Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3123: :Blood and Fire

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“Oh? The fighting has reached this point, I want to see what other trump cards you have!”

Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back and looked at the Jin Yan brothers calmly.

“There is indeed a trump card, which I didn’t want to use, but at this point, I don’t care too much anymore!”

Jin Yan shook his head and sighed, with a distressed look on his face.

“This…does Jin Yan really have a trump card?”

Luo Qingyun couldn’t help but look at Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon on the side.

“This…I don’t know either.”

Yan Qiluo shook his head.

Jin Yan has always been careful about how he could expose his trump card.

Elder Fire Dragon also shook his head and said: “I have been practicing in the Forbidden Area of ​​the Fierce Sun, and I know even less about Jin Yan!”

“Seeing how distressed Jin Yan Xiaoze looks, I guess he might actually have some trump card!”

The red-bearded old ghost looked solemn and quickly reminded: “Master, please be careful!”

Jiang Tian nodded and said “Yeah”, but still had that indifferent look on his face.

He looked at Jin Yan calmly and said: “Since you still have means, use them and let me learn from you!”

“You forced me to do this! Jiang Taichu, once this trump card is used, the entire Lieyang City will turn into ashes, you must take it!”

Jin Yan stared at Jiang Tian with a fierce face.

I saw him flipping his palm, and a **** flame rose up.

Everyone immediately felt the smell of blood coming towards their faces.

“What kind of flame is this? Why does it have such a strong smell of blood?”

Luo Qingyun frowned slightly and quickly used a secret technique to seal her mouth and nose.

“I’m afraid it’s a witchcraft that Jin Yan learned from somewhere!”

Yan Qiluo, like Luo Qingyun, closed her facial features tightly to block the **** aura from outside her body.

“What is this? It has such powerful corrosive power!”

Jiang Tian felt everything around him carefully.

Now he uses the essence of poisonous fire to reshape his body, but he still feels a burning sensation on the surrounding skin.

He was suddenly shocked and frowned: “Jin Yan, is this the blood and fire you forcibly extracted from the monks’ body and condensed into blood and fire?”

The blood fire is a kind of flame that is refined based on the flesh and blood of monks.

Once this kind of flame is sacrificed, it can devour the flesh and blood of all the monks around it.

Monks in the same realm may still be able to survive, but they will have to pay a heavy price.

As for the monks with weaker cultivation, they will turn into blood in an instant.

Hearing Jiang Tian’s words, Jin Yan was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: “I didn’t expect you to know about blood fire! Yes, this flame is exactly blood fire!”

Luo Qingyun and others’ hearts trembled.

Have they never heard of blood fire? They just thought it was a legendary flame that did not exist.

I didn’t expect to be able to actually see it today.

“I heard that refining blood and fire requires the flesh and blood of thousands of monks as the foundation, Jin Yan, could it be that you…”

A terrifying thought suddenly appeared in the red-bearded old ghost’s mind.

This thought made him shudder.

“Any method that can improve your cultivation level, this sect master will not refuse!”

Jin Yan didn’t care at all and said: “So what if our sect leader killed thousands or even tens of thousands of monks? These people are ants. They can help our sect leader practice secret skills. They should It’s an honor.”

Hearing these words, everyone could not help but feel chills running down their spines.

With tens of thousands of monks, Jin Yan actually said it so easily.

It’s really terrifying.

“Jin Yan, you have done such an outrageous thing, aren’t you afraid of being backlashed by the will of heaven?”

Luo Qingyun asked loudly.

The way of heaven is vast, like a sharp sword hanging over everyone’s heads.

Even if a monk goes against the will of heaven, he must be cautious.

If the way of heaven really bites you, no matter how talented you are, you will still die.

“The Way of Heaven? A joke!”

Jin Yan sneered and said: “What is the way of heaven? It is normal for monks to go against the will of heaven and kill people to seize treasures. Those people are not diligent in cultivation and their skills are not as good as others. As a result, they can only die and disappear. This is the way of heaven. ! ”

“And my way of heaven has always been in my hands. This is the way of heaven!”

He laughed like crazy, which made people feel creepy.

“If you are not as skilled as others, will you die? Okay, then I will kill you today, and you don’t have any complaints!”

Jiang Tian spoke coldly.

Such demons don’t need to show any mercy, they can just be killed.

His figure flashed, and the next second, he appeared in front of Jin Yan.

“Seeking death!”

Jin Yan snorted coldly, while his palms trembled.

A ball of blood and fire flew out from the palm of his hand.


The blood fire was as fast as lightning, pointing directly at Jiang Tian’s eyebrows.

Jiang Tian’s heart was beating wildly, feeling the huge danger, and he quickly condensed a layer of light in front of him.


The mask of light shattered instantly.

The blood and fire seemed to have spirituality, shooting towards Jiang Tian’s eyebrows again.

Jiang Tian’s heart moved, and a golden light shot out.

That is the golden light transformed by divine consciousness.


The blood fire and the consciousness collided with each other, followed by a loud roar.

Jiang Tian took a few steps back, secretly amazed in his heart.

This blood and fire is truly extraordinary.

After using the breath of poisonous fire to condense his body, Jiang Tian’s cultivation level has improved further. It stands to reason that it should be easy to capture Jin Yan.

But at this moment, facing Jin Yan holding blood and fire, Jiang Tian was a little helpless.

This blood and fire is really difficult to deal with.

“Fellow Daoist Jiang is not Jin Yan’s opponent. How is this possible?”

When Yan Qiluo saw this situation, his jaw suddenly dropped.

Even though she had just entered Hedao, she could still see that Jiang Tian’s cultivation had improved more than before.

“This blood fire is made from the flesh and blood of monks. It has a natural corrosive power on the energy of flesh and blood. It is really difficult to deal with it!”

The fire dragon elder shook his head repeatedly.

He could also see that Jiang Tian encountered a problem at this time.

“I really didn’t expect that little thief Jin Yan would have such methods!”

The red-bearded old ghost gnashed his teeth in hatred.

I thought that after Jiang Tian appeared, he would be able to dominate the world and win Jin Yan.

Who would have thought that this would be the case.

However, he also understood that Jin Yan’s method of saving his life at this time was naturally not so easy to deal with.

So I didn’t dare to say anything more.

Jiang Tian’s figure flashed in the air one after another, dodging the **** flames released by Jin Yan.

“Jiang Taichu, don’t you want to kill my brother after you condense your body? Why can’t you do it now?”

Jin Shuo, who was hiding behind Jin Yan, laughed loudly, his tone full of contempt.

“You think you can stop me with these little tricks?”

Although Jiang Tian’s figure flashed one after another, there was not much anxiety in his tone.

On the contrary, he was unusually calm.

“Hey, Jiang Taichu, stop pretending to be calm!”

Jin Yan sneered and said: “Although I am no match for you, you will definitely not be able to kill me! How about we each take a step back so that we don’t offend each other in the future?”

“You want peace?”

Jiang Tian asked back.

“It’s not about seeking peace, it’s about taking a step back!”

Jin Yan still clings to his face as the leader of a sect.

“Oh, since we’re not asking for peace, then I don’t think it’s necessary!”

Jiang Tian sneered, and while his figure flashed in the air, he gradually approached Jin Yan.

“Brother, be careful, this Jiang Taichu is already getting closer to you!”

Jin Shuo quickly reminded: “Don’t let him get close to you, otherwise the consequences may be disastrous!”

Jin Yan frowned.

Only then did I realize that although Jiang Tian had been dodging, he was indeed getting closer to him.

“Jiang Taichu, don’t toast or eat as a penalty!”

Jin Yan said angrily: “If we continue like this, neither of us will get any good results!”

“Jin Yan, just tell me, are you asking for mercy?”

Jiang Tian asked again in a deep voice.

Jin Yan glared at Jiang Tian with extremely complicated eyes.

As the leader of a sect, his aloof appearance made it difficult for him to bend down and beg for mercy from a small god-transformation monk.

But seeing the increasingly unfavorable situation in front of him, he finally made a wise choice.

“Okay, Jiang Taichu, I am the sect leader begging for mercy!”

Jin Yan said loudly: “How about we each take a step back and don’t interfere with the river in the future?”

“Fellow Daoist Jiang, you can’t agree to him!”

Before Jiang Tian could answer, Yan Qiluo had already spoken.

Are you kidding me? If we make peace now, how will we get along with Elder Fire Dragon?

“Master, you must not agree to him!”

Elder Fire Dragon also knew the seriousness of this matter and quickly spoke to dissuade him.

The red-bearded old ghost and Luo Qingyun didn’t care and didn’t say much.

But just from the expressions on their faces glaring at Jin Yan, we can know that if they have the opportunity to kill Jin Yan, they will not show mercy.

Sure enough, Jiang Tian sneered and said: “What do you mean, even if you beg for mercy? Jin Yan, begging for mercy is just begging for mercy, but nothing counts!”

Jin Yan stared at Jiang Tian angrily, with murderous intent almost overflowing from his eyes.

He gritted his teeth and said: “Okay, I, the leader of the Lieyang Sect, Jin Yan, am here to beg for mercy from Fellow Daoist Jiang. I beg Fellow Daoist Jiang to spare my life!”


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