Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3104: :Self-destruction

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“What a powerful aura!”

“Well, I didn’t expect Fellow Daoist Luo to have such a method!”

Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon were both quite shocked.

“This little girl has such tricks, why didn’t she use them earlier? We have suffered so much!”

The red-bearded old ghost kept complaining.

Obviously he was very dissatisfied with Luo Qingyun.

Hoo **** ho!

Above the nine heavens, the pure air roars down.

Luo Qingyun raised his hand and grabbed it, gathering thousands of pure energies into a wind blade in his hand.

The electric arc flashed on the wind blade, and the cold light shone like gold and iron. The aura it exuded was even more intimidating.

“Jiang Taichu, do you still remember what you promised me?”

Luo Qingyun looked at the wind blade in his hand and said calmly.

“What I promised you…”

In the void, Jiang Tian was stunned for a moment, then nodded: “Of course I remember!”

Isn’t it just to find Shi Potian and ask Luo Qingyun to kill him?

“Just remember, if you dare to break your promise, I will skin you!”

Luo Qingyun snorted coldly and raised her hand.


The wind blade immediately cut through the void and attacked Jin Yan.

The sharp wind blade carries the power that can tear everything apart. Wherever it passes, even the void fight begins to break.

“How is this…possible? She is just an ordinary Hedao realm monk!”

Even Jin Shuo, who was thousands of meters away, felt a powerful aura and began to escape in all directions.

Those auras were like sharp blades, capable of piercing his own body.

“What a powerful wind blade!”

Yan Qiluo couldn’t help but exclaimed.

The Fire Dragon Elder nodded slightly and said: “Even if the Xuan Fire Lotus was indestructible that day, this wind blade was enough to break it!”

“Is it possible that this little girl deliberately hid her strength before?”

The red-bearded old ghost frowned.

Why is this monk from Haizhou so difficult to deal with?

It seems that it is better not to go to Haizhou in the future.

Feeling this breath in the void, Jiang Tian frowned even more tightly.

He could clearly feel that there seemed to be something unusual contained in this wind blade.

“Did the Taoist palace burn down?”

Jiang Tian’s heart sank and he looked at Luo Qingyun again.

The eyes began to become complicated.

At this time, Jin Yan was concentrating on activating Lieyang City’s mountain protection formation, when he suddenly felt an unprecedented dangerous aura.

Looking up, he saw a wind blade coming towards him.

“Damn it, how could this stinky woman suddenly burst out with such great strength!”

Jin Yan frowned.

He knew that if he did not allocate his energy at this time and use all his strength to activate the Xuan Fire Lotus, it would be very likely that the Xuan Fire Lotus would be shattered by this wind blade.

Not only that, I am afraid that I will also die.

Thinking of this, he could only temporarily stop activating the formation and inject all his spiritual energy into the Tianxuan Fire Lotus at his feet.


With the injection of spiritual power, the Tianxuan Fire Lotus burst out into flames again.

Jin Yan was suddenly surrounded by flames.


At this moment, the wind blade also hit the hot burning flame.

A violent explosion sounded, and the wind blade collided with the flames surrounding Jin Yan, wrestling with each other and refusing to give in.

“No, we must do our best to help Jiang Tian delay time!”

Luo Qingyun’s face turned pale, burning the Tao Palace, causing her cultivation to fall rapidly, and she is now on the verge of returning to the void and joining the Tao.

But even so, she still poured out the last bit of spiritual power, squeezed out the last bit of power in the Tao Palace, and poured it all into the wind blade.

“Break it for me!”

Luo Qingyun roared angrily, and at the same time pushed her palm forward.


Infused with powerful power, the wind blade burst out with unprecedented power.

On the fire wall, the flames dissipated, revealing the red light mask inside.


A crack appears in the red mask.


Jin Yan was stunned. He never expected that his original defensive formation would be forcibly broken by a wind blade!

While he was thinking about what to do.


A shattering sound sounded again.

The wind blade seemed to be unable to withstand the powerful force and began to break apart inch by inch.

“Haha, although this wind blade is strong, it is no match for me after all!”

Jin Yan laughed loudly, then raised his hand and waved, and the wind blade suddenly turned into a ball of fly ash and disappeared from the place.


Luo Qingyun fell from a high altitude.

Yan Qiluo quickly stepped forward to support her and asked, “How are you?”

“I can’t die yet!”

Luo Qingyun’s face turned pale, her palace was burning, and her cultivation level fell, making her feel weaker than ever before.

“You…why did your cultivation level drop to the point of returning to void?”

At this time, the red-bearded old ghost was the first to notice something was wrong, pointed at Luo Qingyun and asked tremblingly: “Could it be that… you burned down the Taoist palace?”

Luo Qingyun smiled bitterly: “We are facing a powerful enemy and our cultivation is not as good as Jin Yan. This is the only strategy I can think of!”

Every monk has spiritual consciousness, essence, and blood. When forced to a certain level, in order to explode with powerful strength, he usually burns the essence, blood, and spiritual consciousness.

But these things can be made up for through practice after the war.

But Dao Palace is different!

The Dao Palace is condensed step by step from Dantian, Jindan, Yuanying, gods, and Xutian.

Burning the Dao Palace is equivalent to burning the foundation of the monks.

To a certain extent, this is no different from self-destruction.

If there is really a difference, it would be that the Dao Palace was burned, but one could barely save one’s life and leave some cultivation behind.

Once you do this, your path to cultivation will be completely cut off in this life, and there will be no possibility of progress.

Everyone was stunned on the spot, never expecting that Luo Qingyun would do this.

“No wonder that wind blade just now was so powerful!”

Yan Qiluo looked at Luo Qingyun with admiration.

“I didn’t expect that the Dao Palace would really be burned down!”

In the void, Jiang Tian continued to gather his body, and at the same time, he secretly made up his mind to find a way to compensate Luo Qingyun after killing Jin Yan.

“Idiot, he will destroy his own future!”

Seeing this scene, Jin Shuo immediately sneered and said: “Old woman, you are not in love with that **** Jiang Taichu, are you? In order to let him condense his body, you would go to such lengths!”

Luo Qingyun’s heart moved, but she did not refute.

I just made such a decision out of anger.

I really didn’t think about it that much.

“Unfortunately, after all, we can’t stop this sect leader from activating the sect-protecting formation!”

Jin Yan sneered again and again, raised his foot and stepped on it, and formations flashed around him.

Start and continue to activate the formation.

“Stop him quickly!”

Luo Qingyun frowned and urged everyone.

“Here comes this elder!”

The fire dragon elder stood up.

I saw him flying up, pointing his sword at the center of his eyebrows, and a golden light emerged.


The consciousness burns and emits a blazing fire.

At the same time, lightning flashed and thundered in the nine heavens, and the sky was filled with red clouds.

“Fire Dragon Technique, gather!”

The fire dragon elder shouted angrily.


The red clouds above the nine heavens fell instantly and condensed into a fire dragon in front of the fire dragon elder.

As the sword pointed a little, the fire dragon roared and rushed towards Jin Yan.

“It’s just fire dragon magic, but you still dare to do it yourself?”

Jin Yan smiled coldly and did not even stop activating the formation. He just focused a part of his mind on the Xuan Tian Fire Lotus.


The fire dragon hit the red light shield condensed by the Tianxuan Fire Lotus.

There was a pause at first, and then a powerful force burst out.

“Old man, how dare you plot against me!”

Powerful power poured out, and Jin Yan was suddenly shocked.


A few cracks appeared again on the red light shield condensed by the Tianxuan Fire Lotus.


The fire dragon elder spit out a mouthful of blood and fell from the sky.

With a thud, he fell to the ground.

“Uncle Fire Dragon, you…you actually burned most of your consciousness!”

Yan Qiluo looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

Although it is not as good as Luo Qingyun’s way of burning the Dao palace, burning most of his spiritual consciousness is enough to severely damage a monk, making it difficult for the monk to spend the remaining years to repair his body.

“What a fire dragon, he is indeed affectionate and righteous!”

In the void, Jiang Tian nodded secretly, thinking that half the time for burning incense had passed. As long as he could stop Jin Yan, he could completely kill him!

“The Mysterious Fire Lotus can’t hold on for long that day…break it quickly…delay time for the master!”

Blood spilled from the corner of Elder Fire Dragon’s mouth and he spoke intermittently.

“Well! Don’t worry, Uncle Fire Dragon, Qiluo will do his best!”

Yan Qiluo nodded heavily and said: “Leave it to me, you have a good rest!”

“Ants, do you think this sect leader will give you a chance?” Jin Yan said coldly.


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