Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3126: :Nine Turns of Rejuvenation Pill

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“Jiang Tian, ​​what should we do next?”

Luo Qingyun asked softly: “That Jin Yan has escaped now, I’m afraid it won’t be easy to find them and kill them again!”

“That’s not necessarily true!”

Jiang Tian shook his head, stood up and said with a smile: “We can go to Lieyang Sect and have a look. Maybe the two Jin Yan brothers are waiting for us in Lieyang Sect!”

“How is this possible?”

Luo Qingyun frowned and said, “Now Jin Yan has sacrificed all the blood and fire, but it didn’t hurt us. I’m afraid he has escaped long ago.”

“Whether there is or not, let’s try our luck first!”

Jiang Tian smiled and said: “What if we meet?”

The red-bearded old ghost couldn’t help but nodded and said: “When Jin Yan left, he said he would go back to Lieyang Sect, and Jin Shuo also said that he seemed to have a way to kill us!”

“Maybe there is something like a peerless formation within the Lieyang Sect that they can rely on!”

Luo Qingyun frowned and recalled, and immediately remembered that Jin Yan seemed to have really said that when he left.

If this is the case, maybe Jin Yan can really be caught.

“When they finish adjusting their breath, we will go to Lieyang Sect!” Before Luo Qingyun could say anything, Jiang Tian had already made a decision.

The Lieyang Sect.

The fairy boat broke through the clouds and landed on the main peak.

The two Jin Yan brothers stepped down from the fairy boat.

“Brother, what are we going to do when we return to Lieyang Sect? For now, we need to run away for our lives!”

Jin Shuo asked anxiously.

When he left Lieyang City just now, he had been worried that Jiang Tian would chase him and did not have time to ask Jin Yan.

Seeing that Jin Yan had really returned to Lieyang Sect, he was immediately filled with doubts.

What is the difference between this and seeking death?

“Jin Shuo, what do you mean?”

Jin Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “Didn’t you just say that you wanted to make Jiang Taichu look good?”

“What you just said was just a sentimental statement. How can you take it seriously? Do you really want to fight that Jiang Taichu?”

Jin Shuo’s expression froze and he shook his head repeatedly.

Jin Yan burst into laughter upon hearing this.

“Brother, do you know how fierce the blood and fire is?”

Jin Yan sneered and said: “Any monk who is contaminated by blood and fire will, without exception, die.”

“But that Jiang Taichu is no ordinary monk!”

Jin Shuo said anxiously: “He may not be able to resolve the blood and fire. If he really comes after him, what should we do?”

“Even if he has a way to resolve the blood and fire, I’m afraid he will have to pay a heavy price!”

Jin Yan said swornly.

He has been refining blood and fire for thousands of years and has enough confidence in blood and fire.

Even if Jiang Tian resolves the virtual fire, his cultivation will be greatly reduced.

He continued: “It would be fine if Jiang Taichu doesn’t come. If he dares to come, I will definitely let him die.”

“But brother, you are almost exhausted now! How to make Jiang Taichu die?”

Jin Shuo shook his head repeatedly, always thinking that he should leave in time.

“Jin Shuo, you and I have not known each other for a long time. Do you really think that my service as the leader of Lieyang Sect for so many years was in vain?”

Jin Yan’s face looked a little ugly.

Jin Shuo was stunned and quickly asked: “Does brother still have any trump cards?”

“Of course! Not to mention the Lieyang Sect’s sect-protecting formation, brother, I have also prepared a pill, which can restore my cultivation in an instant!”

Jin Yan sneered and said: “Then Jiang Taichu is now infected by blood and fire, and his cultivation will definitely be greatly reduced. If I restore my peak cultivation, it will be easy to kill him?”

Jin Shuo fell silent upon hearing this.

My brother and Jiang Taichu fought to such an extent that in the final analysis it was just a draw.

If the elder brother can really restore his peak cultivation level, he may really be able to kill Jiang Taichu!

Thinking of this, he quickly asked again: “Can the elixir really help my brother quickly recover to his peak cultivation level?”

“Of course! This pill is called the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill. It is made from the essence of the scorching sun. It is specially made for my brother to deal with emergencies!”

Jin Yan said proudly.

“So good!”

Jin Shuo was relieved after hearing this and said: “Brother, what are you waiting for? Let’s quickly find the elixir and restore our peak cultivation as soon as possible!”

Jin Yan nodded and walked towards the main hall on the main peak.

Jin Shuo followed closely behind.

After arriving in the main hall, Jin Yan raised his hand and saw the sect leader’s throne flashing with light, then shaking, as if it was hiding something.

“Brother, the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill is under the throne?”

Jin Shuo frowned and asked.

“Not bad!”

While controlling the throne to fly up, Jin Yan probed it with his spiritual consciousness.

“Why should such an important elixir be placed in such a place?” Jin Shuo was puzzled.

“The most dangerous place is the safest place. Brother Wei has stored this elixir here for nearly a thousand years, hasn’t it been stolen?”

Jin Yan said proudly.

But soon, his expression changed and he whispered: “Not good!”

“What’s wrong?”

Jin Shuo was stunned.

“The elixir seems to be missing!”

Jin Yan said with anger in his eyes.

His figure flashed and appeared next to the throne. Where the sect leader’s throne was originally placed, a square hidden grid appeared. In the dark grid, a white jade porcelain bottle was stored.

At this time, the white jade porcelain bottle had been opened, and the elixir inside had already disappeared without a trace!

Jin Yan was furious.

I just said confidently that this elixir had been stored for thousands of years and had not been stolen, but in the blink of an eye, I was slapped in the face.

“How could this happen?”

Jin Shuo was stunned and said angrily: “Who stole the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill!”

Jin Yan stared at the white jade porcelain vase with angry eyes and said nothing.

His eyes kept flickering, as if he was thinking about something.

“Brother, this must be done by someone from the Lieyang Sect!”

Jin Shuo said coldly: “Moreover, it was done by the core people of Lieyang Sect. Brother, think about it carefully. Besides you, who else knows that there are pills hidden in this place?”

“Who else can there be besides the earth fire!”

Jin Yan said with anger in his eyes.

Now, almost all the elders of Lieyang Sect were slaughtered by Jin Yan.

The only one left is Elder Dihuo who took the opportunity to escape before.

“It’s him!” Jin Shuo was stunned: “Why did brother tell that old man such an important position?”

“In the beginning, refining the elixir required a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and it was Heavenly Fire and Earthly Fire who helped me collect them!”

Jin Yan sighed: “I thought I could completely control these two people, but I didn’t expect that they would cause trouble. It’s really abominable!”

“Brother, now that we don’t have the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill, we may not be sure to kill Jiang Taichu.”

Jin Shuo quickly reminded: “Let’s run away quickly!”

“Well, let’s leave the Lieyang Sect quickly!”

Jin Yan could only nod.

If Jiang Tian chases after him, both of them may die.

The two brothers walked out of the main hall quickly, and then sacrificed the fairy boat.

Just when Jin Shuo was about to control the fairy boat to leave, Jin Yan suddenly frowned, stopped Jin Shuo and said, “Stop!”

Jin Shuo was stunned, thinking that Jiang Tian was chasing after him, and quickly looked around him warily: “Is it Jiang Taichu here?”

“No, I sensed the aura of the Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill!”

Jin Yan’s eyes flickered and he looked around.

Jin Shuo asked with confusion on his face: “Nine-turn Rejuvenation Pill? Hasn’t it been stolen?”

“In order to prevent it from being stolen, I specially added Wanlixiang to the elixir!”

Jin Yan said in a deep voice.

Wanlixiang can also be regarded as a kind of spiritual herb. This herb actually has no special effects. It just leaves a faint fragrance that will last for thousands of miles.

But this fragrance is extremely easy to be covered by the fragrance of elixirs, so few people add it to elixirs.

The reason why Jin Yan joined Wanli Xiang was because he would not carry the Nine-Transformation Rejuvenation Pill with him.


Jin Shuo was stunned and instantly understood that Jin Yan was very likely to be able to find the Nine Turns Rejuvenation Pill!

“Wait a minute, let me investigate!”

Jin Yan frowned and emitted spiritual consciousness, instantly covering the entire Lieyang Sect.

In an instant, the entire Lieyang Sect scene appeared in his mind.

It took dozens of breaths before he opened his eyes.

“How is it? Did you find it?” Jin Shuo asked.


Jin Yan shook his head, then frowned and said: “That shouldn’t be the case. I obviously smelled the fragrance of Wanli Xiang, why can’t I find it?”

“Did Elder Dihuo use some kind of formation to shield the aura?”

Jin Shuo frowned and guessed.

Jin Yan’s eyes lit up and he sneered: “Jin Shuo, you really reminded me! I know where that old man is hiding!”

“Where?” Jin Shuo was stunned.

“Do you still remember the secret room on the main peak?” Jin Yan sneered.


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