Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3118: :Betrayal

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Jin Yan said nothing more. His figure flashed and disappeared. The next moment, he suddenly appeared next to the red-bearded old ghost and Luo Qingyun.


The palms of his hands instantly ignited with flames and swatted at the two of them.

The boundless pressure fell instantly, trapping the two of them in place, unable to move at all.

“It’s over!”

The red-bearded old ghost exclaimed in his heart, his eyes widened with horror.

“Are you destined to die today?”

Luo Qingyun gritted her teeth and let out a sigh.

“Fellow Daoist Jiang! It’s Fellow Daoist Jiang!”

At this moment, Yan Qiluo suddenly pointed at the sky and shouted loudly.

“It’s really the master, the master has appeared!”

The fire dragon elder also looked up at the sky.

“Hmph, you two idiots want to repeat your old tricks. Do you really think that this sect leader will be fooled?”

Jin Yan was unmoved at all, and mercilessly slapped Luo Qingyun and the red-bearded old ghost with his big hands.

At this moment, an extremely strong sense of crisis came from his side.

This breath is all too familiar to him.

It is Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Taichu!

Jin Yan’s heart trembled, and before he could turn his head to look, his figure flashed and disappeared.

Next second!



A golden ray of light shot out from the distant sky and struck where Jin Yan originally stood.

A hole with a radius of one meter but bottomless appeared on the ground.

Jin Yan looked up and saw a huge figure appearing in the sky in the distance.

He seems to be invisible and illusory, making it difficult for people to see his true face.

But just from the outline, you can tell that it is Jiang Tianjiang Taichu.

“Damn it, how is this possible!?”

Jin Yan was furious and never expected that Jiang Tian would appear in advance.

“Why did this kid appear suddenly?”

Jin Shuo in the distance also looked confused.

Didn’t it take a whole stick of incense for Jiang Tian to condense his physical body?

Why did Jiang Tian appear just after half the time of burning incense?

“Great, Fellow Daoist Jiang has finally gathered his physical body!”

Yan Qiluo cried with joy, and two lines of clear tears flowed from her charming peach blossom eyes.

“Master, you finally appeared!”

The fire dragon elder was in tears.

“Master, you showed up just in time, otherwise I would really die!”

Excitement was written on the face of the red-bearded old ghost.


Luo Qingyun let out a long sigh of relief.

The tense nerves in the whole person instantly relaxed.

A boundless pain spread from the Dao Palace to the outside, and the whole person almost collapsed to the ground.

“Jin Yan, your death has come!”

Luo Qingyun forced herself to stand firm and said coldly.

“How is this possible!? How is this possible!?”

Jin Yan was like a desperate beast, roaring and roaring on the spot.

Jin Shuo also turned pale as he circulated his spiritual energy and injected it into the immortal boat in his hand, ready to escape at any time.

“I only said that a stick of incense can unite the physical body, but I didn’t say that only by uniting the physical body can we take action!”

In the sky, Jiang Tian’s shadow slowly spoke, with a sound like thunder.

In fact, Jiang Tian still has not completely condensed his physical body.

The reason why they took action was because Luo Qingyun and the red-bearded old ghost couldn’t hold on any longer.

“In other words, you haven’t completely condensed your physical body yet?”

Jin Yan felt a little relieved and immediately sneered: “Jiang Taichu, if you take action rashly, it will only prolong the time for you to condense your body, and it seems that you can only take action once, right?”

“Huh? You actually know this?”

Jiang Tian was stunned for a moment, and then an expression of regret appeared on his face.

“Jiang Tian, ​​why are you telling him this!?”

Luo Qingyun was stunned.

If Jiang Tian didn’t tell Jin Yan this, Jin Yan might be able to delay it for a while longer.

Now that he knows this, how can he be merciful?

“Alas! This time, the time for me to condense my physical body has indeed been extended to one stick of incense. Please wish yourselves good luck!”

In the sky, Jiang Tian’s shadow slowly dissipated.

“How…how could this happen?”

“It’s over! It’s over!”

The faces of Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon suddenly became ugly.

It is said that it takes one stick of incense, but now they can withstand Jin Yan for twenty breaths, which is already good.

“Haha, idiot, I didn’t expect it to be like this!”

Jin Shuo laughed and then speculated: “Brother, now we have one more time to burn incense, enough to slowly kill these people!”

“Not bad!”

Jin Yan breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at Luo Qingyun and others coldly, and said, “Do you want to die together or one by one?”

The four of them felt their hearts sink at the same time.

Although Jin Yan did not take action immediately, they still felt a huge threat filling every air around them.

“I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!”

The red-bearded old ghost swallowed and backed away in fear.

“Whether you want to die or not is not something you can decide!”

Jin Yan turned his palm over, and a ball of flame instantly condensed in his palm.

At the same time, boundless momentum was released, completely locking the four of them.

“Why can’t I move!”

Yan Qiluo was startled and asked quickly.

“It should be locked by Jin Yan’s aura!”

The Fire Dragon Elder struggled for a few times, then stopped and sighed heavily.

Are we really going to die today?

“Luo Qingyun, red-bearded old dog, which one of you two comes first?”

Jin Yan looked at the flames beating in his palms and said coldly.

Luo Qingyun gritted her teeth and said nothing.

But his eyes were filled with despair.

Even if they all die in the time it takes to burn an incense stick, I’m afraid they won’t be able to last that long.

I will definitely die today.

“She comes first, she comes first!”

The red-bearded old ghost seemed to be frightened and hurriedly hid behind Luo Qingyun.

“Hongxu, you…”

Luo Qingyun’s face turned red with anger, and in the end she could only snort and stop talking.

Who dies first and who dies last, aren’t they the same?

It’s just a few breaths away.

“You old dog, you are so greedy for life and afraid of death, but this sect leader will not let you get what you want!”

Jin Yan smiled coldly, and then thought.

The red-bearded old ghost’s body floated forward uncontrollably.

“What do you want to do? Little thief Jin Yan, I am your senior, you can’t kill me, no!”

The red-bearded old ghost struggled and shouted loudly.

“Old dog, this sect leader has killed even the old sect leader and so many elders of the sect, are you still missing?”

Jin Yan sneered and was about to take action.


The old ghost with a red beard suddenly shouted loudly and said: “Jin Yan, don’t you want to know the whereabouts of the Flame Pearl? If you want to know, don’t kill me!”

Jin Yan was stunned and quickly stopped.

The flame beads are condensed from the original aura of heaven and earth in this world.

If you can find the Flame Bead, then your strength may be even better.

Let’s not talk about whether we can break through Mahayana, but becoming the first person under Hedao is definitely not a problem.

“Brother, this red-bearded old dog has no idea about the whereabouts of the Flame Pearl. Don’t be fooled by him!”

Jin Shuo in the distance reminded loudly: “Kill him quickly and deal with Jiang Taichu. It won’t be too late for us to look for the Flame Pearl slowly in the future!”

Jin Yan frowned, seeming to be thinking about something.

“The Flame Pearl is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth. The divine dragon can see its head but not its tail, and it can move on its own. If it could be found easily, those Cave Heaven and Taiyuan Holy Land would have found it long ago. Will it be your turn?”

Seeing Jin Yan’s hesitation, the red-bearded old ghost let out a long sigh of relief.

He added a fire again and said: “And I, who had absorbed the breath escaping from the Flame Bead before, can sense the existence of the Flame Bead!”

“As long as I am spared my life, the chance of finding the whereabouts of the Flame Bead will be greatly increased!”

Jin Yan stared at the red-bearded old ghost, but his heart was filled with turmoil.

If you can really find the Flame Bead, you will be of endless use.

He smiled coldly and said: “Old ghost with a red beard, this sect master can spare your life, but you need to make a soul contract and help this sect master find the flame beads, otherwise you will die, how about it?”

“Yes, yes!”

The red-bearded old ghost nodded repeatedly, then raised three fingers and said loudly: “I, Hongxu, hereby make a soul contract and am willing to help Jin Yan, the leader of Lieyang Sect, find the Lieyan Pearl. If I violate this oath, I wish to Suffering a backlash from Heaven, the body will die and the Dao will disappear!”


After the words fell, the Heavenly Dao buzzed, and a golden aura penetrated the bodies of Jin Yan and the red-bearded old ghost at the same time.

“You bastard, you dare to betray Jiang Tian, ​​aren’t you afraid of death?”

Luo Qingyun was furious and yelled loudly.


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