Rise From Doomsday Chapter 2135: , the army presses the territory


The white-haired and senile An Daoqiang disappeared, replaced by a middle-aged man with a solemn and rosy face. The wrinkles on his face have been ironed out. His beard is still white, but half of his hair has returned to black, and he still crosses his legs. Even though he was sitting there, everyone could see that An Daoqiang was out of danger and full of vitality.

“What’s going on?” Tang Dingdong couldn’t help but ask.

“Go out first, don’t disturb the dean’s exercise and healing.” Liu Wei’an looked relaxed.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Everyone silenced and quietly left the basement.

The thing is simple. An Daoqiang was injured by a fire-attribute technique. This fire-attribute technique was extremely vicious. It ignited An Daoqiang’s true energy with a wisp of fire. In order to extinguish and suppress the fire, An Daoqiang transported it. A large amount of zhenqi, the more zhenqi is transported, the more it will be ignited. If it is not transported, it will be burned to death. However, transporting zhenqi is equivalent to drinking poison to quench thirst. An Daoqiang has no way.

Thanks to An Daoqiang’s strong internal strength, if it were a slightly weaker person, his true energy would not be able to sustain it for too long, and his body would be burned to death. But within three months, An Daoqiang was exhausted.

Liu Wei’an’s “Corpse Emperor Sutra” happens to be in the same line as this fire poison technique. Liu Wei’an himself was surprised that he accidentally encountered a technique with the same attributes as the “Corpse Emperor Sutra”. He put his hands On An Daoqiang’s back, it was easy to draw out the fire attribute skills. It was just that it was easy to draw out the ignited fire attribute energy, but it was not easy to extinguish the fire.

Liu Wei’an spends most of his time studying fire. In terms of martial arts, his talent is extremely high. He has relied on one person to explore all the way. In addition, the “Dark Emperor Scripture” is the best in the world. The secret book of magical skills, which ignites the fire of people’s true energy, was originally someone else’s unique mental method. It was not passed down by word of mouth and could not be touched. However, Liu Wei’an used Yeluzi’s method to suppress it using the “Dark Emperor Scripture” and then borrowed from the same root. The “Corpse Emperor Sutra” with the same origin deciphered it.

In the end, the fire in An Daoqiang’s body was successfully extinguished, and at the same time, all the Qi that An Daoqiang had ignited was discharged. An Daoqiang was saved, but most of the Qi in his body was gone, and he wanted to recover. It is estimated that it will take several years. Liu Wei’an made a hard trip and gained a lot. First of all, the true energy guided by An Daoqiang was mostly absorbed by his “Corpse Emperor Sutra”. This is equivalent to transferring the internal energy that An Daoqiang worked hard to cultivate to himself. , An Daoqiang’s decades of hard training, and his inner breath are so deep that his strength suddenly improved by half, but compared to the increase in strength, he was more happy that he learned how to use the “Corpse Emperor Sutra”.

He is ignorant about learning martial arts. He is like a lucky person who picked up a lot of gold on the beach and put it at home. He has wealth but does not know how to use it. By cracking the fire, he has mastered it. Such a ruthless attack method, “Corpse King Sutra” is as if it is tailor-made to use. He told everyone about the general situation, but did not elaborate on the details. The “Dark Emperor Sutra” could not be revealed, and he did not want to talk about the “Corpse Emperor Sutra” too much.

Although the people present wanted to know more clearly, they also knew that the secrets of the exercises were personal privacy. This kind of thing was not allowed to be discussed in detail and could only be held back. About an hour later, An Daoqiang came out.



Everyone stood up and saluted respectfully. An Daoqiang was originally from an administrative background. He first worked in the education department, and later resigned from his leadership position and became a teacher. However, as the saying goes, gold always shines. His education level is extremely high, and every student he brings out is outstanding. A very remarkable person. He taught for ten years and educated countless people. The Ministry of Education caught him back and served as a senior leader. Finally, he slowly reached a height that is difficult for ordinary people to reach. Later, it was said that he was in the wrong position during the change of leadership. It is also said that An Daoqiang was discouraged by being squeezed by his colleagues and took the initiative to apply for the position of principal of Xinglong Military Academy.

At that time, Xinglong Military Academy was in decline, and An Daoqiang’s move was equivalent to demotion. The superiors quickly agreed. Since then, An Daoqiang has been the principal of Xinglong Military Academy until now.

An Daoqiang walked slowly and slowly. The landing point of each foot happened to be the moment when his heart beat. It made people feel that he was walking on the beat of his heart. This feeling was very strange. If he walked a few more steps, everyone would be happy. I feel that my heart beats involuntarily according to his rhythm. If he is fast, my heartbeat will speed up. If he is slow, my heartbeat will slow down. It is extremely sad.

“I’ve met my colleagues!” An Daoqiang stopped and returned the greeting with a smile.

“Don’t dare!” Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their heartbeats returned to normal, and they bowed again before standing up.

“Liu Wei’an!” An Daoqiang’s eyes fell on Liu Wei’an.

“The students are here!” Liu Wei’an was shocked when he met An Daoqiang’s gaze. He had seen An Daoqiang’s photo in the school magazine before. In the photo, An Daoqiang’s eyes were full of wisdom, sharp and not aggressive. But now when he was facing An Daoqiang, he found that his eyes were innocent and his smile was nothing special. The meaning is the same inside and out. This kind of innocence is only found in children. It is shocking and inexplicable when it appears in a person who is nearly sixty years old.

After decades of experience in the world of mortals, Liu Wei’an didn’t think anyone could be spotless, but at this moment he did not see any unnecessary impurities in An Daoqiang’s eyes.

“I agreed to your expulsion from Xinglong Military Academy, and I signed it. Do you resent the school?” This is obviously an embarrassing thing, but when it came from An Daoqiang’s mouth, it was like a chat between friends. , without any embarrassment.

“It was there at first, but then it disappeared.” Liu Wei’an was stunned for a moment and said.

“Xiao Tang came to my office twice to make trouble about you, but I still insisted on my opinion.” An Daoqiang continued.

“How virtuous and talented a student is.” Liu Wei’an was flattered. He knew that instructor Tang valued him very much and was very kind to him, but he never expected that he would contradict the principal for himself. This kindness was as heavy as a mountain.

“Seeing your achievements, I know that my choice on the spot was not wrong.” An Daoqiang smiled slightly, “You must think that I was an afterthought, right?”

“Students don’t dare.” Liu Wei’an blushed.

“It doesn’t matter.” An Daoqiang didn’t agree at all. He glanced at the others and changed the topic, “Everyone pack your gifts immediately. We will leave here overnight.”

“Where to go?” Everyone was surprised.

“This has to do with Wei’an.” An Daoqiang looked at Liu Wei’an.

“The injured were sent to Jiangjiu Road, and the rest were broken into pieces and dispersed throughout the suburbs. The black instructors and Tang Dingdong made unified arrangements.” Liu Wei’an admired him in his heart. An Daoqiang could say this, which shows that he Knowing the current situation well, this is naturally not Zhuge Kongming’s ability to know the world’s major events without leaving the mountain, but An Daoqiang’s deep inner strength. Even in the basement, he heard every move in the entire building. At that time, he himself was almost dead, but he still couldn’t forget Xinglong Military Academy, which shows the importance of the military academy in his heart.

“The words of danger are equivalent to mine.” An Daoqiang spoke before everyone looked at him.

When discussing cooperation before, Liu Shangqing had made it clear that the entire Xinglong Military Academy would obey Liu Wei’an’s arrangements. However, as soon as An Daoqiang came out, everyone immediately habitually led him. Although it is hard to change because of the power of everyone, it can also be seen that Everyone was not convinced by Liu Wei’an, but An Daoqiang’s words made everyone feel slightly shaken and return to reality.

“It’s not good -” a student rushed in anxiously, “Dean, it’s bad, we are surrounded -” Suddenly seeing An Daoqiang standing intact, he was stunned at first, and then overjoyed, “Dean, it’s bad, we are surrounded -” Long!”

The dean was called Liu Shangqing in the previous sentence, and Liu Shangqing is the deputy dean. However, whether he is a student or an instructor, it is naturally difficult to add the word “vice” in person. An Daoqiang is the principal, and naturally he is also the dean, so he calls him Two people came out, two deans came out.

An Daoqiang nodded, but did not speak. He looked at Liu Wei’an, obviously determined that Liu Wei’an would take the lead in everything.

“Everyone, please go to your positions. How you responded before is still the same now. Xiao Jie is in charge of intelligence.” Liu Wei’an’s expression became solemn unknowingly, and his eyes were like lightning.

“Yes!” Everyone was shocked and quickly left the room.

Changing the arrangements in vain will only disrupt the original deployment of Xinglong Military Academy. Xinglong Military Academy was able to escape all the way here and already has a relatively complete defense system. At this critical moment, it is better to keep things as they are than to change.

“Can Dean still persist?” Liu Wei’an asked after everyone left.

“I can still protect myself.” An Daoqiang showed signs of fatigue unknowingly. The reason why he came out of the treatment so quickly was not to recover from his injuries, but to stabilize the morale of the army and get out early.

After being burned by fire for three months, I was lucky to survive. Recovery will not happen overnight.

“Dean, please continue to heal your wounds. I estimate that you will have to stay for a while before leaving.” Liu Wei’an said.

“You don’t have to worry about me, just do whatever you want.” An Daoqiang smiled slightly, with a calm expression.

“Yes!” Liu Wei’an left a white crow peach leaf and left the room, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. He had a lot to ask An Daoqiang, but the sound of cannon explosions could be heard outside. , the battle has started, now is not the time to chat.

Liu Wei’an rushed out of the room and heard an explosion from the fourth floor, followed by several weak screams. A broken leg flew out, and the air was filled with the smell of sulfur.


This is the sound of artillery shells passing through the air. Liu Wei’an is no stranger to such sounds. He speeds up and passes through four or five rooms in a row. There is an explosion behind him, and the whole building seems to be shaken violently. After a while, dust and mist flew into the air, and sand and stones flew into the air. The door of the room on the edge of the explosion flew out with a bang, and several students got out, looking very embarrassed.

“Where is Tang Dingdong?” Liu Wei’an shouted.

“What did you say?” Several students saw him and yelled at the top of their lungs. They immediately reacted and pointed at their ears. Their ears were temporarily deafened by the explosion of the bomb and could no longer hear. Liu Wei’an ignored them, thought for a few seconds, ran to the first floor, and met Tang Dingdong.

“Who is the enemy?”

“Su family!”


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