Search for Treasure Worldwide Chapter 2250: Unearthed cultural relics

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This antique shop is not big, with an area of ​​less than 100 square meters, but it is well-equipped despite its small size.

Everywhere you look, you can see a lot of antique works of art here, or rather so-called antique works of art.

You can see everything from sculptures, painted pottery, weapons and armor from ancient Greece and Rome; knight equipment from the Middle Ages, paintings and sculptures from the Renaissance, to works from various art schools in modern times, etc. arrive.

Perhaps in order to cater to the increasing number of Chinese tourists and to make money from Chinese tourists, there are also some so-called Chinese antiques and artworks, such as porcelain, landscape paintings and so on.

Of course, as an antique store opened in a tourist city, it is inevitable that there are many tourist souvenirs here.

In fact, in Ye Tian’s eyes, most of the goods in this antique store are out-and-out modern handicrafts, but some have been treated with distressing techniques and look like antique works of art.

The remaining genuine antiques and artworks have relatively average artistic and market values, and there are few that can make Ye Tian’s heart flutter.

And it can be seen from the placement of those antique artworks and the corresponding protection measures that Petro also understands their value, and there is basically nothing to miss.

There is only one exception here, which is the knight’s sword displayed in the window.

Ye Tian glanced at the goods in this antique shop as if he were just looking at the goods, then came to the glass display window, pointed at the knight sword and said with feigned curiosity:

“Petro, can you tell us about this knight’s sword? Where did it come from? Whose weapon was it? What’s the story behind it? Where did the gems originally embedded in the hilt go?

If I read it correctly, this should be a Crusader Knight sword from the Middle Ages. Although it is rusty, it is an authentic piece and is very different from other so-called antique works of art.”

Hearing this, Petro’s old face immediately blushed, a little embarrassed, but he returned to normal in an instant, automatically ignoring the irony in Ye Tian’s words.

As a veteran who has been working in the antique art market for decades, if he doesn’t have the ability to do what he wants, he shouldn’t be in this industry anymore.

Petro did not respond immediately, but carefully looked at the knight’s sword displayed in the window, a little confused.

Unfortunately, he didn’t see any more content on the rusty Crusader knight’s sword. Everything was the same as he originally knew.

After a moment, Petro said with a smile:

“Steven, you are just like the legend. You have a very sharp vision. You can tell at a glance that this is a real antique artifact. Yes, this is indeed a Crusader Knight sword from the Middle Ages.

This knight’s sword was discovered in the mid-1930s by a farmer on the outskirts of Tomar. He inadvertently dug up the knight’s sword while farming in his family’s vineyard.

Several knight swords and two knight helmets were also discovered at the same time. This knight sword was the best preserved. After discovering these knight equipment, the farmer kept them at home.

When this knight’s sword was first unearthed, it was said that there were several red and sapphires inlaid on the hilt. During World War II, due to the embarrassment of life, the farmer pried off the gems one by one and sold them.

The other knight swords and knight helmets were also sold by the farmer one after another to make ends meet. In the end, only this Crusader knight sword remained, which has been kept in the farmer’s home.”

“That’s such a pity. If those rubies and sapphires were still there, this Crusader Knight Sword would be more beautiful and more valuable”

Ye Tian continued, with a hint of regret in his tone.

Petro nodded slightly and continued:

“When these knight equipment were first discovered, several experts and scholars from Lisbon came to Tomar after hearing the news and conducted an appraisal, and it was clear that they were all Crusader knight equipment from the medieval period.

At the same time, several experts and scholars also concluded that these Crusader Knights equipment was not owned by the Templar Knights with Tomar as their base camp, and there were no Templar Knights related marks on them.

As for who used these Crusader Knights equipment, and why did they appear in Tomar, the headquarters of the Knights Templar? Those experts and scholars from Lisbon did not give an answer.

Because they are not weapons and equipment of the Knights Templar, and many Crusader Knights equipment like this have been unearthed near Lisbon and Tomar, the Lisbon experts did not acquire them.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately nodded slightly and interjected:

“Yes, this is indeed not the knight’s sword used by the Templars. During previous exploration operations, I have discovered many swords used by the Templars. Those knight’s swords have special marks on them!”

“Since the end of World War II, this Crusader Knight’s sword has been kept in the farmer’s home in the suburbs of Tomar until the late 1990s, when it was resold to an antique dealer by the farmer’s grandson.

After many transfers, this Crusader Knight Sword fell into my hands the year before last. It has been displayed in this glass showcase ever since. Over the past few years, it has become the signature of my antique shop.

After I got this Crusader Knight sword, I did some identification and research, and spent money to do a carbon 14 test. The identification conclusion I got was the same as the conclusion given by the Lisbon experts.

Steven, you are the world’s top antique art appraisal expert. Your vision is extremely sharp. You must have seen more content than us. What do you think of this Crusader Knight Sword? ”

After saying that, Petro stared at Ye Tian closely to see what kind of reaction he would give so that he could make his own decision and re-evaluate the value of this Crusader Knight sword.

Ye Tian looked at the Portuguese antique dealer, then said with a smile:

“Petro, as far as I can tell, this is a real antique relic from the medieval period. The person who used this knight’s sword was not a Templar, but he was definitely a noble.

Apart from these, I haven’t seen any more content. Let me study this Crusader Knight sword carefully first to see if I can find more information. Maybe there will be surprising gains.”

“Okay, Steven, you’re welcome, I hope you can find something”

Petro nodded and made a gesture of invitation.

Next, Ye Tian took out a pair of gloves from his pocket, put them on his hands, then gently picked up the Crusader Knight Sword displayed in the glass display window, and began to appreciate and appraise it.

In fact, he already knew the true value and origin of this Crusader Knight Sword.

The reason why he entered this antique store was for the Crusader Knight Sword. After entering the store, everything he did next was just acting.

After picking up the knight’s sword, Ye Tian first pretended to carefully check the condition of the sword’s hilt, looking at the bases used to inlay gems and the long-rotted sword hilt guard.

Then he began to check the condition of the sword blade again, and stretched out two fingers, pressed the pads of his fingers against the sword blade, and gently slid across the sword body to the tip of the sword.

While he was doing these actions, Petro was staring at him intently, trying to figure out something.

Unfortunately, the Portuguese antique dealer did not find anything unusual!

David and Jason, who were standing nearby, looked at Ye Tian curiously and at the rusty Crusader Knight sword in his hand.

David and the others naturally do not see the value of this knight’s sword, but each of them knows very well that this Crusader knight’s sword must have a great background and be valuable!

Otherwise, Steven would never have taken the time to appreciate and appraise it, even if it was a real antique.

After admiring it for a moment, Ye Tiancai looked away from the knight’s sword in his hand and looked up at Petro, who was close at hand.

“Tell me, Petro, what is the price of this medieval Crusader knight’s sword? I intend to accept this sword and take it back to study it carefully”


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