Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3120: :The thief

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“Wonderful, wonderful!”

Jin Shuo laughed while stroking his hands, then looked at Jin Yan: “Brother, don’t kill these two women, keep them for me and the old ghost with a red beard!”

“Jin Shuo, you don’t even have a physical body, how can you practice dual cultivation?”

In the end, Jin Yan expressed his doubts.


Jin Shuo was also stunned.

I was just stunned by this technique, and now I remembered that I didn’t have a physical body at all.

How to practice dual cultivation?

Jin Yan then poured cold water on her and said: “Besides, Yan Qiluo is in the Hedao realm, and you are in the Return to Void realm. Even if you find a physical body, you can’t practice dual cultivation with her!”

Two basins of cold water were poured down, and Jin Shuo immediately lost interest. He waved his hands and said, “Then kill him!”

“Don’t be anxious, don’t be anxious!”

The red-bearded old ghost quickly stopped him, looked at the fire dragon elder and said, “Isn’t this a ready-made body?”

Jin Yan looked at Elder Fire Dragon, his eyes lit up at first, then dimmed: “But he is also in the Hedao realm!”

“Elder Jin, don’t worry, Elder Yan Qiluo and Huolong are both newly promoted to Hedao.”

The old ghost with a red beard chuckled and said: “We just had a fierce battle, and now their realm is unstable. As long as we make a little move, their realm will fall… By then, won’t they be at our mercy?”

When Luo Qingyun and others listened to the red-bearded old ghost’s words, they suddenly felt chills running down their spines.

Before, I was on the same front with the red-bearded old ghost. I only thought that the red-bearded old ghost was cunning and greedy for life and afraid of death.

But I never expected that he would be so vicious.

“Red-bearded old ghost, you bastard!”

Luo Qingyun gritted her teeth, wishing she could eat the red-bearded old ghost alive.

“Just be a bastard, as long as you live!”

The red-bearded old ghost had a rogue expression and didn’t care at all about Luo Qingyun’s scolding.

Yan Qiluo’s face was full of grief and anger.

When she thought of the scene where Jin Shuo took away both Elder Fire Dragon and herself, she wished she could kill herself by blowing up her soul right now.

The Fire Dragon Elder was even more vehement. He angrily shouted: “Even if I die, I will never let you succeed!”

As he spoke, he was about to explode his soul.

“Brother, stop him quickly!”

Jin Shuo was shocked.

Before, he wanted Jin Yan to kill all three people in front of him, but at this time, he was afraid that the three of them would make a mistake.

Hearing Jin Shuo’s voice, Jin Yan subconsciously raised his hand, and a ball of flame flew out from his palm, tightly wrapping around the fire dragon elder.

Then a golden light flowed, intruding into Elder Fire Dragon’s eyebrows, temporarily controlling Elder Fire Dragon’s soul.


The Fire Dragon Elder fell to the ground with a dull sound.

He roared unwillingly: “You bastards, what do you mean by torturing me like this? If you can, just kill me!”

“Kill? Wishful thinking!”

Jin Shuo sneered: “I will let my brother use secret techniques to separate your soul from your body, and then take your body away…”

At this point, he paused, as if he suddenly thought of something, and said: “By the way, before that, I want you to exhaust all your strength, and the Taoist palace collapses and turns into a virtual sky, so that I can destroy you. Seize the house! ”

“Yes, yes, yes, Elder Jin, just do it!”

The red-bearded old ghost chuckled, then looked at Jin Yan, bowed and said with a flattering smile: “Sect Master, then Luo Qingyun… just give it to me, it’s really hard to find a female cultivator in the Hedao realm! ”

After all, Jin Shuo is Jin Yan’s biological brother, and the two supported each other to get where they are today.

So the red-bearded old ghost felt that Jin Yan would definitely agree to Jin Shuo’s request.

But I am different. I just rebelled and took refuge.

The status of Jin Shuo is simply not the same as that of Jin Shuo.

Jin Yan frowned slightly.

The three people in front of me are a disaster after all.

But seeing Jin Shuo so excited, he didn’t want to disturb his brother’s interest.

As for the old ghost with red beard, he will have to rely on him to find the Flame Bead in the future. If he is not willing to give the old ghost with red beard even this little sweetness, then the old ghost with red beard will definitely have a grudge.

It would be bad if we delay the search for the Flame Bead.

“Okay, I promise you this for the time being…”

Jin Yan thought carefully for a moment and then nodded.

“Thank you, lord, thank you so much, lord!”

The red-bearded old ghost bowed repeatedly, his excitement palpable.

Jin Yan changed the topic and said coldly: “It’s just that if you don’t help this sect master find the Flame Bead in the future, you will be very aware of the consequences!”

“Don’t worry, Sect Master, Hongxu will definitely do his best, absolutely do his best!”

The red-bearded old ghost first bowed repeatedly, and then said with a smile: “Besides, haven’t I already made a soul contract and said that I will help you find the flame beads? What else do you have to worry about!”

“Sect Master, please keep your heart in mind. The most urgent task now is to capture these three people and then destroy the great formation of Lieyang City!”

Jin Yan nodded slightly, and a smile couldn’t help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Now that half the time of burning incense has passed, this red-bearded old ghost still knows how to remind himself. It seems that he has sincerely surrendered!

“Yes, brother, capture these three people quickly!”

Jin Shuo’s face was full of pride, and then he reminded with a smile: “It’s just Yan Qiluo, please don’t hurt her, otherwise it won’t be fun in the future!”

Jin Yan frowned slightly.

In his opinion, this younger brother is good at everything, but he gets carried away easily. After he gets carried away, he becomes arrogant and domineering.

Then IQ will continue to decline.

But now the situation is under control, so it doesn’t matter.


Jin Yan nodded, then turned his gaze to Luo Qingyun and Yan Qiluo, and said coldly: “Are you going to capture them by yourself, or will this sect master personally capture you?”

Now that Elder Fire Dragon has been banned from cultivation, as long as he takes down Luo Qingyun and Yan Qiluo, these people in front of him will be completely solved.

“You want to catch me? It depends on whether you have the ability!”

Luo Qingyun’s eyes were firmer than ever.

After all, if she and that ugly old ghost with a red beard were allowed to practice together, it would be better to just kill her.

“Fellow Daoist Luo, why do you think you are doing this?”

The red-bearded old ghost advised: “Then Jiang Taichu is destined to die. As long as you just surrender without hesitation, or, like me, make a soul contract and be loyal to Sect Master Jin, I bet the Sect Master will not embarrass you!”

“When the time comes, you and I will double cultivate, and our cultivation will be further advanced. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to be a couple of gods and immortals?”

As he spoke, a pair of greedy eyes kept looking at Luo Qingyun.

Although Luo Qingyun is a little older, her appearance is definitely not bad. She must have been a top beauty when she was young.

Although the figure is not as curvy as that of a young woman, it has a different kind of mature and plump beauty.

A woman of this age, figure, and appearance is the best of the best.

“It is simply wishful thinking to want me, Luo Qingyun, to practice dual cultivation with an ugly monster like you!”

Luo Qingyun snorted coldly, “Old man with a red beard, just give up on this idea!”

“Yes, even if we die, we will never take advantage of you two ugly monsters!”

Yan Qiluo also glared at Jin Shuo.

Compared with the red-bearded old ghost, Jin Shuo’s eyes were more aggressive.

After all, the red-bearded old ghost only had a temporary desire, but Jin Shuo has truly been coveting Yan Qiluo for nearly a thousand years!

“Qiluo, what’s wrong with following this elder?”

Jin Shuo frowned and said: “Who dares to provoke us in Yanzhou? Even in the entire Lingxu Cave, we can walk sideways!”

“Furthermore, Lieyang Sect can also provide us with elixirs and various cultivation resources. Many people can’t get it even if they ask for it. You are not happy yet!”

“Oh, if you don’t like it, you just don’t like it!”

Yan Qiluo angrily scolded: “You’d better stop daydreaming!”

The two Jin Shuo brothers killed Yan Qiluo’s father and usurped the Lieyang Sect. Such hatred has long been sworn in. How can Yan Qiluo commit to Jin Shuo?

“Like it? Yan Qiluo, if you don’t like me, who else can you like? In this Yanzhou, who else is more worthy of you than me?”

Jin Shuo asked angrily.

“Who I like, why should I tell you this enemy!”

Yan Qiluo looked at the sky casually, already feeling something in his heart.

It’s just that that person may not like you.

“I said you, a little girl, really don’t know what is good and what is good…”

The red-bearded old ghost still wants to say something.


Jin Yan suddenly interrupted and said, “It doesn’t matter whether you like her or not. As long as you can get her, why should you care about her heart?”

“You two, since you are unwilling to surrender without mercy, then I, the sect leader, have no choice but to take action!”

As he spoke, Jin Yan took a few steps forward, raised his hand, and two flames turned into long dragons, binding the two of them.

“Little thief Jin Yan, if you dare to move, I will kill Jin Shuo!” At this time, the voice of the old ghost with a red beard suddenly came from behind.


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