Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3116: : It’s time to end

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“Brother, kill him, kill him!”

As Jin Yan approached the red-bearded old ghost, Jin Shuo’s voice became more and more excited.

“Old guy, aren’t you very powerful? Didn’t you lift the ban? Aren’t you going to delay this sect leader’s time for burning incense?”

Jin Yan muttered while walking towards the red-bearded old ghost.

However, the red-bearded old ghost seemed to have died and his body had disappeared, without any reaction at all.

“Huh, just one blow, and you were seriously injured and dying? It doesn’t look good!”

As he continued to get closer, the sarcasm at the corner of Jin Yan’s mouth became more obvious.

As he walked, he looked up at the sky and laughed: “Jiang Taichu, what if you unlock some **** restrictions? This old dog with a red beard will still die in my hands!”

“Those three ants will also die in the hands of this sect leader!”

He waved his hand and pointed at Luo Qingyun and others.

Luo Qingyun and the others’ hearts trembled at the same time, feeling an unprecedented fear.

“And you!”

Jin Yan raised his finger to the sky again and sneered: “After I kill them all, I will immediately destroy Lieyang City’s city defense formation. By then, it will be your death!”

Jin Yan didn’t hesitate any more. With a thought, he gathered the flames all over his body in his right palm and slammed it towards the red-bearded old ghost.

In the void, Jiang Tian frowned slightly, thinking that this red-bearded old ghost was too useless.

If he had such strength, not to mention killing Jin Yan, he would at least be able to fight back and forth.

Seeing Jin Yan’s big hand falling with endless flames, Jiang Tian couldn’t help but feel his heart sink.

Isn’t it true that the red-bearded old ghost has no strength to fight anymore?

If this is really the case, then things will really develop in an unpredictable direction.

In fact, Jiang Tian couldn’t help but have this worry, and Luo Qingyun and the other two were also worried.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the red-bearded old ghost and Jin Yan, their eyes filled with anxiety and worry.

At this moment, the red-bearded old ghost who was lying motionless on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, his figure flashed, and he rolled and crawled dozens of meters away.


A ball of blazing flames exploded where the red-bearded old ghost had just been, leaving a large crater nearly ten meters in diameter on the ground.

“Damn, little thief Jin Yan, I am your senior, you actually dare to kill me!”

The red-bearded old ghost cursed at Jin Yan angrily.

Just now he was indeed stunned by Jin Yan’s sudden blow, and he lost consciousness instantly.

But he had already woken up when Jin Yan approached him.

It was just Jin Yan’s blow that damaged his consciousness, causing severe pain all over his body and making him unable to move.

After hearing that everyone thought he had completely lost the ability to fight again, he simply lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, repairing his consciousness and regaining his strength.

In the void, Jiang Tian couldn’t help but laugh when he saw this scene.

With his eyesight, he could certainly see that the red-bearded old ghost was just pretending to be dead.

Seeing that the red-bearded old ghost still had the strength to fight, he no longer paid attention, and immediately gathered his mind, absorbing the poisonous fire breath that dispersed throughout Lieyang City, and condensed his physical body.

“This old guy Hongxu was just pretending to be dead!”

Luo Qingyun frowned and couldn’t help but cursed in her heart.

Yan Qiluo asked with confusion on his face: “Pretending to be dead?”

“Actually, you can’t completely blame Hongxu-senpai!”

Before Luo Qingyun could speak, Elder Fire Dragon analyzed: “Jin Yan’s attack just now was powerful, and I’m afraid it contained divine consciousness. If we were caught off guard, we would have died! ”

“Senior Hongxu must have been hit instantly and lost consciousness for a while!”


Yan Qiluo nodded slightly, suddenly enlightened.

“Damn it, this old dog is still capable of fighting!”

Seeing the red-bearded old ghost stand up instantly, Jin Shuo felt bad.

It doesn’t matter if Jiang Taichu can’t be beaten to death, he is a freak after all.

Why is this old dog, Red Beard, so difficult to deal with?

“Little thief Jin Yan, what are you doing standing there? Isn’t it because you were frightened by your grandfather?”

The red-bearded old ghost had restored his consciousness at this time and shouted at Jin Yan again: “Your grandfather and I were just teasing you. You don’t really think that your grandfather and I are not your opponent, do you?”

Jin Yan looked at the deep pit in front of him and listened to the curses of the red-bearded old ghost, and his heart surged with overwhelming anger again.

I originally thought that this blow would extinguish the spirit of the red-bearded old ghost, but I never expected that the red-bearded old ghost would actually trick him.

This is simply a shame.

“Old man, do you think you can escape the clutches of this sect leader?”

Jin Yan turned his head and stared at the red-bearded old ghost coldly.

The old ghost with a red beard was frightened by the cold eyes, and then he shouted loudly: “Whether you can escape or not is not your decision…”

“No, your grandpa, why should I run away? Your grandpa’s current strength is not weaker than yours!”

Halfway through what he said, he felt something was wrong and immediately reorganized his words to make himself look more powerful.

“Oh, is that so? Next, you’d better pray that you can survive in the hands of this sect master!”

Jin Yan smiled instead of getting angry.

His figure flashed and disappeared.

The old ghost with a red beard felt that his eyes were blurred, and Jin Yan could no longer be seen.

This made him feel unprecedented fear.

“Playing hide and seek with your grandpa?”

With a thought in his mind, his consciousness spread, and he felt Jin Yan’s aura carefully, trying to find and lock Jin Yan’s location.

But it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t look for it, several powerful auras instantly appeared in his mind, approaching him quickly.

“What’s going on?”

The red-bearded old ghost was shocked.

These auras were extremely overbearing and overbearing, and were no weaker than Jin Yan himself.

Could it be that Jin Yan invited help?

No, if Jin Yan had help, he would have appeared long ago, so why wait until now?

“Why did this Jin Yan disappear?”

Luo Qingyun’s heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition suddenly surged into her heart.

Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon also became visibly nervous.

In a battle of wits, you are not afraid of your opponent being strong, but you are afraid that you will not even be able to find your opponent.

That’s it.

In the void, Jiang Tian frowned slightly, watching an illusory figure of Jin Yan floating in the air, quickly approaching the red-bearded old ghost.

“The secret technique of hiding aura?”

He saw through Jin Yan’s trick at a glance.

At this time, Jin Yan did not disappear, but used the secret technique of hiding his aura to hide himself.

This kind of secret skill is simply child’s play compared to the mysterious skill of deceiving the world.

But placed in this world, it is enough to blind the eyes of many powerful monks.

It is reasonable that the red-bearded old ghost and others cannot discover it.

“Haha, you idiots, you can’t even find my brother now, just wait to be defeated one by one!”

Jin Shuo laughed loudly and looked down at everyone, his eyes filled with contempt.

The red-bearded old ghost stared closely at the surroundings, a golden flame condensed in his palm, ready to take action at any time.

Now that Jiang Tian has unlocked the restrictions in his body, his cultivation has increased instantly, and he can naturally feel Jin Yan’s presence.

But I still can’t tell which one is true and which one is false.

“Little thief Jin Yan, you hide your head and show your tail. What kind of skills do you have? Come out when you have the guts and fight your grandfather for three hundred rounds!”

The red-bearded old ghost looked around warily and cursed angrily.

“A three-hundred-round battle? Do you have the qualifications?”

Jin Yan’s voice suddenly sounded behind the red-bearded old ghost.

Immediately afterwards, a huge sense of crisis instantly enveloped the heart of the red-bearded old ghost.

“No, it’s from behind!”

The red-bearded old ghost’s heart sank and he turned around to deal with it.

But only saw a big hand burning with flames popping out of the void.


The big hand slapped the red-bearded old ghost **** the back.

The red-bearded old ghost felt severe pain all over his body, as if he had been torn apart by five horses, and his whole body was about to burst.

The body was hit by a huge force and shot out like a cannonball, hitting the ground heavily with a loud roar and splashing countless gravel.

Everyone exclaimed.

I never expected that after Jin Yan hid his aura, he hit the target with one blow and knocked the red-bearded old ghost away.

“Brother, fight well, fight well, kill him, kill him!”

Jin Shuo’s morale was greatly boosted and he kept shouting in the distance.

“Old red-bearded dog, this is your strength, it doesn’t look like much!”

Jin Yan slowly revealed his figure, with a sneer written all over his face.

The red-bearded old ghost lost consciousness instantly. After hearing Jin Yan’s sneer, he slowly sat up from the ground.

The blow just now caused all the meridians in his body to break, and even the Dao Palace was teetering on the verge of collapse.

“Damn it!”

The red-bearded old ghost gritted his teeth and watched Jin Yan reveal his figure. Although he was extremely angry, he was unable to do anything.

Jin Yan had a sneer on his face. He turned his palm over and a ball of flame condensed in his palm. He walked slowly towards the red-bearded old ghost and said coldly: “It’s time to end it!”


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