Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2253: The rain falls from the sky

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Ye Tian and the others left this small antique shop, taking with them the possibly priceless Crusader Knight sword.

Of course, the Crusader Knight Sword has been packed into a long solid wood box and protected.

Just as they walked out of the antique store, Petro fell to the floor as if he had lost his support, grabbing his hair regretfully and wailing in a low voice, wishing he could hit his head and die. on the floor.

Seeing Ye Tian and others coming out, everyone gathered outside the antique store suddenly looked over, looking at Ye Tian and the long box he was holding in his hand.

“Steven, what is the origin of that rusty Crusader knight’s sword? Is it a priceless top-grade antique relic? Can you tell us about it?”

“Yes, Steven, show me the Crusader Knight Sword. It would be great if you could explain it publicly and open our eyes!”

The onlookers on the street shouted loudly, and the scene seemed extremely noisy and lively.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the scene, then smiled and said loudly:

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Steven. Nice to see you all here. Thank you for your attention. As you all saw just now, I collected a handful of Crusader Knights in this antique store. Sword!

The reason why I bought this knight’s sword is because it is a pretty good antique cultural relic. However, I am not sure yet about the specific origin of this knight’s sword, and I need to do some more research and verification.

In view of this, I will not publish the relevant information about this Crusader Knight Sword. I will announce it to the public after the research results are available, so that’s it. I wish you all have a good day and enjoy the spring scenery! ”

As he finished speaking, he also raised his hand and waved to everyone present.

Next, Ye Tian walked forward with David and others under the protection of many security personnel, and continued shopping, ignoring the onlookers and numerous media reporters who kept asking questions.

When the group of them walked away, the temporary cordon set up by the Lisbon police was also removed.

The people who lost their restraints immediately rushed towards Petro’s antique shop like a tide, instantly blocking the entrance of this small antique shop.

Immediately afterwards, several neighbors, the Tomar antique dealer who knew Petro, and two or three Portuguese journalists immediately crowded into the small antique shop.

A moment later, almost crazy exclamations and painful wails suddenly came from the antique store, mixed with a few muffled sounds, as if someone fell to the ground.

Listening to this series of sounds, the people gathered outside the antique store were startled and did not understand what was happening in the antique store.

Before everyone could react, the two Portuguese journalists who had just squeezed into the antique shop had already rushed out of the small antique shop, as if their buttocks were on fire!

As soon as the two guys rushed out of the antique store, they shouted excitedly.

“Oh God! The Crusader knight’s sword that Steven just bought was the sword of the founding king of Portugal, ‘Alfonso the Conqueror’, and it was a token passed down to him by ‘Henry of Burgundy’ , is a symbol of power! ”

“The Crusader Knight’s Sword has witnessed the entire history of the founding of Portugal and the most insidious and important palace struggle in Portuguese history. It is a well-deserved Portuguese national treasure!”

With the shouts of the two Portuguese reporters, the people gathered in front of the antique store were silent for a while, and then completely erupted, like a volcano erupting.

Soon, the news was like a hurricane, sweeping through the small town of Tomar, and then the entire Portugal, causing a huge sensation.

Just a few minutes later, the door to the Portuguese President’s Office in Belém Palace, Lisbon, was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

A staff member from the President’s Office walked in immediately, walked quickly to the Portuguese President’s desk, and excitedly said to the Portuguese President sitting behind the desk:

“Mr. President, there is news from Tomar that the extremely lucky guy Steven found the sword of Alfonso I in an antique shop in Tomar and pocketed the knight’s sword.

According to reliable information, the Crusader knight’s sword was the legendary knight’s sword passed to Alfonso I by ‘Henry of Burgundy’, which symbolized the inheritance of power and witnessed the history of the founding of Portugal.

The knight’s sword has great symbolic significance and historical research value. After Alfonso I captured Lisbon, the knight’s sword disappeared. Unexpectedly, it was discovered by Steven today”

Before he finished speaking, the Portuguese president, who was sitting steadily behind his desk, jumped up from his office chair as if he had been electrocuted.

“What? The Crusader sword used by ‘Henry of Burgundy’ and Alfonso the Conqueror was actually in an antique shop in Tomar, and was discovered by that guy Steven Yes, did I hear it correctly?”

The Portuguese president said excitedly, with an exaggerated expression on his face, as if he couldn’t believe what he just heard.

“You heard it right, Mr. President, that guy Steven did find the legendary Crusader Knight Sword in Tomar, and spent 35,000 euros to acquire the sword. ”

The staff member of the President’s Office nodded and said in a very affirmative tone.


The Portuguese president suddenly took a breath of air and showed an expression of pain.

That is Portugal’s most important national treasure, and it actually fell into the hands of that extremely greedy **** Steven, and that **** only spent 35,000 euros. What a nonsense!

After secretly complaining a few words, the Portuguese president immediately gritted his molars and said decisively:

“Call the Minister of Culture Vieira to come over. We need to discuss it. No matter what, we must keep the Crusader Knights Sword in Portugal. It is a national treasure of Portugal. We must not let that **** Steven take it away. .

I will ask Vieira to rush to Tomar later and negotiate with that **** Steven to see how we can get back the Crusader Knight Sword. If necessary, I can rush to Tomar myself and negotiate with that bastard. Talks”

“Understood, Mr. President, I will inform Minister Vieira right away”

The staff member of the President’s Office responded and quickly left the office.

At the same time, a similar scene took place in the large conference room of Tomar City Hall.

The senior Portuguese government officials and senior Jesuit monks who were meeting here to negotiate with Bishop Kent also heard this shocking news.

Similar to the reaction of the Portuguese President, these Portuguese people all jumped up from their seats as if they were electrocuted, and the scene exploded instantly.

“Oh my God! Did I hear you right? That guy Steven actually found the sword of Alfonso the Conqueror. It’s incredible!”

“How is this possible that the Crusader swords used by Henry of Burgundy and Alfonso the Conqueror are actually in Tomar and have been displayed in the window of an antique shop?

If this news is true, then the trouble will be big. With Steven’s extremely greedy behavior, it may be harder than climbing to the sky to get back this national treasure-level antique cultural relic! ”

While these Portuguese people were holding their heads and exclaiming, Bishop Kent and other senior Vatican monks also had dumbfounded expressions. They all seemed to doubt their hearing.

In the blink of an eye, they reacted, and a look of ecstasy flashed in everyone’s eyes.

This news is so great, it’s like rain from heaven!

“Ladies and gentlemen, and the two nuns, today’s negotiations are here first. I’m going to see Mr. Steven to verify the authenticity of this news, and the negotiations will continue later!”

Tomar Mayor Barbosa said loudly, his voice seemed to be trembling with excitement.

At this time, he could still sit still and still have the mind to negotiate here. He wished he could fly to Ye Tian immediately and see the legendary Crusader Knight Sword with his own eyes!

He knew very well what that Crusader Knight Sword meant to Portugal and the city of Tomar!

No one at the scene objected to Barbossa’s proposal, including the Bishop of Kent.

Everyone in this conference room wants to see the legendary Crusader Knight Sword immediately, which is Portugal’s national treasure!

The next moment, everyone rushed out of the conference room, everyone walking as fast as flying.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others were still walking on the streets of Tomar, laughing and chatting while admiring the beautiful scenery of this small town.

However, there is a long tail behind them, which can be seen at a glance and looks spectacular.

This tail is composed of countless excited Portuguese people, numerous media reporters, and tourists from all over the world.

Of course, there are also some security personnel under Ye Tian who pretend to be tourists and mix in the crowd, as well as some guys with ulterior motives and eyes shining with greed.

Without exception, everyone was staring at Ye Tian and the long solid wood box in his hand, and everyone’s eyes were extremely hot.

While we were walking, a voice suddenly came from our left.

“Good morning, Mr. Steven, can you show me the Crusader Knight sword of Alfonso the Conqueror, so that we can open our eyes and see what Portugal’s national treasure looks like?”

The speaker was a Portuguese man in his fifties. He was standing at the door of a coffee shop on the left side of the street, staring closely at the long box in Ye Tian’s hand.

Ye Tian turned to look at this person, then smiled and said loudly:

“Good morning, sir, I have said before that whether this Crusader knight’s sword is the sword of Alfonso I, the founding king of Portugal, requires further research and identification, and the result is not certain yet.

You have also seen the situation at the scene. It is obviously not suitable to display such an antique cultural relic here. Please be patient. After I get the accurate identification conclusion, I will definitely announce it to the outside world.”

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian continued to move forward and ignored the Portuguese man who looked helpless and disappointed.

After taking two steps forward, David smiled and whispered:

“Steven, this is already the tenth person to ask you to publicly display the Crusader Knight sword? If you had known this, you shouldn’t have said this when you were in Petro’s antique shop just now. The origin of the knight’s sword!

Now everyone knows that this is a priceless antique cultural relic and a national treasure of Portugal. If you want to take this knight sword out of Portugal, it will be very difficult. The Portuguese will never agree! ”

Ye Tian turned to look at David, then smiled and whispered:

“I did it on purpose. In fact, I did not intend to collect this Crusader Knight sword, but used it as a bargaining chip to force the Portuguese to agree to our exploration in Tomar.

Of course, if the Portuguese want to take back Alfonso the Conqueror’s knight’s sword, they must pay a huge price. There is no such thing as a free lunch. My knife has been sharpened very fast and is just waiting to be bled! ”


There was a burst of laughter, and David and Jason all laughed.


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