Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3119: :Double Cultivation Secret Technique

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“As long as I am spared my life, the chance of finding the whereabouts of the Flame Bead will be greatly increased!”

Jin Yan stared at the red-bearded old ghost, but his heart was filled with turmoil.

If you can really find the Flame Bead, you will be of endless use.

He smiled coldly and said: “Old ghost with a red beard, this sect master can spare your life, but you need to make a soul contract and help this sect master find the flame beads, otherwise you will die, how about it?”

“Yes, yes!”

The red-bearded old ghost nodded repeatedly, then raised three fingers and said loudly: “I, Hongxu, hereby make a soul contract and am willing to help Jin Yan, the leader of Lieyang Sect, find the Lieyan Pearl. If I violate this oath, I wish to Suffering a backlash from Heaven, the body will die and the Dao will disappear!”


After the words fell, the Heavenly Dao buzzed, and a golden aura penetrated the bodies of Jin Yan and the red-bearded old ghost at the same time.

“You bastard, you dare to betray Jiang Tian, ​​aren’t you afraid of death?”

Luo Qingyun was furious and yelled loudly.

“Death? Of course I am afraid of death, but the situation is beyond our control!”

The red-bearded old ghost looked embarrassed: “Fellow Daoist Luo, we are definitely no match for Sect Master Jin. If we resist stubbornly, we will end up dead! Why do you think this is necessary?”

Luo Qingyun clenched her fists and her face turned red with anger.

I never expected that the red-bearded old ghost would choose to betray at this time.

“Old ghost with a red beard, I will never forgive you when my master condenses his body!”

Not far away, the fire dragon elder shouted loudly.

“Bullshit, he still wants to condense the body? That’s ridiculous!”

The red-bearded old ghost sneered and said: “Before he can gather his body, Sect Master Jin will shatter the formation in Lieyang City. By then, Jiang Taichu will have no choice but to die!”

“Jin Yan, you are worse than a pig or a dog!”

A look of anger appeared on Yan Qiluo’s face.

The red-bearded old ghost looked unconcerned: “It’s better to be a pig than a dog. Anyway, I don’t want to die!”

“Haha, it’s really wonderful, wonderful!”

In the distance, Jin Shuo still did not return to Jin Yan, but laughed loudly: “Old ghost with a red beard, you did a good job!”

“Old ghost with a red beard, you still have some sense. This sect leader can spare your life!”

Jin Yan spoke calmly, with a proud look in his eyes.

“Fellow Daoist Luo, now it’s time to send you on your way!”

His eyes were cold, and when he turned his palm, a flame appeared in his palm.

The flames danced, exuding a chilling scorching aura.

Luo Qingyun couldn’t help but take a step back, her heart filled with unwillingness.

“Sect Master Jin, don’t be anxious, don’t be anxious!”

At this time, the red-bearded old ghost said, “Can you spare Luo Qingyun’s life?”


Jin Yan frowned slightly and stared at the red-bearded old ghost, the killing intent in his eyes flashing away.

“Red-bearded old ghost, haven’t you already taken refuge with my brother? Why are you begging for mercy for Luo Qingyun?”

Jin Shuo in the distance sneered three times: “Or, you are just pretending to surrender and want to delay time!”

Jin Yan also stared at the red-bearded old ghost and said coldly: “Red-bearded old ghost, if you don’t give me a reasonable explanation today, I will let you die!”

The red-bearded old ghost was stunned for a moment, then he bowed and said: “Sect Master Jin, I really want to surrender to you, but, as you know, everyone has their own hobbies, so… hehe… …”

He looked at Luo Qingyun, with a lustful look in his eyes.

This expression was so full of hatred that Luo Qingyun could be swallowed up in one gulp.

Luo Qingyun’s expression condensed, and a feeling of discomfort suddenly surged in her heart.

It seemed as if he was violated by the obscene look of the red-bearded old ghost.

“Oh, red-bearded old ghost, do you think this sect leader will believe you?”

Jin Yan raised his hand, grabbed the red-bearded old ghost’s neck, and said: “There are countless women as beautiful as flowers in this world, why do you only want this Luo Qingyun!”

“Yes, you clearly want to delay time and save their lives!”

Jin Shuo also helped.

“Sect Master…misunderstood…you misunderstood…”

The red-bearded old ghost felt that his soul was bound by a powerful force and might be crushed at any time, so he quickly explained.

Jin Yan sneered: “Misunderstanding? Where is the misunderstanding!?”

As he spoke, the strength in his hands became a little stronger.

“Sect master… I… a few days ago… accidentally got a book of dual cultivation techniques… It must be done by a woman of the same realm… dual cultivation…”

The red-bearded old ghost explained intermittently.

Jin Yan was stunned.

There are countless beautiful women in the world, but those who are born with beauty and can cultivate to the realm of harmony are simply rare.

Besides, even if you can find such a woman, she will never fall in love with a pervert like the red-bearded old ghost.

If this is the case, it makes sense.

As a result, the strength in Jin Yan’s hand became a little weaker.

“Speak clearly next time!”

Jin Yan raised his hand and threw the red-bearded old ghost to the ground.

“Brother, why did you let him go?”

Seeing Jin Yan let go, Jin Shuo quickly reminded, “You must at least see his Kung Fu!”

Jin Yan nodded secretly.

Xindao was forced to this point by Jiang Tian today. When doing many things, he lost his sense of proportion.

So he quickly scolded: “Old ghost with a red beard, quickly take out the skills and take a look!”

“Yes! Yes!”

The red-bearded old ghost nodded repeatedly, then turned his palm over and took out a yellowed ancient book from the storage bag.

Jin Yan raised his hand to take a photo, and the simple book flew into his hand.

There is no name on this simple book, but there is no shortage of content.

It is indeed a dual cultivation method.

“I got this skill by chance in a tomb!”

The red-bearded old ghost said with a smile: “This technique can repair the soul. If you can find a woman of the same realm to practice dual cultivation, your cultivation can be further improved!”

Hearing these words, Jin Shuo in the distance suddenly lost his composure.

Now that his body is broken, even his soul is seriously damaged. If Jin Yan hadn’t given him some pills to condense his soul, he would have died long ago.

This kind of skill is exactly what he needs.

“Brother, show me quickly!”

The huge attraction made Jin Shuo ignore Jin Yan’s instructions and directly appeared beside Jin Yan.

“What are you doing here?”

Jin Yan frowned slightly, then glanced at Luo Qingyun and the others.

His eyes were full of wariness.

“Don’t worry, brother, these people can’t make any big waves!”

Jin Shuo nonchalantly took the book of dual cultivation secrets from Jin Yan and looked at it carefully.

He was an extremely lustful person, so it didn’t matter what he saw, he was immediately attracted by the content.

“Okay, okay!”

Jin Shuo laughed and said: “Brother, if I can find a woman who has practiced dual cultivation in the Return to the Void Realm, maybe I can break through to the Hedao Realm!”

Jin Yan frowned slightly.

Now that Jin Shuo doesn’t even have a physical body, how can he practice dual cultivation with a woman and break through the realm of harmony?

But before he could speak, the red-bearded old ghost said: “Elder Jin, isn’t this just another ready-made one in front of you?”

As he spoke, he looked at Yan Qiluo not far away with a malicious look.

Jin Shuo was stunned at first, and then his face became ecstatic.

Now they have fallen out with Yan Qiluo and others and will fight to the death.

I no longer have to worry about the friendship between my classmates, and I can take action against Yan Qiluo.

Looking at Jin Shuo’s greedy eyes, the red-bearded old ghost continued to say: “Elder Jin, leave this Yan Qiluo to you, and Luo Qingyun will leave it to me, how about it?”

“Wonderful, wonderful!”

Jin Shuo laughed while stroking his hands, then looked at Jin Yan: “Brother, don’t kill these two women, keep them for me and the old ghost with a red beard!”

“Jin Shuo, you don’t even have a physical body, how can you practice dual cultivation?”

In the end, Jin Yan expressed his doubts.


Jin Shuo was also stunned.

I was just stunned by this technique, and now I remembered that I didn’t have a physical body at all.

How to practice dual cultivation?

Jin Yan then poured cold water on her and said: “Besides, Yan Qiluo is in the Hedao realm, and you are in the Return to Void realm. Even if you find a physical body, you can’t practice dual cultivation with her!”

Two basins of cold water were poured down, and Jin Shuo immediately lost interest. He waved his hands and said, “Then kill him!”

“Don’t be anxious, don’t be anxious!”

The red-bearded old ghost quickly stopped him, looked at the fire dragon elder and said, “Isn’t this a ready-made body?”

Jin Yan looked at Elder Fire Dragon, his eyes lit up at first, then dimmed: “But he is also in the Hedao realm!”

“Elder Jin, don’t worry, Elder Yan Qiluo and Huolong are both newly promoted to Hedao.”

The old ghost with a red beard chuckled and said: “We just had a fierce battle, and now their realm is unstable. As long as we make a little move, their realm will fall… By then, won’t they be at our mercy?”


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