Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3121: :Despair

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“Oh, if you don’t like it, you just don’t like it!”

Yan Qiluo angrily scolded: “You’d better stop daydreaming!”

The two Jin Shuo brothers killed Yan Qiluo’s father and usurped the Lieyang Sect. Such hatred has long been sworn in. How can Yan Qiluo commit to Jin Shuo?

“Like it? Yan Qiluo, if you don’t like me, who else can you like? In this Yanzhou, who else is more worthy of you than me?”

Jin Shuo asked angrily.

“Who I like, why should I tell you this enemy!”

Yan Qiluo looked at the sky casually, already feeling something in his heart.

It’s just that that person may not like you.

“I said you, a little girl, really don’t know what is good and what is good…”

The red-bearded old ghost still wants to say something.


Jin Yan suddenly interrupted and said, “It doesn’t matter whether you like her or not. As long as you can get her, why should you care about her heart?”

“You two, since you are unwilling to surrender without mercy, then I, the sect leader, have no choice but to take action!”

As he spoke, Jin Yan took a few steps forward, raised his hand, and two flames turned into long dragons, binding the two of them.

“Little thief Jin Yan, if you dare to move, I will kill Jin Shuo!”

At this moment, the voice of the red-bearded old ghost suddenly came from behind.

Everyone was stunned, and their attention was instantly attracted by the red-bearded old ghost.

At this moment, the red-bearded old ghost had already controlled Jin Shuo.

The fairy boat that was originally held by Jin Shuo was now controlled by the red-bearded old ghost.

The red-bearded old ghost grabbed Jin Shuo’s neck with one hand. Flames were swirling around his palm, and he was staring at Jin Yan fiercely.

“Red Beard…you…”

Luo Qingyun was stunned.

I originally thought that the red-bearded old ghost was a man who was greedy for life and afraid of death, but I didn’t expect that he was pretending to take refuge, but in fact he was looking for opportunities to control Jin Shuo.

“Senior Hongbeard, we wrongly blamed you!”

Yan Qiluo’s heart felt hot, and he was obviously very surprised by the red-bearded old ghost’s move.

“We were all deceived by Hong Xiu-senpai!”

The fire dragon elder looked astonished.

I couldn’t help but admire in my heart, the acting skills of this red-bearded old ghost were really great.

“Oh, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. Isn’t it easy to deceive you?”

The red-bearded old ghost looked quite proud.

As everyone knows, the reason why he can deceive everyone is because he is greedy for life and afraid of death, and his cunning and changeable image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

“Red-bearded old ghost, you dare to hold me hostage, aren’t you afraid of death?” Jin Shuo was furious.

I never expected that the red-bearded old ghost would suddenly rebel at this time.

Jin Yan’s eyes were filled with anger.

He relies on his intelligence, always has his sights higher than his head, and feels that he can manipulate everyone at the palm of his hand.

Unexpectedly, I was tricked around by an old guy today.

This caused a serious blow to his arrogant self-esteem.

“Hongxu, my sect leader has already promised to spare your life, why do you still betray my sect leader!”

Jin Yan really couldn’t figure out why the red-bearded old ghost did this, and wanted to break the casserole and find out.

“Why? Little thief Jin Yan, you are young, but your memory is very bad!”

The red-bearded old ghost showed contempt and sneered: “Have you forgotten that I said before that life is precious, but freedom is more expensive!”

“I’m used to being carefree, and I don’t want to be someone else’s dog who looks after the house and the yard.”

Hearing these words, Luo Qingyun and others were shocked again.

I originally thought that the red-bearded old ghost suddenly held Jin Shuo hostage just because of his loyalty to Jiang Tian.

Unexpectedly, it was for my own freedom.

“Senior Hongxu has not forgotten his pursuit of himself at all!”

Yan Qiluo sighed slightly.

“Well, although it’s not because of the master, at least it can help the master delay time, which is great!”

The fire dragon elder could not help but nod.

In this case, does the reason why the red-bearded old ghost did what he did still matter?

It doesn’t matter at all!

The important thing is that everyone can reach the same goal through different paths.

“Oh, freedom? Isn’t there freedom when you are with this sect leader?”

Jin Yan first sneered, and then asked: “Do you really think that Jiang Taichu can give you freedom? He will only plant restrictions in your body and make you obey his orders!”

“Master did plant a restriction in my body, but didn’t you also make me make a soul oath?”

The red-bearded old ghost laughed and said: “Little thief Jin Yan, you are so scheming and narrow-minded. No matter whether I can help you find the Flame Bead, I’m afraid you will die in the end!”

“And the master can at least keep his word. He said he would set me free, and he will set me free!”

Since the battle with Jiang Tian outside the secret place, the red-bearded old ghost’s body was planted with a restriction by Jiang Tian.

This made the red-bearded old ghost very distressed.

He searched everywhere for a way to break the restriction, but found that it was of no avail.

During this process, he also visited Haizhou.

In Haizhou, he heard a lot about Jiang Tian.

He knew that Jiang Tian was definitely not a cruel and murderous person. He also knew that Jiang Tian was a person who kept his word and repaid his kindness.

But Jin Yan is very different.

During the period when he controlled the Lieyang Sect, both the sect elders, ordinary disciples, and even ordinary people of the Lieyang Sect felt unprecedented pressure.

Jin Yan will kill those who disobey him if he disagrees with him.

After comparing the two items, how could the red-bearded old ghost choose Jin Yan?

“You said you wanted to help this sect leader find the Flame Bead!”

Jin Yan snorted coldly: “Aren’t you afraid of the backlash from heaven?”

“Heaven’s backlash? Little thief Jin Yan, I said you have a bad memory, but you still don’t admit it!”

The red-bearded old ghost said with disdain on his face: “I only said that I would help you find the Flame Bead, but I never said that I would not kill you, let alone that I would not help others kill you!”

Recalling what the red-bearded old ghost had just said, Jin Yan’s eyes were filled with anger.

I really didn’t think of it just now, so I asked the red-bearded old ghost to add this sentence.

But it’s too late to say this now.

“Kill me? Just you? Can you kill this sect leader?”

Jin Yan looked around at everyone, with a look of unruly expression on his face.

Even though he is seriously injured now, dealing with the four people in front of him is not a problem.

“Of course we can’t kill you!”

The red-bearded old ghost grabbed Jin Shuo’s neck and said coldly: “But we can delay as much time as possible. When the master condenses his body, killing you will be easy!”

“Yes, Jiang Tian’s cultivation is as high as the sky, and after condensing his physical body, he will definitely kill you!”

Luo Qingyun’s morale was greatly boosted and she shouted loudly.

Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon also nodded.

“There is still nearly half a stick of incense left! Why do you think you can delay it until Jiang Taichu completely condenses his physical body?”

Jin Yan’s eyes glowed with coldness, and the aura around him was rising steadily.

At the same time, red clouds rolled in the sky.

The aura of the avenue mixed with the surging spiritual energy gathered into **** of flames, completely covering the entire sky.

“Jin Yan, aren’t you afraid that I will kill Jin Shuo?”

The red-bearded old ghost grabbed Jin Shuo’s neck.

The flames around the big hand kept licking Jin Shuo’s soul.

With every lick, Jin Shuo’s soul will be weakened, and Jin Shuo will scream in pain.

“I’m afraid you won’t have that chance!”

As soon as the words fell, Jin Yan had disappeared.

Luo Qingyun and others were stunned for a moment, and then they saw the void shaking behind the red-bearded old ghost.

Jin Yan’s figure has slowly emerged.

“Senior Hongbeard, be careful!”

Yan Qiluo reminded loudly.

But it was too late.

As soon as Jin Yan raised his hand, he had already grabbed the red-bearded old ghost’s neck.

At the same time, the red-bearded old ghost felt an extremely surging force hitting the back of his heart.


The dull sound of fists hitting the body was heard.

The red-bearded old ghost was blown hundreds of meters away like a sandbag.

After hitting the ground hard, bright red blood flowed out.

Jin Shuo also took advantage of the situation to break free from the control of the red-bearded old ghost.

He cursed angrily: “You old dog, how dare you hold me hostage! Brother, kill them quickly, kill them!”

“Ants are just ants. Even if they have all their thoughts, they will be slapped to death by this sect leader!”

Jin Yan’s face was stern and his murderous intent was surging.

He pointed his sword towards the sky, and a golden light shot out from his fingertips and submerged into the nine heavens.

At what time, the red clouds rolled.


Bursts of dragon roars came from the nine heavens.

Thousands of red clouds fell and gathered into red fire dragons in the sky, crashing towards everyone.

The fire dragons covered most of Lieyang City, and their powerful momentum knocked everyone to the ground, leaving them unable to avoid or escape.

“It’s over!”

At this moment, an unprecedented despair surged into everyone’s hearts.

“This sect master wants to see what tricks you can pull off this time!” Jin Yan sneered.


At this moment, a voice came from the sky. The red cloud seemed to be torn apart by a pair of big hands, and the layers retreated.


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