Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3128: : Negotiate conditions

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Bursts of thunder sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a fire dragon flew out of the red cloud and hit the formation heavily.


A violent explosion sounded.

The formation in the entire secret room collapsed instantly.

Not only that, the entire secret room collapsed instantly.

“Brother, well done!”

Jin Shuo was overjoyed and urged: “Hurry up and capture that old guy!”

Jin Yan kept sneering and just watched indifferently.

The flying dust and gravel dispersed, and Elder Dihuo, who had been interrupted to heal his wounds and entered the city, slowly stood up.

“Dihuo, as long as you hand over the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill, this sect leader will keep his promise and let you go!”

Jin Yan said coldly.

“Do you think I will believe what you say? Jin Yan, I have refined the Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill. Stop talking nonsense and do it!”

Elder Dihuo seemed to have already prepared for a fight. He stood there coldly, staring at Jin Yan.

“What? You actually refined the Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill?”

Jin Shuo was stunned when he heard this.

The Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill is Jin Yan’s trump card!

Now that he has been refined by the Earth Fire Elder, how should he deal with Jiang Tian.

“Damn it!” Jin Yan was also furious.

“Jin Yan, if you want to take action, hurry up. Anyway, the elixir is gone. If you don’t take action, I will leave!”

Elder Earthfire sneered.

“If there is no elixir, refining you will be the same!”

Jin Yan’s eyes were full of anger, and his figure flashed and appeared behind Elder Dihuo.

“How is that possible?”

Elder Dihuo was shocked. Just as he was about to dodge, he felt that he was restrained by a huge force and could not move.

He thought he could at least escape from Jin Yan, but he didn’t expect that he was still no match for Yihe.

“Sect Master, I was wrong! Please forgive me!” Elder Dihuo begged for mercy again and again.

“I still like your unruly look!”

The golden flame is sharp and angular, and a ball of flame escapes from the palm, and it is about to refine the elder Earth Fire.

“Sect Leader Jin is so busy!” At this time, a voice sounded.

“Jiang Taichu!?”

Jin Shuo was shocked and quickly turned his head.

I saw several figures flying through the air and already appearing above the main peak of Lieyang Sect.

It was Jiang Tian and his party.

Jin Yan didn’t care about the refining earth fire elder, raised his hand and slapped him down.

The elder Earthfire was bombarded to the ground like a cannonball.

He was vomiting blood and was obviously seriously injured.

“Jiang Taichu, you are not dead!”

Jin Yan raised his head and glared at Jiang Tian and others, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

“How can I be willing to die before I kill you?” Jiang Tian sneered.

“Little thief Jin Yan, you didn’t expect that all your grandparents are alive and well!”

The old ghost with a red beard laughed heartily, his face full of pride.

Luo Qingyun frowned and glanced at the red-bearded old ghost.



This red-bearded old ghost really knows how to take advantage!

However, it would not be bad if Jiang Tian was the grandfather and he was the grandmother.

“This is impossible! That blood fire can corrode everything, even poison fire is inferior. How can you be safe and sound!”

Jin Shuo’s face was full of shock.

“We were indeed infected by blood and fire before and were seriously injured.”

Yan Qiluo sneered: “But do you think we will die like this?”

“Yes, don’t forget, we still have a master!”

The fire dragon elder sneered: “Master can completely dissolve your blood and fire with just a few tricks!”

“What!? This is impossible!”

Jin Yan said with a shocked face.

The blood fire was made by condensing the essence and blood of tens of thousands of monks. How could it be easily resolved by Jiang Tian?

“This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!”

Jin Shuo shouted loudly: “Brother, they just said that on purpose, just to shake our Taoist heart!”

“Come on!”

The elder Dihuo on the side sneered: “Jin Yan, Jin Shuo, can’t you really see that Jiang Taichu and others are all at the peak of their cultivation?”

“If they are seriously injured, how can they remain in this state? You just lie to others, but you even lie to yourself? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

Jin Yan glanced at Elder Dihuo bitterly, his eyes filled with unwillingness.

As a major cultivator in the Hedao realm, how could he not see that Jiang Tian and others are still at their peak cultivation level at this time?

I just don’t want to admit it.

“You talk too much! Brother, hurry up and kill this old guy first!”

Jin Shuo pointed at Elder Dihuo and roared hysterically.

“Seeking death!”

Jin Yan looked at Elder Dihuo fiercely, turned his palm over, and a flame appeared in his palm, and was about to extinguish Elder Dihuo.

Elder Dihuo sneered: “Jin Yan, do you dare to kill me?”

As soon as these words came out, Jin Yan was stunned.

“Why don’t you dare? Brother, what are you doing standing still? Why don’t you take action quickly?”

Jin Shuo urged repeatedly.

However, Jin Yan seemed not to hear, and just glared at Elder Dihuo, gnashing his teeth with hatred.

“Ha, it seems you don’t dare!” Elder Dihuo sneered at first, and then turned into laughter.

He laughed so hard that he laughed unbridled and full of sarcasm.

“What’s going on? Jin Yan slaughtered all the elders of the sect before!”

Yan Qiluo asked doubtfully: “Why don’t you dare to kill Elder Dihuo now?”

“Is it because Elder Earthfire has some control over him?” Elder Fire Dragon frowned.

“Nine times out of ten, this is the case. I am afraid that there is something in Elder Earth Fire’s body that will live and die with Elder Earth Fire. Once Jin Yan kills Elder Earth Fire, that thing will disappear!”

Jiang Tian spoke out his thoughts, and then his eyes flashed as he looked at Elder Dihuo.

Soon, he smiled slightly, secretly saying that this was indeed the case.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you?” At this time, Jin Shuo asked with a puzzled face.

“It’s okay to kill him, but don’t forget, he has the Nine-Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Pill in his body!”

Jin Yan whispered: “Now most of the power of the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill is condensed in his body and has not been completely refined. If I kill him, the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill will completely dissipate. ! ”

“Jin Yan, you are quite smart!”

Elder Earthfire sneered again and again.

Jin Shuo gritted his teeth with hatred.

Now that the enemy is facing them, the two brothers are unable to deal with it.

But it happened that the Earth Fire elder couldn’t be killed.

It was really uncomfortable.

“Hey! It’s really like that!”

The old ghost with a red beard chuckled and immediately flattered him: “Master is so clever and clever. He can even guess this. I admire him, I admire him!”

Jiang Tian had no expression on his face and ignored the red-bearded old ghost.

He has long been immune to this situation.

“The master is indeed very discerning!”

The fire dragon elder also admired him from the bottom of his heart.

As for Luo Qingyun and Yan Qiluo, they both looked at Jiang Tian with brilliant eyes.

Extremely intelligent, extremely skilled, and gifted.

This man is simply perfect.

I really don’t know which woman can find such an excellent Taoist companion.

“Dihuo, now condense the power of the Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill and inject it into the body of this sect master! Otherwise, not only this sect master, but also you will die!”

Jin Yan was helpless and said while holding back his anger.

“Condensate it and inject it into your body? Jin Yan, are you kidding me?”

Elder Dihuo sneered: “Don’t say you can’t kill that Jiang Taichu, even if you can kill him, can this elder still save his life? Do you think I am a three-year-old child?”


Jin Yan’s face turned red with anger when his inner thoughts were exposed.

He did think so just now, but he didn’t expect Elder Dihuo to not be fooled at all.

On the contrary, he directly revealed his purpose.

“Jiang Taichu, this elder knows that he will definitely die today!”

Elder Dihuo suddenly looked up at Jiang Tian and said with a smile: “But I have a request. I wonder if you can agree to it?”

Jiang Tian looked at Elder Dihuo, and then nodded slightly: “But it doesn’t matter.”

Now that he has the advantage, he doesn’t mind wasting a little time.

“I just ask that you allow me to watch this Jin Yan die with my own eyes!”

Elder Dihuo stared at Jin Yan, his eyes almost ready to burst into flames.

“Dihuo, who are you and what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with the master?”

The red-bearded old ghost sneered and looked at Elder Dihuo with disdain.

Jiang Tian couldn’t help but smile to himself.

Both sides are already fighting to the death, so how can they care about the feelings of Elder Dihuo?

“I am really not qualified to negotiate terms with you!”

Elder Dihuo sneered: “But as long as you agree to my condition, after Jin Yan’s body dies, I am willing to condense the Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill and give it to you!”

“When the time comes, whether to kill or scrape, I will do whatever you want!”

Jiang Tian was stunned. He didn’t expect Elder Dihuo to propose such a condition.

“What? Dihuo, are you crazy?”

Jin Yan roared angrily: “Would you rather give the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill to Jiang Taichu than to this sect leader?”

“Jin Yan, for someone as cruel and ruthless as you, I wish I could eat you alive, so why would I give you the Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill? This is simply ridiculous!”

Elder Earthfire sneered again and again.

“Damn it! Damn it!” Jin Shuo roared angrily: “Brother, kill him, kill him!”

“Dihuo, I can agree to your terms!”

At this time, Jiang Tian suddenly said: “Not only that, I can also let you kill Jin Yan with your own hands!”

Of course he could see that the surging medicinal power was condensed in Elder Dihuo’s body, but this was nothing to Jiang Tian. He just wanted Jin Yan to pay the due price.


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