Rise From Doomsday Chapter 2140: 、General trend


“Huoyundong is your support, right?” Liu Wei’an’s right fist was like a bolt of lightning, hitting it hard. Chen Asan hurriedly resisted, crossing his arms. Before his evolutionary power could explode, Liu Wei’an’s fist suddenly accelerated and exceeded the limit of his sight.



Chen Asan’s arms were broken, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball, smashing through the wall and landing in the room on the side. With a crash, a mahogany desk was smashed into pieces. Chen Asan’s face was full of Painful, sweat broke out from his forehead.

“Get out of here!” Liu Wei’an didn’t look back, and punched out from the air. 15 meters away, the evolver who wanted to sneak attack Shi Hu exploded, and the minced meat shot out in all directions. Each piece of minced meat contained The power of the cloud-breaking stone made the dozen or so evolvers around scream in agony, and they all fell down and were shot into sieves.

“Want to run?” Liu Wei’an’s second punch hit a blank spot, a dull sound sounded, a mouthful of blood spurted out from the void, and then a figure was squeezed out, and it turned out to be Chen A three! There was clearly a Chen Asan lying on the ground, and now another one appeared.

Clone technique? Not like it!

Chen Asan squeezed out of the void hit the wall hard, and the whole room shook. Chen Asan slid to the ground like a dead dog, his breath was weak, and he wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, there was a big mouthful of blood. The spray seemed to contain small pieces of minced meat. Looking at Chen Asan who was originally lying on the ground, he slowly dissipated and turned out to be just a shadow.

“Is this your ability? When people think about escaping, they lose their enterprising spirit. You are already useless.” Liu Wei’an said calmly, and then punched out, and the body of another evolved person exploded. , turned into blood mist, no bones left.

Li Eishui had no choice but to sheath his sword. The evolver was dead and injured, and he had no opponent. He was unwilling to take action against the injured person. Shi Hu was still fighting, and his opponent was a short evolver. , his appearance is not amazing, but he is extremely brave, his arms are powerful, and his attack speed is astonishingly fast. He is on a par with Shi Hu and is not at a disadvantage in the slightest.

“King Cheng… defeated enemy, you can say whatever you want now…?” Chen Asan spoke intermittently, and the blood in his mouth never stopped.

“You are right. Unfortunately, you are a loser! Stop all of them, otherwise they will be killed without mercy.” Liu Wei’an’s voice was not high, but it had a strange magic power. Those injured evolvers, Still thinking about fighting for his life, his body froze when he heard this, he didn’t dare to move, and looked at him uneasily.


The short evolver and Shi Hu fought hard, separated, and did not dare to move. The power Liu Wei’an showed was too terrifying. Almost no one could block the punch against the elder of Huoyundong. Live.

In the face of crushing power, evolutionists still know how to advance and retreat. Naturally, they didn’t know that Liu Wei’an’s punch was also a trick. The path used was the ‘Great Judgment Fist’, but the power was the power of the ‘Red Sun Palm’. Using flames against flames, the elder Huoyundong was defeated. All the power was forced back, and the two forces exploded in Elder Huoyundong’s body at the same time. Elder Huoyundong could not control the heat and died.

What seems like a simple punch is actually extremely dangerous. If Elder Huoyundong’s skill had been a little higher, if Elder Huoyundong’s palm skills had been more sophisticated, the outcome might have been the other way around.

Although Liu Wei’an succeeded, he was still scared in his heart. If he tried it a second time, he might not have the courage to take the risk and gain a lot of benefits. But once he loses the bet, the loss will be huge, and he may even be satisfied. All bets are lost.

Shi Hu got in through the hole in the wall, and when he was about to grab Chen Asan’s shoulder, his expression suddenly changed. A bone spur appeared on Chen Asan’s shoulder, which was extremely sharp.


At the critical moment, Chen Asan’s heart exploded, and a **** hole appeared. All the strength in Chen Asan’s body was exhausted like a tide, and he stopped as if bone spurs were poking out.

“Ask the heart!” Chen Asan’s eyes shone with despair and unwillingness, and there was also a trace of confusion.

“You are not that important in my heart. The secrets you hold are not secrets to me. I can find them out as long as I spend some time. Even if I don’t look for them, the person behind you will be there.” Will you come to my door? Your sacrifice is meaningless.” Liu Wei’an looked at Chen Asan.

“You haven’t won yet!” Chen Asan gritted his teeth with a crazy expression.

“Your trump card is the bomb installed in the building, right? As long as you die, the bomb will explode, blowing the entire pyramid building into rubble, leaving all the bones of everyone. In this case, even if you die, But I didn’t win either, right?” As soon as Liu Wei’an said this, the face of the still living Evolver changed, and he looked at Chen Asan with an unkind look.

They were ordered by Chen Asan, but they absolutely did not want to hand over their lives to him.

“Impossible, you can’t know!” Chen Asan shouted, with fear and uneasiness in his eyes.

“The end of the world can happen, what else can’t happen? Unfortunately, your arrangement is useless.” Liu Wei’an sneered, “Go to hell!” When he pointed with his finger, the ancient pattern on his left hand There was a flash.

“Soul Talisman!”


Chen Asan never dreamed that Liu Wei’an would play tricks on him again before he died. He was seriously injured, his body was weak, and his psychological defense was broken. Under the suppression of the soul-suppressing talisman, he was easily hypnotized.

“Marshal’s Mansion!” More than twenty seconds later, Chen Asan bled to death. However, even if he didn’t die, there was nothing to ask. He was just a chess piece and didn’t know much. On the contrary, his identity deserves investigation. He said that he was a member of the Second Legion.

After the end of the First and Second Legions, they didn’t know where they went, and there was no trace of them, as if they had disappeared from this world. Now a person from the Second Army suddenly appeared, and Liu Wei’an and Shi Hu were confused.

The relationship between the Second Army and the “Marshal’s Mansion” is not good.

“You people-” After thinking for a while, unable to figure out what to do, Liu Wei’an’s eyes fell on the remaining evolvers. All the evolvers tensed up, feeling nervous about facing the judgment of fate.

“Everyone who has killed the Ping An warriors is already dead. Some of you have been stained with the blood of the Ping An warriors, but after all, they did not kill my soldiers. The crime will not lead to death. I will give you two choices. One, join “Peace Army”, the past grudges will be wiped out. Secondly, no one will kill 10 zombies, and then leave the area occupied by our Peace Army. We will see you again in the future. Whether you are an enemy or a friend, you can decide for yourself.” Liu Wei’an said calmly.

If it were other evolvers, he would not be so patient. These evolvers are not simple. They are all above the middle stage of the golden stage. They are extremely powerful. Each person’s evolutionary ability is very unique. If not, it would be impossible. Can’t be won over by Chen Asan.

There are still 9 people alive, eight of them are lying or prone, and the only one standing is the short evolver, who is on par with Shi Hu.

9 people have chosen to join the “Peace Army”. They have to bow their heads under the roof. They have all dealt with the Peace Soldiers. The difference is that they have not succeeded. They are really not sure. If they really choose to leave, will the Peace Army be able to do it? Shooting in the back.

“What is your ability?” Liu Wei’an asked the only female evolver among the 9 people. If it weren’t for the black scar on her face, she would be a stunning beauty, but the scar was too big and took up half of the picture. Face, after one look, people don’t want to look at it a second time.

“Decompose!” The female evolutionist froze, not sure why Liu Wei’an asked her alone.

“You stay and follow me!” Liu Wei’an said.

“…Yes!” The female evolver did not dare to object. The expressions of the other evolvers did not change, but their eyes flickered a few times. They did not know the reason why Liu Wei’an kept the female evolver. Is it because of her? If you don’t look at the face and turn off the lights, this figure will definitely drive people crazy.

Is this Liu Wei’an a figure-controller?

“Do you have other abilities?” After Shi Hu took the evolver for treatment, Liu Wei’an, the female evolver, and Li Ershui were left in the hall. Li Ershui stood like a sculpture. At the door, you can just pretend it doesn’t exist.

“…Induction!” After a few seconds of silence, the female evolutionist spoke.

“Sense living people or zombies?” Liu Wei’an asked.

“Anything is fine!” said the female evolver.

“You will follow me from now on.” Liu Wei’an showed a smile. This ability was very useful to him. Before the female evolutionist understood the meaning of this sentence, Lin Zhonghu came in.

“How is it?” Liu Wei’an asked.

“The danger has been eliminated, and the food has been found. Unfortunately, there is not much, only 12.4 tons, but it is all meat.” Lin Zhonghu said.

Chen Asan didn’t know that Liu Wei’an took the risk, but for the sake of food, he thought it was worth it. 12.4 tons is indeed not much, but in the end of the world, it can save many lives. Find a book Yuanwww. zhaoshuyuan.com Don’t blame him for dragging Chen Asan so much time.

“Notice, we will work here today.” Liu Wei’an looked around and chose an undamaged room as his office.

Lin Zhonghu immediately arranged for people to clean up quickly, and then passed out orders one after another. About half an hour later, the female evolutionist saw the first person who came to see Liu Wei’an, the ferryman.

The Ferryman, the boss of the largest car company in the city, was the first person to evolve into the golden realm after the apocalypse. He gathered a large number of subordinates around him and became an overlord. The female evolution thought that everyone would surrender, but the ferryman would not surrender. Unexpectedly, the first person to surrender was the ferryman, and she was shocked. She didn’t know what method Liu Wei’an used to make the ferryman surrender voluntarily.

The second person to appear was Hu Hongyuan, the deputy mayor before the end of the world. He had a humble appearance. If it weren’t for him, ordinary people would have died. He killed many people and had a very high reputation in the city.

Before Hu Hongyuan left, someone else appeared. Seeing this person, the female evolutionist’s heart trembled. This was a man like an iron tower. He was nicknamed Bulldozer. He was the most powerful person in the city. He was moody, but this time From the moment he stepped out of the elevator, his eyebrows were lowered and his eyes were lowered. He was as well-behaved as a cat. The female evolutionists thought they had seen the wrong person.

The elevator was repaired after Lin Zhonghu took over the Pyramid Building. The bulldozer stepped out of the room, and seven or eight evolvers swarmed in on the back. These female evolvers have all met, and some of them have interacted with each other. They are all leaders of the city’s evolution team, and they all came to pay allegiance to Liu Wei’an. .

When the last metal man came in, the female evolver suddenly discovered that 10% of the city’s evolvers had surrendered to Liu Wei’an.

Although Liu Wei’an did not declare his occupation of the city, he was actually in control.



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