Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3115: :The situation takes a turn for the worse

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The red-bearded old ghost felt that his head was buzzing, as if it had exploded, and the pain was excruciating.

As soon as he touched his head, his heart suddenly went cold.

The originally lush black hair turned into a Mediterranean look!

“Jin Yan, you bastard, you actually burned my hair!”

The red-bearded old ghost seemed to be very concerned about the black hair on his head. He was furious and became violent instantly.

“Today, my sect leader will not only cut off your dog hair, but also pluck out all your beards one by one, and finally destroy your soul!”

Jin Yan sneered and shot out like a cannonball.

At the same time, he stretched out his big hand, and while the flames were rising, he grabbed the red-bearded old ghost again.

“You bastard, you are looking for death!”

The red-bearded old ghost’s entire face became distorted with anger.

He didn’t care, his whole body was ignited with flames that reached the sky, turned into a flaming man, and crashed into Jin Yan.


Fires blazed out, and Jin Yan, who was originally unstoppable, was knocked away.

The old ghost with a red beard turned into a stream of light, crashed into Jin Yan, smashed him to the ground, and punched him down!




With the loud roar, the red-bearded old ghost’s fists fell one after another.

The earth trembled, chaos arose, and fire radiated.

Seeing this scene, everyone’s jaw dropped.

I never expected that the red-bearded old ghost, who was already exhausted and on the verge of collapse, would be able to explode with such powerful strength at this time.

“What is the restriction that Jiang Tianzhong placed in the red-bearded old ghost’s body?”

Luo Qingyun frowned and kept looking at the red-bearded old ghost.

But I was secretly thinking in my heart that if I could learn this practical method of restraint, not only my own strength, but also the strength of the entire Qingfeng Sect would be greatly enhanced!

After a few years, it is not impossible to successfully be promoted to a first-class sect in Haizhou.

“As expected of the master, after unlocking the restriction of the senior Hongbeard, the strength of the senior Hongbeard can be increased to such an extent, it is simply terrifying!”

The fire dragon elder sighed repeatedly.

“Yes, from this point of view, let alone half a stick of incense, even one stick of incense or two sticks of incense is not a problem!”

Yan Qiluo nodded slightly, feeling relieved a lot.

In the distance, Jin Shuo was stunned when he saw Jin Yan being pinned down by the red-bearded old ghost, unable to fight back.

You must know that your brother can suppress four strong men in the Hedao realm with just a raise of his hand.

How could he be beaten by an old man with a red beard?

“Damn it, what did Jiang Taichu do to the red-bearded old dog!”

Jin Shuo gritted his teeth and looked up at the sky bitterly, as if trying to find traces of Jiang Tian.

Feeling the gaze from the ground, Jiang Tian, ​​who was hidden in the void, smiled slightly.

Once again, he shifted all his attention to absorbing the poisonous fire breath.

After Jin Shuo searched for a few breaths, he found that there was no trace at all, and he wanted to break his teeth.

He shouted at Jin Yan: “Brother, stand up quickly, stand up!”




The sound of fists falling continued to sound.

At this time, Jin Yan’s face was covered with blood, and he was completely confused by the red-bearded old ghost’s sudden burst of powerful fighting power.

He thought he could easily capture the red-bearded old ghost and then kill all the other three. Who would have thought that he would be defeated by the red-bearded old ghost.

Not only that, he was suppressed and beaten by the red-bearded old ghost for so long.

Hearing his younger brother Jin Shuo’s cry, Jin Yan felt an inexplicable anger in his heart.

It’s not that he is not as strong as the red-bearded old ghost, but he was instantly fooled.

Reacting at this time, naturally I won’t let anyone take advantage of me.


When the red-bearded old ghost was about to punch again, Jin Yan raised his hand and caught the red-bearded old ghost’s fist.

“You bastard, you dare to hit me, the sect leader, and you are seeking death!”

He glared at the red-bearded old ghost, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

“It doesn’t matter if I beat you, I’m going to kill you!”

The red-bearded old ghost did not show weakness at all, but his fighting spirit became more intense.

With a thought in his mind, wisps of red light emitted from his body.

The red light converged, attached to his body, and quickly converged on the fist of the red-bearded old ghost like a tide.


Red light burst out, and the old ghost with a red beard and blue veins were exposed. He let out a roar. He first pulled back his fist, and his knotted muscles swelled instantly. After breaking free from Jin Yan’s big hand, he quickly fell down!

“Seeking death!”

Jin Yan also roared.

In an instant, a ray of golden light shot out from the center of his eyebrows.


Before the red-bearded old ghost’s fist fell, the golden light had already hit the red-bearded old ghost’s eyebrows.

The red-bearded old ghost trembled, as if he had suffered some kind of heavy blow, and his whole body was stunned for an instant.


His body was blown hundreds of meters away like a sandbag by the powerful force, and he broke into more than a dozen walls before stopping.

“Not good!”

Luo Qingyun and others all exclaimed.

The red-bearded old ghost burst out with such powerful fighting power that everyone thought the foundation for victory had been laid.

Who knew that the situation would take a turn for the worse, and he would be instantly knocked away by Jin Yan.

“Well done, brother, kill him, kill him!”

Jin Shuo yelled in the distance and kept cheering for Jin Yan.


Jin Yan slowly climbed up from the ground.

At this time, his clothes were torn, and he no longer had the demeanor of the first-grade sect master before, instead he had a look of embarrassment on his face.

At the same time, the anger in his eyes has turned into reality.

Today, I’m afraid I really have to fight to the death.

“Old man, do you really think that this sect leader is not your opponent?”

Jin Yan walked slowly towards the red-bearded old ghost not far away.

With every step he takes, the momentum around him increases by one point, and the killing intent around him increases by one point.

“Why hasn’t Senior Hongbeard gotten up yet?”

Yan Qiluo couldn’t help but worry.

After such a long time passed since he was knocked out by Jin Yan, the red-bearded old ghost was motionless.

“Senior Hongbeard can’t be already…”

The fire dragon elder’s face was full of worry.

Luo Qingyun shook her head and said: “If Senior Hongxu had died, Jin Yan would have taken action against us long ago! How could we go to him at this time?”

Jin Yan is now close to the red-bearded old ghost, which can only mean one thing, that is, the red-bearded old ghost is not dead, and Jin Yan wants to go over and eradicate the roots.

“What should we do? Should we help Senior Hongxu?”

Yan Qiluo raised his hand and touched it in front of him, and the Nine Nether Demonic Piano had already appeared in front of him.


Luo Qingyun shook her head.

The Fire Dragon Elder frowned, “Why? Do you want to watch Senior Hongbeard die?”

“You two calm down!”

Luo Qingyun frowned and scolded: “Do you think you two can compete with Jin Yan with your current strength?”

Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon were both stunned.

They looked up and saw that Jin Yan was surrounded by flames at this time, and his murderous intent emerged, which was no less than at his peak.

Not to mention the two of them, even if Luo Qingyun is added, they may not be Jin Yan’s opponent.

There is no difference between rushing over now and dying.

“Now, we can only hope that Hong Xiu will wake up soon!”

Luo Qingyun sighed.

Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon were silent again.

“Brother, kill him, kill him!”

As Jin Yan approached the red-bearded old ghost, Jin Shuo’s voice became more and more excited.

“Old guy, aren’t you very powerful? Didn’t you lift the ban? Aren’t you going to delay the time of this sect leader’s stick of incense?”

Jin Yan muttered while walking towards the red-bearded old ghost.

However, the red-bearded old ghost seemed to have died and his body had disappeared, without any reaction at all.

“Huh, just one blow, and you were seriously injured and dying? It doesn’t look good!”

As he continued to get closer, the sarcasm at the corner of Jin Yan’s mouth became more obvious.

As he walked, he looked up at the sky and laughed: “Jiang Taichu, what if you unlock some **** restrictions? This old dog with a red beard will still die in my hands!”

“Those three ants will also die in the hands of this sect leader!”

He waved his hand and pointed at Luo Qingyun and others.

Luo Qingyun and the others’ hearts trembled at the same time, feeling an unprecedented fear.

“And you!”

Jin Yan raised his finger to the sky again and sneered: “After I kill them all, I will immediately destroy Lieyang City’s city defense formation. At that time, it will be your death!” Jin Yan did not After hesitating again, with a thought in his mind, he gathered the flames all over his body in his right palm, and slammed it towards the red-bearded old ghost.


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