Rise From Doomsday Chapter 2125: , The price of one arm (Part 1)


The stone knife was like a bolt of lightning, crossing a distance of hundreds of meters. Just when it was about to hit the wrist of the giant claw, the stone knife became hot, and a force bloomed from Liu Wei’an’s body like a volcanic eruption, but it was Liu Wei’an who communicated Killing the Nine Saint Insects, the stone knife left a series of shadows in the air, and its speed suddenly doubled.


The stone knife cut deeply into the white bones of the wrist. The sound of sharp gold passed through the void. A few miles away, a piece of Yasha exploded and turned directly into blood mist.

As soon as he took a breath, the numbness on Liu Wei’an’s body disappeared, and the second knife fell heavily. The giant claw immediately gave up on the Lion King, the scholar, and Shui Boqiu, and grabbed him. The invisible pressure was like a suffocating mountain.

Liu Wei’an’s eyes were firm, he only stared at his wrist and paid no attention to anything else. Just when the giant claws were about to close, Crazy White and the Elephant arrived.


The two punched, but there was only a collision sound. The two hit a claw respectively. The terrifying force collision caused the void near the giant claw to shatter and twist. Cracks extended in all directions, and the claws were closed. The trend was abruptly stopped. On the ground, countless experts saw this scene and their eyes almost fell. Is this still a human being?

The extremely bright sword light struck the third claw, bursting out with a dazzling light. However, such a sharp sword did not even split the flesh of the claw. Li Ershui watched the sword light shatter. , his eyes were brighter than ever before, another lightning strike struck out, and a dark scratch appeared in the void, spreading towards the giant claw, reaching the extreme speed.

Masters such as Jian Twenty-San, Chang Yueying, Vine Man, Zhang Quandan and others took action one after another. Wu Lili threw the corpse tree. The moment the corpse tree landed, it became towering. In terms of size, it was not inferior to the giant claw. Countless roots broke out of the ground and entangled the giant claw tightly.

On the crown of the tree, white tentacles as thin as hair fell, wrapping the giant claw layer by layer. At the moment of contact, the tentacles turned into saws, trying to cut the giant claw. Wu Lili did not know when she appeared in the crown of the corpse tree. Inside, his expression was solemn.

Suddenly, the sky turned red, fiery red, and the temperature rose rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the sky and the earth turned into a furnace. Zheng Li appeared in mid-air, and the space she was in turned into chaos. The twisted void made it impossible to see. Clearing the situation inside, all he could see was that the flames turned into whips and wrapped around Juzhao’s shoulders, burning like cracklings. Zheng Li was young and ambitious, but she wanted to directly destroy Yasha’s entire arm.

Before the experts woke up from the shock, they suddenly felt a chill. The next second, the world turned into a world of ice and snow. The goddess of ice and snow flew into the air, and her eyes shot white light onto the giant claws. The surface of the giant claws Immediately covered with a layer of ice.

The temperature dropped rapidly, and the air seemed to freeze. Some experts with slightly lower strength only felt that their bodies, hands and feet were stiff, and they could hardly move. They were so frightened that they ran away away.

In Tang Dingdong’s hand, there was a giant knife that was one foot longer than her height, soaring into the sky…

“These are all Liu Wei’an’s men?” Huangfu was shocked one day.

“I thought… not so strong!” Taishi Chugong was also speechless for a long time. He knew the identity of Liu Wei’an, but it was limited to Liu Wei’an. He had limited knowledge of his subordinates and only thought that He is an ordinary master of martial arts. After all, real masters of the world will not participate in the struggle for hegemony in the world. They have transcended their desire for power.

He never expected that none of these people were weaker than him, just one or two occasionally. With so many masters, he suddenly had deep doubts about himself. He suspected that his family had been lying to him. He is not a proud son of the emperor at all. He is a phoenix among men. In fact, he is just an ordinary person. Anyone you pick up on the street is better than him.

“This is really…” Huangfu’s eyes changed when he looked at Liu Wei’an one day. Although he followed Liu Wei’an because he admired his fighting power, he was proud in his heart. He was born in Huangji Cave and had a respected status. , Liu Wei’an was stronger than him, and had even formed a force, but in his heart, they were just a grassroots team, little better than a plate of loose sand, and certainly incomparable to Huangji Cave.

Only when I really saw the Ping An Army did I suddenly wake up. What kind of Caotai team was this? They were clearly divine soldiers and generals. The Huangji Cave had been passed down from generation to generation for a long time, but they could not produce such troops.

For a moment, he felt the huge gap between him and Liu Wei’an. On the contrary, the Erliang beggar didn’t have much feeling about it. He was only excited and excited. He followed his master to hang out in the market and heard the most about it. The most famous is the deeds of Liu Wei’an and the Ping’an Army. After receiving the skills from his master, he also became a top master, but he had no such awareness at all. His mentality was still looking up to other people. This was also his attitude towards Liu Wei. The reason why An was so respectful was definitely not just because of his benefactor.


The world trembled, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound in shock. They were all shocked when they saw clearly what was going on! Zheng Li, that petite figure, is looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com An overly young girl carried a stove and smashed it on Yasha’s shoulder. The red training stove and the spiritual weapon of Huoyun Cave were snatched by Liu Wei’an and transferred to Zheng Li. Zheng Li’s evolution The route is the fire element, which complements the red furnace, but no one expected that Zheng Li would use the red furnace in the most primitive way.

Large swaths of clouds were shattered, and countless yakshas turned into blood mist. Zheng Li’s petite body contained terrifying power. After four evolutions, all her abilities have been qualitatively improved. At this moment, she showed With such power, even elephants may have to take a detour.

A dent appeared on Yasha’s shoulder. Although this damage was insignificant compared to Yasha’s shoulder, it was a great encouragement to the experts present. This meant that Zheng Li was capable of hurting Yasha.

Liu Wei’an glanced at Zheng Li. The strength shown by Zheng Li shocked even him. If Zheng Li could really smash Yasha’s shoulder, it seemed pointless for him to chop her wrist.





Zheng Li smashed it one by one, while the others were competing with their fingers. Dozens of masters were either holding or holding their fingers, while the others were slashing at their wrists. These masters were not afraid of death, and their eyes were full of fear. Only Giant Claw didn’t care what was going on behind his back, and his absolute trust in his comrades made the Lion King and the scholar ashamed.

The older they get, the more selfish they become. If they can trust each other and work together, why would they be like this? However, even if they know, they cannot completely leave their backs to others. The habit of always being vigilant has been engraved in their bones and cannot be changed.

When everyone saw hope, an accident happened. A stream of blood mist emerged from the cracks. The Bodhi tree was the first to bear the brunt. The leaves withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the light dimmed quickly…


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