Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3122: :Nothing to do

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“Ants are just ants. Even if they have all their thoughts, they will be slapped to death by this sect leader!”

Jin Yan’s face was stern and his murderous intent was surging.

He pointed his sword towards the sky, and a golden light shot out from his fingertips and submerged into the nine heavens.

At what time, the red clouds rolled.


Bursts of dragon roars came from the nine heavens.

Thousands of red clouds fell and gathered into red fire dragons in the sky, crashing towards everyone.

The fire dragons covered most of Lieyang City, and their powerful momentum knocked everyone to the ground, leaving them unable to avoid or escape.

“It’s over!”

At this moment, an unprecedented despair surged into everyone’s hearts.

“This sect master wants to see what tricks you can pull off this time!” Jin Yan sneered.


At this moment, a voice came from the sky.

The red cloud seemed to be torn apart by a pair of big hands, and the layers retreated. Everyone’s hearts trembled, feeling an unprecedented powerful force coming from the sky.

“Who is coming!”

Jin Yan felt fear in his heart, and his consciousness beat wildly, warning of danger.

He suddenly felt that he seemed to be locked by a peerless power. If he didn’t escape now, he would definitely die.

The huge threat made him retreat one after another.

The next moment he was far away from everyone, a huge palm fell from the sky.

Thousands of fire dragons dissipated instantly like paper.


A huge explosion sounded, and a huge handprint with a radius of 100 meters appeared on the ground.

The handprint was more than ten meters deep, as if it had been hit by a meteorite.

“Who, who is it?”

Jin Yan looked up at the sky, trying to find the source of that huge power.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a white-robed figure slowly emerging from the void.

His face is like a crown jade, his skin is shining with crystal luster, his whole body is surrounded by precious light, and his momentum is unprecedentedly powerful.

It is Jiang Tian.

“It’s Fellow Daoist Jiang!”

Yan Qiluo’s eyes lit up and he immediately let out a cry of surprise.

“This… doesn’t he need half a stick of incense to condense his physical body? Why does he appear now?”

Luo Qingyun murmured with confusion on his face.

“The master has appeared, great, great!”

The fire dragon elder cried with joy.

The appearance of Jiang Tian represents a complete reversal of the situation.

Not only will everyone survive, but Jin Yan will undoubtedly die.

“Master, you finally appeared! Finally you appeared!”

The moment he saw Jiang Tian appear, the red-bearded old ghost rushed towards him as if he were seeing his biological father who had been dead for many years.

He hugged Jiang Tian’s thigh and cried with tears in his eyes: “Master, if you don’t show up again, I won’t be able to see you anymore, old ghost!”

As he spoke, he burst into tears again.


Jiang Tian frowned slightly.

The reaction of this red-bearded old ghost was a bit too great.

But thinking about it, the aftermath of the disaster does make people have mixed feelings.

It’s just that the snot and tears that the red-bearded old ghost wiped on his robes are a bit disgusting.

“You go to the back first!”

Jiang Tian said in a cold voice.

“Yes! Yes!”

Feeling the disgust flashing in Jiang Tian’s eyes, the red-bearded old ghost suddenly trembled in his heart.

The two men crawled to the ground and hid behind Jiang Tian.

Although the restriction in his body has been lifted, he is still afraid of Jiang Tian from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, the two Jin Yan brothers finally reacted.

“This…you…how…how is this possible?”

Jin Yan stared at Jiang Tian with his mouth open.

According to his calculation, Jiang Tian should not be able to fully condense his physical body at this time, so why did he suddenly appear again?

Did I remember the time wrongly?

“How is this possible! How could you appear in advance, how could you condense your physical body in advance!”

Jin Shuo took several steps back as if he had seen a ghost.

If it weren’t for his brother Jin Yan standing in front of him, he would have already sat down on the ground.

“Oh, I just lied to you.”

Jiang Tian replied in a calm tone.

The previous rash move to help the red-bearded old ghost lift the ban in his body and stimulate the power of the ban indeed extended the time for Jiang Tian to regroup his body.

But it’s far from time to burn an incense stick.

The reason why Jiang Tian said this was to give Brother Jin Yan an illusion.

An illusion that there is still plenty of time.

Only in this way can Jiang Tian have enough time to take things by surprise and save the lives of Luo Qingyun and others to the greatest extent possible.


Hearing Jiang Tian’s answer, Jin Yan was stunned.

I never expected that Jiang Tian would lie to them about such a thing.

“Damn it, **** it!”

Jin Shuo was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Luo Qingyun and others burst into laughter.

Laughing so hard that the branches of flowers trembled wildly.

“Jin Yan, you always enjoy playing with people’s hearts. I’m afraid you didn’t expect that one day you yourself will be played by others!”

Yan Qiluo’s face turned cold, and he was quite gloating about his misfortune.

“Oh, some people think they are great because of their cleverness, but they don’t know that they are just a clown!”

The fire dragon elder said with disdain in his eyes.


Jin Yan was furious.

The fire dragon elder’s words were like a hard slap in the face, making his face turn red.

But before he could finish his words, he heard the red-bearded old ghost sneer: “What are you! Isn’t what he said wrong?”

“Yes, Jin Yan, you think you are cautious, but you are actually too arrogant!”

Luo Luo Qingyun nodded in agreement: “Jiang Tian just used a little trick to make you suffer such a big loss. It seems that your realm is really far behind!”

Hearing the ridicule towards him, Jin Yan felt angrier than ever before.

He prides himself on being extremely smart and able to see through everyone.

But today, he felt unprecedentedly frustrated.

Luo Qingyun and others were right, he was indeed played cruelly by Jiang Tian.

“Jiang Taichu, I didn’t expect to have such a method, good, very good!”

Jin Yan laughed in anger, but his expression became calm again.

The desperate anger disappeared instantly, and his face was once again replaced by an expression of wisdom in hand.

Seeing his brother’s expression, Jin Shuo’s heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The two brothers climbed up from the bottom step by step. He rarely saw this expression.

But Jin Shuo knew that once this expression appeared on Jin Yan’s face, it would prove that Jin Yan was really at his wits’ end.

Similarly, this also indicates that the two brothers are about to reach a dead end.

He carefully poured all his spiritual energy into the fairy boat in his hand, ready to escape at any time.

“Jiang Taichu, do you really think that you can kill my two brothers by gathering your physical body? You are simply naive.”

Even though he knew that a disaster was coming, Jin Shuo, like his brother Jin Yan, remained basically calm.

He knew that any slight change in his expression at this time would make Jiang Tian notice something strange.

By then, I am afraid that I will die.

“Oh? The fighting has reached this point, I want to see what other trump cards you have!”

Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back and looked at the Jin Yan brothers calmly.

“There is indeed a trump card, which I didn’t want to use, but at this point, I don’t care too much anymore!”

Jin Yan shook his head and sighed, with a distressed look on his face.

“This…does Jin Yan really have a trump card?”

Luo Qingyun couldn’t help but look at Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon on the side.

“This…I don’t know either.”

Yan Qiluo shook his head.

Jin Yan has always been careful about how he could expose his trump card.

Elder Fire Dragon also shook his head and said: “I have been practicing in the Forbidden Area of ​​the Fierce Sun, and I know even less about Jin Yan!”

“Seeing how distressed Jin Yan Xiaoze looks, I guess he might actually have some trump card!”

The red-bearded old ghost looked solemn and quickly reminded: “Master, please be careful!”

Jiang Tian nodded and said “Yeah”, but still had that indifferent look on his face.

He looked at Jin Yan calmly and said: “Since you still have means, use them and let me learn from you!”

“You forced me to do this! Jiang Taichu, once this trump card is used, the entire Lieyang City will turn into ashes, you must take it!”

Jin Yan stared at Jiang Tian with a fierce face.

I saw him flipping his palm, and a **** flame rose up.


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