Rome Must Fall Chapter 178: Capture the outer camp


Chapter 179 Capture of the Outer Camp

At first, Pecot considered leading a team to circle the mountains with the Pannonians and fight guerrillas. However, these 2,000 slaves who had just joined the team and had not received any military training were undoubtedly a huge burden. More importantly, the people in the camp were The food reserves are not enough to feed so many people…

So Pecot had to reluctantly evacuate, but after finally getting the opportunity to lead the army independently and make meritorious deeds, how could he allow himself to return to Maximus so quickly.

Pecot did indeed withdraw from the mountains to the southwest of the camp as Plikas had judged, but then he did not continue westward, reach the Korana River, and enter the Ardei tribe. territory, but led the team and marched eastward.

“Adobagh, how far away is the Pannoni tribe you mentioned?” Pecot asked.

Merobdam is one of the 2,000 new Scott slaves who joined the team. Like Yadobag, he also herds cattle and sheep for the Segestika people, but he is affiliated with The easternmost of the four Segostika villages along the Kupa River.

“Chief——” Merobdam was interrupted by Pecot as soon as he spoke: “I have said it many times, don’t call me leader, call me captain!”

“Yes, captain.” Merobdam immediately changed his mind, pointed to a small river not far away and said: “This is a tributary of the Kupa River. Let’s walk east along it. It will take most of the day. If you can reach the Kupa River, the Pannoni tribe I mentioned is right by the river.”

“I remember you said that the Pannoni tribe belongs to the B…Brochi tribe. Is it really weak?” Pecot asked seriously.

“It’s true!” Merobdam hurriedly explained: “I saw it many times when I was herding sheep. There were really not many people in that tribe, and there were no villages like the one I was in. Similarly, the entire village was surrounded with wood. There were also some of our tribesmen in that tribe…

I heard from others that these places originally belonged to the territory of the Ardei people. Later, the Segostika tribe of the Pannoni declared war on the Ardei people and won many times.

The Brochs easily occupied the lands abandoned by the Ardeii, but they disliked the mountainous terrain and settled only on some flat land along the lower reaches of the Kupa River and close to Broch’s original territory… So far, Brochs The Qi Ren have never fought against the Aldi people again, so they should not have much defense against the west. ”

A fire plate is placed every twenty meters on the wooden wall walkway. Wooden frames are set up on both sides, and a copper pot filled with water is hung in the middle. Once it boils, it is immediately picked up and poured towards the enemies climbing the wall. , no matter how tightly protected the heavily armored warrior is, he will scream in agony due to burns, resulting in a temporary loss of combat effectiveness.

Three days later, all the traps outside the Nyx camp were cleared, most of the trenches were filled, and new siege equipment was ready. The Pannoni army once again launched a full-scale attack on the Nyx camp.

Although the earthen wall was compacted by the Knicks soldiers, it was not stone after all. It loosened under the constant impact, revealing the roots of the wooden wall that were deeply embedded in it.

The reason why the Knicks did not use these two defensive weapons last time was because the weather was dry in autumn and it was easy to set fire to the wooden walls, but now they can’t care much anymore, because Panroni People used “battery rams”.

Most of the Nyx’s javelins, short spears, stones, and wooden blocks were consumed in the previous siege, so the Pannoni warriors attacked the wooden wall without suffering too many casualties.

During the collision of the wood, the soldiers on the wall would throw boiling water and kerosene at the warriors carrying the wood. A soldier would fall down screaming, and new soldiers would take his place.

Finally, the roots of the wooden wall gradually loosened under the constant impact of the wood and finally broke and collapsed.

In the past few days when the Pannonians were resting, the Knicks were not idle either. At the suggestion of Quintus, Maximus asked the soldiers to slaughter most of the pigs and sheep obtained from the two villages of the Segestica a few days ago to obtain the fat and refine it into liquid. , used as kerosene.

“Okay!!!…” Pecott’s men cheered in unison, which also boosted the morale of the new slaves who joined the team. They also shouted excitedly, even if most of them had no The weapon was just a wooden stick, but the power of hatred made them forget their fatigue and fear.

At this time, the Knicks used their new defensive weapons-boiling water and fire oil.

In this way, Pecott led his team to rush eastward. He had decided to capture the Broch village in the east. He would first solve the food problem for his more than 2,000 people, and then look at the situation. There was a big fuss in Qi’s territory.

It turns out that these were once the territories of the Ardei people… Pecot looked at the low rolling hills to the south. None of the Panoni people wanted such good land. He couldn’t help but feel sad for the Ardei people.

Pecote looked up at the sky, then raised his arms and shouted: “Brothers, we have to speed up and try to reach the Kupa River at dusk. Tonight we not only have to capture the Pannoni stronghold , but also to kill pigs and sheep there, eat a good meal, and have a good sleep!”

The Knicks also sent troops out of the camp several times to stop them, but Andres was well prepared. He first used his cavalry to entangle the Knicks team who came out of the camp to attack, and then the soldiers who had been waiting in line in the camp quickly Follow up, first cut off the enemy’s way back to camp, and then encircle…


This is a large tree specially selected by the Pannoni people in the mountains that can be hugged by one person. After cutting it down, the trunk is planed smooth and the front end is sharpened. A dozen soldiers carry it across the filled trench. Go under the wooden wall and hit the earth wall below.

While the Pannoni coalition was resting, Andres did not let the soldiers idle. They were dispatched in batches to fill up the traps and trenches in front of the camp with soil.

After suffering a loss, the Knicks camp no longer attacks rashly and allows the enemy to operate outside its own camp.

Seeing each of the Pannoni warriors turn into burning men, screaming and running around under the wooden wall, all the companions around them were frightened.

Then the Brochi tribe also declared war on the Ardi people, and the Ardi people suffered another disastrous defeat. The Ardi tribes originally here were forced to move to the west of the Cordona River.

The Pannoni warriors cheered and poured in from the gap in the wooden wall, but what greeted them was a dense shield formation formed by Nyx soldiers.

The Pannoni warriors were surrounded in a small space, unable to use their spears and swords, and fell to the ground one after another under the thrusts of Roman daggers…

Although, this method effectively killed the opponent and effectively prevented the Pannoni warriors from breaking through the gap.

However, this was not the place where the wood was lifted and hit the wooden wall.

Andres organized more than a dozen groups of these wooden attack teams. They were scattered under the wooden walls on the east and north sides of the Knicks camp. As the wooden walls were knocked down one after another, Knicks There were no more troops to form a shield formation to intercept, and the garrison strength became tight. Maximus, who was standing on the tower of the inner camp, saw this situation and decisively gave the order to retreat.

The sharp brass horn sounded quickly, and the well-prepared Knick soldiers relied on their repeated drill experience to quickly evacuate to the inner camp through several roads in the outer camp…

The Pannoni warriors who broke through the outer camp were in the midst of an exciting pursuit, and fell to the ground one after another because they stepped on traps, frightening their successors so much that they had to stop.

The only safe passages were blocked by Knick soldiers. In the end, most of the Knick soldiers fighting in the outer camp successfully retreated to the inner camp.

Andres was extremely happy when he saw the soldiers from the rear breaking through the enemy camp.

Not long after, however, he received news: there was another camp inside the enemy camp, which also had wooden walls, towers, trenches, and traps, and the mercenaries hid inside…

Andres rushed to the outer camp of Knicks. After personally inspecting it, he had to accept the fact that they only captured the periphery of the mercenary camp at a huge cost. If they wanted to completely eliminate this To defeat the enemy, we still have to break through their inner camp. How much time will it take? How many soldiers were sacrificed? ……

Thinking of this, Andres was a little discouraged, because in today’s attack on the camp, the Pannoni side once again suffered close to 3,000 casualties, and most of them were dead. Most of the soldiers died when they rushed into the gap in the wooden wall. Later, he was surrounded by enemies and died under the stabbing of dagger…

Andres was heartbroken and frightened: in two battles against mercenary camps, the army lost nearly 6,000 people, nearly one-fifth of the entire army. Next, we must completely destroy this mercenary group. How many more people will die? !

Although Andres was in a heavy heart, when the three reinforcement commanders headed by Temagis found him, he loudly encouraged the three people who were also frustrated, reminding them that the coalition forces had paid a heavy price. If these mercenaries could not be eliminated in one go, so many soldiers would have died in vain. Although the mercenaries still built trenches and wooden walls in the camp, which was beyond everyone’s expectations, the materials used by the mercenaries to defend the camp have been almost exhausted, but they have experience in breaking through the camp and only need to make some more preparations. , it will take a few more days to finally win, thereby preventing this mercenary army from becoming a hidden danger to all Pannonians.

The three Temagis actually understand that the war has reached this level and they cannot give up easily.

The main reason why they complained was to let Andres know that they had indeed suffered a lot of losses in aiding Segestica this time.

After the four people reached an agreement, they began to discuss how to arrange each team to occupy the outer camp of the mercenaries that had just been captured.

The Knicks had made preparations in advance, scattering all the tents in the outer camp and using the free space to lay traps.

If the Pannoni coalition wants to enter the outer camp, they must first dismantle the traps and then move some of the tents in their own camp. Fortunately, it is not dusk yet, and the Pannoni people still have some time to prepare for camping.

While the Pannoni warriors were busy in the outer camp, Maximus was staring at everything from the tower of the inner camp.

At this time, Frontinus climbed up: “Chief, according to our careful observation, the Pannonians have arranged about 5,000 people in the east camp, about 5,000 people in the west camp, and about 7,000 people in the north camp. Including the 2,000 people they originally stationed on the other side of the south camp, the Pannoni deployed about 19,000 people in our outer camp. (Nix’s inner and outer camps are not concentric circles, because when the temporary camp was first built, The southern camp is close to the river. Later, the outer camp was built, and there was only one wooden wall on the south side, but the wooden walls of the outer camp were staggered and not connected).”

“19,000 people… It seems that the Pannonians are determined to trap us and eliminate us here.” Maximus joked with a relaxed expression.

Quintus on the side said in deep thought: “The Pannoni attacked our camp twice and suffered at least 5,000 casualties. Those wounded should all be in their camp outside, and the Pannoni stationed in that camp The maximum number of soldiers will not exceed 6,000.”

“6,000 people, no more, no less, just enough for us to have a meal.” Maximus pointed at the Pannonians busy in the outer camp and said meaningfully: “Look at their tired faces, tonight They will surely sleep deeply.”


Late night, Andres had a nightmare. He dreamed that he turned into a stag and ran in the wilderness. When he was tired, he lay down on the grass to rest, but a strange snake sprang out from nowhere. Open your big mouth full of sharp teeth and bite it.

He fought with it without showing any weakness, but the strange snake was very flexible and easily avoided his horns and hooves. Instead, it chewed his four hooves full of wounds. In the end, he died due to His leg was severely injured and he fell to the ground, and his neck was bitten by a strange snake——

Andres woke up from the nightmare, before he had time to think about guard captain broke in with a look of panic: “Big leader, no…it’s not good! Our camp outside was attacked. Attack, it’s burning!”


Andres hurried to the wooden wall of the outer camp. The corridor was already crowded with soldiers, and they all looked outside in panic.

A hundred meters away from the Knicks camp, countless tents were burning in the Pannoni coalition camp. The raging firelight illuminated the dark night sky. From a distance, it looked like a huge red light belt engulfing Knicks. Surrounded by the camp… there are human figures in the firelight, swords flashing, and the endless screams are like howls in the night, making people feel heart-stopping.

At that moment, Andres felt a sharp pain in his head, and only one thought came to his mind: Oops! 3,000 soldiers stationed in the camp, more than 3,000 injured soldiers, and countless food supplies raised…

“Andres, there are enemies attacking the camp, we must rescue him!” Temagis’s shout woke up the distracted Andres.

He suppressed the panic in his heart and shouted to Temagis who was holding a torch not far away: “Take people to rescue quickly. You have cavalry and can move faster! I will stay here and watch what’s inside. Mercenaries!”

(End of this chapter)


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