Rise From Doomsday Chapter 2117: , Lili returns


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This is the third brigade under the First Army. It is in charge of the Broken Swordsman. The number is 8,000. Because there is a shortage of soldiers everywhere, the Broken Swordsman can only divide the troops continuously. In the end, he has less than 800 men and fights with the zombies for two days. In two nights, there were more than 200 casualties, but at the last moment, a corpse-carrying demon appeared. If the Broken Blade Master was in peak condition, he might be able to withstand it for a while. Under severe physical exhaustion, he continued to attack. Retreating, the soldiers resisted desperately, and more than a hundred people were lost in less than half an hour. The Broken Swordsman was extremely distressed, so he fought with all his strength, and his deputy sacrificed his life for injuries, leaving a gap in the corpse-carrying demon’s neck, and died again. It took several warriors before Broken Swordsman found an opportunity to kill the corpse-backing demon with one blow.

The battle is over, but Broken Swordsman is not happy. The casualties this time were too great. The Ping An Army only suffered such heavy casualties in its early days. No matter how big the battle is afterwards, the loss will be very small.

However, Broken Swordsman still underestimated the danger of this wave of zombies. Before he could calm down, a terrifying aura surged in. He managed to open his eyes, and the scene he saw made his face change drastically.

Zombies, densely packed zombies, the one at the front is the golden zombie, not one, but three. In an instant, Broken Swordsman jumped up as if he had been beaten to death.

“Everyone…enters combat status!”

Because he was too nervous, his voice was a little sharp. He originally wanted the soldiers to escape, but he came to break up the rear, but he immediately thought that they could not retreat. If they retreated, there would be a gap in the defense line, and the zombies would drive straight in. By then, The Heian army in other areas will be attacked from both sides.

Furthermore, it may not be possible to escape now, so risking one’s life is the only option.


The soldiers stood up quickly and stood upright. Even if some people were missing a leg, they still did not dare to tilt their bodies and used their weapons to support them. Because the movements were too violent, the wounds were torn and blood dripped on the ground. , no one took a second look, there was only fearlessness in the eyes of every soldier.

Five hundred meters, three hundred meters, one hundred meters… As the distance gets closer and closer, a strong putrid smell hits your face. The three golden zombies are like three mountains, making people unable to breathe. The heartbeats of the soldiers were getting faster and faster. The Broken Swordsman stood at the front of the array. His face was stern and his eyes were calm without any fluctuation. The hand holding the Broken Sword was slowly raised, and a tragic aura was generated, just as the Broken Sword was being broken. He raised the knife to its highest point, opened his mouth, and the moment the sound came out, three roots burst out of the ground, like three evil pythons, burrowing into the body of the golden zombie, and surging power emanated from the roots.


The three golden zombies exploded, and the pieces of meat were shot in all directions. The pupils of the Broken Swordsman instantly dilated, and his face was full of disbelief. The soldiers behind him also had the same expression, with a dull look on their face. Before the Ping An Army could react, they suddenly A giant tree appeared in the field of vision. The giant tree was so big that everyone only saw a section of the trunk and could not see the entire tree for a while.

Countless roots broke out of the ground and penetrated into the zombies’ bodies easily. In a few blinks, the dense army of zombies turned into candied haws on the roots. The zombies were still pricking with needles at first, but soon became quiet. Completely turned into a corpse.

The number of this wave of zombies should exceed 10,000. The root system is not enough. Some thick roots have more than a dozen zombies strung together. It is very messy. It is funny and shocking at the same time.

“The Corpse Tree!” The Bladebreaker finally realized that he had seen this tree before, it was the Corpse Tree. But, why did the zombie tree come here, and why would it help them deal with zombies?

His question was quickly answered when a yellow figure fell from the tree crown. It was youthful and beautiful, with bright eyes and white teeth, a bit like Crescent Bay eyes with a cunning look.

“Brother Duan, I’m coming!”

No one called Broken Swordsman by his name. Everyone called him Broken Swordsman and used the nickname as a name, mainly because his Broken Sword was so famous.

“Miss Wu!” Broken Swordsman was surprised and happy. This was what he never expected. The person falling from the tree crown turned out to be Wu Lili, because she was following Liu Wei’an and was protected by Liu Wei’an. Very good, everyone’s impression of Wu Lili is similar to Huang Yueyue, they are both people who need protection.

Wu Lili suddenly wiped out an army of zombies with the corpse tree. The contrast was too great.

“Thank you for your hard work, everyone!” Wu Lili glanced at the soldiers and nodded in greeting. When her eyes fell on the corpse of the soldier on the ground, a look of sadness flashed across her face.

“I’ve seen Miss Wu!” The Ping’an Army didn’t think as much as Broken Swordsman. They were only surprised and overjoyed. Everyone was ready to die. Now they don’t have to die, and they have a strong person like Wu Lili. Aid, only happy.

“You guys can rest peacefully, I’ll leave this place to me.” Wu Lili flew onto the crown of the corpse tree. Soon, many tentacle-like silk threads hung from the crown of the corpse tree. Even though the threads were not much thicker than hair, , extremely tough, and could easily tie up zombies. One by one, the zombies were dropped onto the corpse tree, disappeared among the dense leaves, and never appeared again.

In less than a cup of tea, this wave of zombies was wiped out, and not a single one was left. Broken Swordsman and others looked on stupidly, without the need to take action. After that, another wave of zombies appeared. , mixed with two demonic zombies, a corpse-carrying demon and a dirty-blooded black boy. Similarly, they were easily strangled by the corpse tree before they could get angry.

Soon, Bai Ling received the news that Wu Lili had conquered the corpse tree and returned. She immediately adjusted the battle situation and completely contracted the defense line. Only three important openings were left in the north, and other troops guarded two openings. Wu Lili With a thousand men and horses guarding a hole.

In this way, the troops became concentrated, which greatly alleviated the crisis of insufficient troops, and the situation in the northwest became stable. Only one day later, the second good news came, Taichu Sanwa came down the mountain.

Just when the Ping An Army led by Zhu Dachang was in crisis, Taichu Sanwa took action boldly. After a fierce battle, he eliminated the super hunter and saved the lives of thousands of soldiers.

Taichu Sanwa didn’t know how he practiced on the mountain. Everyone saw his great improvement in skill, but everyone also saw his increase in size. His body size was at least twice as big as before he returned to the mountain. He’s the little fat guy, he’ll have to be called the big fat guy from now on.

Taichu Sanwa obliged and stayed in the Ping An Army to deal with the zombies. His appearance made up for the lack of top experts in the southeast. Bai Ling breathed a sigh of relief. Now he no longer has to worry about the situation in the southeast.

However, the situation in the Governor’s Mansion improved, and she began to worry about Liu Wei’an who was far away in no man’s land again. The arrival of the Bafang Youxian greatly boosted morale and inspired people, but this situation did not last long. As the five hundred fresh troops turned into tired troops, everything developed in a direction that no one wanted to see…

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