and dispersed one after another. They went home to recharge their batteries and wait for another fight tomorrow.

In the luxurious suite where Ye Tian lived, the lights were still on.

At this time, Ye Tian was the only one in the suite. He was sitting in the living room, playing with the “Ten Commandments of Pirates” he had collected from the antique shop during the day.

This beautifully bound book has been completely dismantled by him. The yellowed papers in the book have been removed, leaving only the metal front and back covers.

After observing for a moment, Ye Tian picked up the saber beside him, pointed the sharp blade at the upright back cover, and slowly slashed in from a corner of the back cover.

At first, it was difficult for the saber’s blade to split the metal back cover, but with the support of Ye Tian’s powerful strength, the blade still broke through the back cover bit by bit, creating a thin crack.

When the saber blade penetrated about two or three centimeters along the crack, a soft ‘pop’ sound suddenly came from the living room, which sounded very pleasant.

Looking at the silver-white metal back cover, a long gap has been cracked, or should be said to be split into two pieces.

It turns out that the back cover is made of two octavo-sized silver-white metal sheets stuck together. To be more precise, it is welded together using soldering technology. The workmanship is so exquisite that no flaws can be seen at all.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely be shocked when they saw this.

Ye Tian was very calm and not surprised at all, because he had already mastered everything through perspective.

After successfully splitting the back cover of “The Ten Commandments of Pirates”, he inserted the tip of the knife into the gap and pried it on both sides.

Then he put down the saber, held the two pried-off metal pieces with both hands, and slowly tore them apart to both sides, making the gap wider and wider.

In the blink of an eye, he tore the two silver-white metal pieces apart completely, changing from one piece to two pieces, revealing the middle layer.

At this moment, something suddenly fell from the sandwich between the two metal pieces and landed directly on the coffee table.

It was an old sheepskin map that looked quite old. There was a hand-drawn simple map on it, which seemed to be a topographic map of an island, and there were many marks scattered here and there.

The moment he saw this ancient sheepskin map, Ye Tian’s face immediately burst into a proud smile, and he murmured to himself in a low voice.

“It’s quite an idea to use the “Ten Commandments of Pirates” perfected by ‘Black Baron’ Roberts as a cover to hide the treasure map left by the Black Baron!

It’s a pity that the treasure map of the Black Baron fell into the hands of my brother. You’re welcome, this pirate treasure will soon be revealed again! ”

As he spoke, he picked up the ancient sheepskin map and began to study the topographic map drawn on it.

As for the “Ten Commandments of Pirates” used to hide the treasure map, he had thrown it aside and never bothered to look at it again.


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