Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2256: Happy little town

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The night falls and the lanterns come on.

After dark, the small town of Tomar has faded away from the hustle and bustle of the day and gradually became quiet.

But there is only one exception, and that is the hotel where Ye Tian and the others are staying.

At this time, the hotel was brightly lit inside and outside. The streets in front of the hotel and even the adjacent streets were full of people, crowding these originally quiet streets to the brim and making them very lively!

Most of these people are local residents of Tomar, Portuguese people from Lisbon, and tourists from all over the world who come here to watch the excitement.

In addition, there are also many excited media reporters with guns and cannons gathered here, as well as a large number of Portuguese police responsible for order and security on the scene.

There is only one reason why people gathered in front of and around this hotel, and that is the Crusader Knight Sword that Ye Tian discovered and bought today, Portugal’s national treasure.

Although Ye Tian did not give an identification conclusion in public, after listening to Petro’s tearful retelling, everyone was certain that the rusty Crusader knight’s sword must be the conqueror Alfang Suo’s sword!

Another reason why everyone is so sure is that Ye Tian’s miraculous sharp vision has been rumored. Everyone believes that there is no way he can make a mistake!

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Portuguese Minister of Culture Vieira rushed to Tomar with several top antique art appraisal experts and archaeologists, and as soon as he arrived, he asked to meet Ye Tian and identify the Knight sword.

Seeing the battle put forward by the Portuguese government, people believe in their own judgment even more!

Not only the people gathered at the door of the hotel, it can be said that almost all the citizens of Portugal are focusing on this Renaissance-style hotel at this time, and they are all waiting for the final appraisal results.

The largest conference room in the hotel was already crowded with people, and everyone was staring at the door of the conference room, impatiently waiting for the door to be pushed open.

The people in this conference room are mainly Portuguese.

Among them are senior government officials such as the Portuguese Minister of Culture and Deputy Minister, many religious figures, many antique art appraisal experts, archaeologists, and historians.

In addition, Bishop Kent and David were also in this conference room, sitting on one side of the long conference table, laughing and chatting in low voices.

However, the focus of everyone’s attention, Ye Tian, ​​and the Crusader Knight Sword he just bought today, are not in this conference room.

As time passed, many Portuguese people in the conference room became a little unable to sit still, and everyone looked impatient.

“Bishop Kent, David, should you call Steven to urge him? Tell him to come over quickly. We can’t just keep waiting like this!”

Tomar Mayor Barbosa said eagerly, with a hint of anger in his eyes, but more of helplessness.

Although he found Ye Tian during the day, he failed to see the Crusader Knight Sword and was directly rejected by Ye Tian.

Furthermore, Ye Tian set the time at night so that he could appreciate and appraise the knight sword together with the other Portuguese people, so as to avoid many troubles.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Barbossa, Steven is making the final appraisal to determine the origin and value of the Crusader Knight sword. I believe the results will be available soon. Please wait patiently for a while.”

David said with a smile and nodded to the other Portuguese people in the conference room.

Hearing this, all the Portuguese people present rolled their eyes angrily, but they were also very helpless.

His ears were almost calloused by prevarication like this, but they never saw the conference room door open, let alone the Crusader Knight Sword. How could they not feel depressed!

Next, the conference room returned to its previous state.

All the Portuguese looked at the door of the conference room anxiously, like ants on a hot pot, but David and Bishop Kent were very relaxed and continued to laugh and chat in low voices!

Nearly five minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, the closed conference room door opened, and Ye Tian walked into the conference room carrying a long solid wood box, looking quite excited.

Behind him, Jason and Mathis also walked in, both of whom were equally excited.

Seeing Ye Tian walk into the conference room, all the Portuguese people on the scene stood up and stared closely at the long solid wood box in his hand, not wanting to look away for a moment.

“Steven, you’re finally here, show me the Crusader Knight Sword quickly, and tell us the conclusion you came to, we’re all ears!”

Portuguese Culture Minister Vieira said, looking impatient.

Not only him, but the other Portuguese people in this conference room are also like this!

Ye Tian looked at Vieira, then quickly scanned the crowd, then said with a smile:

“Don’t be impatient, Mr. Minister, since I have come to this conference room, it means that everyone will be able to see the significant Crusader Knight sword right away, so why bother!

As for my identification conclusion, let me give it a try. There are many antique art identification experts, archaeologists, and historians here. Wouldn’t it be better if we all come together to identify that knight’s sword?”

While talking, Ye Tian and Jason had already walked to the conference table.

They first nodded and said hello to David and Bishop Kent, then stood in front of the two empty seats in the middle, but did not sit down immediately.

While standing still, Ye Tian also placed the long solid wood box in his hand on the conference table and said with a smile:

“Next I will open this box. What is in the box is the Crusader Knight’s sword that I bought in an antique shop in Tomar this morning.

When I identified this knight’s sword by myself just now, I used some professional techniques to remove some of the rust marks on the knight’s sword in order to obtain a more accurate identification conclusion.

Here I can guarantee that when removing the rust marks, this knight’s sword was not damaged in the slightest. You can see this right away. Seeing is believing.

That’s all I have to say before appreciating and appraising this knight’s sword. Next, please open your eyes wide, appreciate this knight’s sword together, and witness the miracle together.”

As he spoke, Ye Tian gently opened the long solid wood box, carefully took out the Crusader Knight Sword from the box, and placed it on the conference table.

As he said, a lot of the rust marks on this Crusader Knight sword have been removed, revealing some patterns engraved on the sword.

Especially at the intersection between the sword blade and the hilt, a chiseled inscription can be vaguely seen, but it is not clear.

Following Ye Tian’s movements, all the Portuguese people present couldn’t help but hold their breath, staring closely at the Crusader Knight Sword in his hand, not even daring to take a breath.

When Ye Tian put the Crusader Knight Sword on the table, the Portuguese took a deep breath and relaxed a little.

Immediately afterwards, Vieira and other Portuguese people supported the table with both hands, stretched their necks, and looked at the Crusader Knights sword placed in the center of the conference table.

At the same time, Ye Tian’s clear voice came out again and reached the ears of everyone present.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you can appreciate and appraise this Crusader Knight sword. Here I would like to remind you of a few points so that you can better appreciate it and draw appraisal conclusions faster.

First of all, please pay attention to the beautiful patterns engraved on the hilt of this Crusader knight’s sword. The same patterns can be seen on some antique relics in the Principality of Burgundy, and are only used by nobles.

Secondly, on the hilt of this knight’s sword, there are some bases that were once used to set gems. Although the red and sapphires were pried off and sold, please pay attention to the distribution of those bases.

There are many archaeologists, historians, and antique art appraisal experts here. I believe everyone knows the rules of the nobles of the Principality of Burgundy in the Middle Ages when they inlaid gems on weapons and equipment.

Through the differences in color, size, arrangement and other aspects of the gems inlaid on a knight’s sword, we can tell the general identity and even the title of the owner of the knight’s sword.

Last point, you can take a closer look at the intersection between the sword body and the hilt. I have removed part of the rust marks there. I am very sure that you will be surprised to find something.”

Following Ye Tian’s words, the Portuguese people across from them were like marionettes, involuntarily looking at the places he mentioned.

Every time these Portuguese people glanced at a place, their emotions became more and more excited, and their eyes became brighter, shining like searchlights!

After the introduction, Ye Tian had already sat down, chatting in a low voice with David and others while waiting for the Portuguese people opposite to complete the appraisal.

It only took about ten minutes for the Portuguese antique art appraisal experts, archaeologists, and historians opposite to come to a unanimous appraisal opinion.

“There is no doubt that this Crusader knight’s sword is the knight’s sword passed down to Alfonso I, the founding king of Portugal, by ‘Henry of Burgundy’, which symbolizes the inheritance of power and witnesses the history of Portugal’s founding.

The pattern on the hilt of this knight’s sword, the way the gems are inlaid, especially the fleur-de-lis pattern at the junction between the sword body and the hilt and the engraved Latin ‘H’, all of these are the most powerful. Basis of identification”

The director of the Portuguese National Museum said excitedly, his voice seemed to be trembling.

With the announcement of the identification conclusion, the conference room suddenly burst into deafening cheers and applause, resounding throughout the hotel.

When these cheers and applause spread out of the hotel, they instantly detonated the people gathered in front of the hotel and on the surrounding streets, and even the entire Tomar.

In the blink of an eye, the small town of Tomar was completely drowned in a tsunami of applause and cheers


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