Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3103: :Stop Jin Yan

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“Well, I really didn’t expect it to be like this!”

A sneer flashed across Jin Yan’s face.

As Luo Qingyun thought, Jin Yan really wanted to quickly kill the four people in front of him and then leave quickly.

Who would have thought that Jiang Tian would leave such a big flaw.

In the void, Jiang Tian, ​​who was absorbing the breath of poisonous fire and collecting the Yang Qi between heaven and earth, frowned slightly.

He knew that if he didn’t show up for a long time, Jin Yan might guess something.

But I didn’t expect that Yan Qiluo, the guy who was holding back, would actually say these words directly.

It may be a little difficult to delay time now.

“Everyone, stop him for me! Don’t let him destroy the formation!”

Jiang Tian’s voice sounded again.

“Haha, Jiang Taichu, do you really think that these four ants can stop this sect leader? The four of them, including you, will be killed by this sect leader!”

“Even Daluo Jinxian can’t stop me, this is what my sect leader said!”

After saying that, he raised his foot and stepped on it. Waves of green light lit up, and runes were reflected one by one.

As long as the great formation of Lieyang City can be destroyed, the poisonous fire aura will dissipate.

At that time, Jiang Tian’s fate will only be one word, and that is death!

“We can’t let him destroy Lieyang City’s formation!”

“Yes, even if you risk your life, you still have to protect the formation!”

Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon spoke one after another, with determination on their faces.

At the same time, the aura of the two men was also rising steadily, and they were obviously preparing to fight Jin Yan to the death.

“Idiots, you guys still want to stop my brother?”

Jin Shuo in the distance sneered again and again, “It’s just wishful thinking!”

“You bastard, be careful, I will crush your soul!”

The red-bearded old ghost glared angrily and threatened.

But Jin Shuo was obviously prepared this time and sneered: “Do you think I will be the same as before? I have been prepared for a long time!”

As he spoke, he turned his palm and a palm-sized fairy boat appeared.

This fairy boat is exuding golden light and surrounded by fresh air.

Obviously a great magic weapon.

“As long as this immortal boat is here, even if you are in the Hedao realm, you will not be able to catch me for a while!”

Jin Shuo’s eyes were full of pride and he said: “But once Lieyang City’s defense formation is broken, Jiang Taichu will immediately die!”

Hearing this, the red-bearded old ghost gritted his teeth in hatred.

He wanted to repeat his old trick and use Jin Shuo to threaten Jin Yan.

Although it may not be possible to successfully catch Jin Shuo, it can at least make Jin Yan stop.

Then you can buy time for Jiang Tian.

Who knew that Jin Shuo was already prepared to escape.

How can you play this?

“It seems that I have to risk my life!”

The old ghost with a red beard stretched out his hand to stroke his beard out of habit, only to find that the red beard under his chin had been burned away.

I immediately stamped my feet in anger.

“Even if we attack together, I’m afraid we won’t be able to stop Jin Yan for long!”

Seeing that the three of them were about to take action, Luo Qingyun stopped them in time.

“Then what should I do? Is it possible to just watch Jiang Daoyou die like this?”

Yan Qiluo frowned, her beautiful eyes filled with anxiety.

“I wonder if Fellow Daoist Luo has any good ways to delay time?”

Elder Fire Dragon looked at Luo Qingyun and asked in a deep voice.

Luo Qingyun took a long breath and exhaled again, as if she had made some kind of determination and said:

“For the current plan, we can only…one by one, in order to delay the time to the maximum extent!”

“One by one?”

When Yan Qiluo heard this, he was stunned.

The fire dragon elder’s expression kept changing, and finally he couldn’t help but nodded.

Jiang Tian said that he must delay at least one stick of incense.

If everyone takes action together, they may be defeated by Jin Yan in an instant.

Taking action one by one to harass Jin Yan can indeed delay the situation to the greatest extent.

In the void, Jiang Tian couldn’t help but frowned after hearing these words.

Although these four people are all great monks in the Hedao realm, Jin Yan’s methods are extraordinary and cannot be compared to ordinary Hedao.

If they try to stop Jin Yan one by one, they may be defeated one by one.

Doing this is no different than committing suicide.

Sure enough, when the red-bearded old ghost heard this, he immediately became unhappy and said loudly:

“Little girl, what kind of cultivation is Jin Yan? Even if the four of us join forces, we may not be able to hurt him. Now if you ask us to attack one by one, isn’t this asking us to kill him?”

When Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon heard this, their expressions turned ugly.

“Do you have a better way now?”

Luo Qingyun looked around at the three people around her.

The three of them were silent.

After all this, what else can they do?

“If not, then do as I say!”

Luo Qingyun made the final decision, and then turned her gaze to the red-bearded old ghost: “Of course, if anyone is afraid, they can leave now, and I will never stop them!”

When the red-bearded old ghost heard this, he immediately became unhappy, pulled his neck and shouted:

“How can I be a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death? What if I, Hongxu, risk my life for my master?”

Now Jiang Tianke is looking at him from above. Although Jiang Tian does not pose any threat to him, the invisible deterrent still made the red-bearded old ghost make a rational choice.

“Okay, in that case, don’t hesitate!”

Luo Qingyun raised his head and glanced at Jin Yan.

At this time, Jin Yan was using his spiritual consciousness to activate Lieyang City’s city defense formation.

As long as the city defense formation is activated, he can remove a few formation eyes, and when the time comes, the formation will automatically fail.

“Who goes first?”

When it came to taking action, the red-bearded old ghost immediately flinched.

“Of course it’s me!”

Luo Qingyun raised her foot and soared into the sky.

“Hmph, the leader of a mere second-grade sect still wants to fight with my brother?”

Jin Shuo in the distance sneered and said: “Brother, it’s still too early now, why not kill this group of people now, then it won’t be too late to destroy the formation!”

“No, we must activate the formation as soon as possible and remove the formation eyes!”

Jin Yan shook his head.

He was extremely cautious and did not completely believe what Jiang Tian said.

Now only when the formation is completely destroyed and Jiang Tian dies with his own eyes can he feel completely relieved.

“Oh, do you think you can activate the city defense formation and deal with me at the same time?”

Luo Qingyun looked at Jin Yan with an unprecedented cold gaze.

“Just you, I’m afraid you can’t stop me!”

Jin Yan raised his foot and stepped again.


The blazing fire shot up into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the void shook, and the flames turned into blossoms of refinement, appearing at Jin Yan’s feet.

The fire lotus bloomed with streaks of red light, completely surrounding Jin Yan.

“This is the original formation created by our sect leader. It is called Tianxuan Fire Lotus. It is indestructible. You should destroy this formation first!”

A proud smile flashed across Jin Yan’s face.

“What a Tianxuan Fire Lotus, I want to see how indestructible he is then!”

Luo Qingyun snorted coldly, pointed her sword finger at the center of her eyebrows, and drew out a golden light.


The golden light burned and turned into streams of pure air, soaring straight into the sky.


Suddenly, strong winds roared above the nine heavens.

Bangs of clear air gathered in the nine heavens.

In the void, Jiang Tian felt a little uneasy.

This aura is more powerful than ever.

It is true that Luo Qingyun is in the Hedao realm, but the power of this aura has far exceeded Luo Qingyun’s strongest strength.

“Luo Qingyun, you stupid woman, what are you doing!?”

Jiang Tian asked loudly.

“Huh? What kind of aura is this that is so powerful?”

Jin Shuo couldn’t help but take a step back.

Although he knew that 90% of the time Luo Qingyun had gathered such a powerful blow, it was not aimed at him, but he still took the initiative to retreat thousands of meters away.

“What a powerful aura!”

“Well, I didn’t expect Fellow Daoist Luo to have such a method!”

Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon were both quite shocked.

“This little girl has such tricks, why didn’t she use them earlier? We have suffered so much!”

The red-bearded old ghost kept complaining.

Obviously he was very dissatisfied with Luo Qingyun.

Hoo **** ho!

Above the nine heavens, the pure air roars down.

Luo Qingyun raised his hand and grabbed it, gathering thousands of pure energies into a wind blade in his hand.

The electric arc flashed on the wind blade, and the cold light shone like gold and iron. The aura it exuded was even more intimidating.

“Jiang Taichu, do you still remember what you promised me?”

Luo Qingyun looked at the wind blade in his hand and said calmly.

“What I promised you…”

In the void, Jiang Tian was stunned for a moment, then nodded: “Of course I remember!”

Isn’t it just to find Shi Potian and ask Luo Qingyun to kill him?

“Just remember, if you dare to break your promise, I will skin you!”

Luo Qingyun snorted coldly and raised her hand.


The wind blade immediately cut through the void and attacked Jin Yan.


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