Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3117: :Repeat old tricks

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Everyone exclaimed.

I never expected that after Jin Yan hid his aura, he hit the target with one blow and knocked the red-bearded old ghost away.

“Brother, fight well, fight well, kill him, kill him!”

Jin Shuo’s morale was greatly boosted and he kept shouting in the distance.

“Old red-bearded dog, this is your strength, it doesn’t look like much!”

Jin Yan slowly revealed his figure, with a sneer written all over his face.

The red-bearded old ghost lost consciousness instantly. After hearing Jin Yan’s sneer, he slowly sat up from the ground.

The blow just now caused all the meridians in his body to break, and even the Dao Palace was teetering on the verge of collapse.

“Damn it!”

The red-bearded old ghost gritted his teeth and watched Jin Yan reveal his figure. Although he was extremely angry, he was unable to do anything.

Jin Yan had a sneer on his face. He turned his palm over and a ball of flame condensed in his palm.

He walked slowly towards the red-bearded old ghost and said coldly: “It’s time to end it!”

“Stop, stop, stop…”

Seeing that Jin Yan was about to come over, the red-bearded old ghost was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were split apart, and he stepped back on his hands and feet.

“What? Are you scared?”

Jin Yan sneered, but showed no intention of stopping.

“Afraid? Little thief Jin Yan, how can I be afraid of you?”

Even when he was about to die, the red-bearded old ghost still had a tough mouth.

He stammered: “I… I am… no matter what I say, I am your senior, you can’t kill me!”

Hearing this, Jin Yan burst out laughing: “Senior? Haha, this sect leader thought you would come up with some excuse, just like this?”

“It’s over, Senior Hongbeard is really at his wits’ end this time!”

Yan Qiluo’s hand couldn’t help but tighten the Nine Nether Demonic Piano in front of him.

Elder Fire Dragon sighed: “Everyone is destined to die. Even if a monk lives a long life, he will not be immune to it. As long as we can buy time for the master to condense the body.”

Luo Qingyun glanced at the two of them.

Now there is still more than half a stick of incense left before Jiang Tian completely condenses his physical body.

As for Jin Yan, it may only take him a moment to kill them. Even if they go up to die one by one, it may not be able to delay enough time.

“No, we must find a way to rescue Hong Xu. With him here, maybe we can delay it for a while longer!”

Luo Qingyun gritted his teeth.

Now that she is on the verge of running out of gas, she can only reluctantly use some small magical powers. If she rashly uses big magical powers, she may die immediately.

But these little tricks can’t save the red-bearded old ghost at all.

For a moment, even though she was the quickest thinker among the four, she didn’t know what to do.

“Red-bearded old dog, aren’t you very capable? Aren’t you going to fight to the death with my brother? Why, you can’t do that now?”

Jin Shuo, who was far away, saw the fearful look of the red-bearded old ghost and burst into laughter.


When the red-bearded old ghost heard this, his teeth were about to break.

But even so, he had no way to refute, let alone escape from Jin Yan.

“Old red-bearded dog, you’d better go in peace!”

Jin Yan stopped not far in front of the red-bearded old ghost. He raised his hand and waved, and the flames in his palm were about to spurt out.

“Jiang Tian, ​​you actually condensed your physical body in advance!”

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Jin Yan.

Everyone looked at the sky, trying to find any trace of Jiang Tian.

Even Jin Yan is no exception.


His heart skipped a beat and he quickly looked up at the sky.

The movements in his hands were naturally half a minute slower.

Although the fireball was extremely fast, due to Jin Yan’s distraction, the speed was still much slower than before.

The red-bearded old ghost was so frightened that he wanted to hide away, but he couldn’t use any strength at all.

At this moment, a gust of breeze blew, and a figure suddenly appeared. Just before the fireball was about to touch the red-bearded old ghost, he pulled the red-bearded old ghost by his collar and disappeared.


Everyone was instantly attracted by the violent explosion and turned their heads to look over.

But at this time, there was nowhere to see the red-bearded old ghost.

“Little girl, you saved my life again. I don’t even know how to thank you!”

The red-bearded old ghost survived the disaster and panted heavily to thank Luo Qingyun.

“You’d better survive first and then think about how to thank me!” Luo Qingyun said unforgivingly.

“Brother, we have all been deceived. That Jiang Taichu didn’t condense his body at all, and that Luo Qingyun did it on purpose!”

Jin Shuo in the distance pointed at Luo Qingyun and the red-bearded old ghost on the other side and cursed.

“As expected of Fellow Daoist Luo, he actually came to attack the east and west!”

Yan Qiluo’s eyes lit up, and she naturally understood that Luo Qingyun was using Jiang Tian to attract Jin Yan’s attention, and then took advantage of Jin Yan’s unpreparedness to rescue the red-bearded old ghost.

“Fellow Daoist Luo does have a way!”

The fire dragon elder also said with a smile.

“Damn it!”

Jin Yan also instantly understood what was happening in front of him and became furious.

At that moment, he really felt that his heartbeat had slowed down by half a beat.

To be honest, he was really afraid of Jiang Tian.

After all, it is too rare for a monk to be able to push himself to this point.

If Jiang Tianzhen really condensed his physical body, then he might have no choice but to escape.

“Luo Qingyun, how dare you play tricks on my sect leader!”

He looked at Luo Qingyun not far away with eyes full of anger.

“Haha, you are stupid, you are just afraid!”

Luo Qingyun gasped for air and said coldly.

“Afraid? How can this sect leader be afraid of you ants!”

Jin Yan held his head high, his eyes filled with contempt.

Luo Qingyun smiled contemptuously: “You are indeed not afraid of us, but you are afraid of Jiang Tian!”

“Yes, yes, you just heard that the master condensed the body, and your whole face changed!”

The red-bearded old ghost also helped: “I can see clearly, and you still say you are not afraid?”

“Jin Yan, you have done so many evil things. When Fellow Daoist Jiang gathers his body, I will cut you into pieces!”

Yan Qiluo scolded loudly.

Not to be outdone, the fire dragon elder shouted: “Yes, the master will never let you go!”

“You bastards, do you really think this sect leader will be afraid of him?”

Jin Yan said angrily: “If I can kill him once, I can kill him a thousand or ten thousand times!”

“Yes, my brother’s methods are not something you ants can understand!”

Jin Shuo from afar helped.

Luo Qingyun smiled contemptuously again and said: “Okay, since you are not afraid of Jiang Tian, ​​then wait until Jiang Tian gathers his body and fight him openly!”

“Yes, since you said you are not afraid, then prove it to us!”

“Yes, otherwise you would be afraid!”

Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon added fuel to the fire.

“Brother, don’t agree to them, they just want to buy time for Jiang Taichu to condense his body!”

Jin Shuo in the distance quickly spoke to remind.

Now that the time for half a stick of incense has passed, Jiang Tian can condense his physical body in another half a stick of incense.

This sentence instantly made Jin Yan wake up.


Now that I have the advantage, I should kill them all. How can I give them a chance?

“You bastards, I almost fell into your trap!”

Jin Yan’s expression gradually calmed down, he looked around at everyone coldly, and finally his eyes fell on Luo Qingyun and the red-bearded old ghost:

“Now, this sect leader will kill you first, then kill you, and finally activate Lieyang City’s defense formation to destroy it!”

He first pointed at Luo Qingyun and the red-bearded old ghost, and then pointed at Yan Qiluo and Luo Qingyun.

Everyone’s heart trembled, feeling a boundless killing intent rushing towards them.

Jin Yan said nothing more. His figure flashed and disappeared. The next moment, he suddenly appeared next to the red-bearded old ghost and Luo Qingyun.


The palms of his hands instantly ignited with flames and swatted at the two of them.

The boundless pressure fell instantly, trapping the two of them in place, unable to move at all.

“It’s over!”

The red-bearded old ghost exclaimed in his heart, his eyes widened with horror.

“Are you destined to die today?”

Luo Qingyun gritted her teeth and let out a sigh.

“Fellow Daoist Jiang! It’s Fellow Daoist Jiang!”

At this moment, Yan Qiluo suddenly pointed at the sky and shouted loudly.

“It’s really the master, the master has appeared!”

The fire dragon elder also looked up at the sky.

“Hmph, you two idiots want to repeat your old tricks. Do you really think that this sect leader will be fooled?”

Jin Yan was unmoved at all, and mercilessly slapped Luo Qingyun and the red-bearded old ghost with his big hands. At this moment, an extremely strong sense of crisis came from his side.


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