Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3127: : Unruly look

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Jin Shuo was stunned and instantly understood that Jin Yan was very likely to be able to find the Nine Turns Rejuvenation Pill!

“Wait a minute, let me investigate!”

Jin Yan frowned and emitted spiritual consciousness, instantly covering the entire Lieyang Sect.

In an instant, the entire Lieyang Sect scene appeared in his mind.

It took dozens of breaths before he opened his eyes.

“How is it? Did you find it?” Jin Shuo asked.


Jin Yan shook his head, then frowned and said: “That shouldn’t be the case. I obviously smelled the fragrance of Wanli Xiang, why can’t I find it?”

“Did Elder Dihuo use some kind of formation to shield the aura?”

Jin Shuo frowned and guessed.

Jin Yan’s eyes lit up and he sneered: “Jin Shuo, you really reminded me! I know where that old man is hiding!”

“Where?” Jin Shuo was stunned.

“Do you still remember the secret room on the main peak?” Jin Yan sneered.

On the main peak, in the secret room, Elder Earth Fire is wrapped in flames and is healing himself.

He had already noticed it when the Jin Yan brothers appeared on the main peak.

It’s just that he was too seriously injured and it was extremely difficult to leave.

You can only hide in a secret room to heal.

“No, they are coming towards me!”

Seeing the Jin Yan brothers walking towards the secret room, Elder Dihuo was shocked.

In fact, he had already made his wishful thinking.

If Jiang Tian was killed by Jin Yan, then Jin Yan would definitely be seriously injured and would definitely have no intention of looking for him.

If Jin Yan is killed by Jiang Tian, ​​then he will be safer.

Because Jiang Taichu was not familiar with Lieyang Sect at all, he could hide in the secret room and leave quietly after swallowing and refining the Nine Turns Rejuvenation Pill.

But who would have thought that Jin Yan would come back.

And from the looks of it, although he suffered some injuries, his foundation is still there.

Now that I am seriously injured, I am definitely no match for Jin Yan!

“If Jin Yan finds out that I am here, I am afraid I will be doomed!”

Elder Dihuo frowned and looked nervously at the Nine-Turn Rejuvenation Pill placed on the ground.

At first, he only roughly understood the efficacy of this elixir from Jin Yan, but he did not know the specific refining method.

Afraid that if you are not careful, you will make a mistake and your body and soul will disappear.

That’s why I haven’t dared to refine it.

Now that the enemy was facing him, he no longer hesitated and immediately fired.


A ball of blazing fire spewed out and entangled the Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill.

The golden light of spiritual consciousness overflowed from the center of his eyebrows, enveloping the elixir and began to refine it.

After the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill comes into contact with the golden light of divine consciousness, it melts quickly like an iceberg encountering a fierce fire.

A blazing ray of light quickly penetrated into Elder Earthfire’s body as if it were spiritual.


Elder Dihuo let out a happy groan.

I just feel extremely comfortable all over my body, and a force is constantly moving around my body, quickly repairing the missing essence and blood.

After a few breaths, Elder Dihuo’s originally broken body had recovered.

But the blazing light still didn’t disappear, and it still kept squeezing into his body.

“I didn’t expect this Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill to have such powerful medicinal power!”

Elder Dihuo was overjoyed.

I thought that the Nine Transformations Rejuvenation Pill needed a special method to refine it, but I didn’t expect it to be so simple.

If I had known earlier, I should have refined it earlier.

Otherwise, I might have completely absorbed the power of the Nine Transformations Rejuvenation Pill and left the Lieyang Sect.

“Ground Fire, get out of here quickly!”

Just when Elder Dihuo was overjoyed, a voice came from outside the secret room.

“Jin Yan, I didn’t expect you to come back!”

Elder Earthfire closed his eyes tightly, frantically refining the elixir and devouring the power in the elixir.

“Don’t talk nonsense, get out of here quickly!”

Jin Shuo’s voice also came in.

“You want me to come out? You are wishful thinking!”

Elder Earthfire snorted coldly, and then activated the formation in the secret room.


Layered formations lit up around the secret room, blocking the Jin Yan brothers from the outside.

“Dihuo, you want to save your life, this sect leader can understand and will not blame you!”

Jin Yan sneered: “As long as you can return the Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill, this sect leader is willing to give you a way out!”

“Give me a way out? Jin Yan, ask yourself, do you believe this?”

Elder Dihuo laughed loudly and said: “Jin Yan, others may not know your true face, but don’t I, the elder, also know it?”

“Tianhuo and I have done so many shameful things for you over the years. You just killed those elders, but you didn’t expect that even this elder would not be spared in the end!”

He sneered repeatedly: “Jin Yan, do you think I will still believe your lies?”

When Jin Yan heard this, his face suddenly darkened.

The two people, Heavenly Fire and Earthly Fire, have always been extremely respectful to themselves.

I didn’t expect that he would dare to be so rebellious and contradict me at this time.

He gritted his teeth and said angrily: “Dihuo, my sect leader has always been true to his word. Hurry up and hand over the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill, otherwise, you will die!”

“Even if I die, I will never give the Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill to you. Jin Yan, just give up on this!”

Elder Earthfire shouted with a sneer, but his whole body kept swallowing the medicinal power emitted by the Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill.

Now he has not only repaired his body, but his cultivation has also gone further.

As long as enough time can be delayed, it may be possible to escape from Jin Yan, or even kill him!

“Dihuo, do you really think that this sect leader can’t do anything to you?”

Jin Yan said with a gloomy expression.

“If you have the ability, break through this formation and break in!”

Elder Dihuo sneered: “It took a lot of effort to set up this formation. I don’t believe you can break it in an instant!”

“Damn it!” Jin Yan’s eyes were full of anger.

Jin Shuo snorted coldly: “Brother, don’t talk nonsense to him, break this formation quickly, it’s important to get the elixir!”

Jin Yan nodded, and when he turned his palm over, a flame appeared in his palm, beating wildly.


As he waved his right hand, a ball of flames covered the sky above the secret room.

In an instant, red clouds gathered, and **** of fire fell from the sky, hitting the formation.




Violent explosions continued to sound.

The formation buzzed and glowed with bursts of light.

“Damn it, Jin Yan still has such strength!”

Elder Earth Fire frowned, while absorbing the power of the Nine Turns Rejuvenation Pill, he maintained the secret room formation.

“If you want to compete with this sect leader, you are still too young!”

Jin Shuo sneered, then raised his sword finger in front of him and muttered something.


A golden light floated out from the fingertips and merged into the red clouds in the sky.


Bursts of thunder sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a fire dragon flew out of the red cloud and hit the formation heavily.


A violent explosion sounded.

The formation in the entire secret room collapsed instantly.

Not only that, the entire secret room collapsed instantly.

“Brother, well done!”

Jin Shuo was overjoyed and urged: “Hurry up and capture that old guy!”

Jin Yan kept sneering and just watched indifferently.

The flying dust and gravel dispersed, and Elder Dihuo, who had been interrupted to heal his wounds and entered the city, slowly stood up.

“Dihuo, as long as you hand over the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill, this sect leader will keep his promise and let you go!”

Jin Yan said coldly.

“Do you think I will believe what you say? Jin Yan, I have refined the Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill. Stop talking nonsense and do it!”

Elder Dihuo seemed to have already prepared for a fight. He stood there coldly, staring at Jin Yan.

“What? You actually refined the Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill?”

Jin Shuo was stunned when he heard this.

The Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill is Jin Yan’s trump card!

Now that he has been refined by the Earth Fire Elder, how should he deal with Jiang Tian.

“Damn it!” Jin Yan was also furious.

“Jin Yan, if you want to take action, hurry up. Anyway, the elixir is gone. If you don’t take action, I will leave!”

Elder Earthfire sneered.

“If there is no elixir, refining you will be the same!”

Jin Yan’s eyes were full of anger, and his figure flashed and appeared behind Elder Dihuo.

“How is that possible?”

Elder Dihuo was shocked. Just as he was about to dodge, he felt that he was restrained by a huge force and could not move.

He thought he could at least escape from Jin Yan, but he didn’t expect that he was still no match for Yihe.

“Sect Master, I was wrong! Please forgive me!” Elder Dihuo begged for mercy again and again.

“I still like your unruly look!”

The golden flame is sharp and angular, and a ball of flame escapes from the palm, and it is about to refine the elder Earth Fire.

“Sect Leader Jin is so busy!” At this time, a voice sounded.


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