Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3133: : Miscalculation?

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“Master is wise. Master is right. How can Elder Earth Fire be Jin Yan’s opponent? We must not underestimate the enemy so much. We must always be prepared to deal with Jin Yan!”

The red-bearded old ghost was not ashamed at all and continued to flatter Jiang Tian.

“Brother, how are you?”

Seeing Jin Yan being blown away, Jin Shuo became anxious instantly.

“It doesn’t matter, just because this old guy wants to kill me, I’m afraid he’s not qualified enough!”

Jin Yan stood up with a sneer.

He pointed his sword at the center of his eyebrows, and his aura was rising steadily.

The burning of essence and blood caused his cultivation to skyrocket instantly.

“It’s over!”

Elder Dihuo frowned.

Before, he only felt Jin Yan’s boundless killing intent and powerful aura, but this time, he felt a threat of death.

This filled him with fear, and he couldn’t help but swallow, and took a few steps back.

“Elder Dihuo, feel free to fight with him. If you lose, I will take action!”

Jiang Tian obviously also saw the fear of Elder Dihuo, and immediately spoke and gave him a shot in the arm.

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian in surprise, not expecting him to say this.

“Jiang Tian, ​​what did you say?”

Luo Qingyun spoke in confusion, as if she heard wrongly.

Jiang Tian actually wants to stand up for Elder Dihuo?

Elder Fire Dragon said in a deep voice: “Master, this Elder Earth Fire has done many evil things. He used to be Jin Yan’s most loyal henchman! How could you…”

As he spoke, he sighed.

“Fellow Daoist Jiang, no!”

Yan Qiluo also advised.

Jin Yan stared at Jiang Tian and sneered again and again.

How could he not know what Jiang Tian had planned?

“Jiang Taichu, do you really think that this sect leader doesn’t know what you are thinking?”

He sneered: “You just want us to both lose, so you can reap the benefits!”

“Dihuo, if you know what’s going on, you shouldn’t be fooled by Jiang Taichu!”

Jin Shuo scolded loudly, and then persuaded: “My brother has already said that I can forgive you for your previous mistakes, and hurry up and deal with Jiang Taichu with us!”

“Yes, this sect leader can make a soul oath to forgive you!”

Jin Yan said swornly.

Elder Dihuo frowned and his eyes kept wandering around Jin Yan and Jiang Tian.

There was a thoughtful look on his face.

Obviously, he hesitated.

After a few seconds, he finally looked at Jiang Tian and asked in a deep voice: “Jiang Taichu, are you telling the truth?”

“Dihuo, can you figure out the current situation?”

Before Jiang Tian could speak, the red-bearded old ghost said, “Don’t you still know who Jin Yan is? Do you really believe that he will keep his promise?”

“Don’t forget, he wanted to refine you before. If you hadn’t discovered and escaped in time, you would have died by now!”

Elder Dihuo lowered his eyebrows in thought, then looked up at Jiang Tian and said, “Jiang Taichu, are you willing to make a Soul Oath? As long as you can make a Soul Oath, I can be loyal to you for the rest of my life!”

“Soul oath? Ridiculous? Elder Dihuo, what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?”

Jiang Tianze sneered and said with great disdain: “Don’t forget, now I am giving you the opportunity to kill Jin Yan, not me asking for anything from you!”

Elder Dihuo was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses.

The two parties courting him did give him an illusion.

That is, whichever side you fall to will win the final victory.

But in fact, my current cultivation level is not enough to influence the scale of victory.

I am just a **** in Jiang Taichu’s hands.

Chess pieces should have the awareness of chess pieces. Don’t try to control the chess board and become a chess player.

However, Jin Yan burst out laughing when he heard Jiang Tian’s words.

I never expected that Jiang Tian would say this!

Isn’t this pushing Elder Earthfire towards him?

Elder Earthfire may not be important to Jiang Tian, ​​but to himself, it is too important.

The defection of Elder Earthfire can at least buy him time, and even turn the tide of the battle around.

“Dihuo, did you see it? This is Jiang Taichu. He doesn’t take you to heart at all. He is not even willing to make a soul oath!”

Jin Yan sneered: “Uniting the front with this sect leader is your best choice!”

“Dihuo, why are you hesitating?”

Jin Shuo scolded loudly and urged: “Hurry up and join my brother to deal with this thief Jiang Taichu!”

“Jiang Tian, ​​I really don’t understand what you are thinking!”

After hearing Jiang Tian’s words, Luo Qingyun shook her head repeatedly and said: “If you want to use Elder Earth Fire to consume Jin Yan, then give him something sweet to taste.”

“If you don’t want to, your strength is enough to kill them all, so why bother with all these bells and whistles!”

“Yes, Fellow Daoist Jiang, you are indeed reckless this time!”

Yan Qiluo sighed.

The fire dragon elder glanced at Jiang Tian. It could be seen from the confused expression on his face that he also felt that what Jiang Tian did this time was inappropriate.

“Don’t worry, I believe Elder Earthfire will make the right choice for him!”

Jiang Tian was still confident, as if he already knew that the Earth Fire Elders would choose to stand on his side.

“That’s right, the master has his own ideas, so don’t meddle in your own business!”

The red-bearded old ghost waved his hands repeatedly, looking like a dog-licker who disliked the other three.

Not far away, Jin Yan laughed again after hearing Jiang Tian’s words: “Jiang Taichu, who gave you the courage to make you so confident?”

“Do you really think you have a charming personality, or do you think you can control people’s hearts?”

“Idiot, my brother is willing to make a soul oath, but you are not even willing to take a soul oath. It’s clear who is sincere!”

Jin Shuo sneered again and again, then looked at Elder Dihuo and said with a smile: “Elder Dihuo, why are you hesitating? Why don’t you hurry up and deal with that Jiang Taichu with my brother!”

“Do you have to wait for Jiang Taichu to defeat us one by one, and then we will all die before you are willing to do so?”

Hearing this, Elder Dihuo couldn’t help but feel shocked.

What Jin Shuo said actually makes no sense.

He pursed his lips and said: “I…I…”

“Elder Dihuo, make a choice quickly, my patience is running out!”

Jiang Tian looked down at Elder Dihuo, his face filled with coldness.

Looking at Jiang Tian’s confident gaze, Elder Dihuo suddenly became much more awake.

Jiang Tian is giving himself a chance to survive!

He could clearly feel that if he did not know how to advance or retreat and stood with Jin Yan, he might die in the next second.

Moreover, standing with Jin Yan is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger.

On Jiang Tian’s side, even people like the red-bearded old ghost who do all kinds of evil can have a chance to survive, so why can’t he?

“Elder Dihuo, don’t hesitate, as long as you join forces with this sect leader, you will have a chance to carve out a **** path!”

Jin Yan said seductively: “When the time comes, this sect leader will definitely not treat you badly!”

“Alas, Elder Earthfire will definitely not choose us!”

Luo Qingyun shook her head and sighed, glancing at Jiang Tian, ​​but saw that Jiang Tian was still calm.

“Fellow Daoist Jiang, feel free to deal with Jin Yan in a moment. Just leave Elder Earth Fire to the four of us!”

Yan Qiluo said in a deep voice, her body faintly gathering spiritual energy, and she was already ready for a fight.

“Yes, master, don’t worry, although we are no match for Jin Yan, we can definitely kill the elders of Earth Fire without causing any trouble to master!”

The fire dragon elder said calmly.

“You, alas! Well, in that case, I will reluctantly join you!”

The red-bearded old ghost wanted to scold everyone, but also flattered Jiang Tian.

But on second thought, judging from the current situation, it is really impossible for Elder Dihuo to choose his side.

In the end, he could only sigh and prepare for a fight.

“Jiang Taichu, since you are unwilling to make a commitment to this elder, then why should I choose you!”

At this time, Elder Dihuo shouted.

Hearing this, Jin Yan burst out laughing, and then looked at Jiang Tian with disdain: “Jiang Taichu, did you see that Elder Dihuo’s final choice is us!”

“Elder Dihuo, come here quickly and kill Jiang Taichu with my brother!”

Jin Shuo was also overjoyed.


The figure of Elder Dihuo flashed and appeared beside Jin Yan.

The momentum around him is rising steadily, and he is ready to take action at any time!

“Jiang Tian, ​​did you see it? This is the final result!”

Luo Qingyun shook her head repeatedly, thinking that Jiang Tian sometimes made miscalculations.

“Huh, really?”

Jiang Tian sneered: “Just wait and see!”

Everyone was stunned and looked up at Jin Yan and others.

I don’t know when, Elder Dihuo actually slapped Jin Yan with his palm.


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